Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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(Yam) ; 5. Michae l Dicke y (Yam ). 250/0PE N A: I. Kyle Brow n (Yam 250 /0PEN B: I. Myles Sabros ky (Hen}; 2. ). Josh Baldwin (Hon); l . Brad Sullivan (Ho n); "l. Kyle Glass (Hon). 250/0 PEN C: I. Don Patterso n (Hon); 2. Zachary Friend (Hon); 3. Bob bie Willi ms (Ya . 16-24 : I. Co rey a m) Paulsell (Hon); 2. De re k Sigler (Ya m); 3. Myles Sabr os ky (Hon); 4. Casey Diener (Hon). 25 +: I. Jason Ernsbe rge r (Hon); 2. Richard Potter (Hon). 30 + : I.J im Brown (Hon); 2. Damian Swigert (Hen ): 3. Chad Wilkins (Hon); 4. Dan Duve (Hon) . 35+ : I. Chad Wilk ins (He n): 2. Kevin Tenb rin k (Hon); 3. David Dexter (Yam) 4. Jim Brown (Hon). 40 + : I. ; Jeffrey Beer bowe r (Hon); 2. David De xte r (Yam) 3. Philip ; Pe yt on (Ho n) : -4 . Sco tt Sha ne (KTM). 4 5 + : I. Jeff re y Bee rbowe r (Ho n); 2. Philip Peyto n (Hon) ; 3. Phil Sawicki (Hon); -4 . Ste phen Erickson (Suz). NO N· CUR : I. Blake Moe s (Yam) . Ma xx l. Mota-Madness Round 30: Bremen Supercross Ford's a Model Racer, to a "T" By BILLY ATKINSON BREMEN, GA, OCT. 23 Phil Ha rris (669) was unstoppable a s he rode to a four-mota sto mping, winning every mota he en tered in the 12 Scc A and 12 Scc Junior classes at Log Roa d MX. Log RoadMX Sabrosky Outfoxes 'em at Log Road MX By BART NEWMAN BUCHANAN, MI,OCT. 23 he weather w asn't great. but the track and racing were , as always , at Log Road, as nearly 200 riders fought the rain and the competition, as th e end of the District 14 season comes closer. Myles Sabrosky too k a pair of seconds in the 250cc B class to scor e the overall. In I25cc Junior action , Philip Harris looked at home aboa rd his Ch ampionship Powe rsports CRF250 . grabbin g the w in in that class as w e ll as th e I25cc A class. In the first 250cc B moto, Kyle Glass shot out of t he gate t he q uickest. leading the pack around t he fas t first turn . Sa b ro s ky. Jo s h T Baldwin and Br ad Sullivan were all look ing at his rear fe nde r. Glass w as fast all ove r the tr ack , but it was out back w here he was rea lly making time on the field. Sabrosky, w ho is fighting his way back fro m a shoulder injury, had his hands full with both Baldw in and Sullivan, but he had a great line in the start straight that opened up some breathing roo m on each lap. Glass rolled on for the w in, w ith Sabrosky a d istant second. Baldwin kept Sullivan at bay fo r most of t he mo ta , but in t he end Sulliva n s nea ked underneath Baldwin to take third. In mota two, Glass o nce again jumped o ut to an ear ly lead, but Sabr osky was running we ll and begi nn ing to ge t back in t he groove aft er his layoff, and he kept Glass ho nest . Baldw in was o n t he gas after not ge tti ng t he start he wanted, and he was pushing Sabrosky. Glass' luck didn't hold, as his Honda grou nd to stop , leaving him w ith a DNF and allowing the field to ge