Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 02 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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M 200 ml RR 125 ml RR "· co '" N .... 01 2S·lap TT 2 5 lap Mile 20 lap lJz mile .,; 2 0 lap III m il e u.. 20 lap 'h mile 20 lap 1h mile 20 lap 'h m il e Z AMA NATIO NAL SC HEDU LE HARE SCRAMBLES. R iver Va lley . Sanc tion : MotorcyCl e Racers o f Nevada . HRA TTfh-MILE. 395 Cycle Park . Adelan to, Ca . Sign 8 :3 0 - 1 0. $2.50 per class. $1.50 gate. HRA cts, 714/246-6109. MX. Lompoc stc-sc xes. Sp il lway Par k near Santa Ma rla, Ca . 9 ·35 pts, 10 am . $ 3.50 entry, $1.50 gate . Camping. M X. Os te en 805/736~362. Bike Par k . Juniors & Ints . $5 mall, $10 post . S rs S1 0 mall . $15 post. $500 ~26s:i. 50% bra ss. 610 Cherry St .. Brea . CA ALL-JUNIOR MX Muntz Cycle Park, Moorpark. Ca. "Trl.Am :' Sig n 6:30, race 9 :15 . $6 mail, 58 post . F ree gate to riders. $1.50 watch. 15814 Tier ra Rejad a, M oorpark, ST O C K CAR RACE. StOCk car race ? V uP . G ene R om er o wil l be ra cin g in th e M ill er High Li fe 500 at Onta rio Motor Sp eedwa y . A b ig ch eer ing section 10r him wo uld b e a gas. EU ROPEAN SC RAMBLE5, Highsiders. Thermal, Ca , 20% brass. Valvolin e t o each en tran t . $3 ent ry. LoORA p ts , Limed 1rom C ol o. SRAC FRIDAY , MA RCH 10 USMRC MX. El Taro (Ca) Spdwy 7 pm $5 MIN IS. AMRA . Indian Dunes, Valencia. Ca . All ages & classes. $4 mall ).. or post . Bo x 174. gj 100 ml RR 125 ml RR " ~ w 25 lap TT 125 ml RR w ...J 2 0 lap lh mile 2 5 lap Mile Shor t Trac k liz m il e!TT 2 5 l ao .Mile 2 0 0 mi. RR Mil e 25 lap Mil e lJz M lle U > U 250 ml RR SATURDAY , MARCH I I Newhall. Ca. 91321. 805/2'9-8007. ACA MX. Carlsbad. Ca. $5 mali (3/3), $10 post . casn to Srs. Prac 8 am. race 9 . 9 ",6 W. 7th 5t .• Upland. CA 91786. 714/982-7370 , Butaco Se ries . s eccneeec« OBSERVED TRIALS , VOTE. Muntz Cycle Park , Mo or park, Ca . Sign 8 , rider's m eet in g 9 :30. M ufflers . SRA HARE SCRAMBLES . L imed fr om Lucerne , Ca. 2 0% brass. 9 am. Beginn ers & Park. Ca . Jrs: $5 m all. ICE RAC ING, Harry's Roamers . Rainbow Falls Park b etw een Wo odland Pa rk and Oeckers.l Colo. Sign . 1 0 am . race noon. 8 +1 0 U R ENDURO . Sand Col o . n o S R A C po in ts. (3/1). $10 post. srs: $10 mail. $15 post. 9 am . Box 1402, Cos ta M esa, CA 92 6 26 . Nov. Pins, 213/ 370 ·8234 ,.714/73 5-4641. H ills . S t rasber g, I CE RACES, H arry's R oam ers. Rainbow F all s, W oodl and Park , C olo . SRAC poin ts. MX, Cloverfle ld Race Track.t. C l overf leld Airport. F riendSwood, Tex. uo1te 8 , race noon. $3 race, $1.50 watch . 71 3/482·7551. Valley D irt C R O SS -CO UN T RY, Bertho ud , Co lo . N o SRAC p oin ts. ENDURO Cha'farr al s. Li m ed 1ro m L ucern e, Ca . $5 mall, $ post, teams add $ 1 per rid er. 2 SASE to Box 402 . C orona, CA 9 1720 . 0 -37 PACIFIC·AMA MX, C ar lsbad (Ca) R ace way. $ 2000 purse to SOOcc Pros. AMA li cense reQ·d . S upportin g races Am a teur sta tus. $5 e ts. 8 am sta rt. 714/7 37-1651 , 528·3007. Jun ta. ~~~ 1~~~ 7tf4/~~~3t:49~oX CMC MX. 45 5-4074 . La 86· 111. 10 am. 714/347-6870. Ca. 805/529·2371; 213/ 987·3 131. 