Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 01 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ l .... '" Ol Yip pee! T h ere's free ridi ng on weekends at Run nin g Springs Recreation Park. No hassles. Just mosey up Hig hway 30 in the San Bernardino mountains to Running Springs. * * * * * If y o u have read Russ Sanford's imp o rta nt " MO R E" rep ort on page 5, yo u m ight have notieed that the DMV ~ has ye t to decide ove r what kind of w identificat io n p lates they will issu e all z dirt b ikes wh ich w ill be registered as of w J uly 1, 1972. (Wish we could see the c3 expression on your face if th is is the >- first t ime you rea lized that.) Anyway , U R uss and the DMV are putting their head together for a communal scratch over what to do . If you have any eleve r about positive registratio n id eas id enti ficat ion on motorcycles that will be consp icuous yet safe , d rop the m a line . It's an interesti ng problem . * * • * * ERIC RAITS, who has been plugging around the CMC circuits for CoN the past couple of months. has had it up to herc and is taking off to write a book. A lthough he wouldn't reveal the subject matter . h e stated th at it h ad nothing to do wi th motorcycles. * * * * * those of you who haven 't For put two-and-two together, Dick Mann and Gene Romero get to ride Rickman 2505 in the Houston short tra ck . Quite an over the archaic im pro vement thumpety-thumps they were forced to ride last year. * * * * * The Viewfinders are now accepting entries fo r th eir Gra nd Pri x March 4 and 5 at Indian Dunes. The course last year was undoubtedly the best GP course of the year and word got around. Get your entry in early. • * * • * JOHN DE SOTO dropped by the other day. He 's having some motocross schools soon , o ne at Escape Country Jan uary 29 and a co uple more in Februa ry a t Ind ian Dunes. Check the Ca lendar fo r t he f u ll sk inny . We asked him how mu ch he learned in th e Trans-AMA ser ies (surprising as it may seem. he was probab ly the most-improved rider by the t ime the wearisome ser ies c losed) , what with competing wit h the Europeans and all . He tapped h is fo reh ead and said , "I'm rid ing with my head m ore . Using them pineapples upstairs." He spoke h ighly of the Europeans - he had exclusive access to the Robert-DeCoster-Geboers Suzu ki triad as far as free lessons go - and re gularly scheduled events ATTENTION PROMOTERS: For LAst ing in th is column call or write: CYCLE NEWS Box 498 . Lon9 Beach. Ca. 90801 (213) 42 7 .7433 t e otest lauded them for their patience : " T hey di d n' t tell me what to do, they sort of asked me. Like, ' Why don 't you try t his inst ead of that? ' They let you f igure it out for yourself ." As f o r the future , John will rema in a top American motocrosser and w ill soon open up a parts and accessories shop in Garden Grove , Ca lif. He won 't be go ing to Europe and stuff like tha t - it's "too dep ress ing ." • TT RACING at Elsinore Rac e Track . Gates open at 3 , races at 7 :30. Si len cers required . Off Hwy . 