t around him . Bald w in was now neck and ne c k w it h Sabrosky as the two riders battled fo r the lead throughout the re mainder of the moto. Baldwin (4- 1) came out ofthe back section out fro nt and it was a iea d he would hold until the end, but his 54 4- 1 tally left him second overall. Sabrosky was seco nd in the moto but had the lowest score of the day (2-2) and too k the ove rall. Sullivan w as on the box w ith a pair of third s. Harris took two w ins in the 125cc A class and then turned his attention to the I25cc Junior class, w he re a ga te full of fast kids w as ea ch lo oki ng to take his best s hot at t he A-class w inner. Harris wasn't going to let the dance w ith the tro phy girl go to someone else , so he had the t hrottle pinned all moto io ng and grab bed th e first-moto wi n. G r e g Durivage , Adam Behringe r, Keith Majewsk i and Josh Adams made up t he to p five , w ith the best battle being the fight over third, which we nt to Beh ringer. It w as more of t he sa m e in mo ta tw o . Ha r ris w as once aga in t he gu y t o be at , and while Du rivage gave him a r un fo r it, it w as Harris scoring t he w in. Durivage was seco nd, so me d ista nce ahea d of Beh ringer, w ho fo ught off Majewsk i for th ird. A no the r Saturday night brou ght ye t mo re /'"'\s uper racing!. The new Freewhee ling Cafe at t he t rac k was o pe ned early so everyo ne could che ck it ou t prio r t o t he Four-St roke Natio nal to be he ld here , and the fans liked the indoor seating and concession area, not to mention the pool table and the big-scr een T'i Le t's get a seat, because the action's abo ut to start ! The 50cc (4-6) co nte st en ded up being "The Bailey Croo m Show." C room co uld o nly ge t his KTM to seco nd in the first moto, behind Logan Ra in w at er ' s C ob ra . In t he secon d mo t o , though, C room put his head down and won the mo ta, taking th e overall. Rainwater's secondplace finish earned him second overall, ahead of ano ther Cobra pilot , Tren t Bilodeau . In the 50cc (7-B) class, Co lto n Ford was the ve ry mo de l of a mo dern mo to race r, w inning bot h motos o n his fast KTM. Retu rning after a break fro m racing, Jake Elder ca pt ured second overa ll w ith a great ride . Ty Tanner of the Po lini cr owd ke pt it pinne d in t he second mota to make up for his first mo to and take t he last pod ium position . T he 125cc C clas s was ano th er one w e ll worth w atching. Suzuki jo ckey Eli Hurst w as the man , scori ng the overal l w in. Y amaha pilot Dylan Rios spoiled w hat cou ld have bee n an allSuzuki pod ium, as Walker Mayo, just up from the 85s , used his Suzuki to finish off the pod ium w ith a great ride. The 250cc A class was t he pro pe rty of Dash Lyle , on his RH5 Racing 45 0cc Honda. Derrick Fisher too k second overall o n his Yamaha twostroke, ju st behi nd Lyle . Fish e r ha d t o overcome a poor start, as he sta rte d at the rear in the firs t mo ta . Lyle staye d o ut fro nt and RESULTS SO JR: I. Brendyn Snell (KTM); 2. Jacob Edison (KTM); 3. Broc Wright (Co b). 