3 03/23~-6747. MX . Ar k . Vall ey. po in ts. 3/12 Dayt ona, F l. 4/1 6 Atlan ta. G a . 4/29 (T o b e annou nce d ) Ga rde na , Ca. 5/6 5/21 san Jose, Ca. 5/2 7 L os A lam i tos, Ca. 6/11 L oud en, NH 6/3 Loui svill e. K y . 6/18 Indianap olis, Ind . 6/2 5 Columbus 0, 7/2 San Jose. t a. 7/9 Salem , Or . 7/15 Castl e R OCk . Wa . 7/23 M ontere y , Ca . 7/29 New Yor k. NV 8/5 Homewood, III . 8/10 H tnsdat e , Ill . 8/ 13 Peor ia . III . 8/26 Indian apoli s. Ind . Talladega, Ala . 9/3 9/9 Arlington H gts.lII . 9/17 Nazar eth. Pa , 9/23 Ga rd en a. Ca. 10/1 Ontari o. Ca . 0. Ri ders. en try . 714/ 979-8761. INDOOR SHO RT TRACK, 1 02j. Pomon a. Washoe Co Frgn ds. Pav ili on Bl dg, Re n o, Nev. State ch an:'i'p series. $2 ri de. $ 2 .5 0 watch. 8 pm . 702/323-6055. U5MRC TT/FTI-EI T aro ICa) Spdwy 7 pm. $5 CA 91769. 714/985-3149 . p ost. Cash to t. xp erts. Sox 1027. pomona. WEATHER-PERMITTING MX, Valle y. Cy cle land Spdwy I 14 m l S of C h ico. c a, on H wy 99E & Gate Sh ippee Rd . Sign 8. rac e 10,30. 916/ 34 2·9302. HARE & HOUND, V ict o rs. Hwy 39 5 N of Red Rock . T ra il nov one l oop onl y . 0·3 7 p ts. 213/340-8470 ; 80 5/527-45 25. H R A TT . 'h-M I L E . 395 C ycle Park . Adelanto, Ca . Sign 8 :30·10. $2 .50 p er class. $ 1.5 0 gate . HRA points. 7 14/ 246-6109. HA RE SCRAMBLES, Taft. 1 ml W of Ma ricopa, t urn ri ght on E lkh or n Rd . $ 2 ride $ 1 gat e. l O am . Ca m pi ng Sign 8 am . PO K ER R UN , Jesters. Lime d at 4 Corners. let . 01 H wy 395 & 58 . $5 mall , $7 po st . Win a Supe r A MC MX . M un tz C y cl e Park, M oor park . Ca. Send f or entr ies: Bo x 663. Et T aro, CA 926 30. 714/83 0·7646 . Ra t. Bo x 10 27. A ppl e 923 07.714/244-3059 .244-4268. V all ey, CA AMA GRAND NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHi P R O A D RAC E , D ay t ona Beach, F lor id a. 2 00 miles. SUNDAY , MA RCH 12 CMC MX, carlsbad {Cal Rcwy . DKW series. Jrs: $5 mall (3/7), $10 post. Srs : $10 mia. S IS POSt. DKW series. 9 am . Box 1402. Costa M.... CA 92626. MX, Esca pe Coun try. Lst Qualifying roun d for AM A National C hampion sh ip MX series. 11 am . Camp in g a vailable . ~ INI S scm nka. Saddle back Par k . I rvin e, Ca. Si gn 8 am , race 10. (21 3) 426-9 3 55 . MX. Stum pj umpe rs. E lsinore (Ca) Rc wy , 40% brass to all cl asses. $ 5 mall, $ 8 post . L im it ed ent ries. S te ve M i tch ell . 2162 Harb or I sle Ln . H untingt on a eaen, C A 926 46 . 714/778 --6700 . e atest We trucked out to INDIAN DUNES for the first time in several m o n th s to ta k e a look at the racing and the other assorted diversions. That place changed. Like any self-respecting m o t o rc ycle park. they are up to their earl; ,in lawsuits. Seems like eve ry tim e some brat falls off a bike he h as no business on in the fir st place, t here's alwa ys some - parent with do llar-signs' in h is eyes w ho fig ures Junior 's b usted arse is going t o m a ke th e family rich. A nyway, in o rd er to pro tect (that is. " p ro t ect " ) the general p ublic. the D unes management has h ired several . security cops with th e job of shooing off anyone who gets within