Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The M in i 80c e wa s th e fi rs t rac e B issell ca m pa ig ned on the night. A ft er fi nis h ing in fifth pla ce in the heat race, Bissell v owed to win th e main. Bissell ju m ped to the earl y lead at th e fla sh o f th e green ligh t, just ahead of J u st i s Lund . Jason " Su p er m an" Swift a n d Jason Petree. Although th e p o si ti ons would not cha nge th rou ghout th e ra ce. Lund wou ld n ot let Bi ssell ge t awa y . B iss ell re fu sed t o c rack a n d t ook th e w in , foll ow ed b y Lund . Sw ift, Petr ee and J acob Ah l. H eat -ra ce woe s p lag u ed Bi s sell in th e Small En gine class as well. A fiv e· rider pa ck battled fo r the to p po sitions, with Bis sell en d ing up in th ird , b eh ind Nick L addusa w and Patrick Weid man. The m ain event proved to be another dogfight, but with d iff erent results. Biss ell nail ed th e m ain -event sta rt as he took hi s second holesho t of the nigh t. Laddusa w, Weidman and Luke La m brecht wer e j ust off his rear fender. Laddusaw wa s th e fi rst to take a sho t at th e lead , but he was unable to co mp let e t he p a s s. We id m a n's Hon d a C R 12 5 sho wed its hors epo wer ad vantage as he took over secon d by p assin g th e eo c c Ya maha m ounted La dd us aw on the sec o nd lap. Ah l slipped in to fourth wit h a pass on Lambrec ht. Weidman b egan working on Bi ssell . Th e two rid ers battled sid e by side for sev eral lap s. Bl ssell held an advantage through the tum s, bu t Weidman wou ld make up tim e on the straight. aways. Weidman made the p ass on th e outside going into turn three with tw o laps to go, but Bis sell regained th e lead by th e time th ey reached tum four. Bi ssell de cided enoug h wa s eno ug h and pulled a four-bike length lead that he held to th e end for hi s second wi n, foll ow ed by Weidman, Laddusaw , Ahl and La mbrecht. The newl y formed 80c c IT race wa s th e fin al chance for th e co mpetitors t o steal th e sweep a way from Bi sse ll . Both B issell an d Leddusew won th eir resp ective heat races and hea ded for th e ma in eve nt. Off the li ne, Led dusaw, B issell , Ahl an d Swift all h ad a shot at th e t op sp o t. L ad d us a w and B is sell r ubbed pl astic goi ng in to th e in fie ld ; Laddusaw t oo k th e lead . Swift secured th ird, ah ead of Ahl , as th ey reach ed th e in fie ld section . Bis sell was work in g hard to keep pressure on Ladd usaw as th e lap s cl icked o ff, wh ile Swift and Ahl battled for third. La ddusaw str et ched hi s lead and cla imed the win , dashin g Bi ssell 's h ope s for th e sweep. Bissell held on for second . with Sw ift , Ahl and Petree rounded out th e top five. Honda Hill s Motorsports Park Brandon Borgen B usts B ig By R UPERT X. PELLETT UNNVllLE. O H. JU LY 21 A s the Frid a y Nig h t Seri es at Honda H ill s Mo to rsports Park k eep s chu gging al ong . lo ca l ra cer Brandon Borgen, from near by Hebron. continues to win races. On this evening. Borgen wrested the 65c c an d 8 0cc (7 - I 1) wins away from