Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• . " .'j . ' ". , '.: ' . ' . " .. JI' MIl.." I . )df C...... (I(owt 2. _ ... Summey ("-t 3. 8m Riddle ~w); 4. Chad tumptDn (Kaw); S. Jason Bault (Suz). SR MINI: 1. Mark Burkhart (Hoa); 2. }.Ib Manis (Yam); 3. J w~ 250 C: 1. Kurt Sims (lCaw); 2. Joseph rrattwr (; 3. Justin MtCoy (y am); 4. Wes ley McCo (Yam) ; 5. Freddie La~ (Suz). y Z50 D: 1. Mike Tay lo r CH ; 2. ' eff Hill (Yam) ; 3 . C. Dav id on) Dillon; 4. Chris Beddingfield (y .am); 5 . }.IaUe Asbury (Yam) . O PEN A M: 1. Ro n Iceee (Hon~; 2. Larry Sparks (H o n); 3. Tony Smith (H o n); 4. Oe nn t. Prillaman (Ka w) ; 5. Robby N~al ~w). U! L AM: 1. Rod Stuckey (Kaw); 2. Doug Nt.'ighbors (lion); 3. Phillip Myers (Ka w) ; 4. Jeffrey W. Fields (Suz ); 5. Rale ig h Deel (Suz ). 25+ ~ 1. Mike Andrew1J (Suz); 2. T im Dohm (Yam) ; 3: l..1rry H.1rriaon (Suz) ; 4. Jay Hayes (H on ); 5. RoN Id Dobbs (H on ). 25+ B: 1. u rry Andrews (Suz ); 2. Leslie Belche r (Hon); 3. Sid ne y W illiams (Ka w ); 4. Sparks (Hon); 5 . Chris gcee (yam). 25+ C: 1. Joey Sin glet on (Ho n); 2. lJobh y Ousley (Ka w ); 3. A. Ja mie McC o y (Ya m); 4. Dennis Jon es (Y. m ); 5 . Jeff Tomlinson (Hon ). 30+ A: 1. Ron Jones (Hon); 2. Ti m Oohm (Yam); 3. Donnie Fostrr (Hon); 4. Larry Harrison (Suz.) 5. CollUde Mitche ll jr (Kaw). ; 30+ B: 1. Denis H ilton (Hon); 2. Kevi n A us tin (Suz); 3. Joe WillWnI (Suz;); 4. Stuart English (H on ); 5 . Graha m (Ka w). 30+ C: 1. Joey Sin g le ton (H o n); 2. Dennis Jonn (Y..m ); 3. Tho mu Bu ICher (Suz) ; 4.. Boyd e Wol k (Yoim); 5. jrif Hooob (Sw:). 0&0+: 1. Boyde Wolfe (yillm ); 2. Gary & isden (KTM); 3. Tenell We lborn (Suz); -C. John G ibson (yAm ); S. Rick o..1ey (H on) . 48+ : 1. Tern:u Welborn (Suz);2. Ted Shortrid~ (Hon). Terracciano terrific at LACR MX By Greg Robertson (Top) Mike Andrews (601), here leadi ng Ronald Dobbs (260) , wo n both motos In the 25+ class at Pro Spo rt MX Virg in ia State Championships. (Above) Casey Lytle (19) and Terry Parson (158) sail over a L.A. County Raceway jump In Palmdale, California. Lytle topped the 125cc Intermediate class, while Terry Parson fin is hed second in the 125cc Pro d iv is io n. Andrews edges Walker at Pro Sport Motocross By Barbara Williams Photos by Loren Will iams ~ 0\ 0\ ,..... o .... ,..-< C/) ;:l b() ;:l < 46 WYTIlEVILLE, VA, JULY 17 Mike Andrews stung Kevin Wal ker for the 12Sec A class win in a driving rain at Pro Sport MX's Virginia State Championships. In addition, Andrews thrashed the 25+ A competition with double moto wins over Tim Dohm, Larry Harrison and lay Hayes. Andrews banked over $400 for his afternoon fun , plus $BOO in Suzuki factory contingencies. The Virginia State Championships attracted approximately 400 rid ers ar:ad served as round 11 of the AMA Pizza Plus Southeastern Regional MX Championshi p MegaSeries. Aside from regular pro pu rses, top-fi ve finishers in the amateur cla ss es recei ved products s u p p lied by Gear lOcewear, Dury Grips, Parts Unlimited, Renthal, and No Fear. Weather was defmitely a factor, as track conditions ranged from near perfect to underwater as the day progressed. Team Green 's Shawn Schu ltz holeshot the first 125cc A moto and led for a lap before local hero Billy Co< took oirer the lead . Co< carved through the comers and flew over the back-5eC tion ski-jump in front of Kevin Walker and Andrews for a couple of laps. But