Ride a 250CR
and you mi·ght·
get your name
up in lights, too!
Marty Tr ipes showed the
way fo r the A merican
team and gave the world
R og er
DeCoster a run for his
money in the Superbowl
of Mo tocross "I. Placing
third overall and first for
the American team, Tr ipes rode a 250 MA G. Jim West, t he hot Pacific coast rider for
Husky , tied with Overall winner Rex Staten in th e Open support class points
standings . .. 47,23 1 frantic M X fans filled the Los Angeles Coliseum to see Tripes
outdista nce the field on a machine that was the fastest in th e fi eld . Th e super handling
and power of the Husky 250 CR gave Tri pes the confiden ce to take the best Euro pean
riders. Th ink what that kind of confidencewill do for you. You might even see YO UR
name up in lights one day!
H Husqvarna
Husqvarna Motoi'corp East / 1906 Broadway, Lorain, Ohio 44052 ~
Husqvarna Motorcorp West / 4935 Mercury, San Diego, Cali forn ia 92111
Husqvarn a Cana da/ Steen Han sen Motor cyc les , 550792 St reet, Edmonton, Alberta , T6E 3A4
Husqva rna Motorcycl e Dis!. E, AA 10, Tel evi si on Ad . N, Peterborough , Ontario, K9J 6YZ
- 48