his rival Hav en Holdc roft . who has a reservatio n to ra c e at Lo retta Ly nn 's and was practici ng his pass ing te ch niq ues at this cro wded and tough-t o-p ass-en raceway. Hold - cro ft wa sn't a ble to match Borgen's speed on th is night, th o ugh . Bergen's m ast er y of the co urse was evide nt with his perfect record on th e night: two wi ns in two cl asses at th is one - mota -form at event. Travi s Ha rt sh orn h a s b een in c r ed i bl y sp ee dy at thi s fast co urse since hi s day s on 80ce m ac hin es, and thi s experience enabled him to dominate the A classes o n th e night. He simpi y blitzed hi s Yamaha YZs around th e rolling circuit, pulling g re at leads and whip ping up on both the 125s and 2 50s . Anoth er lo ca l fast guy, We sley Boyd, wa s unstoppabl e as he slipped his Suzuki RM 125 in for two cla ss win s w ith so me grea t starts and fas t riding , topping th e 125c c B and 16 24 cla sses. Re sults 63: t. Brandon """"'ud (_I. Borgftl (Kaw); 2. Hoven HoIdaoft (KTM); 3 . Do~ 80 (7-11 ): I. Brandon Bofgftl (Sul). 2. James Eck (Kaw) ; 3. Haven HoIdaoft (Sw:). 60 (12 · 15): I. K y~ <:haM)' (yam); 2. Sha~ Auhorty (Hon) ; 3. Tyler Shoe (Kow). 125 A: 1. Travis HMtshom (Yam) ; 2. John Woodfork (Ka w). 125B: I. Wealey Boyd (Suz); 2. Chns ~al~ (Yam); 3. Jim~Fox (Yam ). 125 C: l. Altlchft Shyrock (Hon ). 2.. Boon Grlgsby (Vom); 3. OevXIJohnKlfl (Yom) . • 250 A : I. Travil Hartshorn (Vam) ; 2. Mark w ee ve r (Ko w); 3. J~ Chapman (Han ). 250 B: I . A.J . ~3de (KTM) ; 2. 8«l Kd ly (Hon); 3. Rob !"linton (s..). 250 C: 1. ..JoshGt.nn ( Yam ); 2. Galton R~Mlloni (Vam ); 3. St_ Brunton (Vam) . SCHBV; I . Andy WlUArd (KTM); 2. Chris ~AdbeAt~ (YAm) : 3 CrAig GArrett (KTM) . 16-2 4 : I. Wn Boyd (Suz) ; 2. J~y Deveun (Hon) ; 3. T rAVIS Ruckman(Vam ). 2;5. ; I. MorIl. Weave- (Kaw):2. Ty fl'oft (Yam); 3 . Ben K~ (yam ). 30.: I . Rod Hook (Vam ): 2. RoiAOd Lohr (Hon) ; 3. Mik ~ Garck1ef (Kaw). 40. : 1. MArk MaW!is (Vam): 2. Steve Brunt on (Hoo) ; 3. /VIarc Reeves (Han) . Results MINI 50 A: I. RyAn Robbinl (KT"'); 2. Brady Reinke (Sul). MINI 50 B; 1. Grllnl Doug herty (Suz): 2. Gunner Berbee (KTM) : 3. Shelby Vl!'mk~ (KTM) . MINI 60 : I. Kolbey HlIrsh fidd (KAW); 2. Alex Jor gemon (Cob ); 3. Jesse Frost (KAW); 4. Ryan ~~ (KAW); 5. Riley Johnson (K AW). MINI BO A : I . Ton y Bissell (Suz ); 2. Jus ti s Lund (YlI m ); 3. JAson SWI t (Han); 4. Juon Petree (YAm): 5. J acob AhI (Sui) . f MINI 80 B: 1. Collon Trende (KlI w); 2. Devln Wenl (S ut) ; 3. Sl!'l h Lalley (Ka w) ; 4. Greg Doughe rty (Kaw); 5. JOt'y Mll1er (Han) . SM ENG: 1. Tony Bissell (SuI ); 2. Palri ck W~idman (Han ); 3. Nick Laddusaw (Yam): 4. Jacob Ahl (Sut); 5. Luke lambr~1 (Sw). BO I. Nick Laddu saw (Yam ): 2. Tan y Bissell (Suz) ; J . J allOn Swilt (Hon) ; 4. JM:Ob Ah l (K AW); 5. Jason Petree (YAm). 250 A : I. Mik e Robbins (Kawl; 2. Chuc k Bi!'v ing (Han); 3. Scott Gerllte. (Yam) ; 4. DAv~ Stamp (VAm); 5. Chn. Buo! (SUI) . OPEN A I . Mi ke RobbinJ; (Ka w): 2. Chris BuoI (Suz ); 3. Scan Gerates (Vam) ; 4. Scott Studer (Vam) ; 5. Ashley &~ (YAm) . OPEN A: I. Mi ke Robbins (Kaw) : 2. Chuck ~ving (Han) ; 3. Oem il ~Ichcr (Hon) ; 4. Charlie Langl and (Han): 5. Chns BuoI (Sw.). 