Walker later came up and pulled even with Co< at the end of lap three. The tw o Yamahas flew side by side over the finish-line tabletop with Walker getting the edge on Co<, while Andrews followed in third, waiting for an opening. That opening came a lap later as he shoved his Suzuki in to second. At the flag, the finishing order was Walker, Andrews, Cox, Tim Hodock and Mike Nu tter . Periodica lly during the day, a short su mmer shower would wet the track, then move on . The su n would us ually reappear and dry off the track. However, halfway through the second round of motes, a hu ge black cloud moved in and camped out , dumping millions of gallons on the hilltop. The second 125cc A moto was run under monsoon conditions. Andrews pulled the hol eshot and was chased by Walker, who wasted little time mak ing a move for the lead . At the end of lap one, Walker attempted to out-jump Andrews coming over a jump but Andrews held on. The sloppy conditions allowed Walker to remount w ithout losin g h is position in second, while Andrews slithered to a large lead, assuring himself of the win . Andrews did, in fact. ho ld on to win the moto and secure the ove rall, while Walke r settled for seco n d . Cox was again th ird w hile Shawn Sh ultz bettered his first-rnoto sixth by two positions. Hodock was fifth. Both motos of 250cc A cla ss bel on ged to Walker .who led from start to finis h each time out. Andrews nipped at his heels every inch of theway. Cox fell in the first 2SOcc A moto, but did not repeat his erro r in roun d two, repl.1cing Hod ock as th ird-pl ace fin isher. Mike Nutter, who ran th ird for a w h ile in th e first mo to befo re he cras he d , fini shed a strong four th, follow ed by Schultz. Schultz ended up third overall via 4-5 mo to finishes , while Hodock grabbed fourth with 3-6 moto finishes . Andrews cruised to double mota wins in the 2S+ A division, leaving Tim Dohrn, Larry Harrison, lay Hayes, Ronald Dobbs and lay Hauser to fight over the remaining top-five slots. Results 50 (4-6): 1. Ja ke Grif fis (Lem); 2. Ryan Wooden (Yam) ; 3. JOI"dan Oxley (ya m); 4. TyleT Shumatl1' (Yam ); S. J Ga,1cill (yam) . eb 50 (4-8) : 1. M ichael Wi.LLud(K1'M); 2. Stephm M .utin (yam) ; 3. Rob Wooden (y a m ); 4. Jab Griffis (Yam);S. ONn o.y (Yam) . 65: 1. Joshua SUflUJW')' (Ka w) ; 2. J.uon Bell ( ); 3. Caw Roberts ( ; 4. Joey Carnn (; S. Jeffn:y Ffl' d. ( ). 1 80 BEG: 1. Darnel TM (; 2. Cod y BtanUnship (Ka w ); 3. Tom Wheeling (Hon); 4. Aaro n Ell e n burg (Hon); S. Derick Hedrick (Suz). PALMDALE, CA, JULY15 Peter Terracciano and J.J. Harris wo n't soo n forget the battle they had in the Vet Beginner class at L.A. County Raceway . The two riders battled back and forth in both motos with Terracciano emerging victorious by winning the all-important tie-breaking second mota. In all started in the first race when Ion Hall blew int o the ea rly lead only to be passed by Terracciano and Harris shortly thereafter. Harris then reeled in the new leader and dove to the inside of Terra cciano to take over the lead after completing a half of the race. Terracciano stayed close for the remainder 'of the race and, with the white flag in sight, made a desperate pass attempt in a comer - and it worked! Terracciano headed into the last lap leading the way , but Harris gave it one last sho t down a straightaway. He p inned the th rottle and flew past