Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 02 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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N FRIDAY , FEBRUARY 25 WEDNESDAY , MARCH 1 e IN DOO R SHORT T RA C K MO VI NG PI CTUR E SHOW . " C yc le West C oas t:' R ivers id e Au ditoriu m. R iversi de, C a. 8 pm. $2 .5 0. R i c h Gold smith n ar rat es. ~ C ow Palac e. Sa n Francisc o , Ca . 8 p m . $ 1200 purse . A du lt s $ 3, .... ki ds 7 5 c en ts . en" N pm, $ 5 p ost. Cash t o E xperts . B o x 1027 . Po m on a,CA 91 769 . 714/9 8 5- 3 149. .0 ~ CM C MX. Llons, Wilm ington, Ca. San D iego N '" ~ w Z W ..J (J > U THURSDAY, MA.RCH 2 USM R C M X . EI Tor o Spd wy. El "r oro, Ca. 7 Fwy at Alameda. S Ign bY 6 ,3 0 , race 7 ,30. S5 p os t . :>A I URDAY, FEBR UARY 26 INDOOR SHORT TR ACK, Washoe Co FrgndS, Pav ilion Bld g. Reno Nev. State champeer1S1'\ ip series . 5 2 ride. $2..50 wetcn . 8 p m. 702/323-6055 . MX . C o r on a Rcwv , C o r on a, Ca . Riverside F w y a t Buch a n a n . $5 p os t . Pits open 1, ra c e 9 .714/73 5 -1705 . I NDOO R SHORT TR A C K. Glen Co. Frgnds. O rla nd , Ca . $2 .50 ride/wa tch. Gatc 5:30 , race 8 .4 15 / 4 5 3 -0 73 1. USMRC T T/F T, EI Taro (Ca) S Pd wy 7 p m . $ 5 p os t. Cash t o E xp e rts. Bo x 1027. Pom on a, c a 9176 9.714/ 985-3149. ACA AWARDS BANQUET. Royal Coach Mot or Hotel, eall Rd & H arbor B lVd, A nah eim. Ca . In th e luxurious S ir Lancel ot Room. C oc k tails 7 prn , d in -d in a t 8, ~l~ifi:~~0A'~A. at 9 :30 . Reserv at i ons : SUNDAY, FEBRU ARY 27 ma ll (2/22) S10 Post. S rs, $10 m a ll, S 15 post . 9 a m . Bo x 14 02 , C os t a Mesa, CA 926 2 6 . MX Saddleb ack Par k . Ca. M X. F rem o n t . sanctioned. Florence. Colo. 5 RAe FAM IL Y EN DU RO . Pom o n a V all ey D esert Rid ers. St oddard Well s area , marked f r om 8 ell Mtn. Rd . & 1·1 5. $5 mail , $6 p o st. $ 1 extra p er m an fo r tea ms . D rawi n g Fe b. 15. PVDR B o x 2 82t,. M ontcl air. CA 91 763. In f o : D av e' 714/ 6 2 4- ,800. ' H A RE S CRA MBLES N or t h Ba y. Repla cem en t f o r S" '"\..€'O En duro. Mi d dle Creek camp9r o U~C€.\... ' :ln 9. rac e noon . $4 r ide. $ 2 wat cPt- _ ,. n ea from Upper La ke, Ca lif. 70 7/ 544 ~ !78, 546-3903 . ROUGH WINTER $5 m all SCRAMBLES. All A m er ican . F rem on t RCWY Fremont. Ca. Si gn 2 s ri de/w atch . ~i5/32~:!514~ 2 :30 . SCRAM BLES, Lightweights. 395 714/987-4488. HI LLC LIM B. Matterhorn , SaddlebaCk Park, Ir vine, Ca. 7 14/639-5 832. H A R E SCR A M B LE. 1 0 0 ·s. L ime d from Ba rst o w offra m p on 1·15 . 9 am. 0-37 pts. 0 ·3 7 car d ree' u . 2 50 -m ll e tcces. Elmerican .A. C ycle ~6 Elssociation IND IA N DU NES PARK ..........;;00 ac res - hi lls. streams. sand 6 Family riding 7 days 7am 'til dark Mot o-X Races every Sunday 2 miles w est of Interst. 5 o n H w y 126 at Castaic (805 ) 259-8000 r presents 8.415/453-0731. MX . SRA. Novice on l y . A rgy ll Par k at Ca mpbell Ranch. Limed from m il k far m on M X , Corona R cwy. Corona, Ca . Rivers ide F w y at Buchana n. $ 5 post. Pi t s o p en 7 race 1-8 0 . S I9n 8-, race 10 :30. $2 watch, $3 rlele , $1 tnoo-nenrj, 916/48 1-6560,628-2809. Rain or shin e. 9 .714/735·1705. ' AMC MX, & SCHOOL, Saddleback Par k . $~ mail, $10 post. J ohn DeSoto sch ool free . 