71 in Elsinore . Ca lf. 3rd SATUR DAY & SUNDA Y OF EV ERY MONTH Eu ropean Scrambl es. Pon d ero sa , Ave . J & 14 Sth, East of Lancast e r. Sign u p 8:3 0 . race at 10 :00. Exp erts , Amateu rs, Novices, Post $4 .25 . Inf o rm at io n : (8 0 5) WH 2-9948 . San d Sailo rs M.C. SRA presents the • • • * * * * * • * * * * Ajay ace DOUG G RANT will probably go to England in a couple" of months to compete in local eve n ts . While he is away his b ikes will h ardl y be donnant: they will b e ridden by you ng English star ROGER HARVEY, who NorVil wil l ship h ere in sort of a Foreign-rider exchange program. * * * * * Yamaha contin ues increasing its intern at io nal payroll with the signing of CHR IS HAMMARGRE N, who jo ins TORSTE N HA L LMA N and Belgian JAAK VA N V ELT HOV EN fo r an assau lt on the 500cc wo rld motocross crown . Ya maha 's sale 250 effort w ill be carried b y HAKA N A NDERSSON . T he first t hing that Cycle Wor ld publisher J O S EP H CONRAD PARKHURST did with the money from his recent stock sale to CllS was purchase the Fleur De Lis drinking establishment in Laguna Beach. Calif. Could be that was the only way he could keep on playing his drums there? DICK HUTCHINS of Death Valley Run fam e ha s a new gleam in h is eye . He's la unchi ng an an nual ride call ed th e " Ca lifo rni a One-Thousand:' It'll be a thousand mi le road rally up and down the state , ta king o ne , t wo or three day s, depend ing on how fast y ou want t o rid e. Hutch always puts a littl e imaginati o n in h is runs. T his one w ill feature 2-p ieee particip an t 's pin in the shape of Northern and So uth ern Cal ifornia. You get the second hal f if you fi ni sh. "Even ," ch uckles Hu tc h, "I f it takes two o r three years! " * * * * • Radio station KlllG in Los Angeles. Calif., will be pumping out a telephone report of results and a brief 0--------0i i RIDE WITH THE BEST RIDE/A~ ' '- ~ "1 /NlI'M ) I I ~VENTS I I motocross I I I I I I I I I I I I • AT Jan.23rd - Rawhide Park (Anniversary Series) 30th - Carlsbad Feb. 6th - ·Saddleback 13th - Carlsbad (A nniversary Series) 20th - Saddleback SILENCERS MANDATORY . 55 mail entry, $10 post entry for Jun io rs & Intermediates. 510 mail. $15 post, Expert, pe r class . Mail en try closes f ive days before event. C.M.C. license and 3 number plates required . Ga tes o pe n 6 :30 , practice 7 :30, sign ·up closes 8 :30 - racing starts 9:00 am. Mail entries to I I I I I I I I I I I I 0--------0 C.M.C., P.O. Box 1402, Costa Mesa, • Ca. 92626. FEB 20th * * * * • • • * * * * • • * SYLVAIX GEBOERS has decided to stay with Suzuki after 'CZ made the big eyes. • • • • • The Western USA Tria ls Te a m which heads to Spain th is year was recently an nou nced . Southern Ca liforn ians RICHARD BLEDSOE (Bulta co) and MARK EGGAR (Ossa) are in cluded. Others included are : FRED BELAIV (Translator. Charge D'Affa irs) , BILL at Calico Ghost To wn $7 mail entry with 2 self -addressed , stamped legal-size envelopes to: SRA, P.O. Box 3882, Torrance, Ca 90510 Mail entries close Feb. 12th - Post Entry $8.00 SPECIAL CLASSES : Over 3 5, unde r 16 , Fa th er-Son , Hu sba nd -Wife Great ca m pgr o u nds, sh ow ers , ghost fun fo r a ll - (Fa mily can enjoy the t ow n whil e y o u ride) • * • • * • • * * * Houston Nationals advance entry totalled 85 Experts and 142 Juniors for each night. That's the most Juniors ever at the ' Dom e. DICK l\IANN was a late entry and apparently lost $450 because of it (late entry fee for both nights and $200 pre-race publicity guarantee for being No.1). Hey , did ya hear? The Els inore GP is back and getting int o full operation . It 's schedu led fo r Ap ril 29-30 , sponsored by the