Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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between Smit h and H ond a r id er Adam Mennenga . After a la p of sw a ppin g paint . Mennenga was in second, De muth (who' d had a rough start) was in third. a nd Smith was in fo urt h. They were so dose you co uld have t hro w n one b lanket ove r all t hre e o f them . Chatfield saw the checkers first , with Mennenga a nd De muth not far behi nd. T he top t hre e ove rall spots w e nt to De mu t h, C hatfield and Mennenga. RESULTS Eventual overall winner Chris Thiele (2) grabs the holeshot, ahead of Tracy Bauman (7), Mark Gay (11) and Brian Jahelka (20), at round 13 of the Missouri Hare Scrambles Championship Seri e s. Leivan loaded up after a practic e lap and spent th e rest of t he day runn ing aro und with a pit board , trying to inspire his fello w racers. Aaron Shaw, w ho is seco nd in po ints . e lected [Q work th e event held in his homet own. Team Green ride r Chris Nesbitt, w ho is th ird in the series, suffe r ed a t errible st art and co uld cli m b no higher than eighth . Caleb Wohletz , the fourthranked rid er, is st ill on t he sideli nes wi t h a broken w rist suffer ed at rou nd I I . RESULT S C /A: I. Chris Th ie le (Yam); 2. Tracy Bauman (KTM); 3. Mark Gay (Yam); 4. David Taylor (KTM); 5. LMs Valin (Hon); 6 . Gary Weth erall (Kaw): 7. Chr is Nesb itt (Kaw) ; 8. Jake Joh nson (Yam); 9. Dust in Wisecup (Yam): 10 . Slade Mortang (Hus). AA : I. Chri s Th iele (Y ): 2. Tracy Bauman (KTM); 3 am Mark Gay (Yam); 4. David Taylor (KTM); 5. Lars Valin (Hon) . A INT: I. G.:u Wetherall (Kaw) ; 2. Jake Johnson (Yam): J . y D ust in Wisecup (Yam): 4 . Jo hn 5truckhoff (Kaw): 5. Kevin Boyle (Yam). A SPTSMN : I. Slade Morlang [H us]: 2. Todd C orwin (KT M); J . Elst o n Moore (Yam) ; 4 . Ste ve C rews (Kaw); 5. Gary Mitt e lbe rg (Yam). 200 B: I. Jeremy Wisecup (KTM); 2 . Ben Alexander (KTM); l . Jo hn Cash (KTM) ; 4 . Johnny Robinson (KTM). 25 0 B: I. Nick Fro st Jr. (Hon ); 2. Eric Frantz (KT M): l . N ick Fro st Sr. (Yam); 4 . Scott C ain (KT M) ; 5 . Max Elliso n (H o n). OPE N B: I. Jaso n Hawk (KTM): 2. Charles Th iele (Yam); l . Kurt Schaben (Ho n): 4. Mark Gudde (KTM): 5. Tim Staponski (Yam). 200 C: I. Jim Williams (Kaw): 2. Damian Mahoney (Ho n); l . Troy La Velie (He n): 4. N ick Bryant (Suz); 5. Roger Austin (KTM). 250 C: I . Kevin Long (Ho n): 2. Keith Voss (Yam) ; l . Brya n Roy (Kaw ); 4 . Ro nnie Manin (Yam) ; 5 . Gary Simpson (Yam). O P EN C: l. Aaron Smith (Hon ); 2. Derek Kemp (Hon); l . Brad Kearns (Yam ); 4 . Chad Clark (Suz ) ; 5 . Jaso n Allen (KTM). JR: I. Trevo r Morgan (KTM); 2. Nicho las Williams (Kaw) ; l . Derek Dixon (Kaw ); 4 . Rusty H ilton (Kew ) : 5 . Kayne Nat ions (Suz). W M N : I. Kris Waugh (KTM); 2. Qndy Barn e tt (Yam): l . Gwen He ist (Yam); 4. Donna Moore (Yam). VET: I. Peter Sebelski (KTM); 1 . N ick Crawford (Yam); l . Jerry McCas land (Y ); 4 . David Dillingham (KTM); 5. Joseph am Armon (KTM). SR: I. Wayne Hatfield (Y am): 1. Brad Barne tt (Yam): l . John New be rry (KTM); 4. Robert Armon (KTM); 5. Ronn ie Moses (KTM). S/S R: I. AI Hejlek (Kaw); 1. William am) ; 5. Guffey (Yam); l . Bill Duffne r (KTM); 4 . Frank Leivan (Y John Oller (Kaw). BEG : I. Dan Korte (Yam): 2. Jeff Battreal (KTM); l . Kevin Dudenhoeffer (He n): 4 . Thomas Jo hnso n (Y am); 5. Randolph Barr ow (Y am) . S I STK (4-6): I. Parker Remi ng (Cob) ; 1. Dillon lewis (Cob) ; 3. Matthew Coffey (KTM); 4 . Austin Morgan (Lem): 5. Mike Belding (KTM). 