1995 Harley-Oavidsons
By Scott Rousseau
arley-Davidson Mo to r Comp a n y w i ll be ce lebrati ng
ano ther milestone anniversary in 1995 as reflected in
its new 19-model li neu p,
which includes the addition
of no less than fo ur models
to the fir m's offerings for
the new yea r. .
Aside fr om the numerous refinemen ts that Harley-Davidson incorporates in the entire model line each
year, the biggest news is that 1995
marks the 30th year of the Electra
Glide family of long-range touring
bikes. But rather than add a flashy
paint scheme and anniversary graphics to an updated existing model, the
Milwaukee firm has made a strong
move toward the futur e with the
introduction of its 30th Anniversary
FLHTCI Ultra Classic Electra Glide,
the first Harley-Dav id son to feature
fuel-injection and an engine management system in place of a carburetor.
(Above) The 30t h Anniversary
FLHTC I Ultra Class ic Electra Glide
will be Harley-Davldson's flagship
for the 1995 model year. The
machine Is the first Big-Twin to
come equipped with electronic
fuel-Injection, ushering In a new
era for the Milwaukee-based
company. Only 2000
two-toned, burgundy and black
fuel-In jected models
will be produced.
(Right ) Billed as a custom-styled
motorcycle for the '90s, the
FXSTSB Bad Boy has been
Introduced as a result of Harley's
attention to custome r feedback.
(Below left) The FLHT Electra
Glide Standard becomes Harley 's
new entry-level tourlng bike. The
bike 's styling appears
reminiscent of the HarleyDavidson Road King.
(Below rlght) The FXD Dyna Supe r
Glide replaces the FXR Supe r
Glide In the Harley model lineup.
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