250 PRO: I . Sh~Jdon Wmz (Suz) ; 2. Bob Boyd (Han): J . Roger WASIOn (KAW): 4. C.J . ~ving (Hon) ; 5. Verion Langlond (Hon) . OPEN PRO tT: I. C.J . ~ing (Hon ); 2. Brad ldchtor (Hon ): 3. Bob Boyd (Hon ): 4 . V vence umglond ( Hon ) ; 5. ChAd Johnaon (YAITI . ) OPEN PRO: I. Sheldon Wenz (Suz ); 2. R~ Wasson (Han): 3. Bob Boyd (Hon); 4 . Pete TApken (Han ); 5. Bob ~ (Hon ) Saddleback Race Park Bissell Whistles to SVCC ST Win n: B y BR AD L ETCHER SIOUX FALLS, SD , J ULY 22 T on y Bi ssell won two out o f the three races he ente red as th e Si oux Valley Cycle Club shorttrack season rolled o n in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Bissell was running an A-Tech -prep ared Suzuki RM80 in th e Mini 80cc A , 80 cc IT and Small En g ine classes. The tou gh est cl ass for B issell tu rned o ut to b e th e ne wly formed 80cc IT, which cos t him the swee p. n: al al LAS VEGAS, NV, JULY 22 Th e 12 5 cc Novice class is alway s a sla mbang scram ble, but on Satu rday nigh t at Las Veg as Mot or Spe ed way. th e ac ti on was extra inten se and exciti ng. Zac k Grobst ein bla sted hi s red rocket out i n front o f ra c e o ne, j us t ahead of J o hn St afford , fa st Beg inne r Ri cky Gu edry , an d Tony "T oe" Westb ay. The earl y p ace was fast and fu riou s, with Westbay j umping all ov er th e early leader s. moving into seco nd and th en taking ov er th e lead. Stafford stayed rig ht wi th him and th e tw o leaders wh ipped around th e tra c k, putting a little d istan c e on Grob stein and the rest of th e fi eld. Westb ay and Sta fford were in a wild du el. Stafford 's relentless pre ssure finally pai d off, all owing him to pass fo r the lead on lap four. On th e final lap, Stafford rea ched down deep and air ed it out big ti m e on his way to th e wi n . Westbay stormed hom e in seco n d . Fi rs t Begin n er David Bunker led Gr obstein and Ky le Murphy ac ross th e lin e. Try ing t o build o n hi s fir st -mo t o win , Sta ffo rd shot out in front of Grobst ein and the rest to st art the sec ond h alf. Westbay , w ho wa sn 't e v en in the top fiv e when t he gate dr opp ed, came from out of nowher e to muscl e his way into second on lap two. When Stafford bobbled , Westbay wa s ri ght the re to take over th e lead . Stafford cam e right ba ck at him and th e two wag ed an other titanic battle th rou gh o ut th e res t o f th e rac e. Westbay k ept his eyes on th e pri ze and remained focused while fend ing off all o f Stafford's attempts to pa ss him. W estba y earned a close secon d- mot o w in . th ereb y ga rne ri ng the over all l25cc N ovic e t ro p h y , in front o f Stafford and Gr obste in . Gu ed ry was able to best th e 125cc Beginner s, ah ead o f Murphy and Kris Higdon. In the wars of th e pint -sized pilots, Zacha ry Fu ssell was unstoppable, as th e Pee Wee pi sto le ro w as a c u t above the c r o w d . Fu ssell roa red off with th e ra ce -on e