lund holding on to second , as Ehlenfeldt slipped
back to thir d . Midway thro ug h the moto Anderson wa s putting ground betw een himself an d
the pack as Strand lund fen back to fourth and
Josh Sorenson moved into second place.
And erson en de d up tak ing the checkered
flag way out in front, ahea d of Sorenso n, Ehlenfeld t and Strandlund .
Anderson didn't have to work quite as hard in
the second moto as he did in the first. He blasted
into the lead right off the start and never looked
back, scoring his second win of the day . Jeff Vanvleet held on to finish a respecta ble second, while
Sorenson moved into third late in the race.
Recovered from a broken collar bone, Yamaha rider Shawn Whelage ca me b ack w ith a
vengea nce by winning bo th motos in the Youth
Lee The is was the ea rly lead er in the firs t
moto but could n't defend the advances of Whelage, who soon foun d his wa y to the front. Wheelage spe nt the res t of the moto building on to his
lead, while Aaron Pape saw day light around
Theis for third.
Whelage took the early lead in the second
moto just ahead of Theis, who kept Whelage in
his sights thro ughout the moto bu t could never
get close eno ugh to mount a se rious challenge.
Once again, Whelage scored the moto win with
Theis taking second and Pape a dis tant thir d .
SCott Ehlenfe ldt (90) and Steve Strandlund
(46) lead the Micro Mini pack Into t he first
t u rn at Elko MX In Minnesota; Brandon
. Anderson was the overall w inner.
forced a nice pass to take the lead . Demuth was
th ird ahea d of Mike Blair, and that's how they
Watkins lined up for the second moto with a
holeshot in mind, and holesho t he did, sending
,Dickson into second and Demuth into third like
an instant replay of mo to one. Watkins was seriously on the gas, and the two rode around the
hilly circuit at a furious pace . On lap four Dickson set up Watkins by going inside in the tricky
infield section, the n drag-racing hi m up to the
next comer where Dickson squeezed inside and
gently nudged Watkins into second place. Once
again, Dickson an d Wa tkins finished first and
second , with Demuth cruising to the finish lirie
in th ird ahead of Joe Evener, w ho got a rou nd
Blair for fourth.
In the 25+ class Dickso n put together two
perfect moros, bu t behind him there was actio n
a-plenty, as former factor y star Denny Swartz
and woods-specialist Tim Shepard battled with
the likes of local heroes Joe Evener, Kirk Jeffries,
Mike Morga n and ove rall runner-up Tim Peck.
MICRO: 1. JoeyPellett (Yam): 2 Austin ROOr (KTM) ; 3. Kyle
McKenzie (yOIm 4. Nicholas Carroll (Yam); 5. Travis Mcelfresh
(Yam) .
65 (7~ 11) : 1. Dav id Whi tcraft (Kaw); 2. Willy Browning II
(Kaw) ; 3. 0uilI Whitcraft (Kaw); Evener (Yam); 4. Mike Morgan (Yam); 5. Mike Blair (Yam).
250 B: 1. Michael Cain (Hun ); 2. Richard Robinson (Hun); 3.
Jamey Johnson (Yam); 4. Tom A. Hawk (Ya m) ; 5. G reg Hubbs
250 C: I. Trevor Welch (Kaw) ; 2. Rod Hoo k (Suz ); 3. Br,lnlOn
KilbOlrget'( yam); 4. Mark Matheis (Yam): 5. Micha el Rice (Hon ).
OPEN B: 1. Phil Wood (Hon); 2 Scott Thompson (Yam ); 3.
Nelson Hill (KTM) ; 4. Ma rk uughlin (Hon); 5. 'ame Berry (Hon).
4·STRK: 1. Joe Collins (Hon); 2 Brett McKeever (Suz); 3.
. E'.d.die Dew (Hun).
WMN: 1. Brenda Mahoney (yam): 2 Julie Wh eatle y ~).
Anderson clobber Elko MX
By George Hodkinson
Photo by Karen Hodkinson
Brand on An de rson p rov ed to be the fastest
Micro Mini rid er of the day aboard his Yama ha
PWSO at the lone race of the yea r at Elko Speedway, th e facili ty that usuall y hosts NAS CAR
stock car racing on its paved oval track. A tota l
of 452 riders attended the event.
