Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 11 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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the chec ke rs fi rst. but Camde n worked all th e way up to a close second. Kerr ca ptured third, ahead of Hunt and Dillingh am . Ca mden soare d to a m o nster hol esh ot to begin m ot a two . Kerr was seco nd . but he was soo n di spla ced by DiS im on e. Hunt and Jacob J on es du k ed it out fo r fo urt h. Camden kept th e wh eel side down and won th e m ot o . DiSimone was a soli d seco nd . A fter a great bar -t o b ar sc ra p for t h i r d . K err took t h ir d f ro m Dill in gh am . Ca mden to ok th e tro phy . D iS i m o ne was ce mente d in second ov era ll , and K err fi n is he d third overa ll, ah ead o f Chri s Dillingh am. T he co mb ined 125cc Inte rm ediate and 125cc/ 250cc Pro co ntest provided some of the w ilde st acti on and faste st raci ng of the night. Pro Brent Kle inman put his big YZ out in front of race one, with Interm ediates Derek Costella and Jeff Eide right on his back knobbies. Ultra fast Inte rmediate Mar k Hermann soo n fo rce d his way into third and immediately challenged Kl einma n and Costell a for the lead . T he top th ree sliced arou nd the track in a freigh t tr ain th at turned int o a tr ain wreck at the hairp in tum before the freeway section, scatte ring all thr ee across th e tr ack. Pro David Fl or es and Eid e, already engaged in a wild scramble. suddenly d iscovered their du el was fo r first place. The three forme r leaders scrambled bac k onto thei r bikes. frant icall y tryi ng to claw their way back to the top . Herma nn was the m ost success fu l, figh ting his way back to third . Coste lla was also on fire until a spectacu lar "Fly ing W" over the flni sh -Hne tabl etop resulted in a high -speed get· off th at left him in one piece bu t out for the duration. Flores ba rely held off Eide to win the race. and Her m an n le d Inter m ed iat e Don ni e Full er th rough the pipes. Kl einman nail ed an oth er hol eshot to start the second sta nza. Herm ann , th en Eide. and then Fl ores fi led past Klei nma n, who was pe rhap s feeli ng th e effec ts of his firs t-mo ta cras h. The top th ree wer e j ust tooting a lo ng, w ith Hermann as lead lo comotiv e. Fl or es passed Eide, only to be repasse d. Then Eid e inc hed c loser to Herm an n. Th e last t wo lap s wer e abo ut as close as it get s. but Herma nn j ust bar el y edged Eide at th e chec ke rs for the fir st and second ove ra ll 125cc Interm ed iate ti tles, resp ectiv ely . Dav id Fl or es shot ac ross just behind them to top th e Pro cla ss. Results 50 BEG: t. Buandon Brown (Pol) ; 2. O.,lton De vie (Pol) : 3 . Dylen Stahl (Pol) : 4. Cole Nanney (Cob); 5. Ch" se Marrs (Cob). 50 NOV: I. Br"ndon Hem sley (KTM) . 50 JNT: 1. Z" ch"ry Fussell (Cob ). 50 OPEN: I. Dalton O"vi!l (pol ). 60 BEG: 1. Brandon Brown (Pol); 2. E.J . Roge~ (KlIw) ; 3. Derek Rogef$ (K" w); 4 . JuSlis Kimbrough (K"w) : 5 . Josh Rosen (K" w) . 60 NOV: 1. C"meron Rod riguez (KTM). 60 1 NT: I . Mi ctule l Stark (K"",, ). 80 BEG: l. A ndr" Camden (Suz ): 2. Domi nic DiSi~ (Hon ); 3. Timoth y Kerr ( Hon); 4 . Chris Dillingham (Y"m); 5 . J ustin Hunt ( f{., w) . SO NOV: I. Steptwln ClIfTlden (Kaw); 2. Corey BeGdle (Suz ); 3. Patrick Provencher (SUl ); 4. Dcmeuc Cin ll no (Hon ); 5. Tony Esposito (""). 