Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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80 14-16: 1. NurioilTranchiN (Hon );2. Dusty knaburg (Suz). 80 12-13: 1. C n.-gBbckwpll (Hon); 2. Man Springstren (Hon); 3. Cod y ~rvin (Yoilm ). 80 9-11: 1. Mikr ~mby (yAm); 2. Tyln Frl. (Suz). P /W: 1. ~ Io Hudd bton (Yam ); 2. Rand y Pe5ek (KTM); 3. Justin Kreney (Kl"M). 60 JR: 1. Ric ky C und Pr~n ( ~ w); 2. Lee Duval (K.Jw ); 3. Casey Ou v. U(Kaw) . 60 SR: 1. t:Nrek W. U.osld (K.w) ; 2. CLt yton Ka)"!ie'l'(Kaw); 3. Tyler Fick (Suz). Sund.o y 125 PRO: 1. Sha wn High1d (Suz); 2. Roby 1£M:h(Suz) ; 3. nd Jen:my Hat"\l¥OOd ( 250 PRO: 1. Sh.awn H ighla nd (Su%); 2. Roby Leach (Suzl ; 3. Jt.'rPIny turwood (Kaw). 125 INT~ 1. Ryan Terlecki (Hon); 2. Mon ty turns (Hon); 3. Mike U1vcn (Kdw). 250 tNT: 1. Brad (Hon); 2. Gary Terkcki (Suz). 125 BEC : 1. Lee Ca rkhuff (H on) ; 2. Jared Log an (Hon); 3. Goary Silvill (Yillm). 125 JR; 1. Jamie Classen (Kaw); 2. Travis Murphy (Hon ); 3. Rob Fabric~ (Ka w). 81) BEG: 1. Mati I-I.rri!. (Hon ); 2. J~ Cross (Ka w); 3. lkrek Wal kos ki (Yam) . 81} 9-11: 1. Tykl' Fick (Suz);2. Mike GambY(Yillm). 80 12-13: I. Greg Black well (Hon); 2. Cody Carvin (Yam) ; 3. M.Jtt Sp rin~"'-"n1 (H on). 80 14- 16: I. Nu ria T ranchina (Hon). 60 JR: 1. Ricky Cundeeson (Kaw); 2. [ared werhne (Kaw); 3. Casey Jo Huddleston (KAw). . 60 SR: 1. Tyler Fiek (Kaw ); 2. De re k Wa lkoski (Ka w) ; 3. Oay- ton Kayser (Kawl. MINI OPEN: I. Nuna Tranchina (Hon ); 2. Matt Spr ingsteen (Ho n); 3. Cody G.lrv in (Ya m). P/W STK: 1. Justin Keeney (KTM); 2. Kevin Dixon ((tj ); 3. &m d y Pt"!>t:'k (KTM). P/ W MOD: 1. Nkk L..:aCha pelle (Ya m); 2. Jt"SSI;"DuvaJl (Yam ); 3. Jos hua Hill (KTM). WMN: I. SUN n Smit h (Ka w ); 2. Ash ley Keef er (Yillm); 3. Olristina Classen (Kaw ). . OPEN PRO: 1. Ruby L..-ooJdl (Hon); 2. Pa ul Nawna n (Hon) . O r EN JR: 1. Richa rd Burtch (Hon); 2. Tracy Mueller (Ka w ); 3. Mike Ch ildL'f'S (Y~ m). OPEN BEG: 1. Dan Hom (KTM); 2. Dabn Brock (Yam ). BTH : 1. Shawn H ig hla nd (Suz); 2. Ryan Hagemann (}Caw); 3. Bra d Former (Ho n). lITH: 1. Mon h" H ill (Suz); 2. Butc h lsaiIIcson(Hon ); 3. Martln Na uman (Hon) . • SO 1. Cha rln Standford (Hon); 2. l...orrn Bolsh."r (Ka.w) ; 3. ....: Jim English (Suz ). . JO.4OJR: I. Randy Duval (Ya m); 2. Mik Castle (Yam); 2. Tom WarbeTg (Ka W). Cinqmars clinches win at Starwest Supercross SINCE 1HEUNTIID STATIS GRAND PRIX FIIOT CAME10 CAI.JroRNIAS IAGUNA SB:A RACFWRiIN 1988, AMERICAN soxx:: RIDEIO HAVE BEEN UNEEATABl:E, ANDroR '94 LCCAL lDYSKEVIN SCHWANfl(SUWKl), JOHN KUTIO LET~ G AUSSIE. MIa:: I:COHAN (HONDA) ORITAllAN. L UCACADALORA (YAMAHA) BREAK OUR FIVEroR-FWE WINNING srnEAK. CXlME SEE THREE FUll. DAYS OF PRACI1CE. QUALlFYING ANDRAONG />oS 1HEWORlDS B!5l' RIDEO G) HEADIO-HE AD !DR 1HEWORlD0fAMPl0NSHIF51N 12EO:. 2EOX. ANDIN1HEmFMlERsoxx:: ClASS]>JIAGUNA SB:A ON By David A. Proc ida M ORENO V ALLEY, CA, /ULY16 After a couple of near wins, it was Mike Cinqmars ' tum to take ho me the top trophy in class d uri ng rau nd six of the Starw est-hos ted Suzukispo nsored Ford Tru ck Giveaway se ri es as a large class of l 25cc Novices were on hand with a ll the series top runners in att endance. When the gate dr opped, Jason Smith led the pack up to the ap ex of tum one, and from there to tu rn two it wa s all Cinq ma rs w ith a half d ozen different riders