Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Results (Above) Winner Greg Sims (10) leads Doug O'Boyle (16X), Jack Mayer (91), Don Bannerman (88) and Brent Armbruster (73) at the Rodney Mashue Memorial Half Mile In Michigan. (Left ) Tom Goettl (173) set the pace early in the 125cc Beg inner race at the Bandito GP In Palmdale, Callfomia, Here, he Is being pursued by eventual w inner Co le Townsend (66), Joe Mendoza (280) and Kevin Townsend. H / W S/BK EX: 1. An ton Iriza r (D ue); 2. Damian Weber (Kaw ); 3. Eddie DiMeglio (Yam) ; 4. Brett R.1y (K.1w); 5. David McGrath (Yam), H / W S /BK AM : 1. w eeldbe r G on za le z (Ka w ); 2. Ron Howa rd (Suz); 3. Shane' Prieto (Kaw); 4. Franco Siefani (Kaw ); 5. Jim Pihokken (Suz ). M/W Gr AM: 1. Gn-g Esser (Yam ); 2 John France (Hon) ; 3. Leon Corteto (yam); 4. Jon Schroht (Han ). SI000 SHOOTOlfI': 1. Jami e Bowman (Ho n); 2. Rick Shaw (Yam ); 3. Greg EsSoeT (yam ); 4. Perry Mclneriuc (Hon); 5, Eddi e DiMeglio (y am ). Tarwater endures for Bandito Grand Prix win By Greg Robertson PALMDALE,CA, JULY 17 Kevin Tarwa ter ou t-lasted Mike Collier to win the 125cc Novice class at CRe's Band ito Gra nd Prix at Los Angeles Coun ty Raceway. Shaw n Mitchell was the early lead er at the start of the 45--minute 'race bu t was soon haul ed. in by Tarwat er, who eventually passed Mitchell and qu ickly opened up a five-second adva n tage. Also on th e move was Collie r, w ho relegated Mitchell to third and began reeling in the leader, Tarwater. It to ok nearl y 15 m in utes for Collier to catch a nd pass Tarw ater. Collier too k. control of the race unti l the 3Q..minute point when he noticeabl y be gan slow ing d own , the pace ou t front having obviously taken its toll on Collier . A ti ring Collier eventua lly w aived Ta rw ate r by, hand ing the lead back to the ea rly fron trunner . Tarw at er br eez ed to vic to ry during th e remaining 10 minu tes to score the win over Collier. A distan t third finished Kevin Jackson, who mad e a late-race pass on Rich Powell. Mitchell ended up fifth. Results p /W 8-2: 1. Stane Ha mplOl'l (yam). P/W 8-1: 1. runmy McDaniel (yam); 2. Matt Ryan (Yam); 3. Sreve Brewis (Yam). P/ W A: 1. Sean Collier (Y..m); 2. Ricky Hemme (Yam) ; 3. J,a Tebo (Yam); 4. CNr1t"s Messer (Yam). red 60 BEG: 1. Brett Mountain (; Z. Ricky Hemme (l(£w); 3. Aron Tomota ( );'" KeUy OrT(Kaw); S. JustinC1enard ( 60 0-8: 1. Daryl Ecklund (K.iw); 2. Sea n Collm- (K.iw ); 3. Ant hony Botrb.1covi (J(aw); 4. Ricky Olivu (Kaw); 5. Vincen t Rho.ds (K.lw). 60 9-11: 1. Kit Kunath (KAw) ; 2. Garrett Eberle ( . 80 BEG: 1. CNz Smith (K. w); 2. joahUol Coffry (Suz); 3. J(urt C.aselli (K.1w); 4. Joel Hanson (Suz) ; 5. Miles Buck (Kaw). 80 7· 11: 1. Chris Tocco (Su.z); 2. Scott Howe (Suz); 3. Donnie LlurJw (Suz); 4. Johner F..ulkner (H onl ; S. J.R. Terry (Suzl . 80 12· 13; 1. J.J. BoNnno (Yam); 2. Cliff Jen nin gs (J(.a.w); 3. Tyson Tlttlemier (5w':); " . Jimmm y Eberle (Yam). 80 14--16: 1. Ch ris Thom pson (Suz );2. Scon PripUIen ( BIG WHL:1. Benjamin Stuelke (lCaw ). VINT NOV: 1. Steve Sagely (Yam ); 2. [oe l Hanso n (Yam); 3. Dona ld Beese (Hon ); 4. Scott Rou8llNU (Hon ); 5. Ouis Frei (Yam ). VINT INT : 1. Mull. Thome (Hon); 2. Te rry Pratt (Tri); 3. Uo yd Boland (CZ) ; 4. Gary Egloff (MI l). VINT EX: 1. Ken GT'l"t"rIt' (Hon ). DECAD E: 1. Mon te Pritchett (Hon) . 