Terracciano as well as the next benn. Harris sailed off the track but managed to re-enter the race just ahead of Terracciano to keep the lead he had just worked so hard to ge . Harris held on to take a narrow win over Terracciano, with Ken Harman finishing third. Hall ended up fourth. With the race on the line in the second moto, Terracciano grabbed the holeshot while his rival Harris filed in right behind him . Kurt Kleiwer gave Harris something to think abo ut for a while until Harris managed to break away from him but not before Terracciano had opened up a small cushion. . As the race neared its end , Harris had closed the gap on Terracciano but was unable to mount a serious challenge before the checkered flag flew . Ierry Noo ne came from beh ind to finish third. Results r/w 8-2: I. J.J. Noone Uti); 2. Ta n ner A lexander (Yam) ; 3. Carret Norr (YAm); 4. Jenn ifier verseput (Ya m ); 5. Chris topher Jancich (Yoi }. m P/W 8- L 1. Lil McD (Yam); 2. Aron Tomota (pax ). P / W A: 1. Rya n Ro ybal (Ya m ); 2. [a red Tebo ( ; 3 . OYIrk-s Mes&l'T(y am ). P/ W MOD: t. Se;m CoUkor ( . ) 60 BEG: 1. Chris Noo r (Hon); 2. St."Od1ebach (Hon); 3. Awn Temota ( Ka w) ; -C. Brett Mounwin (K.w) ; 5. MoiItt McOll ris (K.i w) . 60 D-3; 1. Se.n C ol lie r ( ); 2. Bla ke MoiI.rgheim (K.l w ); 3. C isa r ~w); 4. An thon y 8.lrb.icovi (Kaw). 60 9-11: 1. Scott H aw e (JC.a 2. Ge ra rd Patin (K,a w). w); 80 BEG: 1. Jus tin Ko motf (Hon); 2. Ch.u Sm ith (Ka w) ; 3 . Blake Mitche ll (Suz); 4. Ryan Holder ty..m);5. Jeff Veneput (Suz ). 80 7-11: 1. Chris Tocco (Suz); 2. Donnit' 0u1'TeT (Suz); 3. Scott H owe (Suz); 4. Johnt-r Fa ulkner (pn); S. Ger Ard Pa tin (YAm) . 80 12·13: 1. J.J. Bonnano (Yam ). 80 14-16: I. Georgt"LaMonte (Su%) 2. Klint LaPlante (Kaw). ; BIG WHE EL: 1. Chris Torres (Kaw ). 125 BEG: 1. Alvin Za1.lnea (Hon) ; Z. Jeremy La ngham (Yam) ; 3 . Trav is Sm ith (Ya m); 4. Jeff O 'Dell (H o n ); 5 . John Ostra nd e r (Kaw ). 125 NOV: 1. Mike Collier (Kaw ); 2. Eric Anderson (lCaw); 3. Chris Bl.1ntoa (Suz); 4. !ervin T.rwatl"l' (Suz ); 5. 'ohn Ostrand.r ~en (Ka w). usey J25 INT: 1. Lyt le (Hon ); 2. Nic k Ma irotie (Suz); 3 . t...oo T'ldwe U CH ; 4. Shoiwn O'Brien (Suz). on) 125 PRO: I. Erik Lind5tTOm(H oa); 2. Terry Pa r.;ons ~w ). 250 BEG: 1. Tim Elkins (Sw:); 2. Ow:! Da v is (Yam) ; 3. Rick ~ (Suz); 4. Bud Davis (Yam ); 5. Abel ~a ($uz). . 250 NOV : 1. Pa u l G ilawnin (Hon) ; 2. Danll Van Sftle (K.ll ); w 1 Tom McLaughl in (Raw). 250 INT : 1. Mike Dunlap (Hen); 2. J<.arl UnIhtrom (Hen); 3. l...eo Tid Wl"lI (Hon );'4: Au gusto ~ (Ka w). 250 PRO: 1. Tony Sulek (Suzl; 3. Terry P.afSOnl; (Kliw); 1 Jimmy uvorci (K.lw); 4. Peter Ware (Hon); S. Owen Dickson (bw). JI' VET8m I. O>arleo SNnnon (lion); 2. Ron c..zg (Y....t 1 Marty Unngo (Suz ); 4. Brian Ege (}ion). JR VET NOV: 1. Don Biava (Hon ); 2. Kenny Amdt (Hon); 3. Jeff Spencer(Suz); 4. Scott l...lnd (Hon); 5. Eddie Buteaux (Suz). JRVET INT : 1. Darren Bliott (Hon) . VET BEG: 1. Peter TelTattiano (Hon); 2. ].J. Harris (Suz.); 3. Ken Harman (Kaw); 4. Jerry Noone (Kaw); 5. Tun Mitchell (Kaw ). VET INf: 1. Joel Seal s (Suz) . VET PRO: 1. Broild Mcleod (Hon); 2. Rod ney Mo~n(Hon); 3. Mark Horton (Yam( . SR BEG: 1. Larry IGnch (Hon ). SR NO V: 1. John Fbnd en (Hon). SR EX: 1. Ken Rnw ux (Ho n). BozarthDusts Burton at Moonshine Hare Scrambles By Moto Depo BEND, OR,JULY 10 KTM -mounted Rick Boza r th fo ugh t o ff