Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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wins in Super Vet C , and Masters rider Richard
Kirkpatrick ha s ove ralled the Age d ivision at
every eve nt .
"T he w ee ke nd 's eve nt s wou ld no t have
bee n possible without t he dedicated wor k by
PEA's com peti t io n cha irperso ns , Ga rry a nd
Minnie Singleton," poin ted o ut club president
Royce Corbell. ''And t he citizens o f Qui taque
were invaluable in all aspects of making these
events successfu l. Last, but no t least, is a deephearted than ks to the land owners w ho allow
access to their land, withou t w hich non e of th is
wo uld be poss ible. Witho ut the ir suppo rt , we
wo uld not be able to parta ke in the sport that
we hold so dear."
Flanked by runner-up Mike Katin (5) and third-p lace finisher David Oettel
(981), Brad Modjewski (91) celebrates his first career arenacross win at
the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin .
Katin, but Kertn made the move for first on
Woodring and took over the point. Modjewski
followed with a knifi ng bloc k-pass on Woodring
fo r second and the n set his sights on the new
leade r, Katin. The n Katin had som e t ro uble with
lapped t rallic , tangling w it h a r ider, whic h
allowed Mod jew.oki to ta ke the lead o n the last
lap and w in his first arenacross to date . Katin
finished a deva stating second . Another
W isco ns in rid e r ma de t he po di u m: Da vid
O erte l, w ho w as ab o ard a KTM 450 and had
proo f he was working that orange mac hine to
it s limits , as radiator smo ke sp e wed aroun d
"I was at least third or fourth on the start,
but I q uickly made it into a positi o n for the
lead," said an elated Modjews ki. "Katin ran into
some lappe rs on the inside after the Catapult,
but tha t's just the way it goes in arenacross. I
made the move w hen he messed up and took
the win!"
50 (7. 8) : I. Baile y Stefka; 2. Tyle r Skodras: 3. Jaco b
V>ness • . Can>lyn PIonty; S. Alex Andenon. 65 (7 .11 ): I.
Lukas Katen; 2. Timmy D raw an t ; 3. Tyler Elliott; .. . Ryley
PauhJs; S. Kyie Kuhn . 8 5 (11· 15): I. Cameron Unsing: 2.
Matt Me nzer; 3. Ph ilip PemWe; 4. Derek Hom ; 5. Dylan
Deoerc. 125 NOV, I. Ph;'p Pemble; 2. RicIw'd Gouge : J.
Roben Jones: 4 . Trier Hom; S. N Kk laufer. 11 5 INT: 1.
Cameron Unsing; 2 . Matt Mraz ; 3. Jew-Paul Pifer; 4. Billy
Holzhauer; S. Justin Tessmer. 115 PRO : I. Randy Woodring;
2. Jim Chester, l . Brad Mod,ewski; .. . Mike Katin; S. Dave
Oertel : 6. Matt Maio" 7. Demy Dooley; B. (;,eg Hodvnuth:
9 . Darby Fowler; 10. David Sterritt. 1 5 0 NOV: I. Tyler
Hom . 150 INT: I. Cory StnideI : 2. Don Kamz. 150 PRO :
I. Brad Modjews k.i; 2. Mike Katin; 3. Da ve Deuel: .. . Jim
Chester; 5. Randy Woodring; 6. Eric Kowalik; 7. D e nny
Dooley; 8. Matt Maie r; 9 . J Kno x; 10 . Darby Fowler.
Wilson Conquers Caprockl
ichae l Wilson conquered mo re than just
361 competitors with his eve nt overall at
the Post Enduro Assoc iatio n's race in Q uitaque
(t hat' s "kitty-kway" ). Texas . The YZ· mo unted
AA ride r fro m Bo rge r, Te xas. had a pain ful
get-off in the first TSC EC eve nt of the season.
" Eve r since my crash at Renegade, I th ink
I'm st ill a lillie afraid o f go ing all o u t ," said
Wilson. "I just got lucky at this one. A lot of the
to p ride rs burned chec ks. Ric k Higgins and Cole
Kirkpatric k ro de a real good race and kept
things interesting."
W hen scores w ere po sted from all 12
chec ks, a single card flip separated Wilso n and
"I'd like to thank Parts Un limited , Th or, and
Sharps Motorsports for their o ngoing support,"
Wilson added.
