Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2000 05 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NEK Cycle Park ,--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - -----,<1) w B , Schneider S u per c -c a: '" i:i ~ B y B RAD J ONES . WESTMOREW\ND , KS, MAR. 26 At the opening round of the Forward Motion Hare Scramb les Series , Surdyke Yama ha/ Midw est Race Pr odu c t s' J eff Schn eid er ca me away with the win at the NEK Cycle Park. T erry Gilliland, Randy Weekley an d Shane DiPasqual e. all on Gas Gas m achin ery , took the start of the AA cla ss. DiPasqu ale moved into the lead quickly but crashed in a muddy field on th e first lap. Gill iland an d Weekley fought :I: over the lead position while Schneider, tra iling the leaders, stall ed hi s YZ400 in a tight woods sectio n. dropp ing back several positions. Gilliland led fo r the next two lap s on th e fast IO -mile course. Week ley dropped off th e pace with a fla t tire . while S chneider ca me smoking throu gh th e pack , taki ng the lea d from Gilli land after an hour of raci ng . "I kn ew T erry was planning to stop on th e th ird la p to ga s up ," Schneider sa id late r. "He co ul d n't. becau se I o nly had 10 seconds on him and we were sha ring the sam e gas can! He too k the lea d wh en i sto p ped. I th en fo l low ed hi m for th e next la p . Mar k Burg ha rdt c a u g h t both of u s and p a sse d m e in t he woods. Mar k and I both passed Terry when he pitt ed on lap four." With close to two hou rs under th eir bel ts. Bur gh ardt and Sc hneide r went into th e fi nal lap to battle fo r the overa ll w in. Sc h nei der bl asted by in th e cree k crossing. Burghardt stayed close. but in the end it was Schne ide r with 15 seco nds to spare at th e checkers. " T he YZ400 was j ust aw esome on t his co urse," Sch nei der said . "I reall y didn't expe ct to win toda y . Ev erything j ust went m y way ." Results M:. I. .kif Sc:hnftdef (Yam ); 2.. ,Ai\afi" 8ufghard. (KTM.); J . TItn)' (G.G); 4. Scott H~ (Yam ); 5. JVIak~ Knqer (KTM) . A ; I. ,Ai\art. Sc~ (KTM) ; 2. K~vin long ( KTM) : 3. Dust in WIIIU:lm (Hon); 4. Joe J etdtson (K"TM); 5. ,..,.ke Bonohan (Hon) . s B; I. Dan JohMon (KTM); 2. .hny ~ (Vam) : 3. Josh Emory ... "'I. (,""I: • . 8< ...... (Han): 5. ""'" en..k (KT 250: I. ~ JoNuon (Kaw): 2. Scott Henion (!(aw ): 3. Devxt R~ (Hon) ; 4. Brian Moon! (Yam); 5. Robert Hynson (Vom ). OPENC: I. K~ Junghans (taM); 2. Chen Hoover (Yam I; 3. Oarwi"l 00Y~ (K'TM): 4. Roger I6d\ards (Iffil'r.); 5. Richard Hide (Yam) . Gill~and 200 C: 1. Ja rne$ Ry~ (KTM): 2. Jase Jac kson (yam) : 3. TIm Short (Yam) ; 4. Shawn Gow~ (G·G); 5. Ryan Hidu (Kaw) . 35.: I. Robert WlXId (KTM); 2. Ovis Teie (K"TM): 3. Jim Ditmer (KTM): 4. Phil Morris (Yom): 5. Jerry Ria! (Kaw). 50. : I. Dou Bump ( Vam) : 2. Bob Copriand (Kaw): 3. Joh n g Ay", (Kaw): 4 . a ary Rus~l (Hon ). 