hol esh ot. daring J oshua Byington and Rikki Mittwede to k eep up. Tanner Krahenbuhl wa s making th e early moves, ca rvi ng through the pa ck to grab third at th e Freeway ar ea and th en taking ov er sec ond in the ba ck section. Fussell was on a tear. howev er, and was long go n e by th is ti me . Fu ssell won th e fi rst race easil y . with Krahenbuhl a so li d sec o nd , ahead of Mittwede an d th e Junior division' s Branden Brown. Ra c e two was a no ther Za chary Fussell show, w ith Mittwede and Byi ngt on his closest pursuers . K ra he nb uh l. with a less-th an -st ellar start, was m oving up the la dder, an d he fina lly passed By ington for seco nd. Fuss ell was on fi re aga in , an d he romped o n hom e to wi n race nu mber two and the o verall Pee Wee ( 78 ) cr o wn. Krahenbuhl was a sol id second, givin g him second overall , ah ead of th e steady result s of Brett Proctor and Justin Pankratz . Brown sm o ke d the Pee Wee (4 -6 ) division , in front o f M ic hael LaChase and Da lton Davis. Re s u lt s P/WSTK(4·6): I. Brandm Brown (Pol ); 2. ~ lAChaw (Pol): 3. DaltonDavis (Pol); 4. Canvm Rizzo(KT"'); 5. RyanMcGuIre (Pol) . P/W STK (7-8): I.l.achory FUS5d1 (Cob ); 2. TM\f'Ift' Krtlhenbuhl (Cob ) ; 3. Brdt Pnxtor (KT M) ; 4 . J usl in PAnkr llU (Pol) ; 5. J osh UA Mll it Rel nck~ (Hon) . cue I e ne ... s '" i= >- o B y DICK GOODWIN 250 NOV : I. BOt' Krahenbuhl (SUI); 2. A aron Byr d (Yom) ; 3. MA Scott (Yam) : 4. Bryan LulA (Yam) ; 5. Chrlll Fry (Hon ). tt 250 INT: I. Mark Herma (KTM): 2. Glenn WeidrMn (Suz) ; 3. nn S EPT EMBER 6 , 2000· ~ Westbay Toes the Line P/W OPEN (4-8) : 1. Zachary Fussell (Cob); 2. T~ Krahenbuhl (Cob ); 3. Joshua Byinglon (Cob): 4 . Rikki MlUw~ (Cob ): 5. BMt Proc1Of (KTM ). 60 STK (6. 8 ): 1. .knA Ellis (Kow); 2. Michod &hIing (KTM) ; 3. Dy1an Hm::Ienon (KTM) . 60 STK (9 · 11): 1. Seen Thompson (Ka w); 2. Pnnc:e KApahule. hlWI (Kaw); 3. Freddifo Sc~ (KTM); 4. Bronson Angu lo IKAw ): 5. ~ Stark (KAW). 60 OPEN (6 -11): I. Kurtis G~ (K_ ); 2. ~ Kapahulft'lua (Kaw); 3. F~ Sea rt,," l~ ) ; 4. ,M,all Fost" (l(e w): 5. l.anao KInshftla ( Vam) . BO BEG: 1. Chad ~no (Suz) : 2. Tony HeOOenon (Suz) ; 3. Alell Frav1' (Han ); 4. J~ ~ (Kaw); 5. Rory L Smith (K_I. 80 STK (7- 11): I. K~ Behhng (Yam ); 2. C14y Cut," (Kaw); 3. Se an ThomplOfl (Suz ): 4. ShAne Kota (1<.-); 5. B.J . OAy (Kaw). 60 STK ( 12. 16 ): I. Mtchad PArilf'I' ( Yltm) ; 2. Tony Esposito (Suz) : 3. Billy Guedry (Yarnl ; 4. Ja50tl Ellis (Vam ); 5. ChriI Renzi (Suz ). 80 OPEN (1.16): I. Michael PlIrk~t (VAm) ; 2. Tony EipoIlto (SUI); J . Clay Cutl er (K_ ); 4. Shane Kojo (Kaw); 5. B.J. Clay (Kow). 125 BEG: I . Ricky Gueay (Vam ); 2 . Kyle Murphy (SuI) ; 3 . Kris Higdon (YAm); 4. TrAvis Jackson (Hon ); 5.,M,a1t Reincke (Hon ). 125 NOV; I. Tony Wt'StbAy (YAm); 2. Jom $taftord (YAm): 3. lack Grobst~in (Hen ); 4 BOlin Lopel (Han) ; 5. Matt Ong rTllln (Hoo) . 125 OPEN : I. BriAn L.opez (Han ); 2. lack Grobs tein (Hon) ; 3. 