Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 01 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 35 of 35

• '" .. C'l Cl - '" N ,.. c, RANDY MciNTYRE ~ It; N c: .!!l '" ;: W Z L w ..J U >- U E .B· A -R -B SOME PEOPLE HAVE NEVER SEEN A GOOO HANOLEBAR, MUCH LESS •.. OWNED ONE. \ Ofcycle Accessor" ""0 • 1972 World MIN Minicycle Champion A.M.R.A. Indian Dunes Jan. 9,1972 2nd Place National Minicycle Champion 1971 Saddleback Park July 11, 1971 les FLANDERS o Randy Is sponsored by Ace S igns Pasadena. Ca lifornia 44 E.MARKET ST. f Unexcelled aua\\\'i CHECK OUT FLANDERS BARS AT Y O U R LOCAL DEALER. T H E y ' R E T H E BEST MONE Y CAN BUY. P.O. Box 2297d, Pasadena, Cal. 9 1105 (213 ) 681 -2581 LONG BEACH SI GNS M/C CALIFO RNIA, 90805 PRO DUCTS (213) 422·1908 MARK BLACKWELL AND HIS HUSKY WAILED TO 1st AMERICAN IN THE TRANS -AMA SERIES .. ,, ~: ~ I , ' 1\ \l ' " ,z ·-7 , ~ r \- • f" J .,)l•' '( \ l "\ ~ \; ,f '7 \ -. ', f t ~d j' '{'. r ! , 1 ,C!I,I •. V" ~ III I \\f() '\ / .~ I I' ' 1. . '// /1 i 'l~' "\,_I~~ ._ 1 u L .. • f, · \ l l HE RELIED ON HI-POI NT T he '" Fl yi n g F inn" He ik k i Mikkola also relie d on Hi-Po int to power to 3 tr ans-AMA victories on his Husky . - Distributor of Hi-Paint Motorcycle Oils - PENTON WEST ,INC . PENTON CENTRAL 9604 OA T ES DRIVE P. O. BOX 2327 SACRAM ENTO. CA LI F 95827 AMARILLO, T E XAS 791 06

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