9:30 am . AMC membership req 'd : $ 5 t o Box 663 M X, ARi zona Des ert Racew ays. 5 m l E of Bu ckeye S o f Lib erty . $6 Nov & Am , $8 pro $5 m in is, PP, & b eginn ers . $ 2 watch . 1408 E Gran ada. Ph oenix. AR 85006. 602/ 252,1900. EI Taro, CA 92 630 . 714/830-7646 . ' 24 7 -3 68 5 . USMRC TT/FT, EI T a ro (Cal SPdwy . 7 pm. 2 0 9/368·7 1 8~. * America n Cycle Associat ion, 106 ~ No. Claud ina, Suite 312 , Ana heim, ~ Ca liforn ia 92805 HANGTOWN '72 APRIL 1&2 Mot ocross Professio nal Sunday Purse SEE Feb . 8 Cycle News for Ent ry and additional details All mail entries close Mar. 15 S ILENCERS REQ UIRED East er Sunday Dist . 36 rules Limited Ent ry Plymouth , Calif. Hwy. 16·30 mi. east of Sacramento Hwy. 49 -14 mi. north of Jackson . I I I I I I I I I I I I • ~) 2 _ /~VENTS AT Feb. 27 - Rawhide Park (A nniversary Series) Mar. 5th - Saddleback 12th - Carlsbad (A nniversary Series) 19th - Saddleback 26th - Rawhide Park (A nniversary Series) S ILE NC ERS MANDATOR Y . $5 ma i l entry, $10 post en tr y f or Ju n i o rs & I n te rm ediates . $ 10 ma i l , $ 15 post , E xpert, per class , Ma il entry closes fi ve d ay s b efore even t . C .M .C. l ic en se an d 3 n u mber pl ates requ ired . G at es open 6 :30, pract ice 7 :30, sig n ·u p cl oses 8 :30 - 714, ,,4 7-74 7 3 eves. 100'S M.C. 5T H ANNUAL 100 MILE HARE SC RA M B LES I I I I I Feb . 27 New territory (virgin) Finisher Pins Dist. 37 & AMA cards required Start Time 10:00 AM/EX. 10:20 NOV. Trails all the way $3.25 Entry pays fo r two trips down Little Grand Canyon B.LM. says "No burning of brush" So..•bring wood Inf o: (213) 331-4058 racin g I I I I I DRA I I I I I I am. M ai l en t ries to C.M .C .. P .O . Bo x 1402. Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626. Desert Racing Assoc iation Presents A HARE SC RAMBLES Two 28 mile fun lo ops BEGINNERS & NOVICES ONLY St ar t er Pin s & Finisher Pi ns 2 0% Trophies - contingenCies speci al c lasses- 16 un der- 3 5 o ver1 1 en gi ne size classes Novic es 10 am -Beginners 10:15 0--------0 st arts 9 :00 MA RCH 12 • L ime d 7 m iles north of Adelanto on Hwy 395 SPORTSMAN RAC ING ASSOCIATION p resen ts the RIVERSIDE SCRAMBLES GRAND PRIX NUMBER 2 RIVE RSIDE INTE RNATIONAL RACEWAY MARCH 18-19 Po,., tood en _nc. 10 t u nil u p l o r S p , ll'. r: '''n ()O tw o ~, A~et)~~~~sRp·iC"1'A~I~O:'~tl'='E·sl~~}S~·B~rE Nr~\~rc'r~L.C~I~~rC'&: ~~2~s . For Ent ,I • • en o m o•• 1" 10' '''1111011: (21~~~7X~O~~i: i;}4~07~s~lrl~~ers A w a rd . Rlaer Il",n -u p I ..rt l 5 ,0 0 P .M . Fr lda v . March 1 7 . ' ooro In CluNlI p er mltlln Q. Ca m p lnQ oy .,niQh l ln pi t/ 'nfl.'d a '.a l '" p e rm itt ed . CooC.Ulon I ..n d l ....11 b. o pen (l u rlnQ aIi IlClh'I TIM. 1 * Hacers' Swap Meet in Riverside's paved, enclosed garage area both additional charge for buyers or sellers! 2-27-72 Rain or shine ~ --- I~ (0 :, BAYMAR 50% Gold M X. Deadman ·~ Po i n t . A p ple V illley ~. 1 0 am. $ 2 post. $2 .5 0 non-members. $2 gate. MIn I.!: OP, O ld T Imers. Sil encors. motocrossI For further info. see calendar or phone ACA office 1-5 M·F $5,000 THE BEST RIDE a eleled SUNDAY , MARCH 5 0--------0 i RIDE WITH; I I I I I Specla, R ivera, CA . 2I3/0X 5·5721 ; 8 0 5/ 2 5 9-8007 . 