GET IT IN GEAR'S BACK , AND IT'S EVEN BETTER THAN EVER. Just buy any street bike, like the
'95 FZR600, before O ctober 31st, and you'll walk out with a lot more than an incred ible
machine. Beca use we'll give you up to $250 worth of genuine Yamaha accessories. All the
stuff y ou need to make you, and your new bike, look great. O r you can
choose a 2-year Yamaha Extended Service Contract, worth up to $400.
Your dealer will even give you a choice between no money down or 90 -day deferred
payment. But see us today. Because this offers guaranteed to go as fast as our bikes.
For the Y
amaha motorcycle dealer nearest you, call 1-800-88-YAMAHA.
Dealer participation may affect this offer. Offer good on new street motorcycles purchased between August 1, 1994 and October 31, 1994. E
dual-purpose motorcycles. Qualified buyers only. No money down or 90-day deferred payment finance program is based on approved credit.
©1994 Yamaha Motor C
orporation, U.S.A. (C
ypress, C