In the first Micro Mini moto, Scott Ehlenfeldt
put his PWSO into the lead, closely followed by
Steve Strandlund. Anderson was quick to pu t
himself into the lead on the first lap with Strand-
MICRO MINI : 1. Brandon Anderson (yam); 2. JO!Ih Sorensen
(Yam ); 3. Jeff vanvleet (yam); 4. Scott Ehlenfeldt (Yam): 5. Steve
Sb"andlund (ltj).
P/W: 1. Der ek Ost erberg (Kaw); 2. Adam Deal (Ka w) ; 3.
JOSE'J'h Ettesvold (Kawl; 4. Bill Krushark (K.1 w ).
MINI JR: 1. Matthew Omann (Suz) ; 2. Zach Deny (yam); 3.
Mike Evenson (Ho n); 4. Sam Vondenheuve l (K.lw); 5. Adam Deal
(Yam ).
MINI SR: 1. Mik e Kann (ya m); 2. Ryan Megaw (Yam); 3.
Mike Enesvold (Yam ); 4. Charlie Pettee (Yam): 5. Dennis Eckstrom
(Yam) .
YT1i: 1. Shawn Wehlage (Yam); 2. 1.« Theis (}-Ion); 3. Aaron
Pape (Ya m); 4. Rick Smith (yam); 5. Shelly ICa (Yam).
17-24 A: 1. Mike Atkinllon (Yam); 2. Jaso n Kempel (yam); 3.
Lee Erickso n (Yam ): 4. Kyle Love (Yam); 5. Tim Pospisil (}(aw).
17·24 B: 1. jason Johnson (Yam) ; 2 Chad Spa rks (YOI m); 3 .
Robb y Kendall (Hon); 4. Randy Doroff (Yam); 5. Ch uck Chesler
17·24 C: 1. Bren t Herber (Hon); 2. Mike Pomeneck (Han); 3.
Jon Pa la r d e e ux (Hon); 4. jason Miller (Hon) ; 5. Todd Krien n
125 A: 1. Mike At1cinson (Ya m); 2. Brandon Backes (Ya m); 3.
Lee Erickso n (Yam ); 4. Jeff Colbert (Suz); 5. Jason Kempel (Yam).
125 B: 1. Aaron Pape (Yam) ; 2. Dusty McMillen (Ya m); 3.
She lly Kann (Ya m); 4. Chad Sparks (Yam); 5. Do ug las Pixle y
(Yam) .
125 C-l : 1. Mike Nemeth (Suz) ; 2. Aaron Huppert (yam); 3.
Todd Kasper (Hon );4. Tom Smith (Yam ); 5. Jon Falardeaux [Hen],
125 C·2: 1. Shawn Wehlage (Yam); 2. jason Miller (Hon ); 3.
Eric Tind el ho lt (Suz); 4. Qwj Gilbertson (Hon): 5. John H.lmi lton
250 A: 1. Mike Atkinson (Yam) ; 2. Jaso n Kempel (YOIm); 3.
Chris Bense(Ya m); 4. Lee Erickson (Yam); 5. Kyle love (Yam).
250 B.: 1. Patrick Riley (Yam) ; 2. Dusty McMil len (ya m); 3.
Jason Johnson (Ya m); 4. Gregg Henkel (Yam); 5. David Ja nzig
(Yam) .
250 c-r. 1. Steve Milvensredt (Yam); 2. Mike U nle (Yam): 3.
Bra ndon Stovern (Ho n); 4. Gary Co le (Yam); 5. Delc n Lu ther
(Yam ). '
250 C-l: 1. Perry Wo lff (yam); 2. Troy Tolinen (Yam); 3. Torn
Smit h (Yam); 4. Sha wn Sandback (Ho n); 5. TIm Bjornson (Kaw).
25+ A: 1. Chris Dense (Yam) ; 2. Je ff Co lbe rt (Hon); 3. Bruce
c..tnl (Hon); 4. Mike Gra if (H on) ; 5. JayMerrill (Yam).
25+ B: 1. Patic k Riley (Yam); 2. G regg Henkel (YOIm); 3. Joel
Morrissette (Hon); 4. Dave Janzig (Yam); 5. Do ug Pixley (Yolm)
25+ C: 1. Steve Milvenl ted.t (Yam): 2. Jeff Sa ndback (Hon): 3.
