Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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In 80 cc O pe n actio n, Kyle Tuc ke r put t he hu rt on his
opponents early on, as he nabbed the holeshot in front of the
26- r ide r fie ld and set a bli ste r ing pace en rout e t o a n
uncontested w in. Haaker and Rinauro checked in with the two
and three spots. respectively
Mota two saw Tucker involved in a first -tum pileup, while
Haaker and Rinauro got away clean. Haaker and Rinauro once
again we nt toe to toe, and this time Haaker was rewarded with
the overall, as he held off Rinauro for the overa ll on the day with
a 3· 1 effort . Lane got into the mix and too k the two spot in the
mot a , but Rinauro 's 2-3 tally was good eno ugh for the runner-up
spot on the day. Moody (4-6) rounded out the top three .
Pee Wee Tra c:k
SO (4- 6) P/W JR: I. James Carothers (KTM); 2. Derrik Durpva (yam) ; J .
Bryce Durjava (Yam); 4. Just in Bye (KTM); S. Colby Bates (Yam). SO (4-6) STK: I.
Jayson H.uting (KTM); 2. J
oshua Wilson (KTM); J . Kyle Irwi n (Hon ); 4. C orbi n
Hayes . 50 (4-6 ) MO D: I. Bruno M","'" (KTM 50 (7-8 ) STI(, I. Denck So"'"
(Cob); 2. Tra vis Hanc ock (KTM); 3. Kyte Greener (Pol); 4. Damon WIllI'I (KTM); S.
K.ayson HoIlenbec:k (KTM). 50 (7 .S) HOD: I. Alec Prns (KTM); 2. Jordan Rumse y
(Cob ): J. Jun"" Mendona (Hon). 50 (0-8) O PEN: I. J.T. Blartman (KTM).
Ma in Track
SO (4 . 6) : I. Bru no Mored a (KTM); 2. Jayson Hart ing (KTM); 3. Just in Bye
(KTM); 4 . Co rb in Haye s (l e m); S. James Ca rothers (KTM). 50 (7- S): I. J.T
Blattman (KTM); 2. Tra vis Hancoc k (KTM); 3. Kyle Gree ne r (Pol); 4 . Deric k Silva
(C ob); S. Kaylon Hollenbeck (KTM). 60 BEG: I. Billy Carpenter (KTH); 2 . Blain
Craft (Suz); 3. J.1: Blan man (KTM); 4. Daniel Zepp (KTM); S. K)1e Lelevkh (Suz) .
60 NOV: I. Derek Bee (KTM); 2. Paul O 'Eredita lKTM); 3. Reno Evans (KTM); 4 .
Just in Bro wn (KTM); 5 . Gu nner Sigler (KTM). 60 OPEN: I. Derek Bee (KTM); 2.
Jus t in Bro w n (KTM); J . Re no Evans (KTM); 4 . Gu nne r Sigler (KTM); S. Jeff
Carothe rs (KTM). BO BEG: I. T J. Bettenhausen (Yam); 2. Zac Hopk ins (Yam); 3.
Jason Becker (KTM); 4 . Kodee Huggins (Yam); S. Ty Persons (Yam). 80 NOV: I.
Kyle Tucker (Yam); 2 . Jaso n Olinger (Ya m) ; 3. Michael Par ks (Suz); 4. Briar
McCorkle (Kaw); S. Michael Foster (Yam). 80 INT: I. Ricky Rinauro (Y ); 2.
C ol ton Haaker (Kaw) ; 3. Marcus Bradshaw (Yam); 4 . Dustin Moody (Suz) ; S.
Dylan Lane (Yam). SO OPEN: I. Co lton Haake- (Kaw); 2. Ricky Rinauro (Yam); 3.
Dustin Moo dy (Suz ); 4 . Marcus Brad shaw (Yam); S. Briar McC or kle (Kaw ).
S/M IN I: I. Topher Ingalls (Yam); 2. Dylan lane (Yam); 3. Dust in Moody (Suz); 4 .
