Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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40. INT; I . Jason Yadog awa (Yam ); 2. Curt Jablon ski (Han); 3 Steve Read (Hon); 4. Mitc h Evans (Kaw); 5. John Verner (KTM ). 40. EX ; J. Doug Frankm (Hen): 2. Ken EhIIM'S (Y" m) ; 3 . Tim Tuck er (Yam) : 4 Gary Scott (Yam ); 5. Pete Vetrano (KTM). 40+ MSTR; I. Will ie A. a radlO (Yam); 2. Chuck Miller (Hen ): 3. m Ron Lawson (Yam) ; 4. Jeff Kaplan (K aw): 5. Gary.Jones (Yam) . 50. MSTR J. fkngt Joh ansson (Yam) ; 2. Jody Weisel ( Yam); 3. Horst LeltMr {Yam }; 4 Ray P~i (Suz): 5. Manno Bashon elJ (Suz) . PRO; 1. Mark Tilley (taM): 2. Craig Davis (KTM) : 3. Paul Kd len ( Yam). Pont iac S ilve rd o m e Porcelli , Moreland, Ham mond S hi n e at the S ilverd o m e By ERIK AN STROM PONTIAC, MI, APR. 2 The mornin g's gray sky was brighte ned by all of the br illia nt colors reflecting from th e bik es and gear o f th e ri der s strea k ing a rou nd th e Po ntia c Su percr o ss tr ack wi th in ten se fur y . Chee ring from famil y and fans began to echo down from the sta nds s hortly before 8 in the mo rn ing , wh en the 5 1cc event s got st arte d . The affa ir d id not end until 7 1 ev ents later. Rough ly nine hour s after round 12 of the EA Spo rt s Supercross Seri es wa s co m p lete, more tha n 900 a m at eu r s from a ll ov er th e easte rn U .S. and beyo nd ro de o ut o nto th e track at the Pon tiac Silve rdo me to co m pete in th e 25th annua l Nat ional A mateur Sup ercro ss Ch a mpio nship. Sun day ' s co m p et iti o n w as fierce and was definit el y inspi red by the victories of J erem y McGra th and Step hane Ronca - de the previous night. Ta king full advantage of this o nce-in-e -llfetirne opport unity were three young Mich igan nat ives: J o seph Por cel li III, Grant Mor eland and Ian Hammond . Th e you ngest of the three. Porce lli , was qu ick off th e li ne , and hi s rid in g was ne arly flaw less. He ma de his presenc e k nown in th e 5 1cc class, posting a fi rst place in th e 51 cc . n Support (4 -6) Mod ified class an d a second place in the 5 1cc Advan ced (4 -6 ) Stoc k cla ss, Mo rela nd was able to ste p ahead of t he stro ng com petitio n and po st vict ories in both ' (311 ,. ",, · .. o .... o t ' o - x e 3 Sf 0 FebrutlIY th e 8 0 cc Expe rt A (7-1 5) and 80cc/lOOcc Supe rmi ni events. In some of the day's m ost exci ting races , Hammond 's racing sty le enabl ed him to fi ni sh fi rs t in tw o mem ora bl e 125cc ra ces. Ham m ond to o k victories in th e 125 c c E xpert A Blalock Cycle. Warrenton A .V 54D-341..f5S1 20 Hardrack C ycl e Park,FL 2 7 A ania P a s s, GA event and the 125cc -and-Up ( 16 -24) eve nt. PARnCIPATING DEALERS 7 9 Eliz a b e t h C i ty NlX,NC 26 E lnp i r e NIX P ark,SC Thi s y ea r, the National A m ateu r Super . c ross Championship is celeb rating it s 25 th anniv e r sa ry , and th e Mi chi gan Motorcycl e Deal ers' A ssoci at ion proudly hosted the event , und er t h e gu ida nce o f it s d ir ector, Dona ld Cra ig, The NASC is currently the biggest a ma - Coleman PowenptHta Woodbridge,VA lO3-4!Jl -I500 Fredertckaburg Motonporta Fredercksburg,VA i 540-899-9100 09 H....... E... teur m otorcy cl e event in the U nited States. Bear.DE 302-322-4120 Pa ul Sch e lg e l a nd o the r m embers of the MMDA created th is event to pro mote the sport of supercross. This goa l was ac h ieved . judging by this y ear ' s 72-race event. wh ich fe atured some outstand ing actio n. Maximum Speed, a television series th at profil es the next generati on o f m otorsports su pe rsta rs , co nd ucted intervi ews with various co m peti to rs. ".nnan'. S portcycle. Charlottesville,VA 1Il14-2!13-44D6 Boxy'. Cycle. Inc. hyetrevilleJ'A n l- 352-/1Z7(J Resu l t s 5 1 STK (4·6) A.DV; J. Trevor J . Brown: 2. Joseph POK\!lIi Ill; 3. Christophl'!'l" EJ Jr.; 4. Tony Sisco. ko 5 1 STK (4· 6) BEG; I. Dftnny u-wis; 2. ~I Wilson: 3. st even Swemey: 4 . J ust Ul R. Covl!'l1 5. Colton Forc um . y; 5 1 STK (7. 