7 0 7/263-685 0 , MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28 ~~~ ~bl?V~A~~~6 ~~~~ l~lR$UT (7 14) 774 -3ACA 9 54 53 . M OVI E. " Cycle West Coast." Downey Community Th ea t re . D ow n ey , Ca . 7 & 9 p m . $ 2 .5 0 . Narrated b y Ri c h Gol d smith. In person . Mot ocross Inf o .:\to t O CT OS S Divisio n: ( 714) 98 2· 73 70 * CA 339-613, . HI LLC LI MB. I n d ian Dunes, Va lencia!. Ca. 1st An n ual R ocky Mtn. Sat. 250 1·30u Occ all c lasses. S un. PP, un der-12, & 5 0·25 0 c c. F ue l ers & ch al ne rs OK. $4 mall o r p ost . Rocky Mtn M C 9 6 30 E Bev erly Blvd .• Pico M X, Stc-Pokes & Clear Lake. Oasis I n t ' l R cw y. H wy 2 0 betwee n Williams & C learl ake In Lake C o. 51gn 7 r ace 1 0. $ 4 r i de, $ 2 w atch. Entri es close 2/ 20. 4 3 Soda Bay Rd , Feb . 27 - Sadd lebac k Motocross Mar.5 - Carlsbad Motocross (Bulta co Series) Mar. 12 - Sadd lebac k Mot ocross (Bulta co Series) Mar. 19 - Carlsbad Motocross ~ 2 13/677-5288, attraction: ACE Penta thalon. SC RAMB LES , LO dl . Lodl CYCle Bowl , LocH. Ca . Si gn 9.1. race noon . $2 ride/watch . ~~~ lk J'cl' ' valenCia! Ca. L im it e d en t ry , $10 mall (2 / 20) , watch . 91<> /673-7767 . See C.I. sect . f or info . ~ $5 post. Cash to Exper t s. x 1027, Pomona C A $1 gate. 714/423-0498 . Feb . 26 - Awards Banque t 3~SAT URDAY&S UNDAY USMRC moto cross, EI To ro , Cal. Speedway . $5 post entry . USMRC membersh ip requ ired. Gat es open 5 p.m. Signup closes 6 pm . First race 7 pm. Cash for Experts. Troph ies for Ju niors and Intermed iat es. Gen e ra l Adm iss ion $2 .50 . Servicemen $ 1.00. J unior 51 .50 . Child ren under 12 free. For further informati on: (7 14) 892 -2460 , after 5 pm. Siiencers requi red. INDOOR SHORT TRACK . Glen C o Frgnds. Orland. Ca . $ 2 .50 r ide/ w at Ch. Gate 5 :30, race CA 93066 .805/52 9 -1872. MX . vuoa-sutter. U nder the E St Bridge, Ma rysville.! Ca . S ign 7, race 10. $3 rdie/$2 ROUGH EVERY SATURDAY EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT SAT URDAY, MARCH 4 ALL-JUNIOR MX . Ba y Mare. Som is, Ca. 50% bra ss. 9:30. $5 p ost. $ 7 ma il . B o x 3 71. S om is, $ 25 pos . 0 ·37 p ts, Under 2 5 0 , PP, & 01 0 Ti mer mall t o: Scott Perr in. 903 E 65th St ., Inglewood, CA 90302. 251 & over : T on y Mistretta, 19 0 1 E Merced..! West Covina . CA. TT RACING at Elsinore Race Tra ck . Gates op en at 3, races at 7 :30 . Silencers req uired . Off Hwy. 7 1 in Elsinore, Calf. EVERY SATURDAY NI GHT FLICK. "Cycl es West C oa st " . V eterans Bldg San D iego. Ca. 8 am , $2.5 0 . Rich Goldsm ith narrates . ~r~~~:r'1 :i~: ~5 20a ~I~.7 ~g::.s.S~r~c6~~: afte rn oon , ca mp ing. 0-37 pts. Brad Wi lliam s. 3377 Blac k Ave. San ta S usan . CA 93060. MORt:. ' GR AN D PR IX, V iewfind ers. I nd ian Du nes, 7 02/642-01 85 ,736-3736. Deadman's Point, Appl e Valley, Cal. - Mot ocross - all classes 8 a.m. practice - 10 a.m . start $2.00 gate entry - 52.00 race entry with membersh ip, $2 .50 without membersh ip. Effective Nov. 1, · silencers required at all events. Info - (714) 247 ·7473 (eves.) USMRC STfIT. EI Toro, Cal. Speedway. 55 post entry. USMRC membersh ip requir ed. Pit gates ope n at noon. First race at 2 :30 p.m. Cash for Exp erts. Troph ies for Jun iors. General ad mission $2 .50 . Servicemen $1.00. Junio r $1 .50. For further informati on: (714) 831 -162 1. Silencers req uired . Ca. 91769. 