Blackwell when he went down . I
pretty much stayed in second for the
rest of the race .
Gibson now ent ertains thoughts of
winning the championship. Th is will
definite ly stir up t he dust at the last
race of the season , Hazzard Hill.
Mea nwhile, Blac kw e ll and Allen
were struggling. Apparently Blackwell
had tw eaked a previous injury after
nailing his thu mb re peated ly, w hile
AJlen was tryi ng to overcome a nat
tire . However, the two kept plugging
away, and Blackwell finished the race
in th ird, while Allen scored his first real
throwaway finish - seventh place in M
and I Ith overall.
"I had a good time , got in a good
two-hour workout, and finished in
third place ," Blackwell said. "That's
really all that matters, is that I can say
Scott Summers rode his CRF450R to
it's been good because I can walk away."
first overoll ot Old School, Mid-South 's
11th round.
Robert Patterson made an A+ in the
A class. He set a goal of making the topL---- - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - - '
Damon Prince (Suz) ; 5. Michael Barnick (Kaw). 4-STRK B:
10 and set the bar higher in the FourI. Ken ny Judd (Kaw ) : 2. Ryan C reasor (Kaw) ; 3. G ayto n
Stroke A class, com ing in fifth overall.
Roge rs (Ho n); 4 . Roge r Sp ire s (Kaw ); S. Kelly Working
Tallen Elquist scared second overoll in the 250cc Pro contest on day two
of the Idaho State Seri es opener in Glenn's Ferry.
John Kent loo ked impr essive while wi nning
both the I25cc and 250cc Intermediate classes.
Kent actually caught a few of the Pros (who had
started the race first, w ith the Inte rmediates
starting five or 10 seconds later). Jo el
Barno wski played the spoiler in Kent's attempt
at a hat trick: Barno wski went 1-2 over Ke nt's
3-1 t ally in th e Open Amat eu r d ivis io n ,
pr eventing Kent fr om taking th ree class wins on
the day.
PP:: I. KyteeSchriner (Hon) ; 2. Samantha Sobotka (Suz);
l , Nicole Wiess (Ho n); -4 jess ica. Ue rc ke (Yam); S. Cas ey
Uercke (Yam) . 50 S H AFT: I. Cole Hedge s (KT M); 2.
Cameron Arobroz (KTM); l . Cody Andreasen (Hus) 4. Aust in
Taylo r (Co b); 5. Ira Aldrich (Y
am). 50 (4- 6 ): I. Braxton
Prieto (KTM); 2. J"'tin Dally (KTM); 3. Ba;ey Kouba (KTM);
4 . Tren t Eddington (KTN ): 5. Ze ke Alcala (KTM). SO (7-8 ):
I. Cody Hedges (KTM); 2. Zadwy H ~gum (Pol); 3. T,....
Rope< (SuI); 4. Kyle He,.... (KTM); S. Kyle Odom (Cob). 50
OPEN, I. Cody Hedges (KTM); 2. Zadwy Mangum (Pol); 3.
Tper Roper (Pol): 4. Braxt on Prieto (KTM); 5. Kyle Meyer
(KTM). 60 BEG: I. Gus Fuller (SUl.); 2. zachary Man gu m
(Suz) ; 3. Kaleb H int on (KTM); -4 . C ody Hedges (Kaw ); 5.
C ooper Han ley (Kaw). 60 JR: I. Slade Sobotka (KTM); 2.
Keat on Q uinn (KTM); 3. Cordell tverson (KTM); 4. We ston
Burk e (Kaw); 5. Bud Edelmeyer (Kaw). 60 INT: I. Taylor
Monroe (Suz); 2. Tal Barrymore (KTM); 3. Keagan Elsberry
(KTM); 4. Trevor Fehre nbach (KTM). 60 O P EN : l. Taylor
Monroe (Suz); 2. Tai Barrymore (KTM); 3. Keagan Elsberry
(KTM) ; -4. Slade Sobotka (KTM); 5. Keat on Qu inn (KTH) . 80
BEG : I. J
osh McKay (Hon) ; 2. Dus ty lAne (Suz); 3. Breanoa
Bynl (Y>m 4. Conmeer (Y>m).
80 JR: I. Taylor Monroe (Suz); 2. jordan Brower (Suz ); 3.
Steve Figura (Hon); -4. Bra dy Lasher (Yam); 5. Kyle Smith
(Yam). 80 INT: I . C huck N elso n (KTM); 2. Cory Butt o n
(Hen): 3. Jarre tt W acke rli (Suz) ; 4. Tal Bar rymore (KTM).
