Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• , I ~. I. ~ I I l • NOVEMBER 2000 BROADCASTS Date ::; ::> the same move in tum two. only to slip wide c an d get mired in the loose dirt on the back - Z ~ straight berm. Graves cruised to th e win after a: Medveu third. ahead of Ste ven Burgler and Roy Fisher. Reube n Malaguamero sta yed o ut front on his restored XR750 Ha rley in th e Sportsman Vintage 750cc race , with Dick Fox sec on d on his 750cc Yamaha and Ch r is Wakula third on his T rackmaster Triumph. eN Du ncan got s idetracked into second . with c w u, > m ~ :I: c, Re s ults Competition Part<: Jeff Johnson (37) j u m p s out fro nt, ah ead o f Byron K ukla (39) , St e v e Fortune (71) and t he rest o f the pack In the Open P ro m ain e v e n t in Sa n Jacinto, California lson (Hon). 250 A: I . Steve Andrich (Hon); 2. Chris Whitcraft (Suz); 3. David Whitcraft (Suz). rt 250 B: I . Robto Mobl~y (Yam) ; 2. Tommy Laymo n (Yam): 3. Jason Brown (Hon). 250 C: I. Cody Longwell (Yam) : 2. Jeff Eggleston ( KTM) ; 3. Chris A~II (Hon) SCHBY: 1. Nick Carroll (Yam ); 2. Andy Willard (KTM); 3. Cory Smith (Yllm). 16·24 : I. Shaun Kuchl~r (Hon) ; 2. Deve Herb (Kll w); 3. Dave 250 NOV: I . Ion Foulds (HCM1); 2. Brad Rudy (Sw. ); 3 . Kenny M4lagu amero (Hon) . 250 AM; 1. Cuug Joh nson (Bul ); 2. J im Wood Jr . (Yam ): 3. Robert Petl!l (HCM1): 4 _Stew: B.illwin (Hon) : 5. G~ ~tlon (Yern). 400 AM: 1. Bruce Reynolds (Bul); 2. JIm Wood St. (Yam): 3. St~e BaJdwfl (Han); 4. RobertPeee (Hon ); 5. Byron Kukla (Yam ). e Bfo\BR: 1. Joe Stdfm (Yam ); 2. K~lth Bradford (Yam): 3 . Geor~ Foil. (Yam) ; 4 . l.eonDrd Dune¥! (Yam): 5. Ene Wood (Vam). VET: I. Tr avIS Pettco (W.R); 2. John Dupree (W. R); 3. K~ilh Bradford (Yam); 4. E111Otl 1v rnon (W.R). SR: 1. Vince Grav~~ (W.R ): 2. Bill Silverthorn (W ·R) ; 3. Ron 1"'It:lcn (Hon); 4. Dick foil. (Yam) . 51 5Ft I. Ron Gould (W.R); 2. MDrsIulll Jenrungs (W· R): 3. Doug DouglGS (ATK) : 4. Roy VaugMn (Yam) . CLSe V1NT 1. Joe p~ (H-D); 2. Chrts Wak uJa (Tri). : VlNT 250 : I . Craig John son (Bul); 2 . Joe Steffen (Yam) : 3. BruceR~ynokJs (But). \Il NT 750 ; I . Reuben Malaguamero (H·D); 2. Dick Fox (Yam); 3. Chris w ekcte (Tn). OPEN NOV A : I. Bob Graves (Yam); 2. Leonerd Dune" n (Yam ); 3. Tim Medveu. (H-D) ; 4. Steven Burgler (Bul): 5. Roy f1wr (Suz) . OPEN AM: I. Denny Peree (Hon); 2. J im Wood Jr. (W·R) : 3 . EllIOtt lversce (W-R); 4 . Bill Silllenho m (W-R): 5. Gebe Slatton (Yam) , OPEN PR : 1. J~ff Johnson (W-R); 2. Steve Fortune (W· R): 3. o JohnDupree (W.R); 4. K~ith Bradford (Yam); 5. Byron Kuk la (Hon ), LOCAL TALENT Rifl!'{SUll o ~. ~ 1. AdamJohnaon (KTM) ; 2. Jeremy Pnrnmer (Yam) . 25+ B: I . Olive Hom (Suz): 2. Kevm Hildebrand (Suz); 3. G~ Twaddle (Han). 30 + B: I . Dave Hom (Sw); 2. Kevll'l Hildebrand (Stu) : 3. Hllrold Hoover (Sull . 40..: I. Mark ~ltMol S (Yll m) ; 2. Mark fI'\c[).anil!'l (Yllm ); 3. Henry a

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