earshot of the racing activity. One of the nice things about motocross-watch ing is getting sprayed with the dirt . grit and excitement of the sport, But. admittedly, there are many who don't know how to st a y o u t of danger. So now we must watch the racing behind chain link fen ces. Boo. Another bummer: After visiting such tracks as Carlsbad. Saddleback, and others . the Dunes seems to be an anachronism because they are the o nl y people who don't req uire a silencer. They evidently fed it 's a selling point. Wrong; many bikers regard silencers as necessary equipment and use them all the time. But the jerks who insist on the usual pit raci ng had wide-open stingers . It's hard to imagine w e accepted that ra cket one year ago . The Dunes sh ould require silencers immedia tely, No one worth while will regre t it. • • • Accord ing t o t he AMA A mateur Competition Rule Book, all clutch pedals m ust be rubber covered. . * * * Pete Sch ick, natio nal raci ng m a nage r. has just announced that Yamaha will have RACING PARTS FACILITY in the ga ra ge area during Daytona Speed w eek. The fa cility will have pans for th e new 1972 TD3. 250cc and the TR3 350cc ro ad ra cer s as well as th e TD2 and TD2B. The fac ility will be m anaged b y R ich ard Wagn er o f Yamaha 's pans department, T hese parts w ill b e ava ilab le to all road racing participants. • • • BRO WN'S " On A ny BRUCE S u nda y " has been nominated fo r an Academy A ward for "Best Do cumentary Feature" . Said Bruce, "Oh, b oy! Now I can get a tux from my local mortuary and sit with all the movie stars." • • • A few months ago w e announced that SID CHAMB ERS was planning t o h ave a "50cc GP" soon. Well. the Featherweight Racing Association has asked the American Cycle Association MX. Fe ath er Riv er . U nd er the E S t Br idge Marysville. Ca. S ign 7 , race 10. $ 4 rid e, watch . $5 la te fee. 91 6/ 742 -82 8 1. $2 By Papa Wealey to help them put on a national ch am p io ns h ip- t yp e event for the teacup racers. The b ig race will b e about 50 miles in length. Watch this c o lum n for more d etails in t he future . • • • LARRY HUFFMAN is t ry ing t o gather t he lo ose ends fo r a p roposed hou r·long te l evision show t hat conc ern motorcycles and noth ing but. H uffma n, whose successful "Motorcycle Hotline" (hope he gets a better name for h is teevee show) ca n be heard on KLAC radio week nights at 7 :30. has th ree sponsors lined up fo r the show and needs just one more to get th in gs, as t hey say, in gear. Call (71 4) 637·1835 if you have so meth ing to say to hi m. • • • The District 3 7 Competition Committee voted unanimously to issue thre e number one plates in motocross in 1973 . During 1972 p o ints w ill b e kept in three sep ar at e divisions. 