Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 09 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ing Eric Wh eelwright was Go odman 's closest c ha llen ge r with a 3 .5 06 - sec ond t im e on his Honda, and Andy Fortner, the pr evi ou s night's Fast Time winner, tum ed in a 3.524 ·second run for th ird. Honda rider Kelly Brad y and Kawasaki j oc key Butch Fetters finished fourth and fifth. Paul Hackbarth was a double-cl ass winner. He took hi s first vict ory by upsetting th e reigning Na tio nal Ch am pion in th e 4 00c c cla ss. Br ent Stewart . It was the fi rst ti m e that Stewart ha s been beate n in district co m peti tion th is year, and Hackbarth had to deliver an excellent 3 .458- second time on his KTM 360 to do it Hackbarth's time was carded in the first round and held up for fast tim e of the day unti l Goodman's run in the 600cc cla ss in second-round action. Stewart ran a good 3.566- second time for second pla ce on his KTM 380, with Wh eelwrig ht in third on Chad Koopsma 's KTM 38 0. Husky man David Peirson and Hon da pilot Matt Peters were fou rth and fift h. Hackb arth 's seco nd wi n came in the ex hibition 4 00c c St ock cl ass. in whi c h he top pe d the hill in 4 .099 second s fo r an im p ress iv e wi n . Richard Allen wa s Hac k b arth ' s cl osest c h all enger, but he was n early a half-se co nd 55 (7 ·8) : I. .Jes se Long ( Lem ) ; 2. Tyler Kidw ell (Cob ); 3 . Arldl"1!W Sm ith (Lem); 4 . Brett Pugh (Lem }, 65: I. John Loog (KTM); 2. Jes se Long (KTM); 3. Mik e Stendlrord (Kaw): 4. R.J. Hart (Ka w): 5. Joey Parks (Kaw). 85 (7.11): 1. John Lewis V (Yam); 2. John Loog (Hon); 3. Ryan Armstrong (Hon); 4. Megon Jam es (Yam ). 85 (12 · 15): 1. Cory LOIlg (HOIl); 2. Jona than Jordan (Hon) . XR100 4·STRK: 1. John Lewis V (Hon); 2. Joe Dohm (Hon): 3. M.lrk Stam baugh (Hon) ; 4. Michael .Jens en (Hon) ; 5. Scott Mullen (Hon). 125 B: 1. Zech Calcutt (Hon) ; 2. John Sassaman (Yam): 3. Travis Sennett (Hen); 4. Ben Gli sson (Yam); 5. Michael Headma n (Hon). 250 A: I. Bryan Douglas (Han): 2. Don Mullen II (Yam ); 3. Chris Kllnetelter (Hon); 4. Rich Mellinger (Hon); 5. Raun Wood (Hen). 250 B: I. Brian Phillips (Yam) ; 2. lach Calcutt (Kaw ); 3. Ray Lied (Hon); 4. Travis Sennett (Hen) ; 5. J ake Wa<;hler(Yam ). 500 A 2·YA LVE: 1. Dave Sm ith (Yam ); 2. J im Haas (Yam); 3. Dallu Bee r ( Yam) ; 4 . J im Chapm an (Vam ); 5 . St ev e Hei ser (Yam). 600 A: 1. Don Mullen II (Rtll.); 2. Chris Klinefelter (Hon). 600 B: I . Scott Slade (Mai); 2. Craig Doran (Hen); 3. Gil Srruth (Rtx) ; 4 . G~ge Bryant (Hen) ; 5. Scott Fi~er (Hen). 30+ : I. Dallas Beer (Rtx) ; 2. Jim Chapm an (Yam): 3. Lowell Wherley (Rtx); 4. Lance Stauffer (Kaw); 5 . David Smith (Rtx ). 