80 INT : 1. Jcshue La f ount aine (Suz); 2. T y Morro w (Suz): 3. Mich " eJ Parke r (Yam) . 80 O PEN: 1. Jos hull laFou nta ine ( Suz); 2. Step ha n Camden (Kaw) : 3. Dom ini c Cim ino (Hon) : 4. To ny Cllputo (Hon ) ; 5_ To ny Esposi to (Sul) . \25 BEG: 1. J.,5OI1 Cli Mer (Hon); 2. Kri s Higdon (Y"m); 3. Ch.,.j Geib (Yam) : 4 . Travis Jackson (Hon) ; 5. Mott Kerr (Yam). 125 NOV: 1. Robby Woods (Suz); 2. John $t"fford ( Y" m); 3. Jon Atk in (Han): 4. MIltt Scott ( Y" m ): 5. Br"ndon E.,sley (y.,m). 125 INT: 1. Mllrk Ht'ml" nn ( Han ); 2. Jeff 5de (Han ); 3. Donnie Full er ( Y" m ): 4. Derek CosIell" (Suz) . 125 /2 50 PRO : 1. O"vid Flo res (K" w ); 2. Brent Kl elnm" n (Yam); 3. O"nny Cooper ( Suz). 250 BEG: 1. A.!Iron Byrd ( Y" m ): 2. George Kontsonbos (Kaw); 3. John Ritsko (Y" m ); 4. Chuc k Sessions (Kaw ); 5 . M.!tthew Dud5mT\1In (Yam). 600 A: 1. Jake John son (Rtx); 2. Mik e Varnes (RIJI); 3. Jared Mee"S (Rtx ); 4. Mike Brebson (Rtx); 5. Bob Sweeten (Rtx). 600 B: 1. Scott Slade (MtIil: 2. Ray Greenland ( Yam ): 3. Jo hn Rivelro (Yam); 4. Travis Sennett (Yam) . 600 PRO: I. J"ke Johnson (ROt): 2. Mi ke vernes (Rtx ): 3. Tom McGr,,~ (Rvc): 4. Donn ie Mullen (W. R); 5 . Ken YOl:k-r (Rue). 750 A: 1. Roy Keegan (Y"m ). 30. : I. Bob Swee ten (Rtx) ; 2. 0 ,,11" 5 Beer (Rb:): 3. Dave Sm ith (Yam) ; 4. Bruce Mlli er (A T K): 5. Bill Broml ey (W.R). 40 ..; I. Bruce Mlllf'r (AT K): 2. Mik e Keene (Hbg ): 3. Don Weiss Jr . (Yi'lITl): 4. RAy Gre-e nd ( Y" m). nh:l SPTSMN : I . .Jered Mees [Rtx}: 2. Shew n Beer (Rtx ): 3. Re un Wood ( Hon ): 4. J im m y Owen s (Rtx ): 5. Bryan Douglas (Rtx). Res ults a,A : I. Bletr Berseno: 2. Aar on Wegner ; 3. Corey C" lk ins; 4. Paul Guy; 5 . Steve Will ey; 6. Bred BenJamin: 7. Travis Tudelh out ; 8. J" son Garland; 9 . Rick Kent; 10. Clint Hammerle. L{W TEAM: I. Keith PlIgel/ Ch"d Ebel: 2. Bryen Dunlap/J ason Olney ; 3. Cory MorrisfTodd Trowbridge . HfWTEAM: I. Ed KeenJRon B.:Ilzer, 2. Scott Blll'd"y/Scott Luc,,; 3. Sydney G,,1I /0an Reed 1 OPEN: 1. Will Root: 2. K"r1 Tebe e u; 3. J"mes Smith ; 4. Mik e Cnbbs. 65 (7-1 1): I. T yler Hill; 2. Devid Merrill ; 3. Cod y Wh"ley; 4. Ten Blo wer: 5. Bruce Heightch_ . 85 (7. 11): 1. Nichol"s Oz"nich; 2. J " ke Em ede ; 3 . Shannon Flegel ; 4. Z"ck J" me~; 5 . T im Beldwm . : 85 (12 . 15) : 1. Will Hick s; 2. Do ug Reed 3. Derek Wrig ht ; 4 .Ie nd Pohl; 5 . Ni ck Ju bb . ID B(W : l , Tr"vis Toogood; 2. An thony Steven s: 3. Ross Sco tt; S 4. St"CY Erned e; 5. T yler Guggemos 125: I . "'"ron Wegner: 2. Tr" vis Tudethout ; 3 . Br"ndon Reed; 4 Robert Cri bbs; 5. Dan Bull. 200 JR : 1. Travis Prenger : 2. Ty ler Scha ible; 3 . Thoma s Ernede : 4. Core y Devis: 5. Chris Wiedys. 200: 1. Mik e stepute: 2. Brien Howes. 250 : I. Blair BeBllOO 2. Bred Benj"mln ; 3. J " SOll GlI rland : 4 ; Bob Bergman : 5. MlItt Hams . 4·STRK: 1. Corey CAlk ins. VET: I . Peul Guy ; 2. Steve Willey ; 3 . Cli nt Hamm erle: 4. Scott Curtiss ; 5. Mark Spore . SR: I. Ken Johnson : 2. Brett McCoy ; 3. Mike MIInn ; 4. Buu Rrvelt: 5. ""'rk Becker . S/SR : I. Dennis G" le: 2. Ted Kilvmgton; 3. PeT tnteroen. 