50 SR: I. Seth Harnishfeger (KTM); 2. Jarr ed Williams (KTM); l . Mitch Ostafin (Cob ); 4 . Andrew Bumpus (Co b); 5. Brock Stellner (Cob) . 50 (4-6): I. Jacob Edison (Cob); 2. Byron Prisock [Hen ]; l . Matthew Dolbee (Cob); 4. Zachary Denison (Co b); S. Dylan Webb (KTM). 50 (1.8) : I. Cody Madsen (KTM); 2. Des iree Be tts (KTM); 3. Brock Stellner (Cob) ; 4. Jorey Lambright (KTM); 5. Dalton Elkins ( Ho n) . 6 5 : I . Ni ch ol as Velie (KT M) ; 2. Dou g Waggener (KTM); 3. Travis Bassage (Suz); 4. Jackson Marlow (Kaw); 5. Mitch Ostafin (KTM). 85 (9-1 3): I. Michael Ross (Suz); 2. Kenne t h Bass (KTM); 3. Billy Larsen (Suz); 4 . Cameron Martine z (Suz); S. Zachary Rochefort (KTM). 85 C: I. Tyler Grossheim (Yam) 85 JR: I. Kenneth Bass (KTM); . 2. Seth Gree n (Yam) l . Ross Ryt.enga (xaw ): 4. Zach Kelley : (Kaw); 5. O rre Shane (KTM). 85 SR: I. Michael Chapman (KTM 2. Michael Ross (Suz); l . Billy Larsen (Suz); 4. Adam ); Hicks (Hon); 5. Stephen Grz incic (Kaw). 125 JR: I. Phillip Ham s (Ya 2. Gregory Durivage (Hen): 3. Adam Behringe r m); (Hon); "l. Keith Majewski Jr. (Hon); 5. Joshua. Adams (Hon). 125 A: I. Phillip Harris (Yam 2. Kyle Brown (Yam). 125 B: ); I. Adam Behr inger (He n): 2 . Kyle Glass (Hon): 3. Josh Bal dw in ( Hon); 4. Grego ry Dur ivage ( Ho n) ; 5. Ke it h Maje w ski Jr. (Ho n). 12 5 C : I. Ryan Me re dith (Yam); 2. ); . Cha rles Bloo mer (Kaw): 3. Coty Luke (Yam -4 Brad Hess DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYCLE N EWS This is what everyone else in the SOcc (7-B) class saw: Colton Ford pulling away to th e win at round 30 of Ma xxis Mota-Madness action in Bremen, Georgia. 40th Anniversary missed the show be hind him. Ryan No lan to o k the last pod ium spot wit h so me great riding on his H&H KTM. There was a blast from the past in t his cla ss, as Ba r r y Higgins made a n ap pea ra nc e ; H igg ins w as a motoc ross sta r before most of thes e riders' parents had even gotten ou t of grade school! The age classes have been growing in size '1~ the season nea rs its end . T he Ove r 25 class was KTM rider Ryan No lan's, Robert McGr ew used his Ho nda to capt ure the second ste p on the pod ium, Charging Yamaha pilot Greg Pet erson earned thir d. The O ve r 3D-cl as s overall was won by Kawasaki rider Br ian De at on . Boyd Pete rse n too k seco nd overall o n his new Fre ewheeling CRF250R. Another Kawasaki ride r, Kill Pettu s, was the final pod ium occupant. T he Ov e r 35 class w as the large st o f the "age " d ivision s. Rick Linde ll won bo th mo tos on his Yama ha . Hon da -mo unt ed Wayne Mas sey took seco nd overall wi th a good ride. Bo b Foran used ano ther Ho nda to w in the last spot on the pod ium . RESULTS 50 SHAFT: I. Austin Jenkins (Yam 2. Christ ian Evans ); (Yam l . Jacqui Rigg (Yam); 4. Gavin Hall (Yam 5. Logan ); ins ); Rainwater (Y am). 