knocking on Smith 's back d oor for second . Out of that pack came David Mart ine z and Ne il Alo n zo w ith Ton y Green makin g a wall that blocked ou t everyone behind h im. Martinez made a move on Smith that mad e the PJl /FMF Suzu ki rid er wond er from ou t of what tree the VSK/ MMF-sp onsored Martinez fell. The rank s quickly closed -u p and it was a six-rid er freigh t tra in in the battle for third. Meanwhile, Gr een had st ud ied Alonzo ' s lines long enough to fmd his weak spot, and on the next lap when Alonzo went wide in the "Snake Pit' s" dreaded esses, Green dove under and blocked the inside line taking ove r fourth in the process. Green closed up the open gap to Smith's rea r fende r but time had ru n out , as Cinqmars took the checkered flag with Martinez and Smith hold ing down the top three . Moto two saw a first-turn pileu p that pu t Billy Lavorcie, Dann y Woodard and a couple of other riders almost a lap down before they got s tarted, but Cinqmars and Ma rti nez were up front once again and battling for the lead . As the riders sorted themselves out d uring the first lap, both Cinqmars and Martinez began to pull awa y from the mass ive battle for third. Smith wa s the rabb it in this chase and Gree n, Brian Hoeppner, Deran Wilson, Tilley an d Alonzo were playing the part of the greyhound. Smith and Green were the heading th is chase, and the two were holding off all comers whi le Tilley sliced his way pas t Alonzo an d Wilson only to ha ve Wil son co me bac k in the straightaway. to edge the Suzuki rider out for sixth. Smith fina lly gave up third when he came up short in the rockers and all forward motion was sto pped .. This allowed Green to power by an d set out after Mart inez. But the battle for the lead ha d car ried both Cinqmars and Martinez ou t of Green's reach as the pai r took the whi te flag with over half-adozen bike lengths on the VSK rider. Green was to follow the pair around the cou rse for the entire las t lap and ac tua lly cu t the d istance between himself and the pair in half before taking the checkered in third behin d Cinqmars and Martinez. Tilley ha d worked his way up in to fourth with Smith fading back to a respectable fifth. SEP'Ir:MIlER 9, 10, AND 11- AM? WATCH 1HEAMERICANS ClEAN HOUSE. roR TICKE1S CAll 800-J27-SECA. = roIlDW JHEGPSON 2IP'ii Il'\ST WINNE10 1988 li±Jie 1.<::lw.;rn USA 198 \\bym --.ey USA 9 1 \\bym --.ey USA m 1991 \\bym --.ey USA 1993 Jdln Ka=ski USA AlQU't 4. _ GP 10 FM AlQU't 16. BitishGP 6FM (I'.e;t cccsr J:rocd::ast . F~ 1M:rld~ INTERNATIONAl SIX DAY ENDURO tiroos) TI ~~~ ~ ~ [Q) ~ lUJ ~b\ © ~~~ce~~ ~ ~~ [Q) ~ © ~ ~ © ~lr~~ lULSA OKlAHOMAUSA 1994 FOR EVENT INFORMATION . CAlL (918) 599-8282 • ••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • One hour of HOT ACTIONI • A 22 x 28 Full Color Poster • Avai lable only by Mail or at • Interview s - All Div isions the 1994 ISDE in Tulsa, OK • VHS $24.95 • $3.95 Shipping &. Handling • $12.95 plus $3.00 shipping (USA only) (Shipping outside U.S. additional) • PAL Available <>R.DER. Y<>DAY!! To Order P oster or Video Call: 1-800-875-5000 (Specify Poster or Video) Send Check or Money Order to: I.V.C..695 S. ColorHO Blvd. 1270 Visa &. MasterCard Only Denver. CO 80222 (USA) 1-800-875-5000 int'I FAX Orders Dial Int'I access for U.s.A. + 1-303-m-3661

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