105: 1. Justin Jack lOO (Kaw): 2. Kyl~ Smith (Kaw); 3. Brandon F~J1mon (Kaw); 4. Matt BorgC'f (Kaw) . TR; I . Ch ri s Emory ( Yam l: 2. Midla~1 Schei no $l (Yam): 3 . Room Boy" (Yam ). N ew Hartford MX Park Jordinson Jams at New Hartford Opener B y RICK N OOTNAQU NEW HARTFORD, lA , APR. 9 It' s been a lon g . cold winter in Iow a, so when the fir st event of th e New Hartford MX Serie s was held , all the racers were ready to do battie. Snow from just days before had m elted, leavi ng behind a wet and muddy me ss of a racetrack. This played well into the strategy o f th e Pro Mo torspo rts platoon fro m Fort Dod ge, Iow a. In 25 0cc C acti on , Lucas Jor din son ca me fr om th e tr enche s with bo th gu ns blazing to w in moto on e. Fa st starter Trav is Bo w er s' ea rly le ad came to an abrupt e nd wh en he wa shed th e fro nt an d k illed his YZ. Jason Koch inherited th e lead , wh ich was also short lived , as Jordinson quickly proved he was the dominant rider. Koch then dumped his bike, allow ing Brad Broer s an d Russ Do land to pas s and ta ke second and th ird , re spe ct iv el y . By this tim e. Jordinson was long gon e. In moto tw o. a rev ive d Ko ch , on his fast RM, esca ped hi s pu rsuers for a well -dese rv ed win . How ever , it wasn 't enough for the overall lau rels, as Jordinson ke pt his nose cl ean and cru ised to an easy fifth -place fin ish to secure the ove rall. Ca le Luther a nd Da rren Scott roun ded out the po dium . All- o ut warfare erupted in the 16-24 cla ss as another Pro Mot orsports rid er, Ja son Lecm ci of Fort Dodge, blitzed both m otos fo r back to -b eck wi ns. Brad Hepp of Fort Dodge and Rusty Hagert y of Charles City rounded out th e top th ree. In 85cc Jun i or co m pe tit io n , Eli Karn s j um pe d to a n ea rly le ad on h i s qUic k KX. K arn s soo n fou nd hi mse lf un de r atta ck from Dysa rt , Iow a' s Aaron Ki ng , on his new CR . King k ept the pressure on until Kams bobb led 62 M AY 10 . 200 0 ' cue • e n IE! vv S NEK Cycle Park: Jeff Schneide r hunts down the com petiti on at the opening round of the Forw ard Motio n Hare Scr ambles Series in West moreland. Kansas. and fell . allowing Kin g to smoothly race away for an easy win . Kin g backed up that victo ry wi th another excelle nt performance in moto two to take the ove rall . Local supe rstar Au stin Raub s of Waterl oo sent a m essage to his com peti tion, informing them that it's goi ng to be a very long year - he won fo u r classes o n the da y : the 125cc A , 250cc A . Ope n and Unl imited A cla sses. Raubs beat some of the be st in the bu siness. incl uding Reed Harri s, Bob Halstead and Ke vin Holstein . When the going gels tough, Raubs reall y gels go ing , leavin g the rest racin g for second. Re sults 50 JR; I. Bobby Han~ (Cob) : 2. Jeke Whaley (Cob) ; 3. Cody Breeder (KTM) _ 50 SR; I. Dc!'v R ~ (Cob I; 2. Gav in f aith ( Yam) ; 3 . Aiel in """""(Cob). 65: L Brock Murph y (K aw) : 2. Justin Grossnickle (Kaw) ; 3. Dayid ~ (KTM). 85 JR; I. A aron KIIlg (Hon) ; 2. Ell Karns (Yam ); J . Nick ~Ison ( Han ). 85 SR; 1. Scott Laughlin (Han); 2. Ross Vandertteyden (Yam) ; J . tim ,..".. (Hanl . 125 A:. 1. Austrl Raubs (Yarn); 2. R~ Harris (Yam ): 3. Knm Hotstm (Hon) . 125 B: 1. ,Ai\att Hagerty (Yam) : 2. Ryan Stark (Yam) ; J. Jason LocO>d (Han). 