Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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z r------------~---~~--__, ~ w ~ o W II: o ~ ~ I 0.. (A b o v e) Cos ta M esa Spee d way : " Du k ie" Ermolen k o enjoys the r ewar ds of w in n ing the Scr atch m ai n ev en t In Cost a Mesa, California. (Left) Los Angeles County Raceway: Garrett Wa rren (1 33) w on the 125cc Novice c las s at h is first ra ce " u n de r the li g hts " in Pa lmd al e, Ca li forn ia. in Co lsto n , but time ran o ut. Co lston chalke d up th e win , foll owed by Rowe and th en Brown . In th e second m ot a, Rowe fil ed by for first at th e checkered fl ag , wh ile Brown took seco nd and Co lsto n had a disappointing fifth-place fin ish. Rowe landed the overa ll w ith his 2 -1 score . Donnie Adams sto rmed around tum one in th e fir st 125cc A m ot a. followed by J .R. Carter, Br ad Cassada and Matt With row . Ada ms and Carter battled eac h oth er un til th e seco nd lap, when Carte r pulled bes ide Adams and opened his th rottle on the inside of a tu m to take the lead . Carte r stre tc hed his lead over A dams for th e rem ain de r of the moto and took the w in , followed by A dams, Cassada and th en With ro w. A da ms was aga in th e quickest off the gate in t he sec o nd moto , with Cassa da , Wi throw and then Ca rte r in pursuit. Carter quic k ly got b y Wi th row mi d way thro ug h lap o ne . Carter th en pu lled beside Cassada and the pair rode side by si de through th e wh oops . Cassada held off Cart er as he tried every where o n the c ourse to ma ke a pass . Finally, Carte r chose an outside li ne to m ak e a successful pass by Cas sa da to tak e ov er second p lace . Ca rte r began clos ing the ga p to Ada ms, who was still m aint ain ing th e lead . Ca rte r closed the ga p to wi thi n three bik e leng ths o f Ad am s and he fina ll y took th e lea d in th e back sect ion of th e trac k and pu ll ed away fro m A dam s fo r th e m ot o and overall win . Cassa da finished th ird . Withrow crashed in the SuperCross 6, tw o laps be fore th e chec ke red flag . Re sul ts 250 NOV: I. Riley Beckinge r (Kaw): 2. Neil Chisholm (Hen): 3. Bryan WlIrd ( Yam ); 4 . Geoffrey Burton (Hen); 5. Grant Howll rd (Hon ). 250 INT: I. Josh Bagge (Hon); 2. Nick Mairose (Yam) : 3. La ~ Undstr oro (Hon); 4. ElIrl Cole (Yam) : 5. Robbi~ Dunham (YlIm) . 250 PRO: I. Erik Undstrom (Han). JR VET BEG: I. Gary Ivian (Hon) ; 2. Zachary Stevens (KlIlN); 3. Ken HlirmOl'\ ( Yam ). JR VET NOV; L Stefan Neary (Hon) ; 2. Shy Moshe (Yam) . JR VET INT: 1. Mike Uc itrll (Suz) : 2. Klin Undstrom (Yam); 3. uri Col~ {Yam );4. Etha n DlIlIy (Hon) : 5. Todd Anders ( Yam) . VETBEG: I. Dane Kellstrom (Yam ), VET NOV; I. Bob Wood (Kll lN); 2. Aemming LaI"5Ol1 (Yam ); 3 Doug Ford (Hon); 4. Stefan