5 1 STK (7 .8): I. Cade Moore (KTM); 2. Andrew Pie rce (KTM): l . D rake Du nlap (KTM); 4 . Tyler Glass (KTM); S. Pierce low (Lem). S I OPEN STK: I. Cade Moo re (KTM); 1. D rake D unlap (KTM); l . Andrew Pie rce (KTM); -4 . Tyler Glass (KTM); 5. Pie rce Low (Le m). 65 (7- 9): I. Colt Nichols (KTM); 2 . Bryce D oz ie r (Kaw ): l . Pe rry Ree d e r (Kaw): 4 . G ilso n Machtolff (Kaw) : 5 . Austin Cox (Kaw) . 65 ( 10-1 I): I. Be au Hudson (Kaw) ; 2 . Weston Broo ks (KTM); l . Ashton Fitzgibbon (KTM); 4 . Zach Henry (Kaw ); 5. Yancey Edson (KTM). 6S O PEN : L Col t N ichols (KT M); 1. Beau H ud so n (Kaw ): l . Zac h H en ry (Kaw ); 4 . Weston Brooks (KTM); S. G ilson Macht o lff (Kaw). 85 BEG (1-")' I. Ryan F;" gibbon (KTM); 2. Dylan Gooch (KTM); 3. Eric Terrazas (Kaw ); 4. Jaco b Ba rne s (Yam); 5 . Ryan Bate (Hon ). 85 BEG ( 12-1 5): I. Taylor Nichols (He n): 2. Colby Allen (Hon ); l . Luke Martin (Hon ): 4. Chris Mount (Yam); S. am Kory Whinen (Y ). 8 5 (7 - 11): I. Ryan Eppe rs (Ho n); 1. Preston Laye (Kaw) ; l . Brandon G le n n (Kaw) ; 4 . w.L. Steward (Ha n); 5. De re k Led be tt er (Yam). 8 5 ( 12-1 3) : I. Tre y Canard ( Ka w ) ; 2 . Corey D ry (KTM ); l . Estefa n Duplessis (Yam); 4 . Mitchell McLeroy (Kaw); S. D illon Solly (KTM). 85 ( 14 -15) : I. Matt hew Lemoi ne (Kaw ); 1. Eric Abel (Yam); l . Thomas Ault (Yam); 4 . D rew Russell (Yam); 5. Justin Hard in (Kaw). 65 -85 JR S/ MINI: I. Ryan Eppers (Hon ); 2. Brandon Glen n (Kaw ); 3. Bryce Doz ier (Suz); 4. Preston laye (Kaw): 5. De rek Led be tt e r (Y am) . 85 -105 SR S/MINI: I. Trey Cana rd (Kaw ); 2. Matt he w Le mo ine (Kaw ); l . Corey Dry (KTM); 4 . Bryson Watson (Hon ): 5. Mitchell McLeroy (Kaw). 100· 125 SCHBY: I. O uy Barbar ee (Suz); 2. Ronny jac kson (Hen): l . Tre y Canard (Kaw): 4. lYIer Begue (Yam); 5. Ron Reese III (Kaw) . 125 A : I. Jo sh Demuth (Yam); 1. Adam C hatfield (Hon); 3. Adam Me nnen ga (Y ); 4. Robbie am Smith (Yam); 5 . Jake We ime r (5uz). 12 5 B: I. Ryan Vo it (Suz); 1. Ozzy Barbaree (Suz); l . Tyler Begue (Yam); 4. Collin Go sse tt (Suz); S. Ron Reese III (Kaw) . 125 C : I. Derrick Brister (Yam); 2 . Rand all Ho ward (Hen): l . Ryan Serrano (Ho n); 4 . Vincent Myers (So2); 5. Travis Wright (Yam). 125 0 : Mitch Mason (So2); 2. Cody Price (Yam): l . Russell Hale (Hon ); -4. Jonathan Buber (Yam); 5. Buddy Tucker (Yam). 125 OPEN: I . Ryan Volt (Suz); 2 . Michael Kasbe rg (Ha n); l . Kasey Worthington (Hon): 4 . Je su s Marq ue z. (Kaw ) ; S. Jonathan Taylor (Yam). 1 50 A: I. Josh De m uth (Yam): 1. Cory G reen (Hon); l . Jake Weimer (Suz); 4. Adam Mennenga (Yam); 5. Adam Chatfield (Han) . 