Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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GOT A ClASSIC ORVINTAGE STREET BIKE OR Di1lI BIKE VOU wmr 10 RlDE ORRACE? MAK IT A fiRST KICK STAJITER AND PfRfORM E UKE A M ODERN DAVWONDER WIIH SU O MII(UN1 VINTAGE DC C ARBURETOR Kns. COMPlETE 8OlT-QN KITS fOR T NOR ON AND HARlEY-DAVIDSON. CL5TOM.:nrrn MlKUNl T C ARBURETORS FOR MOST OTHE RVINTAGE BRANDS. CONTACT OUR ~NCED Suoco CAAllURETOR TECHNICIANS fOR COMPt£1E APPUCATJON !'lfOllMATlON. APPucA INCtUllE: Norton Above: Sing le Mikunl VM36mm Ca rburetor Kit with Row Suzuki manifold ror Norton Triumph 750 & 850. veiocette Ossa Rickman Vincent Yamaha Zu ndap Above: Dua l Mlkunl VM34m m Carb uretor Kit with adaptors for Triumph TR6. TR7 and Bonneville . INFO. ORDER PHONE 213-747·51 73 OUALITY MOTORCva..e: Pl'lOOUCT$ 5i 500 S / S'l'K: I. C uy Celn~ (y am) ; 2. Bria n GarbdlirU (Yam) ; 3. John Reardon (Yam); 01. M.1~ Marascio(Xaw); S. Steove Rtoar don (y .am). 750 5 /STK: 1. J, Andrew Milton (Hon); 2. J OIlII!S (Suz); 3. Rob Fktcher (Hon); 01. Ori.ando P"b lo (Suz); 5. Ch ris Voelkr Sr. (H",, ~ 550 S /B IKE: 1. Da ve Kos kin en (; 2. Fr.ank ak i ('; 3. Cu y Ce~ (Y~); 4. Briom'b dlini (Y~); S. Jody """"""(}jon). . 650 S/ OIKE; l. Will.. Bun (t lo n); 2. J. Andrew Milton (Hon ); 3. KMi Lowry Jr. (Hon); 01. Robert MilleT (Hon); S. Ton y Mathews (Hon). 500 MO D PROD: 1, [).ave Kiskinm ('la m); 2. G uy Ce les rre (Ya m) ; 3, Bria n C.u ~lIi ni (Yam) ; 4. Jo h n Rea rd on (Ya m ); S. Rich.lrd MUN'l (Suz) . 600 MO D PRO D; 1. J. And1?W Milton (Hon) ; 2. Robb ie Dowie (Ho n); 3. Karl Lowry Jr. (Ho n); 01. Robert Miller (H on ); 5. Ton y hrws (Ho n). 150 MO D PROD: l. John H ilton (Hon ); 2. J. Andrew Millon (Hon); 3. Osca r Ortiz (Suz); 01. M.uu; ce Mar ascio (Kaw); S. Bryan Jones (Suz) . OP EN MOD PRO D: 1. Cu rt is Ada ms (Suz ); 2. John Hilto n (Ha n); 3. Richdrd Mu nn (Suz); 4. Dea n vt ncee t (Ya m); S. Chri, Voe lker Sr. (H on) . BOn H /W : 1. Llo yd Jo hn ,on (Du e ); 2. Jerry j trkovsk y (I

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