Neary (Hon ): 5. Darren Lowry (Yarn) . VET INT: I. Chad Nelson (Yam) ; 2. M.ik~ Ucitra (SUI); 3. Jim DInning ( Yam ); 4. Todd Anders (Yam) : 5. Randy Wilk InS (YlIm ). VET PRO: 1. Bill Se urc (Hen); 2. Darr Sloff~r (Henl ; 3.' Ed en Tripp (Hen); 4, Norm Sch iel (Hen). SR NOV: 1. Dave Randllil (HOI'l ; 2. Jim Bagge (Hon); 3. uri l Adams (Kaw). SR AM: I. Curtis Brown (KlI w); 2. Marc Prince (Yarn ); 3. Rick Parks (Hon); 4 . Bob Dunham (Yam ); 5. Bobby Hudson (Yam ). SR EX I. Cliff Warren ( Hen ); 2. SI~e Williams {K.!lw l: 3. Larry : Williams (Yam ). NOV: I . ElIrl Adam5 (Kaw). NIl : I. Jeff Hawthorne (SUI): 2. Don Meiner ( Yam ): 3. Ron Nlpper (A TK): 4. Michllel Burnett (Yom ); 5. Dirk Mmdemout (SUI ). EX: I. Milrk Neal (Han ): 2. Scott McDon nittl (Hon) : 3. Greg Robertson (Hon): 4. Kirk Freemlln (Vam) ; 5. Robert Forti er (Kaw) . MSTR A: I. Ed Tripp (Hon): 2. Cliff warren (HOIl); 3. Steve wnuems (Kaw ); 4 . Dave Zahrt (Suz). Orr MSTR B: 1. Larry William , (Yam) : 2. Norm Schiel (Hon) : 3. Emi e ). Los Ang e les C ounty Racew ay Warren Pieces It Together at CRC MX By G REG R OBERTSON PA LMDALE . CA , SEPT . 23 The Ca lifom ia Racin g Club fi ni shed off anoth er su c c e ss f u l sea so n o f S a t u r day nig h t m oto cr o s s r aci ng at Lo s A n g e le s C ount y Raceway. Ga rrett Warren waited until the final rou nd to try his hand at racin g under th e ligh ts with e Re , and he went home with a sweep of th e 125 c c Novice cla ss. Bob by St efan go t a good dri ve out of th e gate to lead Dar in Chis holm and A nthon y Bar - Orr Orr Orr Orr bacovi early in moto one . Chisholm s hot past Stefa n whil e com ing out from under th e over and -under sectio n to grab th e lead , and Barbacovi dropped Stefa n ba ck t o third a sho rt time lat er . Chisholm crashed himself ba ck to se venth place . hand ing Ba rbacovi the lead which lasted a la p before Warren relieved him of th e positi on . Onc e out front, Warren put a c o uple of seco nd s per la p on Sa rba c ov i en rou te to th e win . Neil Chisholm overc am e his midpack start to clai m third ove r his yo unge r broth er Da rin, w it h Stefa n hol ding on for fifth , over Riley Secki nger . Ste fan def initely had his sta rts down , and he abs co nded wit h the ho leshot in round two, ahead of Warr en an d Tyl er M cinto sh. W ith in hal f a lap, Warr en was o ut fro nt and sta rt ing to p u ll a w a y . By th e h a lf w a y p o i nt. Warre n enjo ye d a 1Ovsecond cus hion on his Th ousand Oa ks /P ro Circui t / Answer fTR E/Max im a -spon sored YZ 125 , and he was never contest ed en route t o a swee p of th e cl ass. Barbacovi cha llenged Stefan for sec ond place fo r m ost of th e m ot o . Ba rba cov i co uld n't fin d a way around hi s fell ow Yam aha rid er, bu t he still went hom e wit h the sec ond- p lace trophy on a 2-3 ni ght. Ste fa n ' s ru nne r· u p fi ni sh ed ged o ut the 3- 4 sc ore of N eil Chi sho lm and th e 4 · 5 t all y of Darin Ch isho lm for th ird overall. Costa Mesa S p e e d w a y Ermolenko, Manchester O n Track By COS TA M ESA , CA , SEPT . 