S/ MIN I: I. Chuck N ielsen (KTM) ; 2. Cory D utt on (Hon); 3.
Jarrett Wackerli (Suz); -4. Brady Lasher (Yam 5. Steve Figura
(Hon ). 115 BEG: I. Russell Ciocca (Suz) ; 2. Dave Walker
(Y>m); 3. "'Yee Bench(Hon); 4. Km Wodom (KTM); 5 . Greg
lAsher (Yam). 115 JR: I. Kory Butcher (Suz); 2. Brandon
Browe< (50,); J. J~ 5aue< (Suz); 4. Greg McAm); S.
Rowdy Baker (Yam) . 115 INT: I. Jo hn Kent (H on) ; 2.
Donald Yow"" (KAw) ; 3. Kody B' I (Y
am); 4. Joel Bamow>IO
arn); 5. Man McKay (Y . 115 PRO: I. Dallas Taylor
(Y ); 2. Tallen Elqurst (Yam) ; 3. Willie Bosserman (KTH); 4.
Cody Wilson (Yam); 5. JirTvn Schonde l (Kaw). 150 BEG: l.
Neal Hoskovek (Hen ): 2. Matt Ganguet (Suz); 3. Marty
Monroe (Yam) ; -4 . Kris Wisdom (KTM ); 5. Zach Schiffler
(!m); 10.
(KTH ); B. Abn We>terlield (Su,); 9. Jeffrey Welch (Y
Harvey Whitaker (Kaw) . AA: I. Scott Sum~ (Hon) : 2.
D ust in G ibson (KTM); 3. Doug Blackwell (Su z) ; 4. John
HMChino (GG); S. John flobl>;n, (KTM). 1S0 A , I. Nathan
AJering (Suz); 2. Jon Budmer (Y
Mn): l . Mike Sampson (Suz);
-4 . Josh Scott (Ya m); 5. Brandon Jo ne s (Yam). 100 A: I.
Tra vis Gr een (Kaw) ; 2. Derek Bra tche r (KT M); 3. Da vid
Zanet (Suz); -4 . Mike Scherzinger (KTM ); 5. Mark Akers
(KTM). 4 ·$TRK A: I . Robert Patterson (KTM); 2. Jeffrey
Welch (Yam); 3. Harvey Wh itaker (Kaw ); 4. Neal Vanwa y
(Yam): 5. Curt Wilcox (Kaw) . VET A:. I. Greg Elrod (Suz); 2.
Th omas Bennett (Hon); 3. Richard Ward (Kaw); 1. Tara s
Massey (KTM); 5. Ron Skippe r (Suz) . S R A : I , Michael
Cornett (Y
am); 2. Scott Martin (Suz); 3. Tony Mitche ll (Yam) :
4. Louis Gibson (KTM); 5. Marl<. Guy (Yam ). 250 B: I. Broc
50"" (Su,); 2. Hayden Moono (Han); 3. jake Young (KTM); 4 .
Ove r The Hill Ga ng Race
Franke, Samudio Top OTHG
at Racetown
AMA Mid-South Cham pionship Win ter Ha re Scrambles Series
Round II: Old School
co tt Sum me rs moved to th e hea d of the
class and earned an A+ at Mid-50ut h's 11th
rou nd. The O ld Schoo l com pet ition posed no
problem for this champ ion, beca use it loo ked as
if time literally stood still for every one exce pt
him. The ride rs wou ld hear him coming fro m
beh ind, see him from the side , and then he'd
soo n be a part of their past - gone that quickly,
without even loo king as if he was riding th at
Unable to use his kick start er, Sum me rs
started dead last, but it didn't take him long to
get into the lead . P.A. N le n got the ho leshot ,
wit h Doug Blac kwell a nd Dus t in Gibso n
fo llowing him on to th e w id e -open t ra il.
Blac kwe ll qu ickly too k th e lead , and th en
Summers swooshe d by all o f th em on his
After capturing the lead, Summers hauled
his Honda into a Hl-seccnd lead on the first lap,
Then he charg ed ah ead an addit ional tw o
minutes per lap for each re maining lap, giving
him a 7 1/2 ·minu te lead on sec o nd- p lace d
"My bike w as flawless ," sa id the Ohlinsbacked Summers, "and it just floated through
the wood s today. l'd like to mostly thank Parts
Unlim ite d , Moo se , 5m ith , Alpinestars , FMF
Maxxis, Wiseco , Tire Balls, EK Chai n, Cycra,
Mot io n Pro , Su n Star, Malic on , Factory
Connection, Honda Riders' Club, Honda Oil &
Chemicals and Honda Genuine Brakepads . I felt
like the old 5cott 5ummers of 10 years ago . I
felt very co mfortable on the bike , and I was
really having a good time just dod ging trees ."