125 BEG: 1. Co le Townsend (Hon); 2. Tyler Buck (Suz) ; 3. Kevin To WNerld (Hon ); 4. Joe Mend ou (Kaw) . w 125 NOV : 1. Kevin Tarw .. tei (Suz); 2. Mike Collier (K.1 ); 3. Kevin Jac kso n (Hon) ; 4. Rich Pow e ll (Suz ); 5. Sha wn Mit chell (Kaw). 125 INT: 1. Loren Jen kins (Hon); 2. Nick Mairose (Suz) . 250 NO V: I. Bmn R..lei ght (lion); 2. Te rry Gastounl otis ()(a w ); 3. Justin Osborre (Kaw). 250 INT: 1. Robbie Dunh<1m (Yam). 2SOPRO: 1. Bill Sauro (Hon ); 2. Jeff Ratzlaff (Kaw). JR VET BEG: 1. John Meissnet' (J(aw ); 2. Ch ris Dn-ws (Ya m); 3. John Butler (Hon) . JR VET NOV: 1. Randa ll Llpple (Yam); 2. Richa rd Arnold (Hon); 3. J. Ericbon (Hon); 4. Lee S.ul (Su.z). JRVET INT: 1. Scott Curti9 (Hon ). JR VET EX: 1. Jeff Barbacovi (Yam); 2. Tom Webb (K. w). VET BEG: 1. Mike O'Donndl (Hon ); 2. Michael Co llier (y a m); 3. Dan Hampson (Ya m); 4. [ceeph Popp (Hon); S. Cha rlie Bang (Hon ). VET NOV: 1. lohn To por (Hon ); 2. John Stich (Kaw); 3. Bill Wingeming (Yam); 4. John Pind.ud (HOCI); S. R.lph Coll ins (Kaw) . VET INT: 1. Greg At kinson (Hon); 2. Mark Oark (Kaw); 3. Scott Curtis (Hon) ; 4. Cr.ig Cona wa y (y ilm); 5. Jim Diyorio (Yam). VET EX: 1. Brad McLeod (Han ); 2. Drey Circb (Ho n); 3. Ken Neitzel (K.1 4. Kipp Webb (Suz) ; 5. LeoSaul (Suz) . w); SR NOV : 1. CharlCll Howell (Yam ); 2. Rick Earl y (Han). SR INT : 1. Mon te Pritchrtt (KIM); 2. Gary Egloff (Hon); 3. Stev e Jennings (A00. SR EX: I. Tom Webb ~w); 2. Bob Ounta.m (Ya m). IRONMAN 60: I. Billy Bloom. fRONMAN 80: 1. Shawn Mitchel L TEAM 80: 1. Michael Young / Robb ie Couse; 2. Chris Th0mpson/Chris Neitzel; 3. Da ryl Ecklund / Kurt C a!Oe'lIi; 4. Blilke Mitchell/ J.R. Terry. TEAM 250: 1. run Mitche ll/ Ken Nei tzel; 2. Jason Stockton / Terry Gast o unltol; 3. S teve Basm.jliln /Greg Benton; 4. Joe L.ozanolJimmy DUncht.>r. Sims winsMashue Memorial Half Mile By Gordon DeVries and Grace DiBenedetto Photo by Gordon DeVries MIDLAND, ML JULY 16 Greg Sims wasted no time in capturing the win at the Polka Dots M.C:s $2000 Second Annual Rodney Mashue Memorial Half Mile Pro-Am' at the Mid land Fairgrounds. Sims added an extra bonus to his bank roll by was ting the competition in the Combo class as well. Sims dialed in the fair track early, ridin g the cushi on to victory in effort less fashion and staying severa l lengths ahead of all challeng ers in each of his outings. In Amateur competition, the 500cc B class saw Steve Barne tt 's p rediction from ea rlier in the day come true when he beat Corey Clare to the checkered flag in his firs t 500cc class win ever. The Veteran 30+ class saw no threa t to Brian Hewson as he walked away wi th the chec kered flag aboard his XR600 Hond a. ' Twelve-year-old Brandon Rose top ped the Vintage cla ss aboard his Steve Rose-tuned XR2SO Honda. Mike Forro won the DTX class and would finish second in the 2SOcc Modified class behind a d ou bl e Nat ion al Ama teur Ch ampion Brian Bigelow . Forro 's second in the mod ified would be the icing on top of the total top-end job performed in the pits prior to the fmal. The master mechanical prowess of Mike Forro Sr. would see Jr. to the main line just in time. SO: I. Logan Myen; ~ Carter Myen; 3. Jim HewllOtl.; 4. Ayrton Springsll'eR; 5. Tom Unk. • 65: 1. K.D. Knod el; 2. Henry Wiles ; 3. Tom Link; 4. Doug uWrena!; 5. Anthony Oakley. 