23 " Duk ie" Erm ol en ko and Chris Manchester are defini tely on tra ck fo r the Nati on al Champions hip, as th ey won th e Scr at ch and Handi ca p m ain events , r esp ec t i v el y , at Costa M esa Sp eedw ay . In the fi rst Scratch semi , Josh Larsen took th e wi n , foll owed by A ndy No rt h rup , D ann y Perk ins and Cha rlie Venega s. Th e seco n d S c ra t c h se mi w ent to Erm ol enko , f oll owed b y Shawn M cCon nell , c u rre n t Na tio n a l c ha m p Bra d Ox ley a n d Bobby Sc hwa rtz . Schwartz was "T he Master of the Gate " in th e last ·chance q ua lifie r, breaking on top and never looking ba ck , wi nni ng ahead of Venegas . Perkins and Oxley an d tak ing the fi nal spo t in the m ain . In t he Scratch main , t h e p o l e w ent t o Northrup, with Ennolenko in two and Larsen in th ree. McCo nnell was in four and Schwa rtz in five. On th e first try , Erm olenk o hit the first tu m runnin g too hard . Larsen and Sc hwart z were forced out to th e wall and th e red flag came out. T h e y lin ed u p a g a i n , and t hi s t i me Schwa rtz got a li ttle too anxious and t ouc hed th e t ap es, and he fou nd him self o n the 20ya rd line. Th e th ird time was the cha rm . Ermolenko again ca me up with a grea t start . McCo nnell dropped down on the pol e in second. looking for an opening , but Ermolenko flat ran away fro m the field . McConnell found himself ho ld ing off a strong charge by N orthr up , but he wa s up to th e challe nge and came away with seco nd . No rthru p was third . with Schwartz and La rsen rou nd ing out th e field . Re s u lt s P/W YAA BEG: I . AU5 Ortega (Yam ). 11n PfW BEG: 1. Niclm las Franco (KTM) ; 2. Curti5 Herrm ann (KTM ); 3. Chlmdler Nicholls (SuI ); 4. Cory Minderhout (KTM); 5. Lance Nel· son (HM). P/W AOV: I . Kyle Prince (RM); 2. Col by Raha (Cob) ; 3. Oarnion Tack ett. S/P/W (7 .9) : I. Keith Robinson (Cob) ; 2. Kyle Prin~ (HM) 60 BEG: 1. Taylor Kellstrom (KalN 2. D.1mien Collin, (Kaw ); 3 ); Blak e (..Iniack (KlIlN). 60 (9. 11): L ShalN Butler (KalN): 2. Frankie White (KalN); 3. n Kyle Smith (KTM). 80 BEG: 1. Jamf' S Ram os ( Hon); 2. Brian Bebeck (Yam ): 3. Mi<::hllel Gdrdll (YlIm ); 4. Kyl e Smith (Yam ); 5. Cody Parkhouse (YlIm ). 80 (7· 11); L Danny Gonzalez (SUl) : 2. Nick Sanchez (SuI ): 3. Tanner AleJCllnder (YlIm ): 4. J.B. Peek (Yam): 5. Preston lundin (Yam ). 80 ( 12·13 ): I . Aaron Grdham (Hon); 2. Garrett Norr (Hon): 3. Brett fo'tounltun (YlIm ); 4. Greg Owen (Yam ); 5. Brennan McGinnis (YlIm ). 