2 50 B: I. Coll in Gossett (Suz); 2. Asa Phillips (Hon) ; l . Kasey Worthington (Han ); -4. Tyler Schultz (Hon ); 5. Bre tt Cue (Yam). 250 C: I. Travis Wright (Yam): 2. Ryan Serrano (Hon) ; l . Ryan Benedett o ; 4 . Vincent Mye rs (Suz): 5 . Zeupai Mao (H a n). 250 0 : I. To m my Mo unt (Kaw); 2. Je re my Duerkse n (H a n); l . Harry Mason (Kaw ): 4. Howard N ixon (Suz). 2 50 OPEN : L Brett Cu e (Yam); 1. Tyler Schultz (Ho n); l . Danie l Q ueb od eaux (Yam); 4 . Wayne Huckaby (Ho n); 5. Jo nathan Arnell (Y . am) 4 -ST RK: I. Adam Chatfield (H on) : 2. Aust in Squires ( ~w); l . Asa Phillips (Hon): 4 . Robb ie Robertson (Suz); 5. Ryan Voit (Suz). WMN : I. Vanessa Flo rentino (Kaw); 1 . Chris Blewett (Suz); l . Missy Clark (Kaw); 4. Lindsay Myers (Suz); 5. Taryn COvington (Kaw). 25 + A: I. Josh De muth (Yam); 2. Austin Squires (Kaw ); l . Dwain Carter (Yam); 4 . Den nis Hawt horne (Kaw) ; S. Mike Boliver (Yam). 2 5+ B: I. Greg Swirczynski (Yam); 1 . Kevin Lizarraga (Yam); l . Brent Halley (Yam); 4. Jason Walling (Hon ); 5. Chris Loy (Hon ). 2 5+ C: I. Dana Fishe r (Y ; 2. Jere my Jo hnso n (Yam); l . Butc h Paine (Yam); am) 4. Marcelo Novacc (Ho n); 5. Col in Eeds (Ha n). J O+ A: I. Aust in Sq uires (Kaw); 2 . D wa in Carter (Yam): l . Dennis Hawt ho rne (Kaw ); 4 . Jeffre y Long (Yam). 30 + B: I. Greg Swirczynski (Yam); 1. Kevin Lizarraga (Y am) ; l . Kyle Parks (Hon ); 4 . Virgil Goodwin (H on ); 5. Brent Halley (Yam). JO + C/O: I . Dav id Gall (Ho n); 2 . Jon Sullins (Hon ); l . Donnie Seay (Yam); 4. Mark Eachus (Yam): 5. Marcelo Novaco (Hon). 35 +: I. Kevin Uzarraga (Y am) ; 2. Chuck Cooper (KTM); l . Scooter Webb (Yam); 4. Phillip Mills (Y ); S. Todd Watson am (Kaw). 4 0 + : I. Chuck Cooper (KTM): 1 . Shann on Niday (H on); l . Phillip Mills (Yam) ; 4 . Virgil Goodwin (Ho n); 5. Todd Watson (Kaw ). AMA Pro Circuit Tex a s/ O k la ho ma Regional Classic Rou nd 4: Coaperlond Race w a y Brister's Blistering Speed Wins ItI BY CONNIE JOHNSON STILLWATER, OK, OCT. 17 D o und four of the Pro Circuit Regional C1 asr\sic came to Ok lahoma and me t w ith so me awesome weather and a prim o track! Several Texans made the trek north to battle for po ints in th is prestigious series. O ne in particular made mincemeat o ut of the rest of the 125cc C class. Derrick Brister took the lead earl y in mo to on e and rode th e tires off his Yamaha, tak ing the checkers well ahead of Ho nda rider Ryan Se rran o . Another Yamaha pilo t , C lay Drew, crossed the finish line in third after being in the lead for the first lap and a half. Brist e r got a bette r jump o ff th e ga te in mo ta two and had the lead by the second turn. Onc e aga in, he outra n his c o m petiti o n . A different Ho nda rider, Randall Ho w ar d, took seco nd , which gave him seco nd overall after his first-mote finish of fo urth . Travis Wright put his Yamaha into the third -p lace po sit io n, bu t Serrano, w ith his fifth-place second-moto finish, took the third -overall spot. Su zu ki jockey O z zy Ba r ba r e e got the holeshot in mo to one of the 125cc B class. On his tail by the