50 H ON /KT M O il-I N): I. Carson Ford (KTM); 2. Jordan Henry (Hon); l . Alex Newberry (KTM); -4 . Cody Culpepper (Hon); 5. Bre ndan Griffith (KTM). 50 (4 .6): I. Bailey Croom (KTM); 2. Logan Rainwater (Co b); 3. Tre nt Bilo deau (C o b) : 4. Jar re tt Pr ie st (KT M); 5. Alex Newberry (KTM). 50 (l -B): I. Colton Ford (KTM) 2. Jake : Elde r (Cob); 3. Ty Tanner (Pol); 4. Justin Priest (KTM 5. Alec ); Riggins (KT M). 50 OPE N : I. Jake Elde r (Co b); 2. Alec Riggins (KTM); 3. Ty Tanne r (Pol); 4. Justin Priest (KTM); 5. Bailey Croom (KTM). 65 (7 -9): t. Timothy Thorn (KTM); 2. Colton Ford (KT M); 3. Ga rrett Sutton (KT M); 4 . Blake Moreland (KTM); 5. Chris Hughes (Suz). 65 ( 10-11) : I. Mason McCune (Kaw); 2. Michael Keen (KTM): 3. Brandon Massey (KTM): 4. Sidney Har mon (Suz); 5. Jimmy Mooney (Kaw). PRETEEN 60-85 : I. Adam Root (KTM); 2. Timothy Tho rn (KTM); l . Krae Fra nklin (Yam) ; 4. Michael Keen (KTM); 5. Jonathan Belt (Y am). 80 BEG: I. Gerald Harmo n (He n): 2. Camd en Frame [Suz]: 3. Travis Maye r (Suz); -4 . Jacob Morris (Yam); 5. Matt Eatmon (Hon). 85 (7 .1 1): I. N ic Kimsey (KTM); 2. Cod y Hammond (KTM); l . Mason McCune {Kaw ]: 4. Andrew Reed (Yam); 5. Kree Franklin (Yam) 85 ( 12-15) : I. Tyler French (Yam) 2. Matthew Timm . ; (5uz); l . Adam Root (KTM); 4. John Mooney (Kaw); 5. Gerald Harmon (Hon). Sf MINI 80 -105 : I. Matthew Timm (Suz); 2. Aaron Cooper (Kaw); 3. Tyler French (Yam);4. Daniel Root ( KT M); S. John Moon ey (Kaw) . 12 5 BEG : I. Jim my Fetterman (Yam 2. Trey Foran (Yam 3. Michael Bram le tte ); ); (Hen): 4. Zach Snipes (Hon); 5. Chris Ward (Hon). 125 A: I. D.C. Thomason (Yam); 2. Ryan Nolan (KTM); 3. Derrick Fisher (Ya m). 125 B: I. Tyl r Horne (Hon); 2. Chris Castle e (He n): 3. Bobby Scogin (Hon). 125 C: I. Eli Hurst (Suz); 2. Dylan Rios (Ya 3. Walker Mayo (Suz); "l. Ret Turner (Suz); m); 5. Greg Peterso n (Yam) 250 BEG: I. Jason Henry (Suz); 2. . Chris Anders on (Ho n); 3. Jason Dem ing (Ho n); -4 . Ishmael Shipp (Hon); 5. Jaco b Sudduth (Kaw). 250 A: I. Dash L yle (Hon); 2. Derrick Fishe r (Yam); 3. Ryan Nolan (KTM); "l. D.C. Thomason (Yam) 5. Mark Taylor (Hon). 250 B: I. Robert ; McGrew (He n): 2. Bobb y Scogin (Hon) . 250 C: I. Boyd Pete rse n (Hon); 2. Brian Deaton (Kaw). U/l AM: I. Chris w): Castle (Hon); 2. Sam Sutherin (Ka 3. Josh Chandler (Hon). WMN : I. Kayla Ergle (Suz); 2. Jessica Tucker (Suz); 3. Kristin ). Mullaney (Hon); -4. Rachel Bozeman (KTM YTH: I. Tyler o ); Home (Hon); 2. Eli Hurst (Suz); 3. Dylan Ri s (Yam 4. Ret Turne r (Suz); 5. Walker Mayo (Suz). 25+ : I. Ryan Nolan (KTM); 2. Robert McGrew (Hon); 3. Greg Pet ers en (Yam 4. ); Josh Chandler (Hon): S. Jason Dem ing (Hon). 30 + : I. Brian Deaton (Kaw): 2. Boyd Peters en (Hon); l . Kitt Pettis (Kaw); 4. Jeff Noles (Hon ); 5. Rick Lindell (Yam). 35 + : I. Ric k Linde ll (Yam); 2. Wayne Masse y (Ho n) ; 3. Martin Hor ns (Ya -4 . Barry Higgins (KTM); 5. Doug Hawkins (Hon). m);