Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 24 June 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Kramer Motorcycles to Supply the 2025 MotoAmerica Talent Cup M otoAmerica and Kramer Motorcycles announced a partnership that will see the dis- solving of the Junior Cup class for 2025, replacing it with the 2025 MotoAmerica Talent Cup. The MotoAmerica Talent Cup will be a part of the "Road To MotoGP" program. The class is aimed at riders aged 14-21 and will see riders compete on identical Kramer APX-350 MA machines. Pow - ered by a single-cylinder KTM 350cc four-stroke powerplant that makes over 50 horsepower, the bike features fully adjustable suspension, and is managed by a Mectronik MKE5 racing ECU. The class will run on control Dunlop tires. The APX-350 MA has been developed by Kramer Motorcy - cles in conjunction with Mo- toAmerica and will be the first prototype national-series since MotoAmerica took over control of the championship in 2015. "We know racing high-perfor- mance motorcycles provides our young athletes more opportuni- ties and better prepares them to race at higher levels on the 'Road to MotoGP,'" said MotoAmerica President Wayne Rainey. "This is the first time MotoAmerica has created a class for our young riders that's on the same performance-level bike as other 'Road to MotoGP' Talent Cups worldwide. MotoAmerica was founded on the very idea of rac - ing Moto3-type motorcycles, and now we're finally making that concept a reality. I'm excited, because up to five riders will get an invitation to participate in the Red Bull MotoGP Rookies Cup selection. My MotoAmerica partners are also excited to provide our younger riders this opportunity." "Kramer Motorcycles is proud to be the spec-bike supplier of the MotoAmerica Talent Cup and to help the next generation of American road racers on their path to the world stage," said Jensen Beeler, CEO of Kramer Motorcycles USA. "Together with our partners in MotoAmeri - ca, we believe we have created a machine that will elevate motor- sport for American riders and be the tool that readies racers for the Red Bull Rookies Cup, FIM Moto3 World Championship, and beyond." "Like all of our motorcycles, the Kramer APX-350 MA is built with the single-minded purpose of winning on the racetrack and without the compromises that come with a production-based machine," said Markus Kramer, Founder of Kramer Motorcycles. "We believe this motorcycle is the ideal training platform for riders who are looking to advance to the international stage, and we will be proud to say one day that a World Cham - pion started their career on a Kramer." The Kramer APX-350 MA will sell for $22,495, and the bikes are expected to arrive in the U.S. in mid-February of 2025. Reg- istration for the APX-350 MA's waitlist will take place on the Kramer website at https://www. motoamerica-talent-cup. CN VOLUME ISSUE JUNE , P33 MotoAmerica and Kramer Motorcycles announced a partnership that will dissolve the Junior Cup class for 2025 and replace it with the 2025 MotoAmerica Talent Cup.

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