Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• RAciNG Rich Mussman led the Sportsman class with David Duarte second and the onl y othe r rid er with 33 la p s co m p le te wh ile Jerry Ca stillo topped the Vets on his Fox Factory Honda. Results RACE 1: 1. Dom DeMario (Hon); 2. Kerry Puccio (Hon ); 3. Derek Overkamp (Han); 4. Anthony t:>eMario (Hon). RACE2: 1. Jason Mul'rcll (J(aw ); 2. Pat Brown (Hon); 3. Josh Ha yd~ (Yam); 4. Bri.ln Kin rll!'Y(Suz);5. Devtd Willis (lGl w ). RACE 3: 1. Kerry Puccio (Hon); 2. Harry BeUicJtti (CZ ); 3. Dan Dittrich (H u~l; 4. Phil Reyes(H~); 5. RoryMyscab..'11 (Suz ). RACE 4: 1. Ted Ho lt (¥ am ); 2. Rich Mussman (Kaw) ; 3. David Duarte (Hon); 4. Jell')' Cas tillo (Hon); 5. Dave Ma thl-son (Hon ). · RACE 5: 1. Scott Larsen (Yam); 2. Jerry Wohleg emu lh (Hon ); 3. A nt hony OeMoiIrio .(Ho n ); 4. G~ Kamholz (Hon); 5. JOIIh Ha yd en (Ya m ). Bowman, Bronson dominate Moroso Road Race By Joe McKay PALM BEACHGARDENS, FL,JULY 9-10 Ja m ie Bowman aga in topped the racing action on the 2.25-mile road course at Moroso Motorspo rts Park, topping the $1000 Shootout at the fifth and final round of the Championship Cup Series. Bo w m a n p ulled th e holes hot o n his CBR900RR a nd se t a qu ick pace, sa ving the hard charging for the final two laps. They both cruised in th e 1:24:56 ra nge, ave ragi ng just o v e r 95 mph. Bowma n took long wide a rcs th ro u gh the corners, hitting the apex just a s Shaw tried to poke his front wh eel in, to keep Shaw back . Bowman kn ew he had his hands full ,as the wily vete ran Shaw used every trick he knew to pa ss th e youngster, bu t at the line it was the Dunlop /Factory Jet /SBS / Arai Helme ts /Sunoco Racing Fu el s / C ycles of Palm Beach /Da ve Buc hman -backe d Bowman with a hal f-second lead ove r Shaw, w ho was followed by Greg Esse r on a Ya m a ha TZ 250. The w in marked Bowman's sec ond Shoot out victory in consecutive months. Bowman was also the big w inn er in the Solo ::;TO final on Saturday. He led the field for 22 a p s, fin ish ing ah ead of Brett Ra y and Leo n :oricz. Jim Bronson dom ina ted the Solo GTU Amateur class 22.lap final , then ca me bac k on Sunday to tak e the top spots in Ama teu r Mid :Ileweight Supersport, Middl eweight Superbike, md Middleweight Grand Prix. tcCOMING ATTRACTIONStc Augus1 19 . 21 September 16· 18 Sears Point Raceway - Road Atlanta Raceway Tickets: 707-938-8448 Tickets: 404-967-6143 Shown on Prime Network· Superbike: Sept. 1 SuperSport: Sept. 8 Shown on Prime Network· Superbike: Sept. 29 SuperSport: Oct. 6 ·Viewers are advised 10 consult'their local listings for times in their area. Results EX SOLO eTa: 1. [amie Bowman (Hon); 2. Brett Ray (KolW); l. Leon Co rtez (Yolm) 4. Mike Fitzpoltrick (Y.. m); S. Todd Keesee ; ;Ho n). AM SO LO GTO: 1. weelder Gonzalez (Kawl ; 2. Shane Prieto (Kaw ); 3. Fran co Ste fani ()(a w); 4. Jim Pihokken (Suz); 5. Affonso Perdo mo (Kaw). EX