Shawn Sandback (Ho n); 4. Jim Wa ns (Hon); 5. Kurt Tc rbe nso n
VFf A: 1. MikeGraiJ (Hoo);2. Bill Engstrom (Ho n).
VET B: 1. TIm Blake (Yam).
VET C: 1. Perry Wo lff (Yam); 2. Dave Hencir (Hon); 3. Robert
Utne (Ho n); 4. Scott Rajala (Kaw) ; 5. Thomas Petenlon (Ha n).
SR 40+ : 1: Brian Otto (Yolm); 2. Jerry Bumgard ner (Hon).
S/SR 50+ : 1. Robert Wistedt (Kaw); 2. Ton y Tra xler (yam).
WMN : I . She lly Kann (Yam).
OrEN C: 1. Brent Herber (Hon); 2. Thomas Peterson (Hon ); 3.
Tom Sto hl (Hon); 4. Earl Kimsey (Hon): 5. Pa ul Non pa s (Hon ).
Eugene Motocross wins to
Tranchina, Highland
By Clay Light
Eugene Motocross Par k hos ted roun ds two and
th ree o f th e CMC·sanc tio ned Western Sta tes
Na tional MX Series, and it was Nuria Tranchina
and Oregon's Shawn Highland who were some
of the day's hottest ride rs.
Highland was a trip le class-winner, topp ing
both the 125 and 250cc Pro classes, as well as the
Before the Hill di vision. Tranchina , on the other
hand, topped two classes: the Min i Op en and
80cc 14-16 catego ries.
On Satu rda y, Greg Blackwell did the deed in
the 80cc 12-13 class, winning bot h motos ahea d
of Matt Springsteen and Cody Garvin.
But Highlan d was the rider to wa tch, as he
outrode a hu ge field du ring both m otes of the
Before the Hill class, beating the likes of fellow
Pro rider Jeremy Harwood and local favorite
Dan ny Ulve n. Hig h land wasn't throu gh ye t,
thou gh , winning all four motos in both the 125
and 250cc Pro classes.
Su n day's firs t race was the Open cl ass,
which was ult imately won by Roby Leach; Paul
Nau man was the runner-up.
Amo ng the day's bes t performers w as Jim
Harris, wh o trailed Randy Larkin across the line
in the first 30-40 Interm ediate moto, But Harri s
was ou t for reve nge in the second mota, as he
so u nd ly bea t the co mpetition an d scored the
overall victory. First mo ta winner Larkin had a
tou gh time and could only salvage a fifth, which
allowed Dave Cheney to take home the secondplace trophy.
Tranchina was unstoppable in the 80cc 14-16
d ivision, as was the case in the Mini Ope n class,
wh ere he soa red to 1·1 mota finishes .
Hi gh land's on ly loss all weekend came in
the first 250cc Pro mcto, wh ere Roby Leach beat
him to the checkers.
8TH: 1. Shawn H ighland (Suz); 2. Jerem y Ha rw ood (Kaw ): 3.
Mike Ulven (I<.lw) .
UTH : 1. Butch Isaacson (Hon ); 2. Martin Nau man (Hon).
OPEN PRO: 1. Pa ul Nauman (Hun).
OPEN IR: 1. Tracy Mueller (Kaw) ; 2. Richa rd Burtch (Hon ): 3.
Mike Childl"tll(Yam).
OPEN BEG: 1. Dan Brock (Yam); 2. Trampas Mayer (Ho n): 3.
Mike Mayer (Hon).
WM~: 1. S usan Smi th (Kaw); 2. As hle y KI.'efer (Yam ): 3 .
Christina C1a_n (Kaw) .
50+: 1. Spence Holllngl'f (Hon ); 2. Jim Englillh (Suz) .
or EX: 1. Wa ll Smi th (!w).
125 BEG: 1. tee Ca rkuff (Yam); 2. Jaso n Cross (Hon); 3 . Gary
Silva (Yam ).
125 JR: 1. Travis Murphy (Hon); 2. Rod Blan nton (Suz ); 3.
Jamie Classen (Kaw).
80 BEG 1. Ja50n Cross (lCaw); 2. Man Hutrius (Ho n); 3. Levi