40+: I. Bruce Miller (Al'K); 2. Mike Keane (Hbg); 3. Larry Burk · holder (Yam ); 4. Mike Slade (Mai); 5. Jo hn Davis (Hon). SPTSMN: I. Don Mullen II (Rtx): 2. Bryan Douglas (Hon ); 3 John Winsett Jr. (H.D); 4. Reun Wood (Han); 5. Ji m Haas (Yam ). Path Valley S p e e d w a y Mullen Over the Rest at Path Valley ST Bv LEN ANO BEN BREECH SPRING RUN , PA , JULY 22 After a fiv e- wee k mid season h iatu s fo r th e Amateur Nationals, short-tra ck racin g resumed at Path Valley Spe edw ay, an d the large gr oup of rid ers was greeted by sunny weather. Don Mullen II took an easy win over Chri s Klin efelt er in th e 600cc A cla ss and also won th e Sports man co ntes t, jumping in fro nt of a field m ounted on a vari ety of ma chine s, led by J im Haa s on a 50 0cc Yama ha , J ohn Win sett Jr. o n a Har ley, and Raun Wood, leading a tight pa ck of screaming 250s. Winsett used the high line to gradua lly put the big Harley into seco nd by the eighth lap . By the same ti me , Bryan Dougla s had work ed his way into a close fourth. and as th ey sta rted the final lap, he dov e down low to take second fro m Wins ett . Kenworthy 's GP :I: U W W a; '" z w c '" ~ Z W ~ iO • ~ Cl :I: a. Path Valley Spe edw a y: Don Mullen II (29 A) took the Sport s m an w in in Spring Run , Pen n s y lva n ia _John Winsett Jr. (74A) placed third and J im H aas (9A) was f ifth_ Mu ll en pu t his Yama ha YF400 wood s bike in front in the 250cc final. cl ose ly fo llowed by Dav e Smith , Klinefelt er, Dou g las and Wo od. As th ey sta rte d th e thi rd la p, Kli nefelter used th e high lin e t o t ak e t he lea d, w ith Do ugl as lur k in g be twee n and j ust behind them. With two lap s to go , Doug las slic ed his way th ro ugh to ta ke th e lead. Kli nefelter drifted a littl e hig h, lett ing M ull en into seco nd . A close fo ur-rid er pack battled for th e lead in the 500 cc A fin al. J im Ch apm an wa s th e ini tia l leader, with Dave Smith, J im Haas and Dallas Baer clo se beh ind . After th e th ir d la p, Sm ith took co ntro l, whil e th e other three ba tt led for seco nd. Haas used th e high lin e to ta ke second by th e sixth lap, with Baer followin g him . Larry Burkholder led the Ov er 40 guys out of th e second tum, cl osely follow ed by Bruce Mi ller and Mike Keane. As the y started th e th ird lap , Mill er slipped to the inside for th e lead and Keane got under Burk hold er as they cam e off the fourth tum on th e same lap for second. He stay ed on Mill er's rear to the end , but couldn 't get by. After ha ving a fairly ea sy tim e win ning th e 55cc (7- 8) final earlie r, Je sse Lo ng wa s loo k ing for a anoth er win in th e 65 cc cl ass. He qui ck ly j um p ed out t o a sev era l -length m argin ov er J ohn Lo ng , R.J . Hart an d J oey Park s. A fter a slow start, John Long sta rted to reel J esse in , and by th e ha lfw ay fl ags he had sho t under him a n d sta rte d t o pull awa y . M i k e Sta nd ifo r d moved up to battle Hart an d Park s for third , ta k in g the spo t at about h al fw a y b ut never bei ng able to build up an y m argin of safety . Dou glas sli ced into th e lead in the la te lap s for th e 250cc A win . Dallas