0 ·12 5cc; I 2 6 ·250cc ; and 251 cc-O p en , The idea was p resented to the Committ ee b y Tex My ers of th e Boosters M.C . and moto cross st ew ard John Townsend. The fee ling is this will increase the entries in District mo tocross wh ere up to no w eve ryone has been competing fo r the number one plate regardless of what size machine he rides. • • • Eng lish ra ce r Sa m Ben n was fi ned for appearing in a p ub lic place with a NU DE MO DE L on th e back of h is bike. In h is own de fe ns e, h e expla ined t o t he court t ha t th e girl was no t n ude b ut was wearin g boots an d a large belt. • • • Cal Rayborn came in second a t a ca r race at Riverside Raceway Fe bruary 17 . The rumor go es th at Dan Gurney h as signed him for the four-wheelers full t im e. If true, that means th at Cal will have to give up the scooters th is ye ar. On paper, the Harleys are the best ever this year and he h as a strong chance a t the Number One pl ate th at has eluded him for so lo ng. It will b e in te resting to watch which wa y he goes, ass uming the choice is there. • • • Mar c h 12 will see a FAMI LY POKER RUN in the desert by the Jesters M.C. First prize will be a Hodaka Super Rat (this is, after all , the Year of the Rat) to the hi ghest poker hand. There will a lso be a whole bunch of contingencies and the like. Club secretary Gordon Byrne says "This ru n is set up so that anyone can ride it. We are having a woman lay out the course." • • • ERA H A R E SCRAMBLES , Li me d 7 mi N o f Adelan to on H wy 3 9 5 . Begin ners & Nov on ly . Pins. 2 0% brass. Nov. 1 0 am, Beginners 1 0 :15. If th at las t co m ment didn 't rais e a woman 's ire although it wasn ' t intended to - this one should. Right (Please tum to page 3 4) after th e Doughnut-and-Coffe e Check at t he SRA Fun Run Enduro (Se e pp. 28 ·29) there were two signs. The first o ne: "W omen should be fr ee." A few fe et down the road : "Or chea pe r. at least." Ron Vincell ette, m eet Gloria Steinem, • • • TO M HO RT O N has signed a th ree-year contract wit h Kim Kimball a nd Mo ntesa . They w ill provide him with necessary ri d es as well as keep h is 40·inch Triu m p h go ing. Tom will leave f or Daytona shortly and h it a co uple of sh ort t rac ks in Lou isia na a long t he wa y. * * * Son-of-a-gun, A new movie. "The T hrill is On" has just been an no u nced and it's starri ng DAVE ALDANA. Haven't th e fo ggiest idea what it is abo ut, but we w ill mention that this is the third m o to rc ycle movie in th e p ast year aimed at the enthusiast a nd . lik e th e o ther tw o . has " on" in th e ti tle. Righ t o ff. • • • J im C onway o f Visalia, Calif ., has w on two free ti ckets t o last January's Astrod om e Na ti o nals b y sending us t he follo win g BAD PUN : Ma rk Bre lsford was ask ed if h e had any trou bl e ha nd ling a heavy bike. "H eck, y es," he re plied. "Whe never I drop it, I ca n Harley lift it!" Yu k , y uk. • • • It will b e interest in g to hear th e AMA ' s ex p lan ation of this o ne, alt h o ug h th eir motives are ad mi rable ; GARY BAILEY has heen aw arded th e National Number 9 3. o n the basis o f h is points ea rned in m oto cro ss. This is a first. • • • An outfit called Ca l Cross has taken over th e CMC No rth event an d t h ings lo ok rosy for t hem. Th ey are startin g a series which will give away four whole Ca rabela 125s, one t or ea ch class. The eight·race se ries be

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