Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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, • With on ly two laps to go , Calia moved around Minert and was loo k in g to make a pa ss o n Amaradi o for th e lead. J ust before th e wh it e fla g c a m e o ut , Ca lia mad e h is mov e in a tri cky off-camber downh ill swi tchback section and too k ove r the lead. O nce out front, Cali a rode mistake-free an d took the moto win co m forta biy. A ma radio finis hed hi s strong rid e in s ec ond, whil e Minert rod e in third . Dim ic k too k fou rth . and Bechtel sett led for fifth aft er a po or start. On the day, Calia took the ove rall vict ory by vi rt ue of his perf ect 1· 1 fi ni she s. Min ert J OIN THE HUNDREDS OF SUCCE SSFUL, ACTIVE DEALERS WHO SELL CYCLE NE WS IN THEIR STORES took the runne r-up hon ors with his cons iste nt 2 -3 rides , whil e Amaradio 's 6 · 2 tally wa s goo d for third pl ace. Bec htel (3· 5) was fou rth , and Dimick (5 -4) filled out the to p five . Results 80 8 EG: 1. Shaun McMahon (Kalil); 2. Jason Lacher (Yam ); 3. Eric Ritchie (Hon). 125 BEG: I. Johnny Ctll ia (Yam ); 2. John Minert (Hon); 3. Ryan AmGrlld io (Yam ): 4. Brten Bechtel (Hon); 5. Scott Dimi ck (Hon). 125 lNT: 1. Cliff Jen ning s (Yam): 2. K~ln Jennings (Yam) : 3. Jerof1'l(" Mage (Yam). 250 BEG: 1. Chris Herrin (Yom); 2. Braden Larson(KTM); 3. len Stoner (KTM); 4 . Kyle Fowler (Yam) : 5. LeTTY Gerhardt (Sull. 250 JR: I. Kevin Holmes (Sw:) ; 2. k;hiro Nakaya (Yam); 3. Curt Dosier(Suz) : 4. Tom fI\eII )( (Kaw); 5. Rkhllrd Miller (Yam). ( 25. BEC: 1. LarryMatthews (Y am): 2. Frank Pilllars(Kalil). 25. INT: I . Mike WU aon (Hon ): 2. Paul Frendo (Yam) . 25 + EX; 1. Paul Kellen ( Yam ). VET BEG: 1. Micha el Hillion (Kaw); 2. Dan Bonfiglio (Yam); J . Dave Under (Kaw); 4. lArry Matthew. (Vam ); 5. Rick Bailbog (Yam) . VET JR : 1. Chuc k Heesen (Hon) ; 2. Dirk Dav idow (Kaw) ; 3. Den ny Da vidow (Ka w) ; 4. Stan Galve z (Suz); 5. Dav e Hicker so n (Su<) . VET1f'IT: I . Jay Pevlovec (Hon ); 2. Ken Mallow (Kaw); 3. GlIry le Ha rada (Kaw); 4. A1 58andro AnantJ (Vam); 5. Rocky Hash (Hon) . VET PRO: 1. Terry Fowler (Va m) ; 2. Paul Kellen (Va m). 40+ JR : I. Bob Barnett (Ya m ) ; 2. Lenny Kirsch ner ( Hon) ; 3. Michael Rigdon (Hon); 4. Allen McKay (Vam ); 5. Ed Sorbo (Hon ). 40 + INT : 1. Mitch EV llns (Ka w); 2. Gre g Erick son (KTM); J . Dave Stephens (Vam ); 4. Bill Haney (Sw ); 5. Ty Larson (Hon) . , 40+ EX: I. Ken Ehlers (Vam) : 2. Geo rge Jackma n (Vam) ; 3. Pete Vetrano (TM): 4 . Ted Kukla (Vam ): 5 . Dan Stoner (KTM). 40+ MSTR: I. Rich Eiers ledl (VOR); 2. J eff Surwall (Vam ): 3. Willie AmarlK!io (Yam); 4. George Kohler (Sw); 5. OeMis Boulw~ (Vam ). 50+ MSTR: I. Tom While (KlIw); 2. RlIy Pisarski (Hon): 3. Bill Carr (Vam) ; 4. BengtJohan YOrl (IITM): 5. Alan Olson(Vam ). W ild W ildemess M otocross Park Hor n Take s the Brass B y R UPERT X. PEllETT • Build WEEKLY FOOT TRAFFIC in you r store. • Create ENTHUSIASM for new products, latest events and trends in the sport of motorcycling. • Local COVERAGE of events in your area, in addition to National & Worldwide news about motorcycles - as it happens! RRlll PRICEWEEK MIN IMUM S3.00/COPY 5 COPIES PER LO GAN, OH , OCT. 15 Having recentl y returned fr om the Vet Nati on- als in Pennsylvania . Dave Hom of Laurelville, O hio , dec ided that second place just wasn't goo d enough for him in District 11 anymo re . With m or e th an 330 racers on hand in Loga n, Hom stepped up to the pl ate. Th e lanky F&S Suzuki ride r han dily won two cla sses. Th e first Over 25 B moto was a dogfi gh t fro m beginning to end . Ke vin Hild ebrand jum ped off to a nice sta rt, with Geo rge Tweddi e, Hom and "Mighty " Marty Berb eri ch in pu rsuit. Hild ebr and won by a co uple of kn obbi es, wit h Ho m a strong second , follo wed by Tw ad dl e, Berberich and