"I was about third off the start and followed
P.A. and Blac kwell lor a w hi le, a nd th e n
Summe rs th undered by us, " recou nted th e
Sarge 's Cycles/KTM/GPR -backed Gibson. "I
passed PA by the end of the first lap and got by
APRIL 14, 2004 • CYCLE N EWS
The Sum mers Swooshl
(KTM). OPEN B: I . H ubert Hopkins (H on ); 2. Gavin Hunt
(Yam); 3. Shane Gardner (Yam); 4. Donnie Howard (KTM); 5.
Lance Marti n (Hon ). 200 8 : I . Geo ffrey Verm ilyea (Kaw); 2.
Weston Wallwork (KTM); 3. Morgan Green (Kaw); 4. Dam
HoIIeande< (KTH) ; S. Jeffrey UndenYOOd (KTM). VET B, I.
Rusty lewts (KTH) ; 2. Eric Gill (Yam); 3. Scott Kirchoff (Suz);
4. Greg Brannon (Yam) ; 5. Shane Gantt (Yam) . S R C: I.
Steven Midd lebrook (KTl1); 2. Roger Crow (KTM): 3. MIke
Vandi ver (Hon) ; 4 . Jo hn G laus (Yam) ; S. Stephen Goeu:
(Yom). SIS'" I. Ronnie Haden (Suz) ; 2. Uny 50Q(KAw); 3.
Thoma> ea.u, (KTM); 4. Don Rye (KAw) ; 5. Ve H Ochell (KTH ); 2. Greg Rum«y;
3. Lewis Lamb (KTM): 4. John Shull (Hon); 5. David Lawson.
4-STRK C: I. Jeff Jackson (KTM); 2. James Hine s (Yam 3.
Marty T hacke r (! Ca>hion (Hon) ; 3. Greg Tud er (KTM); 4.
j oey Young (Ho n) ; 5. Keel trvr n ( KTM). BEG: I . Joey
D eblanc (Hon); 2. Brian Spencer (KTM); l . Tyler Moore
e rfe ct r ace-d ay weather in Ade lanto
brought out 90 top Gang riders. all of t hem
ready to race against their budd ies among the
Joshua trees, on the exact same course they'd
raced just tw o wee ks earlier. Everyone knew
the trac k, and the race would prove to be fast
and furious.
In moto o ne, the rider who got to that first
rut first was Steve Mizeahi, who held the lead
ove r the nex t three tabletops. The n Mizea hi
we nt wide in a tum and lost tra ction, giving the
lead to guest ride r Greg Rade r. 5teve Landsbe rg
tr ied to follow Rader 's lead, but Mizeahi shut
the door. Kelly St uen followed t he top three
riders closely for the first half of the first lap .
Landsberg's second -lap pass o n Mizeahi
brought him onto Rader's rear tire, right before
the crowd ,
When the ga t e dro pped fo r mo to two,
Mizeahi again pulled the ho lesho t. Rader was
lurking clo sely in seco nd , w ith Land sbe rg in
third . Mizeahi stalled midrace , and Landsberg
moved into first. Now Rader was lurking behind
Landsberg. giving the latte r reason for concern .
Landsberg knew Rader was a guest b ut
nevertheless didn't want to give up his spot.
40th Anniversary
Rader powered u p th e hill and pass ed
Lands berg, but o fficially Landsberg too k t he
In t he Ove r 38 Novice clas s, C hris King
believed he had the holeshor. He loo ked over
and sa w Rodne y Jenson ta king t he fast line
around the right -hand turn and ov e r the
tabletops. Jim Wentz, riding in third, knew he
was in good position as his family cheered him
on. John Heasto n turned his eighth-place start
into a fourt h-place finish. Craig McCarley won
the mote after King tum bled.
In the seco nd mo to, McCartey blasted out in
front, followed by Wen tz and King. King was
pressured by Heaston on the last lap, but that's
how the y finished .
In the Ov er 38 Beginn er co nt e st, Kim
Kinslow pu lled t he Iirst -rnoto ho les hot, but
Matt Morgan showed off his high-jumping skills
e n route to two moto wins.
In the first O ver 4S No vice mo to , Reid
Franke pulled the holeshot and stayed in front,
with David Blosser and 12 ride rs in to w. In the
sec o nd mota, Art Flores took t he holeshot,
followed closely by Mark Mart in, but Franke ,
sailing high, catapulted into first by blitzing the
mon st rous tab leto ps, and he maint ained the
point position for the I-I punch ,