Pat Samudio topped the Over 38 Intermediate
class at the Over The Hill Gang Race at
Racetawn in Adelanto, California.
In th e O ve r 38 Int e rme diat e class. Arnie Da vis had to
dec elerate to ke ep th e front e nd down out of the gate. T.J .King
got the first- mot o hole shot, ru nni ng side by side w ith D avis in
the d eep sand of the first tum. John Farr started in third , but the
one to watch was Pat Samudio , who started fourth but rode
tra ils, fie l ds, n re roads, and creak beds. Drin g your family
strong enough to take both moto wins.
and fr iends , great spectator event .
J o+ BEG: I. He rbie Tlete : 2. Brad Huber. 3. Kyle Gom ez . 04 . Herb Uoyd.
30 + NOV: I. Michae l Rischke : 2. Curt Bennett ; 3. Aaron Lunsfor d; -to Randy
Stockman . 30+ INT: I. Pete Perersco. 2. Steve Mills J . Mike Schurhof; -4. Mike
Tucker. ) 0 + EX: I. Mark Stuen; 2. lack Bennett: 3. Matt Cleve land; ... Scott
McCollough. )0+ PRO: I. Mike Giem. 38 + BEG: I. Matt Morgan: 2. RickFarr.
3. Kim Kinslow .of. Andrew Jenkins. 38 + NO V; I. Craig Msser 45 + INT: I . Robert Von Schneidau ; 2. Marty Westerman; 3. Joe Stem;" .
Chris Cumbo. 45 + PRO: I. MIke Altenhofel. 2. Marc Johnson,
Regional Arenacrass, North Central Reg ion
Res ch Ce n te r
Modjewski Makes
His Move
$~500 PURSE
1st $2,500
cn:u. CEHftR
2nd $1,500
t . • e e . • • • .Ot . s
3rd $1,000
4th $750
5th $500
0·250 A Expert
251·0p en AExpert
1st $500
30+ AExpert
2nd $300
40+ AExpert
3rd $200
0·250 Sportsman
251·0pen Sportsman
30+ Sports man
$250 leader at 10 p.m.
near-capacity crowd was on hand at the Resch Center in
Green Bay, W isco nsin. Suzuk i front-run ner Jim Chest er
took the 12Scc Pro main-event holeshot . A charging Randy
Woodring. on his Kawasaki thumper, blew past Chester in the
whoops. Woodring quickly stretched out his lead on the pack,
while Chester had regular National Arenacross ride r Brad Modjewski breathing down his neck. Modjewski, who finished 10th
in the Natio nal Series , atte nded the Gree n Bay round due to the
fact that he only lives about I 1/ 2 hours away and is a hometown favorite .
Ches ter caught up to the leade r when Woodring sta rte d to
run into lapped traffic. The real ban le began to shape up, with
Modjewski, Mike Katin, Man Maier and David Oertel batt ling it
out for the third and final podium position, Modjewski was man
enough to hold ont o that spot , while Woodri ng rode a strong
race to take the top honors, with Chester a close second.
" I can't sa enough about my Kawasaki tonight: ' Woodring
said after his win. " I battled through the first turn to get past
Chester, and I just wicked it up a bit. I'm really happy with the
win tonight. The lapped traffic really came into play tonight, but
we were lucky to get through it every lap."
" I ha d a decent start, " hometown he ro Mod je w s ki
com mented after his third -place finish, "and I was catch ing
Chester and Woodr ing, but when the lappers came into play, I
struggled a bit. It seemed Randy andJim got thro ugh them really
well, when I didn't . Maybe I'll get the 250 on that fir-a spot on
the pod ium in the next race."
Woodring got another great start in the 2S0cc Pro main
event. Wood ring had his Kawasaki on fire off the gate. Katin
followed Woodring closely, whi le Modjewski pulled alongside
40+ Sportsman
50+ Sports man
In order to be eigib6e fOf money youmust
,ide onebike. Teams usingsecond bil-.e are
IRONMAN [ single rider)
- . h el
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All Cycle News can do on our gel the paper sh ipped imm lately
atter each weekend's events. and into the ma ti system , which we do .
~ery Tuesday morning, without fail (except on weeks with a Monday holiday, then we print Tuesday and ship your paper on Wednesday morning).
After that. irs out of our hands. and you need to register your delivery
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