en d of lap one was Ho nda rider Ro nny Jackson . O nce Jackson made t he pass, 52 the re w as no loo king back. Rya n Voit came from wa y back in the pack to finish third o n his Suzuki, behind Jackso n and Barbaree . Barbaree again got the hole shot in moto two , with Jackson right behind him . Jac kson wh ipped his bike so far on the first jump , trying to scare Barba ree off, that he almost lost it! He made a great save and passed Barbaree, on ly to pull off the track shortly thereafter. Voit, having go tt en a much better start, a lso passed Barbaree, and he took o ve r the le ad when Jackson pulled off the tra ck. Voit took the top spot o n t he podi um wi t h his 3- 2 fin ishes, fo llowed by Bar baree in seco nd and Yamaha rider Tyler Begue in third. T he 125cc A class saw Texan Josh Dem uth nail t he Itrst-moto holesho t , w it h his fe llow Yamaha rider Robbie Smith on his back fender. Suzu ki ri de r Ja ke We imer soo n got arou nd Smith , but he co uldn't catch the flying De muth . T he y c ro ssed the finis h line in that orde r : Demuth, Weimer and Smith. Moto two was a d iff nt story. Weimer got ere the holeshot but was passed in the second turn by Honda newcomer Co ry Green. Weimer ran into tro uble and dro p ped back w hile Ada m Ch at fie ld put his Honda out in front next, fo llow ed by Smith. Lap five saw a batt le erupt DECEMBER8, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Derrick Brister topped the 125cc C class at the AMA Pro Circuit Texas/Oklahoma Regional Classic's fou rth round in Stillwater, Oklahoma. GFI Fall Series Round 5 : AMP Natio nal Track a t Prairie City Rinauro Rockin' at Round Five BY JIM AND JUSTIN ENOS RANCHO CORDOVA, CA, OCT. 17 D acin' Ricky Rinauro hit the gro und runnin' at l ' roun d five of the GFI Fall Series and earned top honors in the 80cc Intermed iate class and a runner-up spot in the SO Open class. This was cc the final round of the serie s, and an early storm descended u pon th ose in atte ndance a t t he AMP Natio nal Trac k at Prairie City. Many we re caught off guard w he n the rain came dow n just as the day got started but , de spite a mixed bag of opinions , a full tw o -moto schedule was ru n. Rinauro and Kawasaki pilot Colton Haaker we nt at it in th e 80cc Inte rmed iate class , and 4 0th Anniversary the two swap ped wins on t he day. In the first moto, Haake r got the jump on t he field as Rinauro tucked in behi nd . Mud -ridi ng skills w ere put to test, as Haaker managed to hold off the co nstant pre ssure fro m Rlnauro to take the win. Rinauro, Marcus Bradshaw, Dust in Mood y and Dylan Lane ro unded o ut the to p five. In mo t o tw o , Rina uro edged o ut Haaker aro und t he first turn , and th e two once again we nt at it bar to bar. In fact, the lead changed hands several t im e s be tw e en the two until Rinauro finally put his Yamaha out front fo r good. Haaker held on for the two spot, and Bradshaw once again eamed third. Moody (4-4) and Lane (5-5) rounded out the to p five overall on the day.

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