Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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wins in Super Vet C , and Masters rider Richard Kirkpatrick ha s ove ralled the Age d ivision at every eve nt . "T he w ee ke nd 's eve nt s wou ld no t have bee n possible without t he dedicated wor k by PEA's com peti t io n cha irperso ns , Ga rry a nd Minnie Singleton," poin ted o ut club president Royce Corbell. ''And t he citizens o f Qui taque were invaluable in all aspects of making these events successfu l. Last, but no t least, is a deephearted than ks to the land owners w ho allow access to their land, withou t w hich non e of th is wo uld be poss ible. Witho ut the ir suppo rt , we wo uld not be able to parta ke in the sport that we hold so dear." RESULTS Flanked by runner-up Mike Katin (5) and third-p lace finisher David Oettel (981), Brad Modjewski (91) celebrates his first career arenacross win at the Resch Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin . Katin, but Kertn made the move for first on Woodring and took over the point. Modjewski followed with a knifi ng bloc k-pass on Woodring fo r second and the n set his sights on the new leade r, Katin. The n Katin had som e t ro uble with lapped t rallic , tangling w it h a r ider, whic h allowed Mod jew.oki to ta ke the lead o n the last lap and w in his first arenacross to date . Katin finished a deva stating second . Another W isco ns in rid e r ma de t he po di u m: Da vid O erte l, w ho w as ab o ard a KTM 450 and had proo f he was working that orange mac hine to it s limits , as radiator smo ke sp e wed aroun d him. "I was at least third or fourth on the start, but I q uickly made it into a positi o n for the lead," said an elated Modjews ki. "Katin ran into some lappe rs on the inside after the Catapult, but tha t's just the way it goes in arenacross. I made the move w hen he messed up and took the win!" RESULTS 50 (7. 8) : I. Baile y Stefka; 2. Tyle r Skodras: 3. Jaco b V>ness • . Can>lyn PIonty; S. Alex Andenon. 65 (7 .11 ): I. ; Lukas Katen; 2. Timmy D raw an t ; 3. Tyler Elliott; .. . Ryley PauhJs; S. Kyie Kuhn . 8 5 (11· 15): I. Cameron Unsing: 2. Matt Me nzer; 3. Ph ilip PemWe; 4. Derek Hom ; 5. Dylan Deoerc. 125 NOV, I. Ph;'p Pemble; 2. RicIw'd Gouge : J. Roben Jones: 4 . Trier Hom; S. N Kk laufer. 11 5 INT: 1. Cameron Unsing; 2 . Matt Mraz ; 3. Jew-Paul Pifer; 4. Billy Holzhauer; S. Justin Tessmer. 115 PRO : I. Randy Woodring; 2. Jim Chester, l . Brad Mod,ewski; .. . Mike Katin; S. Dave Oertel : 6. Matt Maio" 7. Demy Dooley; B. (;,eg Hodvnuth: 9 . Darby Fowler; 10. David Sterritt. 1 5 0 NOV: I. Tyler Hom . 150 INT: I. Cory StnideI : 2. Don Kamz. 150 PRO : I. Brad Modjews k.i; 2. Mike Katin; 3. Da ve Deuel: .. . Jim Chester; 5. Randy Woodring; 6. Eric Kowalik; 7. D e nny Dooley; 8. Matt Maie r; 9 . J Kno x; 10 . Darby Fowler. add Wilson Conquers Caprockl QUITAQUE, TX, MAR. 14 M ichae l Wilson conquered mo re than just 361 competitors with his eve nt overall at the Post Enduro Assoc iatio n's race in Q uitaque (t hat' s "kitty-kway" ). Texas . The YZ· mo unted AA ride r fro m Bo rge r, Te xas. had a pain ful get-off in the first TSC EC eve nt of the season. " Eve r since my crash at Renegade, I th ink I'm st ill a lillie afraid o f go ing all o u t ," said Wilson. "I just got lucky at this one. A lot of the to p ride rs burned chec ks. Ric k Higgins and Cole Kirkpatric k ro de a real good race and kept things interesting." W hen scores w ere po sted from all 12 chec ks, a single card flip separated Wilso n and Higgins. "I'd like to thank Parts Un limited , Th or, and Sharps Motorsports for their o ngoing support," Wilson added. A week of wet weather provi de d pe rfect co nd it io ns fo r Sunday's even t. Tractio n was Imp r e ss ive. Alt hou gh a fe w grea sy s pot