Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 12 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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12 WAfiDs GREEVES MOTO- CROSS . Fa c tor) Take yo ur b usiness whe' ", it :s a ppreciated and wanted. For rhe ti nes! new dnd uS<"d mororcv cles. re p ?rs, se rvices ~ nd custo m work, patronize the tocal b usmes ses ;;sreo ;'ere . prepar e d road racer engine. ; Alloy r i ms , etc. et c. etc . !ias won ma ins a t . Asc ot. PerLE BARD lk UNDERWOOD, 221 E. Imperial Hwy., La Habra , phone ri s, ' Pr ado , Immaculate, re NORTHWESTERN CENTRAL 714/879-8252 or 213/691-31 04. "Serl iable a n d very very f a s t , vice is our middle nam e." BSA, $ 650 . Call Ro b Harrison (213) BUD EKINS MOTORCYCLES in Honda, BMW. 221 -9267 or see at 36 l, Hu s BIG CITY SALES 714 W. F lorence, Sherman Oaks. 14460 Ventura e u m drive, Los Ange les , Calif. LosAngeles 752-6723. New & Used Blvd., telephone 872-2110. "Buy MACKLIN'S MOTORCYCLE SERVo M / Cs. Com plete machine shop. from Bud." Trium ph & Honda. ICE 11675 E. Firestone, Norwalk. Small & large cylinder boring. M I C 864-7468. Hodaka sales and service. I S YOUR BOY READY TO JOIN t h e INTERNATIONAL MOTORCYCLE Parts & Accessories. Cub S couts . S a ve mon e y: one COMPANY. 7233 Canoga Ave., T E X lk BE A BRYANT'S 1535 W. Canoga Park. Phone 346-3700, open cub scout sh i rt & trou s ers SO UTHERN Manchester, Los Angeles 47. Hours 7 days a week. 1000's of used Yamon ly wor n twice. $5.00 Ca ll 9-6 Tues. thru Sat. "Wheel lacing . aha parts. Cylinder rebori ng . YamaCI 4-6511 ext 243 day s or our specialty:' Matchless Yamaha. ha, Hodak;'. ARTESIA CYCLE CENTER Yamaha, CI 1 -0710 eves . Hodaka Sales-Service all makes, HARLEY· DAVIDSON IN LOS ANspeed tuning, 19210 S. Pioneer ORANGE IF YOU ARE READY FOR THE DES GELES (Rich Budelier Co.) 2531 S. Bl vd., Artesia (213) 865·1152. Main Street, L.A. RI 9-6235. "LargERT then r i d e a mach i ne t h a t est H-D service and parts headBUENA PARK YAMAHA 6871 Beach is rea dy also: 1965 Greeves JAMES DISTRIBUTOR BN Supply, quarters in U.S.A: ' Call for pickup Blvd. , in Buena Park, naturally. 250cc Mo t o - Cr o ss squar e BarBox 651, La Mesa , Calif. Villiers or delivery service . 522-8036. "We service what we parts, Cu st om made parts & acces. ell. Dese rt equ ipment. Al s o sell, " Yamaha, Hodaka, Ossa . ComExclu sive James dea lers h ips ope n 1962 Chevy Imp a la 327, 4 spd plete welding and repair s hop. now . posi t raction, I~H. Ca l l WESTERN Speed tuning. 868 -807 0 LONG BEACH TRIUMPH SALES ROBERT M. LA W M IC SALES II 624 W. Pacific Coast Highway, SERVICE 239 N. Anaheim Blvd . F OR SAL E: 1958 Me r c u r y Tu rn'JACK BALDWIN MOTORCYCLE Long Bea ch . 436-0158. "Best service (formerly Los Angeles St.) AnaSALES "We stock the Parts and pike Cruiser H.T ., power steavailable, specializin g in tune-ups:' heim. (714) 533-1309. "We specialize service what we Sell." 2705 Pico ering, brakes, Ai r , Vib r asonic Triumph Yamaha Ducati. in after-sales service:' Triumph, Blvd., Santa Monica. Phone EX 4$450 o r c onside r trade fo r Yamaha, Greeves. 