Baer wen t wir e to wi re for th e O v er 3 0 win . Ba il ey Sp en c e easily won th e 55 cc (4 -6) and 55c c Oil -Inj ected cl a sses . J ohn Lewis won th e 85 c c ( 7 -11 ) class by m or e than half a lap, and then also won the XR I 00 Fo ur -Stroke co n test . Cory Long took the 85 cc (1 2 - 15) vic tory . Zach Ca lcutt w on th e 12 5cc B f in a l , Brian Phill ip s t opp ed th e 2 5 0 s, an d S c ott Slad e won th e 600cc B contest. slo we r wi th a 4.4 3 6 - sec o n d tim e . Yamaham oun t ed D ou g Campbell , Hu sq v a rn a ri der Paul Hart and Kawasak i pilot Bi ll Kingery took th e next three sta te trophies . Sco tt " Scooter " Sheets J r. was also a dou ble winn er , ridin g an excellent- looking an d runn ing Harl ey spo ns ore d b y Superi or Cycle o f Peoria. Sc oo ter 's fir st win ca me in th e O pen cl ass, wh ere hi s v ery fa st 3 .60 5 -second fi rst round time wasn 't ser iou sly ch alle n ged. St ev e Shafer grabbe d the sec ond -place trop h y with a 4 .7 02 -second tim e on his Har ley , fo llowed by Kawasak i j ockey Mi k e Kessell and Harl ey rid ers Rand y " Buzz" Gr een and J acob Ba iley. Sheets, a 16 -y ear-old from Sparland , Illin ois, had to wo rk harder in th e Pushrod cl ass, as he cras hed his Sup eri or Cycl e Spo rtster hard at 87 feet on hi s first run . Bai ley. 15 and an oth er of th e Illinoi s young gun s. set the first-roun d tim e to beat at 4 .27 9 seconds on hi s ma ssive 1608cc Harl ey, but crashed it ha rd over th e to p of the hill , dama ging it bad ly enough to fini sh hi s rid ing for th e da y. Sheets retumed in th e second round with a very fine 3 .81 I -second hi gh -fl yin g run to ta ke th e win , and Bai ley 's first -round time held for second . Shafer, Green and Bob Fisher, all on Harleys, too k th e next three spo ts . Results 50 AUTO: 1. Donnie Robbins (Cob) ; 2. Dyl(ln Brady (Pol ); 3. Holly Hoy" (KTM); 4 . C ol~ Clay (Lem ); 5. Graham Com wlIJi (Vam) . BS JR: I. Chuc::k M.-Itthew!lOfl (Kawl: 2. Mic: lleJ Popham (Hon): 3. h Dr~ DanIels (KTM); 4. Bobby Seen (KllW): 5. Nicholas Burke (KTM). 85 SR: 1. Damon MGyo CHon): 2. Nick Mtlyo (Hon) ; 3. Jar ed Hay~ (Ko...,) 4 . Cha d Cox (HOI'll ; 5 . Jtlcob Tod utt (Yam) . : 200: I. Jacob Tackitt (Kew); 2. KellySeen (KT 3. ft\lIn Peters M); (KlIw ) ; 4. JorN McKay (Suz ): 5. Brent Warfd (Hon) . 250 : 1. Eric Whee l.... ight (Yam ); 2. Mark Goodman Jr . (Kew): 3 . r Matt Peters (Hon): 4. Jon Creek (Hon); 5. Kelly Senn (KllW) . 400 : I . Paul HelCkbllrth (KTM); 2 . Brent Stewart (KTM); 3 . EriC Whee lwright (KTM); 4 . David Peirson (Hus) : 5 . Mett Peters (Hen) . 600: I. MoO<. Goodman Jr . (Hon); 2. Elic \Vhffiwrlght (Hen): 3. Andy Fortner (Hon); 4. Kelly Brady (Han); 5. Butch Feners (Kaw). 