SOLO G11J: 1. Leon Cortez (Yam); 2. Greg Esser (Yam) ; 3. Perry Mt:>lneciuc (Hon ); 4. Dav id Eslok (Ho n); S. Mike C repe a u (Hon). AM SO LO CTU : 1. Ji m Bron so n (Ho n); 2. To m Hutchin s (Ho n); 3. Jon Schroht (Hon); 4. [a mes Randolph (Ya m); 5. Ma rk Lawson (Hon) . S M"$MN EX: 1. Kevin Brown (Vam ); 2. Sherry Dowling (Ka w); 3. Mike Perry (yolm ); 4. Dav id B.1 rrt"tt Jr. (Ya m); S. Carl Ande rson (Ya m) SPTS M N AM : 1. Pat r ic k Testa (Yam) ; 2. C h uc k Menotre (Yam); 3. Baldimir Lantigua (Yam); 4. Ed Barrett (ya m); S. Mike Co nforti (Kaw). L/W YlNT COM B: 1. John Long (Due); 2. Bill Barmon (Yam ); 3. Royce Eaton (Tri); 4. Robert Williams (Ho n); S. Dav id Atla s (Bri) . M/W 55 EX: 1. Da vid Estok (Hen); 2. Mike Luke (Hon); 3. Billy Eisenacher (Yam); 4. Mike Crepeau (Han); 5. Robert Pre:>hy (Hon). M/W 55 AM : 1. James Bronson (Hon ); 2. Ron How ard (Ho n); 3. Graha n Kimb le (Ho n); 4. Mike Debrabant (Hon ); 5. Jon Schroht Official AMA P RoIIAclNG Results 2 4 Hours a DAY! u.s. Superbike & Support Classes, Grand National Dirt Track, Camel Supercross, National Motocross, Prostar Drag Racing, plus FIM Road Race & Motocross Exclusive reports immediately following each event, 24 hours a day! 900·884·CYCLE 1st Minute : $1.50; Each Additiona l Minute: $1 (Ave rage call: 3 min. Under 18? Parental permi ssion required.) (H an). U/L SS; 1. Danny Roberts (Hon); 2. Tom my Barbe r (Hon) ; 3. Dav id Ohlin (Suz ); 4. Mike Crepeau (Suz); S. Todd Keesee (Hon) L/W GP EX: 1. John Prance (Hon) ; 2. Leon Cortes (Yol ); 3. m perry Me lneci uc (Hon); 4. Ma rk Coop (Ya m); 5. Ron perry (Yam) . L/W GP AM : 1. Darrell Ryals"(Yam) ; 2. Ja l1\e$Ha nlon (Yam) ; 3. Francis Barbe(Yam) ; 4. Dennis H urtado (Hon); 5. Ga briel Arteagisch (BMW); 5. Joey Stradi (Hon). L/W 5 /BK EX: 1. Ron Perry (Ya m ); 2. Antony Lineberger (Ka w ); 3. Tod ROm.JIn (Yam ); 4. Kevin Brown (Ya m); S. Lazare Villa (Yam ). t !W 5 /BJ( AM: 1. Darr ell Rya ls (Y4Im); 2. J4I es Hanlon m (Yam) ; 3. Sebastian DiDa to (Ya m); 4. Aubry Dominic (Yam) . M /W S/BK EX: 1. Mike Luke (Hon) ; 2. Brian Gibbs (Hon) ; 3. - Billy Eisenacher(yam); 4. John Blessed (Han); 5. Pat Weekley (lion). M /W S/ BK AM : 1. Ja lN"!l Brot\M)Tl (Hon); 2. Tom H utchins (H o n); 3. Jon Schroht (Ho n); 4. Mike Debrabant (Hon); 5. Eran """.0. (Suz) , L/W 55 EX: I.David Pab st III (Ya m) ; 2. Pau l Netterstrom (Ya m); 3. Cra ig Coldm.JIn (ya m ); 4. Rich ie Mo rri5 (Yam) ; 5. Cecrge Reavis (Yam ). L/W 55 AM: 1. Danyl Rya ls (Yam); 2. JBntt'S Hanlon (Yam) ; 3. John Lounsb ur y (Yam ); 4. Aubry Dominic (Yam); S. Russell Mann (Hon) . L/W S/TW: 1. Antony Lineberger (Kaw); 2. Ste ve Norton (Hon); 3. Sherry Dowling (Kaw); 4. Chris (Hon); 5. Richard casey l.oruoda~ (Hon). MickeyFay Crowned AMA 600cc National Champion Ryan Hughes Wins Unadilla AMA National Motocross, New Berlin, NY Isl USee RYAN HUGHES RYAN HUGHES

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