85: 1. L C. Knod el; 2. Henry Wiles ; 3. Brett Pankey; 4. And y Springsteen; 5. Bryiln Smith. 200: 1. Brolndon Rose; 2. Allen; 3. Da n lGIuffman; 4. Brrtt p..,kry; S. Bill GI'ft'I' . 250:1. Brian Bigelow; 2. Mike Farro; 3. Bill Pharr. DTX: I. Mike Forro; 2. Joel Raynwnt; 3. Alle n Coleman; 4. Jamie Ryoln . 400: 1. I..onnie Wadle; 2. Mike Putnam; 3. Larry VanValkenburg; 4. NdIlOf'lPea~ S. Pa ul Wolckerle. SOO B: 1. Sieve Barnett; 2. Corey Clare; 3. Brian Boman; 4. . Louie U pka; 5. ).ure KI't'II 500 A: 1. Tim Babka ; 2. Jim BolLonhaugh;3. Rick Parkinson; 4. BiUShupe; S. Brad Busnre . lWIN: 1. Jack Warren; 2. S1dp Wertz; 3. Jasrvi5 Kapplinger ; 4. Dennis Bellor; S. Larry VanValkenburg , VET: I. Brian Hewson,: 2. Tim Oabu ; 3. Louie Lipka ; 4. BiU Allen; 5. Kirt Su tliff. SR: 1. Rick Gunby; 2. Skip Wertz; 3. Gene O'Boyle; 4. Da n Craford; S. Jim Bolenba ugh. ; PRO/AM: 1. Greg Si.rnll 2. Brent Armbruster; 3. £ricO'Boyle; 4. Bob KNipp ; S. JolCk Moly". COMBO: 1. Greg Sim s; 2. Rick G unby ; 3. Brian H.lrdin; -I. Doug O'80yle; 5. Erick O' BoyIe. Pierce sticks it to 'em at Starwest Supercross By David Procida MORENO VALLEY, CA, JULY 23 Clinton Pierce added yet another trop hy to the Pierce family collection by posti ng 1-2 moto finishes and taking the overall win in the 60cc 6-8 class during the Ford Truck Give-A-Way Series at Starwest. Pierce grabbed the holeshot in the first moto but wa s ch ased down by class se ries poin ts leader Joshua Grant, wit h Chris Ni han and Daniel Taft in tow. Nihan began turning up the p ressure on Grant and , as a result , the two riders crep t closer and closer to the leader, Pierce. But Pierce ma intained his composu re and held on for th e w in ov er Grant and Niha n. Taft and Joshua Brown finish fourth and fifth, respectively. Pierce again nailed the holeshot in the second moto with Grant breathing down his back. But Grant would later crash and call it a day, a little wo rse for wear but otherwise uninjured.. Nihan resumed Gra n t's spo t in second and bega n to challenge Pierce . He even tua lly outbra ked Pierce going into a comer and jetted. into the lead . Pierce stayed close bu t cou ldn't pass him back. However, Pierce's 1-2 moto finishes were more than good enough for th e ove ra ll win , while Niha n sco red a we ll-deserved second , Taft imp roved on his first-mo te fourth by one position, w hile Ryan Tisinger and Brown completed the top five. Bob Palacios scored a wire-to-wire victory in the first 30+ Beginner moto, bu t thin gs d idn 't go as easily for him in the second. After grabbing the holeshot, Palacios cras hed and d ropped to the back of the pack. He spen t the rest of th e moto threadi ng his way through the pack. His la st obs tacle was Derrick Lved t ka w ho he passed late in the race to take the lead. Palacios sco red the overall w in, wh ile Harold Heggie was the runner-up in the final tally. Results 60 6·8 : 1. Clin to n Pierce (K.a.w) 2. C hr is Nihan (K.a.w) 3. ; ; i Da nie l Taft ( Ka w ); 4. Ry,an Tilll nge r (Kaw): S. Jos hua Bro wn (Kaw). 