La ke Elsinore Valley Chamber of Commerce . When the money problems forced the Gripsters M.C. out of the picture, C of C president KEN WEISE took up the charge and has gotten city counci l app roval to run t he event t h is year. A $1,000,000 insura nce package has been obtained fo r the ordeal, too. Entries shou ld be out in the mail within the next two weeks, 50 give ' em a call today at 714/674-2177 to get your name on the list fo r t h is year. Or, you can wr ite: 13 2 W. Graham, Elsinore, 92330. While yo u' re at it, tell Ken than ks . • • • • • In case you didn't re cognize him, our own CHARLES CLAYTON made a cam eo ap p ea ra n ce on the Wide World of Sports Saturday in the Carlsbad GP portion of the show . In a two-second shot. he was shown bending over to talk with BRAD LACKEY on the starting line. • • • • • Spea k ing of Brad: Reports of contract disagr ee me nt have fil tered out of Ame rica n Jawa and it seems they were no t settled so th e CZ firm was forced to drop Brad fro m his factory (Pica",' turn 10 page 31) FRIDAY , JANUARY 21 CHANGES ADDENDA ET ALII CMC MX , Lions. Wilmington , Ca. San Di e go Fwy at Alameda . Slg" by 6 :30. race 7 :3 0 . $5 post. At this momen t there are several promoti ng o rg anizations th at go by similar ab b re v ia t i ons. For example. SRA can st an d for S p or t sm an Ra Ci n g Assn.. Speedway Racing A ssn •• or SATURDAY , JANUARY 22 INDOOR SH O R T Frgnds. Pavilion Washoe Co MARATHON , Frem ont Rcwy Fremont Ca MX , Salinas Ramblers. Crazy Horse Cyn Cl ub Grounds. Sign 7 :30, race 9 :30. $2.50 ride/wa tch . 4081422-9809, 424..g041. . SUNDAY , JANUARY 23 MX. FIN ISH PINS & 2oo TROPHI ES ,.{, M RA series. $2 ride, $2 .50 pm. 702/323'-;055 . $5 p r e-en t r y only. Limited. 415/322-1514 . ACA ~~~h:g~~~z~~~s~~~~~~:s~o;faU~:d~lt h Bldg, Reno, Nev . Ne vada state cnamotonsntp watch. 8 TRACK, Saddleback Park. Ca. $5 mail (1 /21). $10 post. Prac 8 am.t race 9. 926 W. Upland. CA 91786 .714/982-1370. CMC MX. Rawhide Park, Elsinore. Ca. Jrs: $5 mail 11/18)... $10 post. Srs: $10 mail L $15 post. 9 am. eox 1402. Costa Mesa , CA 9,626 . TT ROUGH SCRAMBLES, Lightwe ights, Adelanto, Ca. 395 Cycle Park. Ultra & LW ~?s~ ll~79~~~4i8~Wsign 9:30 race 11 . 0·37 MRA MX Laguna Seca CYCle Ranch, Monterey, Ca . 9 am. F irst of 6-race Gold Cup series . $5 mail, $7 post. $2 watch. Box 1786, L os Gatos, CA 95030. 408 /292-6116 . Silencers. Camping. ALL·JUN IOR MX, Ba y Mare Race Track, Som is, Ca . 50% b rass. 9:30 am. $5 mau $7 p ost . Box 371, Somis, CA 93 666. 805/529·1872. I 8 :00 Start. tw o 35 mile fun lo op s laid out for the average novice to enjoy himself. A, B & C Classes, all bike sizes. Info: (213) 370-8234 or (714) 735-4641 * BROKAW (Montesa , Co lorado Springs, Colo .) , MARTIN BELAIV (Montesa, SoCal) , GLENN NEIGENFIND (Montesa, Den ver , Colo.) , JEFF KOSKIE (Bultaco, SoCal) and DANNY SMITH (BUltaco, Portland, Ore .) . I 1st CALICO GHOST RUN ~~[Q)rwoo© • JOHN DE SOTO w ill team with desert star RI CH THORWALDSON in the Mint 400 th is March for Suzuki. "He's go ing to ride four la ps and I'm go ing to ride two ," said John. Ha. * I EVERY SATURDAY * who-did-what the mornings following the Madison Square Garden Indoor Short Track, and the two Houston Indoor Nationals. Exact times of broadcasts were not finned up before our press deadline, but Dennis Brown of KBIG said that the public can call 213/874-7700 beginning Tuesday Uan . 