Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1990's

Cycle News 1994 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Manufactured by Weber-Marelli, the syst em is an electronic seq uen tialport unit that consists of sev eral compon ents, beginning with an electronic contro l modu le that takes readings fro m several sensors, placed in th e engin e. The senso rs relay a h ost of information such as engine speed, eng ine cycle phase, cylinder h ead temperature, intake air temperature, barometric pr essu re and thr o tt le . position. The system then co m pensa tes to provide the proper fuel and spark to the front and rea r cyl inders at the proper time and independ en tly of one another. Harley-Davidson claims tha t th e system provides several i m p ro ve m ents o ver carbure ted Big Tw in s , including hands-free cold-sta rting as w ell as a s moo the r idle and better throttle response. In additi on , Harley cla ims th a t th e fuel-i njected motor puts o ut 10-1 2 percen t m or e torqu e a long with increased 49-st ate horsepo wer figures wit ho u t the use of catal ytic converters, which are used on a ll ca rbureted Ha rley-Davidso ns for '9 5. Th e fuel-in jection system is curre n tly offe red o n ly on t he 30 t h anniversary mod el, but incorp or ation in to the rest of lineup ap pears immi nent. . Th e limited edition (on ly 2000 will be produced ) FLHTC I w ill a lso feature a nu mbe red nameplate, a sp ecial tw o-t on e bla ck and burgund y p earl p aint-sch eme and 30th anniversa ry cloisonne emblems on the fu el tank . an d Tour-Pak. Avail able in the spring of 1995, the bike will on ly be offe red in the United Stat es and Can ada. The FXSTSB Bad Boy is th e lat est e xamp le of H a rley- Davidso n's resp ons ive n ess to their cus tom ers' desires . A va ria tio n of the Softail , the Ba d Bo y is an a ttempt t o co m b ine no stalgic and contempo ra ry ideals in th e sa me mot o rcycle . Th e bike's Springer front fork is coated in "badbo y" b lack, and retain s the same chrome gas shock and springs resid ing upfronl. But other items tha t the set the machine apart from ot her Softails include a un ique new handlebar, floating d isk brakes, a new, slotteddisc rear wheel, a black studded seat, bullet headlight and cloisonne fuel tank emblems. In keeping with the machine's them e, the FXSTSB Bad Boy is av ailable in solid black only at a suggested retail price of $13,850. Customer feedback als o d ictated the release of Harley's new entrylevel touring model, the FLHT Electra Glide Standard. The bike will be offered sans radio, Tour-Pak and saddlebag rails, but it will re tain the fork-mounted fairing, windsh ield, luggage rack, floor boards, saddlebags and air-adjustable suspension of the dressier Electra Gli des. Fortu na tely for potential buyers, the Electra Glide Standard will be available in solid colors, and is priced at the lower end of th e Harley- Davidson price sc ale, .wi th an $11,995 sticker price. Finally, Harley-Davidson has updated the FXR Super Glide by incorporating the Dyna chassis introd uced in 1991 and rechri stenin g the model as the FXD Dyna Super Glide. In doin g so, the folks at Ha rley will be sayi ng goodbye to the FXR chassis, wh ich ha s been a mainstay of the Harl ey line up since 1971. The Dyna Super Glide is available with a cand y paint-sch em e at a sugges ted ret ail price of $10,070, while a so lid-colo red version is available fo r $9,995 making it the least expensive 1340ccmodel in the 1995 line up . l:" Featheriite Trail Dixie National s Petersburg, VA 6TfF Win - Elmer Trett SIC Win - Mike Sumner PIG Win - Arthur Arico on Ayers Motor Spring NationalS ; Rockingham, NC - 5/1/94 PIS Win - Star Myers SIC Win· Scott laugh lin ET Win - Mike Konopacki

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