750 : 1. Mark Goodman Jr . (Kaw); 2. Andy Fortner ( Kaw): 3. Tom Daniels (Kaw): 4. Robin Senn (Yam) . OPEN 1. Scott Sh~ts Jr. (H-D): 2. Steve Shafer (H-D); 3. MIke : Kessell (Kaw): 4. Randy Green (H.D): 5. Jacob Baney (H-D ). SR: I. Doug Campbell (Kaw); 2. Randy Tromper (Hen): 3. Kevin MclUl y (Kaw); 4. Q iff Denson (Yam): 5. Kevin Weaver (Hen) . PSHRD: I. Scott Shm . J r. (H -D) ; 2. Ja cob Bailey (H· D): 3. Steve Shafer (H.D) : 4. Randy Green (H-D) ; 5. Bob Fisher (H·D). 400 STK : I. Paul Hackbarth (Yam) ; 2. Riclulr d Allen (Honl ; 3. Doug Campbell (Yam ): 4 . Paul Hart (Hus): 5. Bill Kingery (Kaw). OPEN STK: I . David ~ (Yam); 2. Jammle Brovm (Han); 3. Bud Northrup (Yam ). FAST TIME: Mark Goodman J r., 3 .400 (Hon). 74 SEPTEMBER 6 . 2000' .. Y .. Results 50 OILINJ: I. Bailey Spence (Yam); 2. Ethan Allen (Yarn 3. Cas); sidy Helser (Yam); 4. Josh Staodtford(Yam ): 5. BnIdIeyYrankovic (Yam). "" (4.6), I. ...."..,.,.,. (Lorn); 2. " " "',," "" (Pol); 3 . C""""", T)'500 (Lem); 4. ~ Hmh (Lem); 5. Bn:dIeyVrriovic: (Ad). • e n e vv s L O C AL TALE NT Gracyk Graceful at Amateur Day Bv RUPERT X. PEtLEn TROY, OH , JULY 22 The da y befor e a Pro National even t always draws a huge crowd of Amateur racers wanti ng to show th eir stu ff . At the motocross eve nt o n th e Saturd ay pri or t o th e K enworth y ' s roun d o f th e AMA Ch ev y Trucks 125/250c c Outdoor Nationa ls, Gavin " Double G" Gra c yk put on a great performance. Wh ile A mateur prac tic e sess ions wer e he ld th e da y before , the Pro fessionals take t o th e t ra ck at 3 p .m . sh ar p o n Saturday and are on ly permitted a one -moto format, du e to the fa ct th at th er e were more th an 800 rac ers on hand - in addition to th e Mi nic ycle and Pee Wee ra ces held on Ke nw orthy 's "j unio r" tr ack at the so uth end of the fac ility . Gra c yk , a hardy re gular on the lo cal an d Na ti on al Amat eur sc ene , has an im pec c able reputation as a rac er. He cam e loaded fo r bear o n his KX 125, and t he n at iv e of B lissf ield , Ohio, a p peared to b e using thi s ra ce as a pra cti ce sessio n for the upc o m in g L o re tta Lynn 's Amate ur Nationa ls. Sto mping off with th e Schoolboy - cl ass win o n h is g reen m achine, Gr acy k seemed t o fl oat effo rt less ly around th e jump-laced c ircu it. " Doub le G " also romped o ff with th e Division O ne 125cc B -c1ass wi n . A n eq ua lly com pe t iti ve D av id Wh itc raft was slo tte d in w ith th e Division T wo riders of the 125cc B class , w hich he won. T he spectators were deni ed an oppo rt unity to witness a heads-u p dice b etw een F&S Su zuk i's Whitcr a ft and Tea m Gr een's Gr acyk. Wh itc ra ft als o won hi s h eat of th e v er y co mpeti ti ve 25 0cc B cla ss, while Erik Ha nlin r od e hi s Suz uk i in fo r th e win in t h e othe r 25 0c c B heat. . No rth Car olin a's Da n Fost er wa s spectacular o n hi s YZ250 in th e Ov er 4 0 cl ass, be ati ng out loc al Kaw asak i j ockey Rod Com er and ill inois' Gary Peak . Rac er X found er an d ed it o r an d ESP N 2 co mm e n tat o r a n d w o rl d w i de m o t o cro s s r ep o rt er D a ve y C o o mbs sl ippe d in t o ra ce