18) and the stati on can give the exact times of broadcasts. Madison's will be sometime Jan. 25's a.m. and Houston's reports will fall on Jan. 29 and 30. Give them a call and tell them you saw it in Cycle News, * I Dead ma n's Po in t . Apple Vall ey , Ca l. - Mo toc ross - all classes 8 a. m. pract ice - 10 a .m. sta rt $2 .00 gate en try - $2 .00 race entry with me mb ersh ip , S2 .50 without me mbershi p. Effecti ve Nov . I , sile ncers required at all eve nts. Info - (71 4) 247 ·7473 (eves.) * The " A MA Racing Network " will broadcast 1 5 national championsh ip races this year, starting with the Road Atlanta road rac es. I 1st SUNDA Y O F EV ERY MONTH * EVEL KNIEVEL fans down Arizona way will be rooting for their hero January 23 when he attempts to better his previous record of 16 full size cars in a 140-foot leap at Tucso n Dragway. By Papa Wealey TRA ILS, B ritis h-America n Cycle Park , Li ver m o re, Ca. CuP . Carnegie MX, Reach Out Rialto. Youth benefit. West side of Rialto. Ca. just past Rial to Airport. $5 mall, $6 p o st . Gate opens 7 am, race 9. $$$ for 250 & 500 Experts . MX. LVMCC. Las Vegas Motor Spdwy Las Vegas, ca. Across from Nellis AFB . Sign ~:30. race 10. NOVICE/JUNIOR MX. Carnegie CYCle Pa r k , Livermore , Ca. $5 ent ry, $3 spec fee, kids cheaper . Sign 7 , race 10:30. Minors must have notar ized permission . 415 /447-9027. 581 -1256 . TT SCRAM B LES , BRRMe. Lafayette, Colo. SRAC sanctioned. TT SCRAM BLES. Boulder R ldgerunners. Coal Creek R cw y , near Lafayette . Colo. CMC CENTR AL MX. D u n lap CYCle Park, 35 ml E of F resno , Ca. on Hwy 180. then turn right on Dunlap Rd for 4 ml. Prac 8 am . $5 entry . U$ to Sr< . 209/734-2698. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES. NRVRA . Novices, Mini-cycJes, minibikes, ATVs. 9 am. Limed fr om Hwy 395 & Shad ow Mtn Rd. approx 11 mi N of Adelanto, Ca . $7 post. Box 2241, Cypress. CA 90630. 714 /828-3790. ACE ALL-JUNIOR MX. Ind ian Dunes, V alencia, Ca. All classes. $5 mail, $8 post. Box 174 , Newhall, CA 91321. 805/259-8007 . SWAP MEET, Rose B OWl, Pasadena, Ca . 9 am-3 pm. Rain or sh ine. Info: B ox 400, Maywood, CA 90270.213/588 ·73 10. HARE SCRAMB LES, OCMC . Little Bear Run . Limed N on old Barstow Rd out of Lucerne. Trails go all th e way. $3 .25 . Sign 2 pm Sat, 6:30 Sun. 0·37 ets . ELECTION OF OISTRICT 36 OFFICIALS. Saranap Inn, 1300 Bou levard Way, Wa lnut Creek, Ca. Remember, bays "n ' gi r ls, it's not a p o p ul a r i t y contest . FRIDAY , JANUARY 28 CMC MX, Lions, Wilmington . Ca. San Diego Fwy at Alameda, Sign by 6 :30. race 7 :3 0 . $5 post . IN D O O R SHORT TRACK . A ll American . SanLJ Clara Co Frgnds, Exposition Bldg , San Jose, Ca . Sign 4 :30, race 7. $2.50 ride/watch. 415/322-1514. SATURDAY , JANUARY 29 CALIFORNIA 400 OFF·ROAOIE. ARVRA . Barstow, Ca . Masters class : 50% purse , $250 entry . Get an ARV RA card for $2. Drawing 12/15. Box 125. APple Valley. CA 92307. 714 /247·7473. 247-2363 . MOTOCROSS SCHOOL, John DeSoto. Escape Country. Trabuco Cyn, Ca. 10 am . $10 tuition . 714/586 -7964. SUNDAY, JANUARY 30 CMC CENTRAL ml E of F r esn o . right on D un la p entry. 55$ to Srs. MX. Dun la p C YCle Pa r k 3 5 Ca l on Hwy 180. then t urn Rd for 4 mi. Prac 8 am . $5 209/734-2698. [Please tu rn to page 30)

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