Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 04 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Carsten battled closely for the number-one spot. He e nded up with 3-3 finishes in that class. De ngler can get by anybod y, and he is a ride r to be ta ken serious ly. Ncllvatne , riding a new Honda CRF250R fo r the first time . rode the four-stro ke to a sixth -place finish overall on the tough and rutted track. He also rod e we ll in the Ove r 25 Expert class, going 3-11 for another sixt h-overall finish. I Kenny Landerman and th e excellent cre w (ro m Racew ay Par k put on an outstand ing event of excit ing racing fo r their 29th -se ason opener. It was a great day, and Zupko and forme r Pro Mickey Kessler maintained the track well all day. RESULTS 65 (7. 9): I. Luke Re nzland (Kaw) ; 2. Ch ris C anning (Kaw); 3. Ant hony Maimone (Kaw ). 65 (10- 11): I. Brett Forman (KTM): 2. Michael Ung ( Kaw ); 3. TaWn Distefano (Suz). 85 (7- 11): I. Luke Renzland ( Kaw) ; 2. Michael Mackepr.!llg (Kaw); l . T immy Vog e l (50, ). 8S (12. ll), I. Ryan Gainey (50, ); 2. Kody Rt ~ (Sw); l . joel DengIe.-(Hon). 250 H OV, I. Troy Melarnon (y",,); 2. J~than Bronne (Yam) ; 3. Brett Ughtne r (Yam). 150 AM: I. Anthony FonW'la (Han ); 2. Dave Marques (Han ); 3. Scott Edwdrds (Yam). 150 PRO /EX : I. Ty Wallace (Han ); 2. Barry Carsten (Suz) ; 3. Richard SchmKft (Han) . SC HBY: I. Craig Dube (Kaw); 2. Mike Ge n a (Suz); 3. Tom Wonski (Yam) . ClGBY: I. And rew Pingnotti (Hon); 2. Stephen Hunter (Han); 3. Anthony Fon tana (Hon). 15 + AM: I. Dave Marques (Han); 2. Jason Dineen (Han); l . Chris Pepe (Yam). 15 + EX: I. Ty Wal lace (Han); 2. RichardSchmidt (Hon) ; 3. Rich ie Zup ko (KTH). 30 + NOV: I. Bruce Burdg e (Yam); 2. James Kusmide r (Han); l . Jesse Po/ini (Y am) . 30 + AM: I. Justin LopaJo(Hon ); 2. Jason l uty (Hon) ; l . O rlando Carvajal (Y am) . 30 + EX: I. Barry Carsten (Suz); 2. Richie Zup ko (KTM); 3. Jim Kapitan (Ha n). 40 + AM : I. Kevin Blanc (Ha n); 2. John Mo rr isroe (Yam) ; l . Mark am); 2. Ed Fcedlsh (Yam); 3. Rich l onie wski (Hon ). 40 + EX: I. Gregg Tumer (Y Rossiter (Hoo ). Idaho State Series Round' , Day 2: Glenn 's Ferry Mota-X Track Henderson Holds Them OH By DAVE ROUN5EVELLE GLfNN 'S FERRY, ID, MAR. 14 S unday brought great weather and even better tr ack condition s fo r day two of the season opener of the Idaho State Series . Yamaha of Blackfoo t's Chris Henderson showed that he has the skill and co ndit ioning to manhandle his Yamaha 450 F to victory in the 250cc Pro class. Henderson be sted all competitors as he took the class wit h a holes ho t in t he first mo ta and a chase-'em-down-from -behind viaory in the second mota. He nde rso n snat ched the first -mot a ho les ho t , w ith Ryan Alteme ir and Ta llen Elq uist in tow. Elqu ist go t by b o th Henderson and A1teme ir to take the lead by the second lap. Henders on w ouldn 't be in se cond long, as he co nst a nt ly pressured Elqu ist and finally got by. Then he started to stretch out a small lead . A1temeir was able to take second away from Elquist on the last lap. Henderson took the win . Elquist absco nded with t he ho lesho t in mota two, whi le Henderson was caught at the back of the pack. Henderson had to work to ge t around Alte mei r, and the tw o passed eac h other a cou ple of times befor e Henderson pulled away slightly. Willie Bosse rman was battling with Elquist , but he spun o ut, ena bling He nd erso n to ge t by an d chase d o wn Elqui st for t he lead . Hen der son too k his time and made a clean pass in the Scorner o n the last lap to take the hard- fought win and the overall on a I- I tally. Elq uist (3-2) too k sec ond overall. ove r A1temeir (2- 3). Th e Sup e rm ini class enables fans to loo k a littl e into t he fut ure to see the next possible gro up of Pros . Cory Dutton took t he early le ad in t he first Supe rmini mo ta class. w ith Ch uck Niels on on his rear fe nder. The tw o fle et ride rs pu lled awa y slightly from the res t of the pack, and t he ir battle wa s o nly beg inning. N ielson was tripling t he last sectio n of the rhythm secti on , but tripling the m mad e him go deep into the corner, w hile Dutt on was do ubling the jump but ho lding the inside line as they hea de d into the whoops. Nie lsen w o uld fly by Dutton o n the jum p and go deep into the comer, w hile Dutto n wou ld ta ke the inside and make up time by going around the co rner in t he sho rt e st d istanc e. Dutt o n was ab le to ho ld off the flying Nielson for the first-mo ta w in. The second moto found Nie lson ripp ing the holeshot, with Dutton in tow. Nielson wo uld run in the lead the entire mot o, but he could hea r and see Dutton putting pressur e on him. Niel son took t he w in and t he o verall with a 2·1 tally, over Dunon ( 1-2). 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