A week of wet weather provi de d pe rfect
co nd it io ns fo r Sunday's even t. Tractio n was
Imp r e ss ive. Alt hou gh a fe w grea sy s pot s
re mained on the trails, there was no dust to be
foun d on t he 13,OOO-acre ranch at which the
eve nt was he ld.
At 8:0 I Sunday morn ing, the first row was
flagged into sectio n o ne . T his 90-mph section
be gan as a mudfes t thro ugh open fields a nd
the n w ound through the streets and alleyways
of downtown QUitaq ue . following m uch of th e
course used in Saturday 's Grand Prix race. The
chec kout was followed by a few miles of easy
t im e ke e p ing t h ro ugh t he sce nic C ap r o c k
C anyo n St at e Park . A check - in around the
13-mile mark let riders tw ist it up for miles of
fres h singlet rack cut th ro ugh rolling hills and
tight ce da rs.
Everyone followed the sa me course, with
two exce ptions. Two splits gave C ride rs som e
easy rid ing and relax ing resets. wh ile the A and
B ride rs were punished with longer sections of
challenging roc ks and ach ingly tight tu rns. Nter
the last merge , mo re shared singletrack led
bac k to the roa d through th e park. Ano th er 90 mph ru n on the GP co urse ended w ith a t lebreaker finish at 79.3 miles.
The TSCEC seas o n is orr to an exciting start,
with AA riders Wilson , Don Hogan and Mark
Th o mp son each having overalled one of th e
season's th ree events. Jord an Chambliss has a
target on his back after thr ee B-division overall
wins. Cameron Kirkpatrick added his overall in
the C Novice class to two prev ious firsts in the
16 and Under Large-Wheel class. Th e old guys
are hanging in there, too. Kenny Otto has thr ee
Regional Arenacross, North Central Region
Resch Center
Katin, Oettel Wowed
the Crowd
Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit
Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit, High Pla ins Division
Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit, Championship Division
Rounds 2/2/3: Caprock Canyon Enduro
O /A : Michael W ilson (M) (Yam ). AA: l. Cole
Kirkpatrick (KTH); 2. Don Hogan (Kaw) ; 3. Josh Whitaker
(KTM); • . Jeff Hernandez (Hon) ; S. Blake Brody (Y
om). OIA
A: _
H;gg;n, (KTM) . OPEN A: I. Phil johnoon (KTM): 2.
Ken Giles (KTM): J . Rex Md(;nney (Yom '. Michael Mechler
(KTM); S. Joel Prock (KTM) . 200 A: r. Gabriel Reos (KTM):
2. GeofIIlrowneII (KTM): J. Te"Y Maxwell (Yom • . Donny
Mul'T3Y (KTH ); S. levi Klein (KTM). 1 50 A:. I. Chad Metcalf
(Yom 2. Marl< McDonough (KTM): 3. Abo CM (K.w): • .
Jeremy H e n le y (Yam ); 5. Mitch Elso n (Kaw) . VET A
(RMEC) : I. Je ' emr Henley (Yom 2. Dzrren Shannan(Hon );
3. Keith Ray (Yam); 4. Rex McKiMey (Yam); S. Erik Nijk.amp
(Yam). 4-ST RK A: I. Billy Radecky (Hon) ; 2. BillBra y (Kaw) ;
3. Austin Wann (Yam); .. . Cory Ad ai r (Han); 5. Michae l
am): 2. Mark Atkin s
Harrell (KTM). SR A: I. John Blythe (Y
(Yam); 3. Eric N e her (Suz) ... Aaron Turner (Yam); S. Gary
Mille r (KTM). OIA 8 : Jordan Chambliss (Yam). OPEN 8 : I.
Bryant Cope (KTH) ; 2. Matt Spencer (Hon); 3. DaYid Stuart
(KTM); 4_ Kelty Simmons (KTM); S. Ian Fou ntain (Hon ). 100
B: I. Rkky Lamben (KTM): 2. Zack Crow (KTH ): 3. Kenon
Miller (Kaw); 4. Mike Diesburg; 5 . Tyter And erson (KTN ).
2 50 B: I. Kyle Whuker (KTM): 2. Br.K!MAy (Hen ): 3. Scott
May (Yam) ; 4. Danny Slater (Kaw ); S. Teague ~ (Hon).
4-S T R K 8 : I. Daniel De Vito (KTN); 2 . Jeff Van Hatre
(Hon) ; 3. Tommy Potts (H on) ; 4. Bill Roe (Hon) ; 5. Mitch