Br ian Turck . As the 2 0 ri ders li ned u p fo r m ot o t wo , they cou ld almost se nse an ups et in the mak- ing; second p lace w as not go ing to do it for Ho m any m ore. Horn screamed to the front and that's where he fini shed , taking the overall. Hildebrand notch ed second pla ce for sec o nd overall , while Twaddle ' s con si stent 3-3 earned the final pod ium spot. The Over 30 B class was almo st a rep eat of the Over 25 contest, with a confident Horn throw i ng do w n a c on v incing 2· 1 tall y to snatch the overall from Hildebrand ( 1· 2) , wh o was second overall. Ja ckson's Harold Hoover (3·4) rode hard fo r third overall in th e 17 -rider fi el d , with Marty Warren (4-6) sli di ng home fourth. MPS Racin g's Steve "An im al" An dric h too k th e 250cc A m one y home, ri ding his Baren thin-tun ed Honda CR250 to the win with a solid 1- 1 thra shing of th e cl ass . The Whitcraft br other s, David an d Chris , pla ced th ir d and second, respect ively. on their Suzukis. Th e 125cc A cla ss featured a battle roya le for the exuberant Whitcraft sibli ngs . Younger brother Chris went 1-2 for th e ove rall , whil e Dav id stormed to second overa ll on a 3 -4 sco re after battling all m oto and deali ng with a nagg ing hip inj ury. First-moto w inn er Jason Frecker dropped out, but yo ung hots hot David Herb whi sked in for th ird wi th a sta ndo ut 2-5 performance o n his KX 125 . Kaw asak i jocke y Treavis Poynt er snag ged the B5cc ( 12- 15) victory with two fast win s. Devan Welc h took the BOcc Extra cl ass on his Yam ah a. Ky le Sm it h and Levi Kilbarger went at it in bot h th e 6 5cc and Mini J un io r BOcc (7 -11) cl asses . Sm ith took th e 6 5s, wh ile Kil barge r stole the BOcc show. Sh an e Fl uh art y . a strid e h is m a s s ive CR500 , whi p ped the Open Bike class with sty ie . Nic k CarrolI p ut forth a soli d effo rt here, w inn i n g tw o c l asses - th e 125cc Ba nd Schoo lboy d ivisions - scoring a healthy thr ee out of fou r moto wins an d earning bragg ing rights on the day . B la nc he ste r n a ti v e Rob ert Mo bley scream ed his Yama ha home with a winning 4 I rid e in the 250cc B cla ss, best in g To m my Lay ma n (3-2) and Jas on Brown (2 -3) . Sard is, O hi o' s Cody Lo ngwell tore up the vall ey with a 2- 1 w in over KTM- m ounted J eff E gg l e sto n in 250 c c C c o m p et i ti o n . Th en Eg gl e st on sc ra m b led thi ngs up with a I -I thr ashing of th e 125 cc C class, besti ng Long · well ' s 2 -2talIy . Res u lts P/W 50: I. Dylan Walker (Vam ); 2. Alex RDtai (Vam ); 3. Egan Ro~Il (Yam) . 50 (4 ·6): 1. Blake Hoff um (Cob ); 2. Eg an Rosell (Cob ) ; 3. n Matthew Blum (IITM). 50 (7·8): 1. Ale x Ratai (Cob); 2. Chad Bedar d (Cob); 3. Alex Maland (Cob) . 65: 1. Kyle Sm ith (KTM): 2. Levi Kilba rge r (KTM): 3. J ustin Weeks (Kaw). 60 EXT'RA: 1. Deve n Welch (Vam) ; 2 . Cody Proctor (Vam) ; 3 . G ~ Stricker (Vam ). 80 (7 . 11): 1. Levi Kilbarger (Su: ); 2. Kyle Smi th (Suz) ; 3 . Devan Welch (Sm) . 85 (12·15) : 1. Treavis Poynt er (Ka .... ; 2. Chad Helton (Suz): 3 . ) Cody Proctor (Vam). 125 A: 1. Chris Wh itcrllft (Suz) ; 2 . Dav id Whitcraft (Su:) ; 3 . David Herb (Kaw). 125 B: I. Nick Carroll (VIlffi); 2. Robe rt Mobley (Vam ): 3 . Dan J ones. (Hon) 125 C: 1. Jeff Eggleston (IITM); 2 . Cody Longwell (Yam) ; 3 . Jon Minimum Order 5 CopieslWeek No Returns, Easy Billing 87.5% Dealer Margin Shipped in a Sealed Plastic Bag Plus... You get a free display rack and "authorized dealer" decals for your store GET S T ARTE D T O D AY! Call our Dealer Sales Manage r at (7 14) '751-7433 24 Hour FAX Order Line (714) 75 1-6685 E-Mai l: l!lJj!ilIJ 0 [il.!f. 'EJ .•.BECAUSE ONCE A MONTH IS NOT ENOUGH 56 ' NOVEMBER 22 •. 2000 eye I e ne""s Wild Wl ldemess Motocross Park: Jeff Eggleston Illes his KTM to seco nd place in 250cc -. ~ C action in Logan. Ohio.