80 ( 14·1 6) : I . ClI!>eY Wh ite (KlIlN): 2. GUEsquiv el (Yam ). SfMINI: I. GlIrr en Noo (Hon): 2. Tim McDaniel (Yam). WMN: 1. Bonnie Kelly ( Yam ): 2. Tara Neitzel (KTM); 3. Shannon Myers (Yam ). 125 BEG: I. Jeu Albrecq (Yam ); 2. Brett Mountll in (YlIm ); 3. Nick Vahouney (SUI); 4. Ryllin Graham (Hon): 5. Ricky Phy (Suz ). 125 NO V; 1. Ga rr ~tt Warren (YlIm) : 2 . Anthony Barba c ovi (Yam ): 3. Bobby Sl effll n ( Yam): 4. N~i l Chi sholm (Hon ): 5. Oan n Chisholm (Hon) . 125 INT; I. Chns EIliolt (VlIm ); 2. Josh 6lIgge (Hon): 3. Deuce Rutledge (Hon ); 4 . Bo William, (Yam). 125 PRO : I . Chri, Neitzel (Hon); 2. Luke Orr (Hon) . 250 BEG: 1. Wade Sm ith (Yam) : 2. MIHC Sant ltrpio (Hon ): 3. MiloI'> Garilovi c (Yam ); 4 . Mike Burton (Hon): 5. Britln Burk e (Kow). 78 N OVE M B ER 1 . 2 000 ' c ue ELAINE JONES I e nevus In the Handicap m ain, Mark A dams was all al on e o n t h e 20 . B a ck o n t h e 4 0 , Ra n d y DiF rancesco , Northrup, Ma nchester and O xley loaded in. Schw artz, Ermolenk o and McCon nell shared th e 50 . A dams m ainta ined th e lead for two lap s before he wen t down . Northrup took evas ive acti on but still came away with a t err ible gouge in his leg th at sent him to th e hospi t al. Ad ams was sent to the pena lt y li ne and the y lined up sing le fil e for the restart. Ma nch ester was th e fi rst rider out, and he lik ed the feeli ng so m uch that he k ept th e spo t fo r t h e r ema in i ng si x l ap s. DiFr a n c e sc o, d e sp it e a n i nj u ry sus ta i ne d ea rlier in t h e evenin g , loc ke d in to second . with McC onnell dogging him . McConnell had to settl e for th ird , with Erm olenk o, Ox ley, Schwartz and Ad ams roun ding out th e fie ld. Th e Sidecars got off to a very bum p y st art . and th e red flag came out. T he ref sent Peter Lew is and Ja mie Mac y back t o th e 20. B ill Matherson and Dale Leed er took it to th e rest of th e fiel d , m ot oring awa y from everybody . M ichael Villaseno r a nd D irk Votaw bat tl ed Ross Mi lla r and Jack Straw fo r seco nd , but on th e whit e-fla g la p, Lew is and M acy got back in th e pic tu re. It was very close at th e finish, with seco nd go ing to Vissasenor and Votaw. J oh n DeFries m ade th e tr ip from Co lorado and wo n t he Suppo rt m ain , topping Ti m Tuck er and Mi chael Mattock s. Th e Sup port B win we nt to fi rst-time rider Hideak i Ota , in co nvi nci ng sty le. Ran dy Kr eps and Ch ris Metoyer wen! sec o nd and third. Re s ult s SCR: I. Dukie ErmoIenk o (JIIW): 2. Shewn McConnell (OM); 3. And y Northrup (J llW); 4 . Bobby Schwartz (GiYI); 5. Josh Larsen (Jaw). HOCP: I . Chns M.snchester (OM); 2. Randy DiFrOOCl!'SCO (Jaw); 3. Shawn McCOfVleII (aM ); 4 . Dukle ErmoIenko (Jaw); 5. BI1ld Oxley (GM). SOCR: I . Bill MlIth er'lOnfDllle Leeder (Yam) : 2. Michael VII· Illsenor/Oi rll. VotII....