cloth ing an d ra n o ff w ith th e Over 30 -c1ass w in. Th e former Pro an d nati ve o f Mor ganton , West Virg in ia , jammed hi s sem i -works Yam aha YZ250 to an im pressiv e victory. The ba ck p a c k -w e e r tn q Coo m bs e ve n j u m p ed t he fa mou s Wido wmak er - a 70 -foo t double-tabletop launch ramp that is fea red by m any . Later in th e day , Coombs donn ed th e te le visi on pr odu cti on uni t ' s helmet- c am and provide d co m me nta ry on th e various section s o f the track to viewers at h om e while r id ing in the 250c c Pro practice session . eN Re sults 125 A: 1. Bra d Strunk (Suz) ; 2. Charlie Dunaway (Yam ); 3. Chuck Reed (Suz) . 125 B 0 - 1: 1. David WhitCfoSh (Suz) ; 2. Nick Muwry (Suz); 3. Brian Sommer (Sull. 125 B 0 -2: 1. Gavin Gracyk (Ka w): 2 . Paul Kissig (Suzl ; 3. Callt'y Ferguson (Hon) . 250 B [).1 : 1. Paul Kissig (Suz); 2. Marcus Biggs (Suz ); 3. Sean Wilson (Suz). 250 B 0 ·2: 1. ~vid Whilcrah (Suz) ; 2. M!ch~ Pray (Kaw); 3. BrienSommer (Suz) . 250 C: I. John Com bs (Yam); 2. Adam Keasling (Vam); 3. Chad Shardlow (Hon). 16 -24 D- 1: I. Be Bow man (Hen) ; 2. Scott Kuchler (Hon) ; 3. Brian Sommer (Sul). 16·24 0. 2: 1. Ian Hammond (Suz) : 2. Paur Kissig (Suz) : 3. Erik Hanlin (Sul). 25+: I. Chuck Reed (Suz) ; 2. Michael Faulk (Suz ): 3. Brandon Powe", (Kaw). 30+: I. Davey Coombs (Yam ): 2. ErIc McHatton (Stu) : 3. Kevin HU debrll/1d (Sul). 40+: I. Donnie FOSler (Yam) ; 2. RodComer (Kaw); 3. Gary Peak (Hon) . BOB T HOMPSO N BIRTHOATE .. • • . • .February 2, 1954 RESIDENCE _ . • • • •Ra ncho Cordova , Californ ia OccuPAnoN ., • •Owner, Thompson Racing & Manufacturing OTHER I NT ERESTS. ,Mountain Biking . Hiki ng . Growing My Business. Staying Healthy MOTORCYCLE . •• .Suzuki DR350 S PON SORS . _ • •.Thompson Racing & Manufactu ring LO CAL R ID I N G AREA • • , . _M a m m o t h BarOHV ClASSES ••• • •B S enior. Enduro and Cross Country RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Currently i n first place in t h e Mot u l Northern C a l ifo rn ia C hampionsh ip Enduro Ser ies, B Senior class • Second overa ll in t h e B class and fi r st B Seni o r . L ittle Polecat E nduro • Fi r s t B Senior. 1999 WFO Enduro • S econd B Senior, 1999 Cowbell Enduro WHY 00 You RAcE? "Af t er 30 years of off-road r iding, it is sti ll my favor ite hobby, I enjoy the cha llenge, the competition and the people." Do You llaVE All UNUSUal HOBBY OR COUEcnOll? "You could say I collect tools. They have always been the most valuable and import ant things in my life, I always find a use for them no matter how long I ke ep them. Even the turn-of-the-century tools I have are still useful and efficient." WHaT Is YOUR FaVORm MOTORCYCLE MEMORY? "I have a picture of myself in diapers w ith a wrench in my hand. I'm sitting next to my uncle's 795'+ or 7955 motorcycle, intent on working on the front axlel" By Jill Ashworth Patterson

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