s re mained on the trails, there was no dust to be foun d on t he 13,OOO-acre ranch at which the eve nt was he ld. At 8:0 I Sunday morn ing, the first row was flagged into sectio n o ne . T his 90-mph section 72 be gan as a mudfes t thro ugh open fields a nd the n w ound through the streets and alleyways of downtown QUitaq ue . following m uch of th e course used in Saturday 's Grand Prix race. The chec kout was followed by a few miles of easy t im e ke e p ing t h ro ugh t he sce nic C ap r o c k C anyo n St at e Park . A check - in around the 13-mile mark let riders tw ist it up for miles of fres h singlet rack cut th ro ugh rolling hills and tight ce da rs. Everyone followed the sa me course, with two exce ptions. Two splits gave C ride rs som e easy rid ing and relax ing resets. wh ile the A and B ride rs were punished with longer sections of challenging roc ks and ach ingly tight tu rns. Nter the last merge , mo re shared singletrack led bac k to the roa d through th e park. Ano th er 90 mph ru n on the GP co urse ended w ith a t lebreaker finish at 79.3 miles. The TSCEC seas o n is orr to an exciting start, with AA riders Wilson , Don Hogan and Mark Th o mp son each having overalled one of th e season's th ree events. Jord an Chambliss has a target on his back after thr ee B-division overall wins. Cameron Kirkpatrick added his overall in the C Novice class to two prev ious firsts in the 16 and Under Large-Wheel class. Th e old guys are hanging in there, too. Kenny Otto has thr ee APRIL 14, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS _er Regional Arenacross, North Central Region Resch Center Katin, Oettel Wowed the Crowd BY PETE EMME GREEN BAY, WI, MAR. 20 F Rocky Mountain Enduro Circuit Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit, High Pla ins Division Texas State Championship Enduro Circuit, Championship Division Rounds 2/2/3: Caprock Canyon Enduro By BILL KAMIN O /A : Michael W ilson (M) (Yam ). AA: l. Cole Kirkpatrick (KTH); 2. Don Hogan (Kaw) ; 3. Josh Whitaker (KTM); • . Jeff Hernandez (Hon) ; S. Blake Brody (Y om). OIA A: _ H;gg;n, (KTM) . OPEN A: I. Phil johnoon (KTM): 2. Ken Giles (KTM): J . Rex Md(;nney (Yom '. Michael Mechler ): (KTM); S. Joel Prock (KTM) . 200 A: r. Gabriel Reos (KTM): 2. GeofIIlrowneII (KTM): J. Te"Y Maxwell (Yom • . Donny ): Mul'T3Y (KTH ); S. levi Klein (KTM). 1 50 A:. I. Chad Metcalf (Yom 2. Marl< McDonough (KTM): 3. Abo CM (K.w): • . ); Jeremy H e n le y (Yam ); 5. Mitch Elso n (Kaw) . VET A (RMEC) : I. Je ' emr Henley (Yom 2. Dzrren Shannan(Hon ); ): 3. Keith Ray (Yam); 4. Rex McKiMey (Yam); S. Erik Nijk.amp (Yam). 4-ST RK A: I. Billy Radecky (Hon) ; 2. BillBra y (Kaw) ; 3. Austin Wann (Yam); .. . Cory Ad ai r (Han); 5. Michae l am): 2. Mark Atkin s Harrell (KTM). SR A: I. John Blythe (Y ; (Yam); 3. Eric N e her (Suz) ... Aaron Turner (Yam); S. Gary Mille r (KTM). OIA 8 : Jordan Chambliss (Yam). OPEN 8 : I. Bryant Cope (KTH) ; 2. Matt Spencer (Hon); 3. DaYid Stuart (KTM); 4_ Kelty Simmons (KTM); S. Ian Fou ntain (Hon ). 100 B: I. Rkky Lamben (KTM): 2. Zack Crow (KTH ): 3. Kenon Miller (Kaw); 4. Mike Diesburg; 5 . Tyter And erson (KTN ). 2 50 B: I. Kyle Whuker (KTM): 2. Br.K!MAy (Hen ): 3. Scott May (Yam) ; 4. Danny Slater (Kaw ); S. Teague ~ (Hon). 4-S T R K 8 : I. Daniel De Vito (KTN); 2 . Jeff Van Hatre (Hon) ; 3. Tommy Potts (H on) ; 4. Bill Roe (Hon) ; 5. Mitch M (Hon ): S. jared A;rtun (Yom VET 30+ C (RMEC) : I. jody Rose (K.w); 2. Scott ). AmoId (K.w): 3. Duny Toppett (KTM): • . SeanWright (Y om); S. D an iel Hearn (KTM). MS T R: I. Ray Don Leatherwood (Y om); 2. Larry ZJmmennan(KTM); J. Randal Fowle, (KTM); •. Jack He"", (KTM). S R C: I. Roddy G",y (Hon); 2. B" Maroney (KTM); 3. Kerth Brown (KTM): • . J""'" C. Whne (Hen): S. Wende! RKtw-

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