Mkhael Parks (Suz); S. Jason O linger (Yam). 100 : I. Jordan Hausmann (KTM); 2.
Aust in Earnest (Hon) . B/W: I. lucas Arm strong (Ha n); 2. Ian Anderson (Hon ).
115 BEG 0-1 : I. Jon Godman (Y ; 2. Justin McKeru ie (Ho n); 3. Jim O linge r
(Kaw ); 4. Andre w Dunn (Hon) ; S. Adam Huffer (Suz). 11S BEG 0-1: I. Rick
Kramer (; 2. D.J. She rman (Yam); 3. Justin Braido (Yam); 4. Casey Proctor
telli (Yam); 2. Jeff
(KTM); S. Robby G illesp ie (Y . U S NOV 0 ·1 : I. Mike M.a
Mann Jr. (Ha n); J . Dylan Tolmasoff (Kaw); 4 . Shane C urr ier (Yam); S. Joseph
Romano (yarn). 115 NOV 0 -1 : I. Eric Emerson (Yam); 2. Blake Amos (Yam); 3.
Brian Foster (Hon); 4 . Daniel Laws on (KTM); 5. Jared long ( ). 115 INT: I.
Austin Ingalls (Yam); 2. Kris Triest (Y
arn); 3. C or ey Pennin gton (Hon) ; 4. Cu rtis
Roe (Yam); 5 . Brad Kelly (Yam). 11 5 PRO : I. Mike Aless i (KTM); 2. To ny
e1Wint ers (Yarn);
Sherman (Yam); 3. Brian McC ulloch (Yam). 1S 0 BEG: I . Mid 13
2. Just in McKenzie (Hon); 3. Michael Robinson (Yam); 4. Andre w Durvl (Hon); S.
Justin Vance (Yam). 1 S0 NOV: I. Just in lovelace (Hon ); 2. Aaron Strong (Yam);
3. Deoc Lane {Yam); 4 . Jose ph Romano (Yarn); S. Ch ris Weaver (Yam). 2S 0 INT:
I. Kris Triest (Yam) ; 2 . C urt is Roe (Yam ); 3. Just in Po se y (Yam); 4 . Jo r d an
Moc:kridge (Yarn); 5. Brad Kelly (Yam). 250 P RO : I. Mike AJeui (KTM); 2. Jinwny
Stewart (Hon ); 3. David Gassin (Yam); 4. J- R. Mason (Suz). U/l: I. Kris Triest
(Yam); 2. Daniel Du arte (Suz); 3. Jeremy Johnson (Yam). 4 · ST RK OPEN : I.
Aust in Ingalls (Yam); 2. Joey Harris (Y
arn); 3. Nathan Vandermade (Kaw ); 4 . Kevin
Sellen (Hon ); S. Max Scolari (Hon ). 4- ST RK PRO: I. Mike Alessi (KTM); 2.
David Gassin (Yam); 3. Jimmy Stewart (Hon) . WM N: I. Michetle Skender (K.a ;
2. Hailey larson (Suz); 3. Brituny Myers (Yam); 4. Krystle Wolco tt (Hon); S.
Ashley Fre itas (Yam). SCHBY: I. Corey Pennington (Han ); 2. Just in Posey (Yam);
J . Dytan Toimaso ff (Kaw ); 4. Tim Di G ion:tano (Y ); S. Brian Foste r (Han) . 1S +
BEG : I. Scot Goodace (Hon ); 2. Manuel Flores (Yam); 3. Dominic Cube (Suz); 1.
Darry l C ully (Yam); S. Jeff Grandstaff (Hon) . l S + NOV: I. Don McKee (Yam); 2.
D:ovid Ada i, (Kaw ): J. Chm Becear (Hon) . 25 + INT: I. 1Grl< Rid
gley (Yom): 2.
Brian Mock tidge (Yam); 3. Gary C urt is (Hon); 4. Ed Whit ecotton (!