125 C: I. Brandon Simon (KTM) : 2. Clint Sdvnodb (Yam) : J . Ben o"hl (Yam) . 250 A: I. AU5lin Raub!; (Yam ); 2. Reed HarTI (Yarn); 3. Andy s Salm (Kaw) . 250 B; I. Kevin Palmer (Yam ): 2. Denis Geiley (Yam); 3 . Brad H ~p p (Hon). 250 C: I. Lucas Jordin son (Hon); 2. C aJ~ luthl!'t (Hon); 3. Darren Scott (Hon) . 16-24: I . Ja!lOn Ladnd (Hon ); 2. Brad H",pp ( Hen); 3. Ru.s ty Hagerty (Yam) . 25. A; I. JE' y Shon ing (Yam ); 2. Jeff P",zettJ (Hon): 3. Dana rem AJ.!lIand~r (Hon) . 25. B: I. Rick R~errath (Kaw): 2. Deve Vanaant (Hon) ; 3. Chris Wood IHonI. 30. A: I. Dana Hunt (Yam) ; 2. Robert Ha lst~ad (Yam ); 3. Robert Thorn lon (Hon) . 30. B: 1. Denis Gail~y (Yam ): 2. Alan Wolf ( Kaw) ; 3 . Steve Chophn (Yam) . 40+: I. Jerry 8umglIrdnI!'f (Hon) ; 2. Robert Palmer (Honl : 3. Paul Chyma {KTMI. OPEN I. Austin Raubs (Yam) : 2. Robert Ha lst~Dd (Yam ); 3. : .kfftny Shoning (Yam ). R'W'YB: I. Tra'ttS Gibson (Hon) ; 2. TravIS ft\ichads (Suz ); 3 . Bran· don Riekft'l (Yam) . U/l. A: I . Austlfl Raubs (Hon ): 2. Knm HoISl~1fl (Hen); 3. Harty ~Donald (Yarn). WM; 1. Ayery Prouty (Kaw) ; 2. Tiffany Wllte (Hon) ; 3. Holly Hortmon (Hon) . D aniel Bo one MX Park Walk er Tops at DBMX Mega S e r ie s B y S USAN s. W IWAN LONDON, KY, A PR. 2 A w ell-prepp ed t r a c k a n d o ve rc a st s k ie s g reeted m ore tha n 460 rid ers at Dani el Boon e MX Park ' s o pen ing eve nt , rou nd four of the U.S. Mega Series. Yama ha Cy cle Center/Pro A ctio n Sus pe ns io n/ FMF/ Scoll USA ' s Kevi n Walker dominated the 125cc , 250cc and Over 25 Pro cla sses, tallying six m ota wins. In t h e fi rs t 12 5 c c Pro m ot o , J im ' s Ho nd a/ Moto Pla net's Hans Neel got off the ga te first , w ith W alk er , Joh n Brun c k a n d Richard Prat her in pursuit. O n the seco nd lap , Walker took advantag e of the inside of a wid e turn as Neel sli d side ways o n t he o uts ide , putt ing Walk er in th e front slot . Walk er, who is co m ing back from a winter injury, pull ed awa y from his co m peti tors to claim the win as Neel co nti n ued to rid e in second . Prather la nde d th ird , w h ile Brunck end ed up seve nth after some bad lu ck . Walker led m oto tw o fro m the drop of th e ga te to the checkers. Prather filed in second , cha sed by Neel and J on Boruff. Walker co ntin ued his win ning ways in th e first round of the 250cc Pro cl ass. Neel agai n gave chase. Tim m y Milligan rode co mfortably in th ird until two laps before th e fini sh , wh en Boruff put the pressure on Milligan. Boruff wait ed for Milligan to err on the final lap, pulling al on gside. and Bo ruff fi nally got his ch ance, charg ing by Milligan and taking third at the ch eckers, with Milligan settiing for fourth. F&S Suzuki/Suspen sion Plu s-back ed J .R. Carter was top dog on the start of the Unli mited Amateur event. firing off th e gate ahead of th e pa ck in m oto o ne , cha sed by Jereme Flynn and William Simmons. Ca rter led until two laps before the fi nish, wh en his fro nt end washed o ut, Flynn moved into the fro nt spot, but his lead was short -lived , as Simmon s passed him before the step -up jum p. On the fi nal lap , Carter care