2·HR OPEN: 1. Ron Sc herphom; 2. Eric Dudek ; 3. Bnen South · worth ; 4. Kim M"hncke ; 5. W" lter Penr nck. D ist ric t 14 Hare Sc rambles Series Bersano Still Perfect B y A ARON BARTH PORTLAND. MI. SEPT . 24 The Port land T rail Riders hosted their annual Mark Kn o x M em ori al Har e Scramble s, and dis tr ict ride rs from all over th e stat e ca m e to do battle o n the 3 .3 -mile cou rse. W ith only thre e round s remaining , th e com petitio n was start ing to get fie rc e. Fact ory Gas Gas ride r Blai r Bersano cap tured his eighth ove rall victory of the season and increased hi s po ints lead . Th e amy rid er to com plete 20 la ps. Be rs a no wa s sim p ly u ntou ch a bl e . T he He bo /G o ld e n Spectro / B a l d y ' s A llbike / Lowe Raci ng -s u ppo r ted Bersano laid waste to the fie ld of co mpeti tors . Behind Be rsa no , th in gs reall y heated up . KTM 400-mo unte d Corey Calki ns and Yamaha 12 5cc pil ot A aro n Weg ne r d iced m ost of the day . Both riders are batt li ng for the fi nal podium pos it io n o n th e year. Wit h sta rting pos itions o ne m in ut e ap art , eac h rider co u ld ga uge whe re th e ot her rider was o n th e tr ack. J ust after p itti ng , M oo se/ Am soil / Lan sing Cycle/ Enduro Eng ineering / FMF- backed Corey Ca lkins sta lle d hi s m ighty four-stro k e. In the process of refiring the beast, Wegn er made up enough tim e to catc h Calkins. Boyesen[Twin A ir/ RK Cha ins/WER/ O 'Neal-supported Weg ner dueled with Calkins for the rem aining hour , swap pi ng po sit ion s a number of tim es, w it h both riders relaxi ng whil e in the wood s porti on of the co urse. Each rid er le t it all hang out when they were on the m otocro ss tr ack . A t the fini sh , Wegn er fini shed j ust seconds in front of Calk in s. When tim es were adj usted, Wegn er edged Ca lki ns by j ust ov er one minute for second o ve ra ll. F ourth and fifth overa ll were th e battling vete ran riders Paul Guy and Stev e Will ey . This pair kep t it cl ose the enti re race. Guy go t th e nod by 4 5 seconds at the fla g . G u y g a i ne d va lu ab l e p oint s t oward retain ing hi s num ber -one plate . In the Super Sen ior cla ss. KTM-mounted Denni s Gale sold iered hi s 125cc ma ch ine to the t op spot . co m p let ing 16 la ps . Ya m a ha four -stroke pilot Te d Kilv ing to n fi nished sec on d , and end uro ace Per Li lle moen rod e hi s Suzuki 250 to finis h third on th e day . In the Minis , the top overall winner was Will Hick s. who came out of the 85 cc (12- 15) cl ass. Nick Ozanich edged out series do m inator Jak e "T he Snak e" Em ede fo r th e to p 8 5cc (7- 11) honors. Travis T oog ood topped a six-rider field for th e 105cc Big Wh eel·c1 ass vi ctory , and T yler Hill won the 65cc (7 - 11) class . CN LOCAL TALE NT BRIAN NEWBERRY BIRTHDATE • •.••• ••.• •J uly 9, 19 72 RESIDENCE •. •• .••C hillicot he , Ohio OCCUPAnON . . .• . .Line Techn ic ia n, YSK Corporation OTHER INTERESTS • . .•C hess, Rid ing Four-Wheelers, H ome Remodeli ng MOTORCYCLE • • .• • • •Suzuki RM250 SPONSDRS . . • . .••• •••KMA Cycle , YSK Corporatio n, Sc ioto Shoe M art, M r. A 's Motorsports RIDING AREA . •A II D istrict 1 1 events ClASS . . • • • • . • • • • . • • • • .2 50cc B J: &l w a: RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS ~

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