60 9-11: 1. Nick Alvarez (Ka w); 2. Cale Wa llace (lGIw); 3. Andy Pierce(Kaw); 4. David Su llens (Kaw) . . 80 ~11 : I. Chris Panek (yam). 80 12·13: 1. Bullfrog Newcomer (Hon); 2. Michael Ditoreeo (Yam). 80 14--16: 1. Danny Carbon (Kawl ; 2. Oscar Vald ez (Yam); 3. John Thompsot1 (Yam). 80 BEG: I. Shawn Scott ~w); 2. C.I. rasinger (Suz); 3. Benjamln Rose (Suz); 4. Taya Vido r (Yam); 5. Andy Pintt (Kaw). BI WHEEl.: I. Chris Dustre (Kaw) . G 125 BEG: I. Roy Pan toJa (Yam); 2.Bill Conwily (Han); 3. Jere-my t.brtinrz (Ho n); 4. Milrk He nderson (Ya m); S. Nick Pa l ke (Kaw) . 125 NOV : I. Mike Cin q rnars (Hon); 2. Bra ndon Dahlgren (Yam); 3. Mark Tilley (Suz); 4. Brian Brown (Suz); S. David M.trotinn(K. w) . 125 lNT: 1. David Denton (Yam); 2. Dean Van Riper (lCaw). 250 BEG: 1. C.amrro n Craun (Kaw) ; 2. Charlie Jone!I (Yam). 2SO NO V: I. Tony Crl"eR (Kaw) ; 2. Eddie Legli u (Kaw) ; 3. Pirrre UQuem! (Hon) . 25+ BEG: I. Dan FalTar (Suz) . 25+ NOV: 1. PierTe lAQul."J'Te (Ho n). 30+ BEC: I. Bob Palacios (y am) ; 2. Ha rold Heggie (Yam); 3. Derrick I..uedlb (Yam); 4. Chuck Manhard (VaIn); 5. Milo Myen (Yam). . 30+ NOV: 1. T.C. Brinegu (Hon); 2. Terry M..crae (Suz); 3. Cu105 Johnston (Yam). 30+ INT : I. Dennis Fosler (Hon ); 2. Skip Godinez (Suz) ; 3. Tony Feldhaus (Hon) ; 4. Ma rk Keech (Suz) . 40+ NOV: I. o.vid Procld.l (J(aw) ; 2. JUlySimmons (Hon) . Hale pinned at Speedway USA By Nikki Bailey VICTORVILLE. CA,JULY 23 Fans were on their feet as they gasped at the sight of Angela !iale's arm pinned in the pipe of a bike during the Han dicap Consola tion race at . Speedway USA. On her first nigh t back at the high -d esert track since her return from England, Hale laid it down on the second lap to avoid a collision with Rick Seip. The move led to a total of five bikes on the groun d. After a few minutes, the crow d cheered as Hale was up and ready for a restart. Unfortuna tely for her, she couldn't catch up to Greg Ayers, and had to sett le for second ahead of Robbie Hackman. "Flyin'" Mike Faria kept his pe rfect score in the Scratch events for the second week in a row, lead ing John Aden through the checkered flag in the Scratch main , followed by Josh Larsen and Jason Chism. In the Hand icap ma in, Beau Levandoski was declared the winner ove r Faria, after a side-byside battle to the fin ish. Brad Sau er was close behind for the third spot, wi th Aden bringing in fourth in front of Jeremy Aden. The Mclntyre / Ketchum du o dominated the sideca r eve nts, with a perfect score for the night , ove rtaking the Hursley / Medberry team in the thi rd lap of the sidecar main. The Step he ns/ Step hens squad was third. ) The snap of the tape brough t Lee Edwards soaring to the front in the support main, whi le Mike Reed maintained second position. Inches decided the number-three slot for Dave Berry v over Jimmy Keegan. } The Division One junior main saw Steven Dow ning take the lead off the pole, gaining a bikeJength on eac h' lap for an easy win over Brandon Mitchell in second . Michael Hu ll was third in front of Jeremy Simmons . Results SCRAT CH : 1. Mik. Faria; 2. John Ad en ; 3. [osh Larsen; 4. e Jason Ch lsm . HI:X:'P:1. Beau Levand ow ski; 2. Mike Faria; 3. Brild S.uer; 4. John Aden; 5. Jel't'my Aden . SOC R: 1. Mcintyr e /Ket chum; 2. Hunley / Mo.!d be rry; 3. Sbophens/Step heM; 4. Mather.lo n /Leedcr; 5. Edwards/Brow n. e SPRT: I. Le Edwa rds ; 2. Mike Reed; 3. Dave BerTy; 4. Jimm y ~an; 5. Robb ie Sauer . JR: I. Steven Downing; 2. Brand on Mitch ell; 3. Mich.wl Hul l; 4. Jerem y Simmons.. Ketcham comes through at Cycleland Supercross By Rex Harris CHICO, CA, JULY15 I Jesse Ketcham made a rare appearance to Cycleland 's Friday night supercross and came away w ith the 80cc wi n, in w ha t shape d u p to be North ern Cali fo rnia 's ve rs io n of the Mini . Natio nals. . Over 30 riders, incl udi ng so me of Cal iforrna's fastest mini pilots, had their work cut out for them, as the field would be red uced to 15 sta rting positions for the ma in event As the gale dropped for the 80cc main, it was heat race wi nne rs Ketcham and Jar red Fishe r leading the charge off the line . Bu t, as the leaders rou nded the firs t tum and head ed onto the long whoop section. it was Su zu kimounted Jeff No rthrop eme rging with the lead . Fis he r sett led into second, w ith Jesse Smith , Kyle Gar ne r a n d Ket cha m giv ing chase. Ketcham quic kly d ove under Ga rne r to take over fou rth, wh ile Nort h rop and Fisher wer e bu sy pounding at each othe r for the lead. As the pair came up to one of the monster d oubl es, Fishe r came up a little short on the landing and took a trip ove r the bars. This moved Ketcham into second , follow ed by Garner , Smi th and Evan Laug hrid ge, who had work ed his way up to fifth fro m a mid -p ac k start. Ano th er rider recovering was Brett Racine, who had crashed in tum one. By lap five, Racine had caught the lead pack and moved past Lau ghridg e and Smi th to take over four th sp ot. On lap seven, Racine caug ht and passed Gamer, but Gamer ca me ri gh t back af te r him and tri ed to triple past Racine, only to case-o u t hard and run off the tra ck . Before Gam er could recover, Smith, Lau ghrid ge, an d a Ch ar gin g Fisher go t past. Fisher quickly made h is way aro u nd la ughridge and Smit h and set after Ketcha m. As the white flag came ou t th e lea d ers came upon lapped traffic, and, as Northrop headed for the last comer before the tabletop finis h, he got tr ap ped beh ind a slowe r rider and Ketcham dove under for the lead and the win. A stunned North rop fin ished seco nd , wi th Racine th ird , Fisher fourth, and Smith fifth. Results P / W: 1. Bobby Barnes (Yam); 2. Kyke Corchero (Yam) ; 3. Ad.I m ICo wolLazyk (Y. m ); 4. Darren Nve (Yam); S. Traci Eiss ler ( 60: I. Eric Nye (Ka w); 2. Robert Ha rold (lGIw) ; 3. Oilniel Fowler (Kaw); 4. Bra ndon Tri p lett (Ka w); 5. Bre n t Tripplett (Hon). 80: 1. Jesse ICetcha. (Suz ); 2. Jeff Northrop (Suz) ; 3. Bret:t m ~ (Kaw); 4. Jamad FISher (Suz); S. .Jesse Smith (J(.Iw). J I:ZS: 1. loweD Moural (Hon); 2. Michde1 Brand es (Ka w); 3.1 Dyt.n Blad: weD (Hon); 4. Darrell Valdsek (Yilm); 5. Dou g Kronen (Yam). 2SO 1. Michael Brandes (lCaw) ; 2. Tom Oderldrk (Hon) ; 3. ; To m Jon es (Suz) ; 4. Chris Verboom (H on ); 5. W. yn e reten (Kaw) .

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