Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 24 June 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 32 of 145

Stark Varg Honored With Delta Award S tark Future and its Stark Varg electric motorcycle were honored with the prestigious Delta Award at the 2024 Del- ta Awards ceremony in Spain. The Delta Awards, organized biennially since 1961, celebrate excellence in industrial design and recognize the transformative power of design in the industrial economy. The Delta Awards are a hallmark of design excellence in Spain, honoring industrial designers and companies that push the boundaries of creativity, inno - vation and sustainability. The Delta Award Jury said, "For being an electrical product and 100 percent lo - cally produced with a very well resolved design. A silent off-road motorcycle that, in addition to reducing the noise pollu- tion generated by this sport, shows an honorable vision of the future of design." Anton Wass, CEO and co-founder of Stark Future, said, "We are honored to receive gold at the prestigious Delta Awards for the Stark Varg. This recogni - tion underscores our dedication to push- ing the boundaries of what's possible in design in the motorcycle industry and our commitment to a sustainable future. Our team's relentless pursuit of innova - tion has truly paid off, and we are ex- cited to continue setting new standards in the industry." CN WIND IN THE P32 Spanish manufacturer Stark Future was awarded a 2024 Delta Award, a prestigious award given out each year in Spain.

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