714/985-3149 . SAT. 8< SUN., MARCH 4 & 5 1st SUNDAY OF EVERY MONT H Motocross racing at Fou r Corners MIC Park. Pract ice at 9 am, races 1 pm. All classes, no card s req uired. Adm ission 51 , entry 52 . Par k • MOTOCROSS IN TERNAC IONAL, T ijuana. 6 CYCLE NEWS Bo x 4 98. Long Bea c h , Ca. 90801 12 13) 427·7 433 EVER Y SUNDAY c vcte Vall ey. ml E of T IJuan a, BC . on Tecate Hwy at R odri gu ez Dam. Prac 8 am . race 11. $3 en try, 91321. 805/ 259·80 07 . Europ ean Scram bles, Ponderosa, Ave. J & 14 5th, East of Lancast er. Sign up 8 :30, race at 10:00. Exp erts, Amate urs, Novices, Post $4 .25 . Info rmat ion : (805) WH 84809. Sand Sailors M.C. Mu n t z S imi for CERA & MRAN memb ers. Teams $1 p er rider extra . 2 SASE to Boon le B o unders. 1622 Bel m on t St., N L as Vegas. Nev. 89 030. AC E GR AND PR IX M X, I ndian Dunes, Valencia . Ca. $500 purse. Members. Jr & Sr $5 mall , $8 post. N on -m em b ers $8 post on ly. Pr o $10 mail or p ost. Box 174, N ewha ll. C A OF EVERY MONTH oPts . 91769 .714/985-3149 . TT SCRAMBLES , BRRMC . La fayette, C olo. SRAC san cti o n ed. F o r Listing in t his column ca ll or w r it e: 0-38 M X, Southwest Motocross Par k, L oc khart . Te x . 3 m l S 01 Lockhart on Hwy 183. Cash to Experts. Cam ping. $ 2 rid e, $2 w atch. Prac 9, race n o on . 512/398-3328. • Cyc le Park, Adelanto. Ca . HW 9 am..l.Ultras & L W noon . $2 r id e, $ .50 gat e. u-37 c t s, ATTENTION PR OMOT E RS : S3 .50 . USMRC MX . E I T o r o (Cal SPdwy. 7 pm. $ 5 post. Cash t o Experts. Box 1027. Pomona ENDURO, Boon le Bounder s. 2 n d ann ua l gam b le r . Limed from Lak e M ead Blvd (n La s Vegas) & Nell is Blvd. Sil encers. CERA (2/25) , SIb p os t. Cash t o s rs, Pra c 8, race 9 . 926 W 7th S t , Upl anel , C A 91786 . 71 4 /9 82-73 7 0 . regularly scheduled events g'{:m'~-79~9. a m. for HARE SCRAMBLES. 100s. Annual 100-mller. Bars tow . 0 ·37 pts, $ 3.25 entry . Pi n s. 9 am . 714/5 99-54 50. F RIDAY, MARCH 3 TEAM SCRAMBLES!.. El Ca j on. M o n u m e n t area. l imed fr om 1-0 & H wy 98. R iders M X, TT SC RAMBLES . B ou ld er R ldgeruDners. C oa l C r eek Rcwy . near Lafayette. COlo. MRAN PU. $ 6 m lal (2/13) , $ 7 post. Bu ck ofl CMC MX , Ra w hide Par k . E l sin o re . Ca . Jrs: $5 ACA MOOM PIT C H E R . "Cycl e West Coast" Veterans Bld g San D iego. Ca . 8 pm. $2.50 • Narrated by R lch Goldsmith. * SIMI VALLEY M.C. Presents District 37 Moto-Cross FEBRUARY 27 MUNTZ PAR K- MOORPARK ,CALIF. (Pro -cou rse) 1st race 9:30am Sat urday practice allo wed aft er 12:00 p.m . Open pract ice on Saturdays from 7 :00 am t o 2 :00 pm Mail entries $5 Post ent ry $7 P.O. Box 371 , Somis. Ca 93066 T ak e Ve ntura Freeway to Moorpark F ree w a y, go north to Tier ra Re jada Rd •• turn right. course Is Im m e d ia t el y on the left. Overni ght camping allowed (if you arrive befo re 6:00 p.m.) Mall en try $5.00. Po st entry $ 7 .0 0. 5 l gn -up o pens at 6 :30 a.m. Pra ctice starts at 7 :30 a.m. Three twenty minute m otos. Mall entries t o : Bra d Williams In'o: (805)529-1872 * 3377 Black Ave. Santa Susana, Calif. 93063 *

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