Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1965 12 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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3 • -"--- DRA GS CYCLE ALLEY FlArUH GIRL By R. A. Ebeling the record and yet for a" 250 still ._------------~------- it's Paul haulin/(. Also in the record category Con- Drag racin/( en thus iasts received a blow which has left many shocked and bewildered. Fontana Drag Strip is temporarily closed due to finan cial difficulties. Some of us who compe te reg ularly ha ve had an inklin/( of the impending doom. nod yet since it occu rred with out any defi nite warn ing, we also have bee n surprised. Th is is not the first time Fontana has bee n felled by the Ilnanciol axe nod as in the past it will probably be reope ned by new operators in the near future. Un til then the only L. A. area draz strip with a full program for bikes is Lion's. Bikes are allowed to run at the Carlsbad strip but they do not as yet have class competition. serrie re took the faithful old Yamah a flat tracker and showed us that, be it dirt oval or asphalt straight, it could not be matched. His E.T. eq ualled the record an d the speed was far bet ter. Th e big fi/(ure is 101.35 and I do not think any gas bike in the class ca n ma tch it unless some majo r change is made to the machine and that would be miracle making. Steve And roff /(ave a Bultaco its first taste of blood in E gas ned it took a 16.1776.79 to do it. Th ere was a real surprise in B stree t although up against the finest and biggest such as "Snorton Ncrton.I'N. Fleming rode a Triumph to victory. Norton did stay on top in B /(as and Ceorce Jonovich rode agains t pros like Bill Gore and his Triumph. That's a grea t victory by Ceorgel In 0 stree t a total of 13 entries vied for the top. Randall Baselt fought his way thr ough the pack and set the field behind his pipes with a 16.02 and 81.22 on a Honda . Two made A class in C street. wh ich was usually without entries. Both were 500cc Triumphs nod M. Houcks was run ning in tune, to a win. In C gas Len Jasmin had his 30.50 Triump h runn ing a little less than its best. But 14.34 - 96.98 was enough for the class trophy. Brick Price has the gold for E stree t nod is not going to let an yone set him down to a loss. Shock For Staff Font ana employees nod many competitors arri ved at the gates Sunday morning and were turn ed away. Many came to Lion's. includin g Boris Murray and Jim Cook, who have been the cycle pit directors at Fon tana. A total of fifty -one bikes were on the line to battle for the tr ophies nod cash. It was not the best run show. I have never had to handle such a nu mber. Th e only thing which would have helped was help. If possible. I shall gain an assista nt. Three bikes and riders tried to crash the ga te at Lion's and al ter being routed, wcre arr ested by the law . One bike was expelled from the strip for doing wheelies and speeding in the pits. We aren 't kidding. Please don't destroy the one pre cious piece of asphalt we have for the sport locally. Ed McDonald stood finn at the head of the class and won A stree t with 107 mph and an elapsed time of 12.33. Eq ually unsh aken with the competition increase was Mel Disharoon in A gas. He won with 107.14-12.36, not much difference between the two times; maybe we can have a match race. In the fu el category we were treated to the sight of smoking tires by Bud Martin ez on a Triump h built by Don McE voy. In the battle for top fuel laurels against Bob Michaels "Black Knight" he turned a 10.97 and 125.34. Bob did win A fuel at 11.94 & 111.80. so all was not in vain . At the other end of the fuel classes Don Smith on thc record holding Ducati defeated Ron Knapp 's yamaha in a close ba ttle. The 13.56 E ,T. was a second slower tha n This year the queen of the annual Death Valley To ur w as pert Glenda Steel, shown here on her attractive cycle. Glenda and her husband, both professional entertainers, have matching Triumphs, ride them every chance they get. Arizona Getting Active In Tu cson, Ariz., the bikes are gett ing active, A Honda ridde n by Schmal turn ed 15.31 for his class win and a Yamah a sponsored by Eastside Cycle turned 13.26 95.23 for his trop hy. The b ig $300.00 ( three hun dred ) dollar fuel bike drag meet will be held on February 19, 1966. The money will be divided as follows: $200.00 for top fuel and $100 for Jr. fuel (5OOcc and lower ). Runnerup awards are yet coming and will be announced as the pot fills. "Fuel Bike" as the term implies, is only for those burning fuel (nitro - alcohol etc .) Th ose bikes alone will be eligible for a try at the Money Meet, so get out your Christmas chemistry sets and go, go. gol ~OC-e:;b.s -n; TR E. ,I ' "~ E 0';:1 N ~6)$TER. No..., 1 '* (~'s $alooL FCIf. ERie. COrr~E~ 'Do"un SiZES ~ q"'Nc.H 11' -no~\" "~ ansa _~ - ..... . _ . ee ~) ALL CUSSES .... s .lIen STRRTT. (Yr Fl:):euJRV Ro,""",JG Au. MA~E' S. q AM SAMMY TANIIER DIST. CO. SWAllP 4 MODELS uJeu::ClMEt> 6 15 N. AVALON BLVD. WILM INGTON , CAL IF . 830·4040 WHOLESAlE "COf'IE ONE COME" IILL , J ATrHE $/IJtfE nME I CUBA. , ~ t-lAVE If W6'LL 8'lU- B~i1l6 # u11ZE F~ 71ItJ$E ~EU ~ KiDS 771;C YEAIle _ _ - ilJAI;HII~ l::bAlAriOlJ : ~E D"LLJ1~ '-'C:t = C? ,, SE& You Ill.'" , ::::::> ~ DISTRIBUTOR FOR Sproat Tires _ Cycle Shelter Cycle Covers _ Spray 'n lube for Cha ins . Tann er leather Kleen I Pigg ie-back Cycle Carriers . Yamaha eocc Speed Parts I Thermal Riding Vest . Honda Special Racing Pipes . Buy them from your dealer. HANDY LUIE KIT By St.·lube. Everybody needs one. l ube g un fits GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS Zer k fittings. Develops 1500 ps i pressure. Wh ite grease. w ater & heat resis.anr, Handy all around the hccse. GLOYES L ....'.....dM.... . ..,... lor' P. rlt.. .f C. UI. M..... of CafoNtt. , tho fin- ..t th., I. . In th o _.14 (24 c olor. . .. ch_......) ONLY 5.95

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