Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ca lifor ni a Tr ail Rides Starw est M ot oc ross Park Where There's Schmoke, There's Fire B v MI KE AND BARBA RA P ALUZZI MORENO VAllEY, CA, JULY 22 Dylan Schm oke took the overall win in the 50cc (7-8) division at Starwest Motocross Parle In t he fi r st mote. J am es Frig o too k t he holeshol, followed by Schmoke and Shawn Grilten. Frigo led the first lap, with Schmoke close behind. Frigo performed a couple of doubles that allowed him to pull away from Schmoke. By the second lap , Fr igo pulled off the track wit h mechanical problems. Schmoke took over the lead, followed by Gritten and Mason Sweeden. In th e nex t mo to , Fr igo wa s a ble to g ra b a no ther bike and take the win. with Schmoke close behi nd; his second-plac e second -mo to An AMA 0 -37 Dual Sp'ort Adventure starting in the Devore/Glen Helen a rea of the San Bernardino National Forest. ~DDD Sunday, Dctober I, fin ish gave Schmoke the overall win . Gritten' s SAN BERNAR IND JtG ALIFO RNIA I k;. ()_ :" , _ 2-3 tally was good enough for second overall, a nd S we eden rounded the top three. Cody Tithof and Richard Sterling went to battle in the 80cc Beginner (0- 1I ) class. In the fi rst rn oto , Tith of took the holeshot and the ea rly le ad . St e rling go t a bad sta rt but wa s abl e Open to Street Legal Dual .• Arrestor Required. ~""'\iI to quic kly work his way int o seco nd p lace , fol - lowed by Alberto Heredia. Sterling was almost to uching Tlthof's beck ti re but wa s unable to mak e the pass. Tithof hung tough and took the win. followed by Sterling and Heredia. In th e seco nd m ot o , T tthof again grabbed the holeshot and took the lead. Sterli ng was ha ving some trouble this m ot o making quick pas ses, wh ich allowed T ithof to pull away . Sterling worked his way back into second. but Ti thof alread y had a substantial lead. Tithof took the win. followed by Sterling and Heredia. In th e older division of 80c e Beginner riders, A aron Gw in was im pressive as he took hi s fi rst -ever overall win, foll owed by Sean Red and Steve Gibson . A lso present in the Mini divi sions was local fav orite Na th an Collins. Show ing g reat sty le and speed . Collins took fou r m ota wins in the 80cc ( 14- 16) division and the Supermi ni class. Course Description: Resu l t s Sman Track 50 (4·6) SHAFT: I. Brandon~rer ($w); 2. Blaz P\oI:he ($wI: 3. e 0Ins Schrner»I ($w); 4. CltItob FOIf~ (Swl; 5. ~ Talt (Sul ). 50 (7 ·8) SHAFT: 1. Tt~l Van Camp (Yam) . 50 STK STRTR (4· 6) : I. Brand on Sc h" r ~r (Cob ); 2. Blane Sc: Yf'nogs (Han); 3. HI".!l - Mc~1I (YIIlTI). h U 50 STK STRT'R (7·8): 1. Mitch M.u-ro (KTM.; 2. Joshua FuerI stffibury(~) 50 STK BEG (4 ·6); I. Slone Wil50n (Cob); 2 . Preston K ~J1 y ( KTM); 3 . Nal h.m if!1 Preston (Lf!m) ; 4. NIck KlngMon (KTM); 5. Mtdlo elLwtrrll9" (KTM). 50 STK BEG (7·8) : 1. Cody Hancock (KTM) ; 2. Tlffony Neville ( KTM); 3 . Auslln Adom ik (Han); 4 . Oeent Sm ith (KTM): 5 . Chris King!lolon (KTM) . 50 MOO BEG (4·6 ): 1. Stone Wilson (Cob). 50 MOO BEG (7· 8): 1. Brion M. Dowell (KTM). c Motln Track 50 (4·6) : I. Cody Jones (Cob) . 50 (7 ·8): I. Dyhm Schmoke (Cob); 2. Shnwn Onnen (KTM); 3. foI.I:I5CW'I Sweeden(KTM); 4. Kyle COff an (Hon); 5. Jomes FrigO(Cob). m 60 STRTR: I. Moson McBride (Kow); 2. Gino Steffe (Kll W 3 ): Gorooll Pottl"r(KllW): 4. NICkCornouc:he (KlIw); 5. Morir.Riel" (1(.,11I'). 60 (6·8): I . M1chdel l..f!ib(KTM); 2. o"kota Gamer (Kaw): 3. Jllke ~nMll (KTM); 4. Kyle Corlman (KTM); 5. Mason S~ (KTM). 60 (9- 11); I . Cody TIIhoI (KTM); 2. Cllr1"Iffllf'I Cortman (KTM); 3 11-.omM Haddod(Kowl: 4.""""',...., (Kowl: 5. Ray F-... (Kowl. 80 BEG (0. 11): I . Cody Tilhof (Suz ): 2. RichM::I Sterling (Ka ); 3. A1bmo Hnedi.!I (Han) ; 4. Dmn is Sonono(yam); 5. Mark DIgby (Ka ). eo BEC ( 12· 16): I .AarooGw.l (Y.wn); 2. 5Nr'lRed (YIIm): 3.~ GblIcn (ylI'T1); 4. Buddy ~ (yGITl); 5. Bryan Bllrtm (y.wn). 80 (0·1 J) : I. JoniIthan NOI\ll ( I(.,w ); 2. Shflwn Mohr (Yam) ; 3. Bart Manwill (Yarn). 