Cycle News

Cycle News 2024 Issue 24 June 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Max Colchin Joins AMA Government Relations Department T he AMA completed the restructuring of its Government Relations Department by adding Eastern States Representative Max Colchin, who will work closely with motor - cyclists across the Eastern United States to preserve their rights. "Max joining our team as the Eastern States Representative completes the re - structuring of our Government Relations Department. We are pleased to have him on board as we work to represent our mem - bers throughout the United States," AMA Government Relations Director Nick Haris said. "Max's addition will have a tremendous impact on riders in the Eastern United States and his knowledge and expertise will help protect their rights as motorcyclists." Hailing from Fort Wayne, Indiana, Colchin started riding motorcycles at a young age, gaining a lifelong appreciation for the motor - cycling lifestyle. Colchin's legislative experience began during his time at Indiana University—where he graduated with a Bachelor's degree in political science—as he moved to Washing- ton D.C. during the second semester of his senior year to participate in an internship on Capitol Hill. After graduation, Colchin worked as a full-time staffer in the United States House of Representatives. Now with the AMA, Colchin will use his legislative experience to serve motorcyclists across the Eastern United States. "In my role on the AMA Government Rela - tions team, I will apply my experience and knowledge gained from working on Capitol Hill to continue the AMA's advocacy work in the Eastern region to protect the future of motorcycling," Colchin said. "As a Congres- sional staffer, I was responsible for monitor- ing every issue, from the most contentious debates on the House floor, to legislation renaming post offices. It was part of my responsibility to inform and educate our con - stituents on their areas of interest. "I look forward to doing similar work by actively working on state-level policy and funding determinations," Colchin continued. "Remaining actively involved in these conversations is one of the most effective ways to influence policymaking and ensure that motorcyclists' rights and priorities are protected." CN WIND IN THE P34 The AMA completed the restructuring of its Government Relations Department by adding Eastern States Representative Max Colchin.

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