Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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2 PUBLISHED WEEKLY EXCEPT FIRST AND LAST WEEK OF CALENDAR YEAR. ·'. M A I L .' .' · @)J@[1& flJ&r!ll~ FLEXI SIDECAR ORA NGE COUNTY'S LARGEST" 'S A DEALER IRV SEAVER BIG SAVINGS ON ALL REMAINING '655 ~§A Complete Sales, Parts & Ser vice IRV SEAVER 2402 N.MAIN , SANTA ANA ( 714 ) 542-8691 TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN CYCLE NEWS (Fonnerly Motorcyde Jouma l) Seeing an article on the front page of CYCLE NEWS 1185 E. 19th Street. Long California dated Oct 28, 1965 captioned 591-2088 591-6113 "Unique" I wish to submit one Published by C & S Publish ing Company entitled " Unique Antique" P . O. Box 498 Long Beach. CaliL 90806 power, 1928 JDH Harley D davi ''TIIe Voice 01 California'" son Fl ex i - Si decar , designed and built over 35 years ago Charles Clayton Editor by B.V. Decker, Port Angeles, Sharon Clayton BtWness Manager Wash. Thi s combination is Gil Brown Advertising Manager Carl Bartlett Production Manager still owned and ridden by Sandie Pettit Circulation Manager hi m on special occasions. Dale Boller .. . .. . • . .. ..... . . . • . •• . .. Chief PhotographerM . D cker started riding r e Joe Lopez, Roxy Rockwood, Robert Ebeling, Larry Healey, motorcycles in 1914 on a Carl Bartlett, Gordon South, Walt Mahony Contributors single cylinder belt driven Advertising rates sent on request. Yale. He is a life member Advertising prepared by ARThompson, 546 W. Colorado St., Glendale, Calif. #366 of the American MotorPublbhod _Iv . , - ' fir" ond .." _ of col_ ""' In Long _ . c..1;f. Any ..... of lh l, ~ nwr be used without penniulon • • long .. credi, .. given. EcUtorlal contribution&, cartoons., cycle Club. In 1937 Mr. photot will be PoIid for on pUblukln. writ. for ou r generous contributor r.t... Decker organized and started the Olympic Peninsula Motor lion different opiruons on what this VIET NAM FUND cy cle Club, one of the well sport of ours needs. Last month one Sirs: enthusiast pu t his opini ons into a known Clubs of t he Pac i f i c nicely printed brochure and set out No . t h~e s t . A. Friend to organize us into a body large en~ l e a s e e xcuse me for ~In Portland ou gh to make ou r vo ices heard by n i ng out of big pap er. governmen ts and law enforcement Allow me t o con tribu t e agencies. t o your Vi et Nam fu nd. Ver y Calling itself SCALE, this new commendable on your par t. organiz ation thickens th e al phabet Davi d Shaw' s r eply to At soup of associations pursuing much the same goals. Gun t er's l etter was e xtreWe we re among hundreds or thoumely juvenile at be s t. sands of California enth us ias ts wh o At least ?-lr . Gunter ha s were handed a copy of SCALE's pr osbeen in championship f orm . pectus. Its aims seemed cu riously in the past . Nr . Shaw's ' familiar, so we placed a call to the form in his profession, driving personali ty behi nd it, Mr. B. V. Decker lind his Rexi sidecar. past & present is debatable. Stan Barton. J. Gor don San Di ego Thank you. Other contributors to the fund to send cycle news to Viet Nam are: Jack Gordon , Joseph W . & Shirley 1. Reed , Robert & Sherry Lee Williams, E . Mc Cumber and the Oran ge County Motorcycle Club . REPORT ON A NEW ORGAN IZATION - SCALE Nowhere will more distinctly different individuals be found than in t his motorcycle wor ld of ours. About the only t hi ng we all agree on is that motorcycles are wonderful contraptions . With over 2 million cycle riders in the U.s.. there are probably 2 mil- 'J r -r.'7.,] " ..I ..J' I "J I ~ , ~ ,, ~ THE SOUTHLAND'S LEADING DISTRIBUTOR OF QUALITY NATIONAL NAME BRAND MOTORCYCLE PARTS AND ACCESSORIES... FEATURIN G GOOOfiE4R MOTORCY CLE TIRES ANDTUBES In a t elepho ne interview last week, Mr. Barton described himself, accurately we thought, as "all d r i ve". SCALE, it appears, w as born ou t of Barton's outrage with having to suffer police shakedowns while out enjoying himself on his cycle. Barton r ides a chopper which he says is "the cleanest bike in town, and perfectly legal". Yet he claims to have been harassed by policemen on more than one occasion, forced to endure verbal abuse and had his pockets searched for nothing more than riding his bike rightfully and in a lawful manner. Barton feels that communication is lacking between motorcyclists (us) and law enforcement, news agencies and government (th em ). What SCALE offers for its $20 membership fee , are familiar benefits already promised by half-a-dozen national ri der organizations. If the promises often are not kept, the reason usually given is lack of member support. Barton has not yet tried to accomplish his purposes through existing organizations, but his motives in forming SCALE seem sincere, and his drive is ev ident by the whirlwind of publicity he has stirred up. We can't help wondering if Mr. Barton realizes what an enormous project he has taken on. Uniting all of us individuals into an effective amalgamation is a task like completing the tower of Babel. If he succeeds we will all reach heaven together. But the job requires finding a common language to bridge the communication gaps among ourselves. Lacking this, SCAL E's drive so far falls short. ITHE19661 I I I IS HERE ! I I ~~!~.~~~Y~~D~~R~:~~ I I I ~EAD PORT ING.SPEED TUNIN~ ~OR RAC ING · OUR SPEC IAL TY ~