7365. Matchless, Hodaka, BSA, Due. SOUTH BAY HONDA 1212 S. Pacific compact car or motorcycle . Greeves, Royal Enfield , Nort. ROY'S MOTORCYCLE SHOP 12461 Coast Hwy., Redondo Beach. SELF· 842 -7870 (Burbank) . Wesm inster, Santa Ana, "Oran ge SERVICE PARTS DEPARTMENT, MISSION HILLS MOTOR CYCLE County's oldest established Honda bank financing. Open 9 to 9 six days SALES lk SERVICE - 8730 Sepu'63 BSA UN IT CONST RUCT I ON TT dealer." Honda, Triumph, Montesa. a week. Phone 378~9257. lveda. BSA & Ducati. "We stock the Race r f or sa le: Ba lanced a n d Telephone 714) 531-0742. spare parts for what we sell: See lightened lower end, Joe Hunt TEL L THEM YOU SAW IT our new store. 785-4289 magneto, 4 new va l v es , guides IN CYCLE NEWS RIVERSIDE and S&W springs, Barnett Clutch, Pirelli t i res , ext ra EASTERN SK I P FORDYCE MOTO RCYCLE NORTHEASTERN g ear ing and g l a s t ank . Very CENTER "We've been t old its clean, fast a n d rea dy fo r the Am er ica's most complete and modA. J . LEW IS 400 S. Atlantic Blvd., coming se as on . $ 7 2 5 .00 Call ern mot orc ycle center ." Honda, MASON MOTORS. TRIUMPH·YAMEast Los Angeles. 264-0544. ComHarley-Davidson & Triumph. Main AHA. Complete Insurance program Chuck Mine r t a t 9 4 4- 4 605 i n plete machine shop. "If you want at 14th Sts. in Riverside. OV 4-4747. for all makes and models. Complete Whittie r . it special, we make it special:' Trisales-parts-service . Open 9-6, Tues, umph and Yamaha. MATCHLESS 600c c TYP HOON 1 9 6 5 Wed. , Thurs., and Sat-9-9 Fri., SERVICES 3360 E. Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, Beautiful d ese rt bike, every- BEL L FLO W E R MOTORCYCLE (213) 795-0267. SHOP INC. 9135 E. Compton Blvd. thing new or p e rfect - many HERB LITCH 5105 AUantie Blvd., (2 blocks East of Lakewood), Bellspare par ts a n d gea ring . I ' m S. E. CHUBBUCK H ·D SALES Home Long Beach. GA 3-1433. Com plete flower. 925-5093. "We em ph asize going lightwe igh t . $7 50 . 00 of the Road Rider s. "We Specialize machining fa cilities. Boring; sleevservice." Tri um ph Yamaha Rabbit. Call EL 7 -2 274 a s k for Neil in Personalized Service". 1361 E. ing, valve & seat grinding. Valve Walnut St. Pasadena (213) SY 2Fe rgus. seats and parts made to order. CITY CYCLE CENTER 8421-23 Rose1300. mead Blvd., Pica-Rivera, phone MOTORCYCLE SERVICE CENTER. 861-4139. Triumph and Yamaha RED/CHROME KI TCHEN DINETTE SPORTS LIFE (Roehr Br os.) 341 N. BULTACO-HODAKA. We Service sales and super service. Skip Clark, Set - $ 10 .00 Call CI 4 - 6 5 1 1 Glenoaks Blvd ., Bu rbank. 842-4847 AL L motorc ycles. Complete maproprietor . or 849-4921. U.S. Distributor for ext # 24 3 d ays , or CI 1 -071 0 chine .shop for custom work. 220 Van Tech motorcycles. Ducati, NorE. Huntington Dr . Monrovia. Open e ves. JOHNNY GIBSON MOTORCYCLES ton, Matchless, Hodaka, Royal En6 days, 8-6. (213) 357-2274. INC. 901 W. Whittier Blvd., La Hafield, James, VeL, Yamaha, OSSA, BASKET CASES : J AP Cl a s s"A" bra, phone 691-2661. Competent Montesa. Ope n 7 days a week 9-9. sales and parts. Service for all ra c ers , 2 f r a me s , 2 engines, makes. Trium ph , Yamaha, Bul t aco . e t c. Dis sas embled for easy inspe ction . $300 wil l t alk or t r ade f o r Cl as s " C" rig. ALSO : 1959 J a wa - d e s e rt s led , many spares $ 165 .00 Rob Harr ison (213) 221-9267 or s e e at 3 64 Museum Dr i ve, Los Ange les, Ca lif . GIFT P ROBL~~: See our ad on page 3, this issue, o f Cycle News. Sammy Tanner Distributin~. 1 •

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