8) BEG: J. ElK Senk: 2. Michael Hersler, 3. Larry Bo-nnen; 4. Da vid KCJrt; 5. David Abbott. 51 STK (7-8) I\DV: I. Oyllon Yaw; 2. TraVIS Sm ith: 3. A.ustm~ I1ont; 4 . Kl!'isha Eck ert ; 5. Ben Van $Lambrouc k. 51 SUP (4-6) ft\OD : J. Jo5eph PorceDI III: 2. Kienvan MalalTlE')'; 3. 0ylGn Kaflin; 4 . Ryan Kafll!'l'Va: 5. Kaleb Smith. 5 1 SUP (7-9) MOD: J. Ja mes Roberts; 2. /t\,.,t ttew Watson : 3. t Kyle Stephens: 4. Robl!'n Joh nlOfl . 60: 1. Nathdn CiN_ ski; 2. Cody Chasp; 3. Anthony Jl!'n", ng$; 4 Tylt-r McGoff; 5. Brent Brown . PfW 80 YAM: I. Nathan Edwards : 2. Jay Ml!'ad; 3. Ryan HOVI : 4 S Dan Vallad; 5. Anthon y Simon . olas Forcu m ; 2. Cody Chese: 3. ~k 80 BEG (7- 15): 1. Nl<:h Dwyer; 4. Timothy Lock; 5. Charlie Gill ett. 60 NOV C; I. Bill y My~ rs ; 2. Ja y Jft<:kson; 3. Joe l Jag~r ; 4 Nathftniel FOt'C\Jm ; 5. Chris Lamont . 80 EX A (7· 15): I. Grant Motdd nd: 2. Tfty lor Harmon ; J . Antho ny Tenoer : 4 . Corey Fearn. 80/1 00 Sj M)Nl: I. Grent Moreland ; 2 . Bill y Myers; 3. Anthon y Tanner; 4. Bryan M. Wagner; 5. Taylor Harmon . 125 JR (12· 15); J. Sco tt Gaml!'k: Jesse MIller; 3. And rew Jann~y : 4. James Blain; 5. David Reed 125 BE G : I. Ja $on Owen s; 2 . Donn y K aeli n: J. An th on y Nabozny; 4. Mike ~v i ta; 5. Bri an Mer<:on. 125 NO V C; I . And y Conk lin: 2. Mik@Wm ~y : 3. Mark Deoreho : 4 Nethen Byers; 5. Craig Htlthtlw lty. 125INT B: J. Gavin Grecyk: 2. Randall Woodring; 3. Chri s Miller; 4. Ronnie Zing; 5 . JD$on McHugh. 125 EX A; J. Ian D, Hamm ond; 2. Dusty Wise; 3. Steve Howl!'11 125+ ( 16-24 ): I. Ian D . Hammond : 2. Ch ris Miller: 3 . A .J . Ml!'ade: 4 . Justin Seuink; 5. Ronnie Zing. 250 BEG: I. Ni<:k Roth : 2. Brondon P~rk ins: 3. Brian Nl!'lson; 4. Mark Kowalski; 5. Ted Straye r. 250 NOV C: 1. Tom Deuson: 2. Bryan Morrill; 3. Larry Bee : 4. Chdrles Davenport: 5. Robert Baxter. 250 INT B: I. Sha ne Home; 2. Ja son McHugh; 3. Tim Ross: 4. Peter Mennen ; 5. Kevin Smith 250 EX A; I . Steve Howl!'lI; 2. Matt Powers; 3 . Gary Radzlck i. .IT Motonporta ulISburg. VA 703-779-9940 Motorcycle news will never 6e the same! You can access Cycle News Online anytime, day or night, on the World Wide Web at.. ~ Wha t's at the leading edge of motorcycle news ? Cy cle News O nline! Now you can access instant race results and the latest br eakin g stories in the wo rld or motorcycling, with Cy cle News ' home page on the Wo rld Wide Web . Updated dail y, Cycle News Online p rovides : .. Com . cur rent ha ppening s in "Dai ly Wind" .. T h e 2000 C ycl e N e w s Motorc ycl e Bu yer ' s Guid e - Current In te r n a t io n a l and National Cha mpionsh ip Cal endar Li stin g s, and TV List i n g s - Inst antl y updated ra ce resu lt s .. Race Cove ra g e High lights , Motorcycl e Te st s , an d Inte rv ie w s .. W e ek ly Reade r Po lls .. ' C ycl e N e w s Clas sifi ed Ad s .. Quik Shop LINKS .. C ycl e N e w s Art Galle ry .. The late st o ffe ri ngs from C ycl e N e w s Vid e o T h e a ter - Rea l -T i m e Ev ent Covera g e in " V i rt u a l G ra ndsta nd " - Online motorcycl e ad v e rt isi n g f ro rn th e le a d i n g com pa nies in the in d ust r y c ue ' e n e vv s M AV 1 0 . 2 0 0 0 61

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