Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Bel-Ray offers 1974 AMA contingency prizes Bel-Ray Company. lnc., manufacturer of motorcycle lubricants. has allocated 53 0 .0 00 in contingency money. Co nt ingency money will be paid to qualifying riders according to the following schedule: Road Race Nationals EXPERT S: tst, $300. 2nd, $150. 3rd. $75 . JUNIORS: tst, $150. 2nd, $75. NOVIC ES: tst, $100. 2nd. $50. Dirt Track Nationals TT : l SI, $2 00. 2nd. $100. 3, d. $ 50. SHORT TRACK : tst, $200, 2nd. $ 100. 3'd. $50. HALF ,'IIII L E: tst, $200, 2nd. $100. 3'd. $50 . MI L E: t st , $200 . 2nd . $100. 3rd. $50: Motocross Nati on als 250 cc CLASS : I st , $ 150 . 2nd. $75 . OPEN CLASS: lSI. $150. 2nd . $75. Inter·AMA 250cc CLASS : t st , $150. 2nd . $75 . OPEN CLASS: t st, $1 00 . 2nd . $50. Trans·AMA INTERNATI ONA L CLASS : lSI. $ 300. 2nd . $ 175 . 3'd . $75 . SUPPO RT CLASS : lSI. $100. 2n d, $50. Fo r further information. con tact Bel-Ha y Co m pa ny direct at P.O. Bo x 526. De pt. CN-W. Far m ingda le. N.J. 0772 7. • Kenny t hird after Dutch crash Action in the road racing World Championships resumed on June 29 with the running of the Dutch IT at Assen, Holland. The biggest news of the meet for American fans was the spectacular third place fmish in 250cc competition by Grand National Champion Kenny Roberts in his first vent ure into GP racing. Roberts, who was third on the first lap, moved into close contention with leader Waite r Villa (H-D) six laps later, breaking Mike Hailwood's track record in the process. On the eighth lap Kenny crashed wh ile challeng ing Villa for the lead. He rem ounted un hurt in seco nd but with a b ro ken fairing and wind scr een. Yamaha rid er Bru no Kneu bu hler eased into second in the closing laps dropping Ro berts into third. Giacomo Agostini added double wins to his tally by picking up both the 350 and 500cc class wins. In the 350 race Ago outdistanced Yamaha riders Dieter Braun and Patrick Pons while in the 500 co mpetition Ago led teammate Teppi Lansivuori and MV riders Phil Reed and Franco Bonera to the flag. Suzuki works riders Barry Sheene and Paul Smart suffered transmission troubles which curtailed their racing in the early laps. Klaus Enders scored another win in sidecar c o m p e t i tion while Henk Ritterberg placed his Kriedler in the winners circle in the 50cc competition. Bnino Kneubuhler, on a works Yamaha, was the: victor in the I 25cc round. • Marland Whaley wins Northwest AMA Nat'1. Trials So u thern Ca lifornia's Marland Whaley topped a field of trials Experts near Seatt le, Wa. Do n Sweet's second keeps him so lidly in first place in the series po ints standings. The top nine, by ca rrier pigeon: Marland Whaley, SoCal Don Swee t, N.Y. Steve Darrow, NoCal La ne Lea vitt , NoCal Mark Eggar, SoGaI Kirk Mayfi eld , Tulsa, O k. Bob Hopkins, Mich . George Sm ith III , SoCal , . •• 'Ii Mon Yam ~Ion Bul Mo n Yam ' Yam Hon Moo We don't blame any of the competition for their performance in the Supe rbow l of Motocross. Evid ence shows that the combinat ion of Jaroslav Falta and his flying CZ winning the L.A. Colise um event is no acc iden t (just look at his other wins ). No one can insure against outstanding rid ing abil ity in the man , and supe rio r rel iab ility in the mac hine. These characteristics in the man can be developed . .. We have the machines. Dealers inquiries invited. For more in/o rmation write: STEP UP TO CZ ... YOU'LL LIKE WHAT YOU SEE ! 1/you're in the motorcycle business, you know the bad effect loud noise levels from a few motorcycles can have on your neighbors, your local officials and your business. But did you know that we're doing something about noise control? We're supported by members from all areas of the motorcycle industry, and we're using the strength of that support to convince people that we can regulate ourse lves as an industry. Amon g oth e r proje cts we 've got ed ucational campaigns going to show riders tha t ifthey don 't "pipe down" they're going to have to put up with standards and regulations imposed on them from outside the industry, We're the Motorcycle Industry Council. We're ·strong, but to grow stronger we need you I Send for membe rship package. A ... ERICAM JAWA LTD. WEST, 11401 UURn PARK ROlD, DUWEI 15, COMPT ON, CALIF 10224 . un, 115 E!PUSS STIlET , PU IN VIEW. LO C ISUND, NEW TORK 11m C-UlAOI: CZ .. JAW MOTORS CAIlAOl LTD., 7IDO TRl NSA CAlWl l HCWT. MOIITRUL 3n, CANAoa \ ' -' Motorcycle Indu stry Council , Inc . 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Washington, D. C. 20036

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