Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Pingree loves tofly at Delta Motocross Bye. Davi s DELTA, OH,jULY9-1O The top Mid west riders co nverged on Delta Ra ce way to b at tl e lor to p h on ors a t the 7th An n u a l Ros ena u Powersports /MotoWo r ld / Suzuki /Sinisalo-sp onsored Best In the Mid west, which featu red a large cash p urse plus plenty of contingencies. Also, a special three-m ote format was used to test endu rance. David Ping ree from Scottsdale, Arizona, was nearly per fect, winning five of the six mot os he en tered , and claimin g top dog in both the 125 and 250cc A classes. Pingree, wh o is staying on the East Coast to run selected AMA Nationals, took ad vantage of a weekend off to take home top money and Suzuki con tingencies. The first 125cc mot o set the stage for battles b etween the Am erican Suzu k i/jT / P ro Circuit /Ren th a tlTwin Air / Pj1/Sh oe i/CTi/ Du nlop-sponsored Pingree and David Gay lord , with jeff Glass and Greg Bowen in striking distance. Bowen holeshot moto one while Pingree worked into second to p ressu re Bowen, with Gaylord, john Grewe and Glass dicing for positions. ZINK RANCH . Moto two saw Glass holeshot, only to ~~e Pingree and Bowen motor by on lap one, with Grewe, Mall Maximoff an d Gay lor d rounding out th e top of the field. The re was an in tense battle lor third place, with Maximoff moving . into third on lap seven, on ly to run out 01 gas with one lap remai ning. The last lap saw Ping ree a head of Bowen, Grewe, Gay lord a nd Glass . Moto thr ee lound Pingree holeshot to never look back, as he took the ove ra ll win . A great battle lor seco nd developed between Gayl ord, Grewe and Glass. Gaylord moved to second at the halfway point to secure second overa ll, wi th Grew e claiming thi rd . Pingree was equally effective on his RM25O, winning all three 250cc A mo tos to secure his second overall win of the weekend. Result s 50: 1. Laura Butzin (Ya m); 2. Tom Dwyer (Yol ); 3. Lauren m Sch lolcht (Ya m) ; 4. Ju st in Thomas (Y" m ); 5. Steve Ca rn a than (Yam). 60: I. Ca rl Schlacht (K..1 w); 2. Kylr Polter (Kaw ); 3. Andrew Ingles (Kaw ); 4. Adam Dew it! (Kaw) . 85 BEG: 1. Mik e C ra ve ns (Su z); 2. Ch ris Fraser ( Hon); 3. Billy Dittman (Kaw) ; 4. Brad Boltenbaugh (Ya m); 5. Da le Po ths (Yam). 85 NOV : 1. Am anda Masti n (5 uz); 2. P.J. In gles (5 uz ); 3. Mike Dau ch (Han); 4. Shane Home (Suz); 5. John Andl't'Ws (Suz) . 85 EX: 1. Rand y Valade (Yam); 2. Jeremy Brown (K..1 w ); 3. Josh Lon g (Suz); 4. Rich Watson (Suz ); 5. John Suma n (Kaw ). 125 JR: 1. Tom Barron (Su z); 2. Tony Anderson (H a n); 3. Rick Dovtak (Suz) ; 4. Rich Watson (Suz ); S. Rand y Ooviak (Suz) . l25 BEG: 1. Arlells Jackson (Ha n); 2. Bill Kesler (Kaw); 3. Mark Peerson (Yam); 4. Joe Justi ce (Yam); S. Jason Cook (Yam). 125 NOV : 1. Rob John (Hon); 2. Chalen Sldnurd (Ya m ); 3. B.}. Tn-glia (Suz); 4. Debb ie Matt (Ka w); 5. Ch uc k Mudge (Suz). 125 lNT: 1. eme Zawrotny (Suz ): 2. Mike Hennan (Hun); 3. Bill Withrow (Yam); 4. Rob Co up al (Ho n); 5. Aaron Gag e (Kaw) . 125 EX: 1. Da vid Pingree (Suz ); 2. David Ga ylord (Ka w); 3. John Grewe (Suz); 4. Jeff Cla ss (5 uz ); 5. Brad Kess (Suz) . 250 BEG: 1. Ted Harkins (K..1w); 2. Ja y Gordi nwr (H an); 3, Je ff Hen sley (H a n); 4. Dennis McVay (Hon); 5. Tom Bcadrte (S uz ). 250 NO V: 1. Jim Wilson (Kaw ); 2. Bill Fraser (Hon ); 3. Greg Minard (Ya m): 4. Brett Leime rs ter (Hon); 5. Dan Riffle (Suz) . 250 INT: 1. Chuck Loy (Suz ); 2. Lonnie Hammond (Hon); 3. Steve Go rd inie r (Ho n); 4. Ryan Qu ick (Hon ): 5. Alfred Damp" bou sse (5u z). 250 EX: 1. Da vid Pingree (Suz); 2. David Ga ylord (Ka w) ; 3. Brad Kress (Suz); 4. John Kid d (Suz); 5. Joe Oe hlhocl (Suz). 16+: 1. Ge ne Zawrotny (5 uz); 2. Mike Herman (Ho n ); 3. Howe Durussel (5uz ); 4, Mike Ml.-'Cloud (Kaw ); 5. Debbie Matt (Kaw ). • 25+: 1. Kreg Bigelow (Ya m); 2. Craig Smi th (Yam ); 3. Jeff Beerbowe r (Hon); 4. Ed Korba n (Ho n); 5. Phillip Coy le (Suz) . 30+: 1. Jeff Gldss (5u z); 2. Kreg Bigelow (Ya m): 3. JaIrk"S Cla M bal (Ha n); 4. David Bowman (5 uz); 5. Geo rge Fanelli (Kaw ). 35+: 1. Ken Krankenbc!rry (Ha n); 2. Dav id Bowman (Suz ); 3. Andy Kimball (Kaw): 4. Barry Mayo (Ka w ): 5. Bob Bowenbaugh (Hon) . 40+: 1. Barry Ma yo (Kaw); 2. Bob Bolenbaugh (H on); 3. Harold Turne r (Ha n); 4. Da n Post (K..1 w) ; 5. Henry Ha venstein (Hon ). N-e: 1. Steve Gord inier (I-Ion ); 2. Ja y Go rdi n ie r (Ho n); 3. Phil Peyton (Han); 4. Steve Cassi (Suz): S. Mike Geo rge (5uz ). Gaylongasses it at Honda Hills Motocross By Rupert F. Pellett LINVILLE, OH ,JULY17 Warm weather an d fine track conditions greeted the big tu rnou t of rid ers and spec tators at the Honda Hills r ou n d 01 Yamaha's YZ Bu cks Series. Gaylon Dickson was unb eatable, hand ily winning the 25+ and 125 and 250cc Pro classes. Scott Watk ins, 33, tried to act as spoiler as he gave Dickson lits in all lour pro mo tos. t The first 125cc A mo to had Watkins pul ling the holesho t w ith Dickson in tow a n d josh De m u th in t hi rd . Wa tkin s appea red to be pulling a small. lead on the younger Dickson, but D ick so n was just lea rn in g th e line s o f t he smoo th-riding lead er. On the th ird lap, Dickson had seen enough of Wat kins ' rear fender an d BEL~ VANCE & HINES DOUBIIS ITS FUN AT MID-OHIO! Colin Edwards II wins Superbike final.. Jamie .James lakeS second, Both wi1h Bel-Ray EXS all the way! For our latest Broc:hU~., r. PO Bo 526 Formingdale, NJ O 7 x m ond 2 stickers, write: ....Ray ......mpony, . . ,

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