80 ( 12· 13): I. Justin Hilljgf!r (Yam) . 80 ( 14 · 16): I . N.!lmanCollinS (Ka......); 2 . John Pecbecc (Kaw); 3. Son Bartl (Sw:) . S/MlNI : I. Nalh an Collins (Kaw); 2. J ustin Hi llig~r (Yam); 3 Jonathan NIIM (Kaw). I~ NOV: 1..kIf L.oop (Han ); 2. Jdf McClure(yoenl): 3. Kris Bow · ers (Han); 4. KnrI HomswAd(Yam); 5. Rotlblt' C.!lIMI(Han ). 125 INT: I. TyKJn ~M (Yam); 2. Potnek T~ (Yaml ; 3. A 100. mile dual-sport loop through the beautiful Sa Bernardin n SliverwoodlLakeArrowhead area with ' harder' sections for the more ex for novice andexperienced ridersalike! Come up andenjoy the entire Directions: a j·215 North, exrt Devo tum right on re, Devore, tum Righ on t ). STARTIFINISHLOCATION. We'll be staying andstartingatthe KOAcampgroundin Devore (see map Water, bathrooms, showers andhookups available. Special camping rates for this even S a night 19 for trailerslmotorhomeslvans. S6 a nightperperson for tenters). When making reservatliinscall (909) 887-4098. be sureto mention you arewith the dual sport ride. le And don't forget our famous Saturday night Barbecue. courtesy of Cyc News s well as Sunday morning breakfast courtesy of Fineline Motosports. ~ Nounlicensed, non-streetlegal motorcycle riding allowed. .' • . Starttime for the Cyc News Dual SportJamboree is 7:00amto 8:308mSunday October 1. 2000. From le Corona , Rollcharts provided, bringa roll chartholder as navigation is by mileage Sa Fe, then left on nta Dement which turns 1 15 ·2 From San Bernardino E tries are limited! Mail Entry Recommended ".I#>}.. ....: ENTR'l FeES~ -, . .... ~ of; - . MolIiI: $35 PMo~:-ng~ ride FREE! Bring a frie nd, kid , s po use 250 BEG : I . Chns l.eammg (Hon): 2. ThomasSurnmm. (Hoo ). 2!>0 NOV: 1. .lok~ Yetta (Yom) . 30. BEG: I . Ryan MunDo(Yam). 30· NOV: 1. J~ LankJord (Yam ). Ce ntral Illinoi s MC Hillcli mb Good man G re a t at Illinois S tate C'ship HC Dr pet . Post: S40 Fn-e ~ s~ gt:' r rntry d tlt.~ nut inclu d e t -s h rrt , bu t ca n be pu rd\dSt.-od tor ju~t $8 .00 . Send Entry withName, Addr ss. andONE SELF·ADDRESSED, STAMPEDENVELOPE 10: e Californ ia Trai l Rides 2 3 4 1 VtI. C a r ol Dri ve , Fullerton , CA 9 2 8 3 3 IN F O: ( 714) 992-929 1 r----------------------------------------------, NAME------------------------rc=CTrRRUUSESE~OiNLYLy:-----1 N E-Mail: dua Jles ADD E S RS IRiler : PItCO T~(YMl'l ) . 125 PRO: I. Joshua West (Yam) . Into Cable Can yon, followto KOA U lollow signs) ust C ITY Z IP SAE TT _ _ CC _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ B IKEMAKE PHONENUMB R( E -SHIRT S E(circle IZ ) T 1 (Pass) Rider) Aml P ail$ T-Shirt _ L X XXL g L S M m ed I understand that my street I~nsed motorcyclemust comply with all Califomiam vehicle equipment laws. Motorcycles m otor usthave current registration, meet so requirem und ents, carry liabilityinsurancs and beequipped with SPARK ARRESTOR, tum signals, hom, mirror, et . c B v B UD N ORTHRUP SIGNATURE NEOGA, IL, JULY 23 The District 17/111inois State Championship HiIIclimb was held at the Central Illinois MC clubgrounds near Neoga. Illinois. The day was high- In addition toentered riders, approximate~ how many extra members of your group will be atten dingthe dinner? ISTHIS YO URFIRST DUAL SPOR TRIDE? 0 YES 0 NO ~ 1M lighted by numerous exciti ng rides, crashes and thrills. and when the action ceased. the I fi-yeerold young gun from Indianapo lis, Mark Goodman Jr.. emerged as the fastestrider of the day. Goodman delivered his fast tim e of 3.400 seconds in the ultracompetitive 600cc class on his CRSOO Honda to take the state championship. Hard-rid- ;;:-_~ - _ 't!fI.l!f ~ 4Ci:U~; ~ HiEEllfHEEL ~ sa:::;ro:!. Lr.:rrr::rr.-./ i Z;f2l:j ~ ~ l!i(J/ ' VI< _ ' - - S! Protect-All U .. . ... E_E_ ... _ ~ .I,~ ~ 1Z-. 1V~ IC U IC ~ ~ (llTIZP IWILSON'S Me FRESNO I u,,-,.I ~ ~ 7,-7~ len e IIan BU MM E R S RAC IN G CO M P O N E N T S _ s ' ~ £;;;;;;;, ~~ ~ S EPTE M B ER 6 . 2 0 0 0 73

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