an aggressive chajlenge by Trace Burton to win the first competitive event near Bend, Oregon, sponsored by COMAC. Bozarth relinquished his lead on ly once d uring the three hours of racing. At the end of the fifth lap, while changing his air deaner, Burton moved into the lead . During t he si xth lap, Bozarth regained the lead for good . Another ra ce wa s occurring in the 40+ Expert class between Husky-mounted Ken Maahs and Bob Malmstrom. At the end of lap one, Maahs was ahead by 1.5 minutes. Malmstro m passed Maahs during the second lap and held the lead until Maahs regained it through the pit area. Malmstrom was unable to close the gap and he watched Maahs pull away for the win. Chad Martin had a 2a-minute lead in the 200cc Ama teur class un til his lOOcc big wheel Kawasaki suffered mechanical problems. Derek Nickerson wen t on to win the class. Keeping it in the fami ly, Chris Martin won the Junior class. Their: fa ther Les Martin finished second in the 30+ Expert class alter a race-long battle wi th winner Steve McCall. Kawasaki-mounted and ISDE hopeful Bill Rush won the 200cc Expert class and moved from 28th overall on the first lap, to ninth overall at the finish, Results 0 / A: 1. Rid 8ourth. OPEN EX: 1. Rick Bourth. 2SO EX; 1. 'reece Burton; 2. Cayton L.unm; 3. Rack A ktri dge; 4. Eric LarSon.. 200 EX: 1. Bill Rush. 30 EX: 1. Stew Mec..11;2. Les Martin; 3. Diilrryl Lynch. 40+ EX: 1. Ken Moiahs,; 2. Bob Malmstrom. OPEN AM: 1. John Fredrick; 2. Tim Oneal; 3. Geoff Cone. 2SO AM: 1. Stev e Vague; 2. Mike H.1ber1ock; 3. Ma tt Schlingma n; 4. Todd Boyer. 30+ AM : 1. Steve Prinzing: 2. Ken Cresap; 1 Hap Cee. 200 AM: 1. Derek Nickenon. 40+ AM ; 1. Rick C ros land; 2. Jerry Allen; 3. Howard Larson, 50+: I, Sipphen Doane . 4-STRK: 1. Walter Schwartl.. JR: 1. Chris Martin. SPTSMN: 1. Kameron Hunt. DeMario bests San Jose Scramble-a-then By Bill Spencer SAN JoSE. CA, JULY 10 Rou nd three of the Scramble-a-then series at Santa Clara featured some new names, but most of the five one-hour races were a rehash of earli· er events, Dom ini c DeMario led all lap s of the first event on his XR 100 whi le Kerry Puccio a nd brother Anthony DeMario deba ted secon d spo t, with Bill Tiernan fourth and no changes for the first four laps. Paul Ungaro held fifth for eight laps with Jason Stefani mov ing by a nd a nice battle developing between Ton y Bernardi an d leff Beriault. Beriault led the Yamaha Country-sponsored Bernardi until lap nine wh en Bernardi took the top minibike pos ition a nd held it until the checkered flag. Jason Murrell was never headed in race two for 125ccand Enduro class racers. Pat Brown ha d a terrible start but mana ged to gather his efforts to finish second overall and first in his d ivision . los h Hayden was second in the 125cc class over Brian Kinney, while Greg Amos was the second Enduro rider over BillTaylor. And Harry Guitotti was fourth over young Jason Nazzisi. Vintage and Beater bikes saw Butch Cochran do an over~the-bars number that sent the former AHRMA National champ to the sidel ines, whil e Kerry Puccio held on for the win over Harry Bellicitti and Dan Dittrich. Another healthy class of 2SOs saw Ted. Holt lead the entire distance and lap the field on his O'Neal-sponso red yz. Pro MXer Sean Lollar kept him hon est for the most part, but was a . DNF after lap 25 J

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