fully moved from fourth to second. Mi dw ay th rough th e last la p, Ca rte r regai ned the lead , and took th e m ot a win . Carter led the second moto from start to fin ish. D onnie Adams fi nished second, and local rider J. T . Sm ith , wh o had di ffi cu lti es in m oto one, fin ished third . Carter was also the ove rall 25 0cc B winn er . Justin A shbum had the track d ialed in as he cru ised to the 80cc (7 - 11) victory. Ash bum ma intain ed a huge lead in the fi rst m ot a as Axl Miller and Tyler Brig ht jock ey ed fo r sec ond and thi rd. On the final lap , Bright moved into seco nd wh en Miller erred; Miller had to settie for third. Ashburn rode flawl essly in th e second m ot o, chalking up another win. Bright filed by with another seco nd after Miller crashed on an uphill sweeper. putting Joey Leedbee ter into third. Bri ght retum ed to win the 65 cc (7 ·9) clas s with a 1-1 sco re ov er Benjamin Den ton. J acob Say lor had four mota win s, ca pturing th e l 25cc B and Schoolboy ov eralls. Results 50 HON: I. Damon Goin (Hon) . 50 SHAFT: 1. Bradley Baker (Yam) ; 2. Oeyton Raw (Yom) ; 3. Dr- F~ (Yarn); 4. Horri.onWhaley(Yarn): ~. Brylll'l Chesnee (Yam). 50 (4 -6): 1. DoklJta Mattwws (Cobl ; 2. BrDCIey Boker (Cob) : 3 . Ouis Goodwin (Cob) ; 4. Mtchod Hall (Cobl; 5. C1ayton Rapp (taM) . 50 (7-8): I. Collon Renak~ (Cob ); 2. Wyatt MesM1' (Cob) ; 3_ Andr_lAngworthy (IITM): 4. Park~ Brown (Cob) : 5. Sean Curming ' ham (Cob ). z.......,.., 60 (7-9), I. T"" "'if' (KTl'\ : I Omlon 1KTl'\: 3. RyM ) Brormeid (KTM); 4. Cameron SCone (KTM): ~. Arltu CofidcI(Kew). 60 (10-11 ); 1. Aryton Dunk~1 (Kaw) ; 2. Ma tthew Mashburn (Kaw ): J. CInY J ohnson (KTM): 4. Ty """ l'1ewton (KTM): 5. Matthew Vonllng et' fKT M) . 80 (7.111: I. JuslIn Ash bum (Suz); 2. Tyl er Brigh l (KT M): 3. 4. Adorn Britt (IITM): 5. Brad Kinlet' (Kaw). 80 ( 12- 13): I. Ch ris Todd (Kaw ); 2. Travis fIowen (Kaw) ; 3. HarTIs Altman (Kaw ): 4. A1~lI ander Hunter (Yam ): 5. Ti mot hy Lee ~ Leedbeeter (Kaw): Hom (Kaw) . 80 (14-15): 1. 01'_ fukew (Yam ); 2. Ryan Pawl~y (Kaw ); 3. Jeremy AJJi!lOfl (Su%): 4 . Patrick Osborne (YlI m ); ~. Jenomy Sparks (Yam) . 80 0 : I. Tyler Bailes (Kaw ); 2. Mitdl Welborn (Suz) ; 3 . Chr is King (Suz): 4. Ronald John son (Kaw): 5 . Bradl~y By ars (514). 125 NPRO : I. Kevin Wa lk~ (Yam) : 2. Richard Pralh~ (Hon); 3. Han. Nt'el (Hon); 4. Jon BaNff (Hon): 5. Scott Clllyen (Yam) . 125 B: I. Jacob Saylor (Yam ); 2. MlIlt Blevin s (Suz); 3. Will iam Simmons II (Hon); 4. Ja mi~ Hainer (Ka w): 5. King Sm ith (SUl) . 125 C; I. Justin Lowery (Hon) ; 2. Mntthew Crawford (Yam ); J . James Strunk (KTM ); 4. fri!'ddy R~ (Yom ): 5. Todd H~ (KlIw). 125 D: I. Locas SntoU (Hon ); 2. Ofonok Jones (Yam) : J . Christoph~ N~lson (Suz): 4. Palric::k 0I!'eI (tim); 5. Brent Hall (Hon) . 250 NPRO: 1. K~vm Walket' (Yam ); 2. Scolt Crav"", (Yam) ; 3. Timmy Milligan (Suz) : 4 . Hans Nffi (Hon ): 5. Kevin Blalock (Suz) . 250 B: I. J .R. Carter (Suz) : 2. Jaml~ Hainer (Kaw) ; J. Ki ng Smith(Suz.): 4. Wesley McCoy (Vet'): 5. Mat! Summers (Kaw) .

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