72 " ii' Byington (Cob) . Saddleback Race Park: Tony Bissell (8) leads Ju stin Lund (18) and Jason "Superman" Swift (3) en route to the Mini 80cc victory at the SVCC short-track event in Sioux Falls , South Dakota, , . . - - -- - - . . . , . " . -.,..--, W Las Vegas M otor Speedway Chril Champ li n (Han) ; 4. Jeff Murph y (Hon) . MSTR 25. BEG: I. En<:k Anlin (Hon) ; 2. GI5de Hooley (KTM): 3 . Dmni, Rodrigue t (Hon ). MSTR 25+ NOV: I. Bryan Lutz (Vam) ; 2. ~ve H~lt er (YAm ); 3 . John LaBudle (Hon) ; 4. Breu Proctor(Han) ; 5 . Rusty Whipple (Vom ). MSTR 25. INT : 1. Glenn W~idmAn (SUI) : 2. Chrll Cham pli n (Han ); J . Jeff Mwph, (Han). SPTSMN: I . ~ve Heizer (Yam); 2. Glade Hooky (taM); 3. BiD fa ne (Hon); 4. Leon Cannall y (Suz) ; 5 . ( arm«! iovinO (KAW). 6 :I: C. Isanti Co unty Fairgrounds: Race prom oter Buzz Arndt scored a hard earne d victory in the Over 50 class in Camb ridge, Minne sota. Isanti C ounty Fairgr ou nd s Arndt Aces Cambridge ST B y T IM M cB RIOE CAMBRIDGE, MN , JULY 22 Longtime rac e promot er Buzz Arndt scored a ha rd -earned win in th e O ver 50 class during th e DTRA flat -trac k races h eld at th e Isanti County fairgrounds. Arndt's win c ame after a ra celong battle w ith th e Waba sha Ready Mix entry of Bob Kohner, wh o is th e only rid er to not ch a win o ve r Arndt this season. Arndt al so co mpeted in th e O v er 40 and Vinta ge Twin cl asses, both times fin ish ing second to the Reynolds Printing -ba cked entry of Dan Jacob son . Arndt has bee n c om p eti n g in th e three cl asses for y ears and has an incredible ta lly of m ore th an 85 cl ass cham pionship s in all . Arndt h as b een h aulin g a tre tl erl oed of bikes to the races fo r w ha t seems an etern ity . " It' s like running a trap li n e," e xp la ined A rndt of hi s ye a rs of success . " I en te r th e t hree classes e v ery week. Sometimes I wi n an d someti mes I do n't, but nev ert h eless it 's always a g reat time." A rndt's performanc es in the Over 40 and Vin tage Tw in cla sses this y ear have been sti fled by the hard-ch argi ng J acobson, but whe n Amdt didn 't beat the North Dakotan, he fin ished second , so his chance s of a th ree-p eat thi s seaso n is not out of reach j ust y et. - 'J ake ' lJacobsonl is run ning real good this year and he' s on good equip me nt,• said Arndt. " I'm ju st going to keep plu gging away, and we 'll see what happens at th e end o f th e season ." Arndt and his w ife, Mari e, hav e bee n prom oting dirt-track races since the early 19805. In fact, they are th e DTRA. Between the paperwork and perso nnel responsibi lities taken ca re o f by Marie and th e on- and olf-trac k work pe rfo rme d by Buzz, they are indeed a toug h team to beat. Res ults Mll'l0iAIN: I . D5UeIMtIquiIt (y.-n); 2.. ComerAndenon (Yam); 3. KI!YI1 WTJlter {Yarn);.o1. ..IordlrISchleicher (Yam); 5. Arxhow Hook(Yarn). MINI SHAFT: I. Kev., WAII~ (Y am): 2. Connor Andenon (Yam) ; 3. DAniel Melqui'l (Yarn); 4 . Jor dAn Schl~i ch ~r ( YAm ); 5. Andrew Hook (Vam) . 60 MINI: I. Jory Moms (Kaw )t 2. Nick MAteyA (K_); 3. Chns ~ (-l, '. c... F...,. (Kaw), 5. .JO

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