(Vam ); 3. Peter u wisfJam ie Macy ( Yam ): 4. Ron Millar fJlI cX Str aw ( YlIm) . Sll P: I. John DeFries (J aw); 2. TIm Tuck er (JlIlN); 3. Michael Mattock! (Jaw ): 4. Seen McDougall (Jaw) ; 5. Paul Hitchcoc k (Jaw). SllP B : I. Hldeakl Ota (Jaw); 2. RlIndy Krep s (JaIN 3. Chri s ); Metoy er (J aw): 4. Phihp Willi ams (JlIW). 5 0 SHAFT: I . And rew Langwo rt hy (KTM); 2. CllIy ton Rapp ( YlIm ): 3. Harrison \lIhllly ( Yom ): 4. Du,tin Hyatt (Yam ); 5. Forest Kirkland (Cob) . 50 (4·6): I. Clayton RlIpp (VlIm ); 2. Austin Dill ow (KTM): 3. Foeest Kirkl and (Cob); 4. HlIrrison \lIhal y ( Yam ): 5. Darrel Stinson (Suz). 50 (7 ·8): I. And rew Langworth y (KTM) ; 2.111 chary Rahm (Cob): 3. Trevor Cartmi ll (KTM); 4. Doug Francis (KTM). 60 (7 .9 ): I. luk e Vonlinger (KTM); 2. Hoo,ton Meek (Kaw) ; 3. Clay Com bs (KTM ); 4 . ~th Harvlll e (KlIw ): 5. Joshua Re bm (KTM). 60 (10 · 11); 1. Matthe lNVonlinger (Hon) ; 2. Shelby Rclen (KTM) : 3. Jenll than Young (KlIw) . 80 (7- I I) : 1. Taylor Harm on ( VlIm) ; 2. Dusty Rowe (Su z); 3. Mlltthe w Venlinge r (Hen) ; 4 . Randy Bullock (Ka w); 5. Luk e Venlinger (KTM). 80 (1 2·13 ): 1. Jonath an Steeb (Kll W): 2. Richell McE voy (Suz ); 3. Kacy Thompson (Hon). 80 (14· 15 ): I. ChrisBrown (Suz); 2. MlItU1ew Col ston (Kaw): 3. Crlllg Rylln (SUI); 4. David Am e, (Yam); 5. Brandon Rou (VlIm) . 80 D : 1. Brandon Ross ( Yam); 2. Randy Bullock (Kaw);·3 . Zach Pennington (KlI w) : 4. Chad Bunch (Hon) : 5. John Deaton (Kaw ). SfMINI: 1. Dusty Rowe (Suz); 2. Chris Brown (SuI ); 3. Matthew Colston (Kaw ): 4 , Jonllthlln Steeb (Kaw) : 5. Craig Ryan (SuI). WMN: I. Richell McEvoy (Suz ); 2. Shelby Rolen (Suz). 125 A : 1. J .R. Carter (Suz); 2. Donnie Adorns (Yam ); 3. Brad Ca,sad a (Hon): 4 . Matthew Withrow ( YlIm) . 125 B: I. MlInh ew Crawford (Hon): 2. J.T. Sm ith (Hon); 3. Ju stin South (Yam ). 125 C: 1. Robbi e Gray (Suz): 2. Brya nt Gregory (Han); 3. Ryan Pawley (Kaw) : 4 . Brandon Durbeck (Yom ): 5. qe rren Meek (Yam) . 125 0 : 1. Sleven Duff ( Yam) ; 2. Daniel ClIhill (Kaw) : 3. Donni e Brown (Hon); 4 . DlI.rryUHalcom b (Hon); 5. Greg Brown (Hon). 250 A: 1. Kevin Black (KlIw): 2. J .R. ClIrter (Suz). 250 B: I. Kri, Ross (Hon); 2. Joshua Thornton (Ktlw): 3. Michael Jones (SuI ); 4 . Brodle y Berry (Suz). 250 C: I. Ge bnel Collett (Kll lN); 2. Josh KI09 (Yam) : 3. Brandon Stook sbury (Yllm) ; 4. Josh Snell (Vam ): 5. Rylln Stenesu (SUI) . 250 D: 1. Patrick Besun (Vam) : 2. David Brewer (Hon) : 3. Mark Miller (KTM): 4. Jim Draughn (Kllw); S. Jerry White (Hon) . SCHBY: 1. MattMw Crawford (Hon): 2. Ryan Pawley (Kaw): 3. Brenden Durbe ck (Yam ); 4 . T aylor Harmon (Yam ) : 5 . Lucll s Hem mon s (SUI). 25+ A: 1. Kevin Black (Kaw); 2. Brian Young (Suz) : 3. Brad Cas· sadll (Hon) . 25 + B: I. Kris Ross (Hen); 2. Brad Hollender (Kaw); 3. Michael Jo nes (SUI ): 4. Robert Nelsen (Han); 5. Bradley Berry(Suz) . 25 + C: I. Jos h Snell (Yam ): 2. Patrick BlIstin (Yam) : 3. Donny Kaelin (Suz): 4. Garnett Tuttl e (Hon) ; S. Chris Leaverton (Hon). 30+ B : I . Mik e Royalty (Suz). 30+ C: 1. Jonllthan Langworth y (Vam); 2. Eric Reed (Hon): 3. Gary Meek (Yam ): 4. Donny Koelin (Suz): 5. Sammy Cosdx)Jt (Yom). 35+: I. David Farris (KTM): 2. Rick McEvoy (KTM); 3. Tun Pennington (Suz); 4. Jeffrey Sellmeyer (Yam) : 5. RlIndy Quisenberry (Kaw). 40 +: I. David Farris (KTM); 2. Philip Al derton (Yam): 3. Mark Durbeck (Vllm) : 4. Joe Colston (Kaw). (..IlL AM: 1. J .T. Smith (Hon): 2. Jcsun South (Vam ). (..IfL C/O : I . RYlln Stenesu (Suz ); 2. Robbie Gray (Suz); 3. Bryant Gregory (Hon); 4. Gebne l Col len (Kaw ): 5. Jerden Gllilah er (Hon). 40+ EX : I . Billy SUlpp (Yam ). D a n i e l Boo n e Motocr oss P a r k Las V egas M oto r S p e ed way Brown Sautes ' e m By S USAN S . W IW AN LO ND ON , KY , SEPT . 17 F& S Suzuki' s Chris Brown went 1- 1 to t ak e the ove rall win in the 80cc ( 14 - 15 ) class at the a nn ual Su sp ension Plu s D ay at Da niel Boone Motocross. Br own fired off the ga te in th e first mota and wa s pu shed around th e tra ck by Hayden's Outdoor Spo rts/S uspension Plus-b ack ed Matt Co lston, who m ade severa l attempts to get by th e leader, k eeping B row n on the ga s. On the fi nal lap , Co lston got stuck bet ween la p ped riders, ending up sec ond to B row n . Brown easil y won the sec ond m ota. Co lston remained a dista nt seco nd th e enti re moto . Co lston was the top do g In Su permini rac ing , with Brown chasing hi m in seco nd while Champion Cycle/ Fox-spo nso red Du sty Rowe worked his way through th e pack int o thi rd . Row e closed the gap to Brown on the fi nal lap to take charge of seco nd and he bega n to reel C amden Dri ves 'em Buggy By DICK G OO DWIN LAS VEGAS, NV, SEPT . 23 And ra " B uggy" Camden roared bac k from a fj r st ·moto de feat to sm oke t he sec o nd ha lf a nd ca rry hom e t he 8 0 c c Beg in ne r t ro ph y from Club MX 's last Sat urday ni ght go-around at the Las Vegas M ot or Speedway. Ca mden shot off the li ne in the fir st race. Rig h t behind him w ere A lex M att eso n a nd Do m inic Di Simone. Camden and M att eson go t into trouble q uickly , leaving DiSim on e, Angel Farias and Chris Dill ingham to fig ht ov er th e lead. Wh en Di ll ing ham we nt do wn , Ti mothy K err and J us ti n Hunt locked into th ird and fo urth . O ut in fro nt. DiSi mone was blas t ing arou nd th e co urse, buil ding a huge lead. Camden wa s on th e warpa t h, m ov ing ba c k up th rough th e pa c k , DiSimone fla shed through

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