Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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> In the 2S0 cc A class , Suzu ki rid er Derek Kutcher, Triangle Cycle/Cycle Connections Honda rider Tony Deal, and KrM rider Glenn Holcomb comp rised a freight train throughout the first lap. At the end of lap two, Deal too k over the lead, with Holcomb mere second s, behind putting on the pressure. Deal never let up and took the win, w ith Holcomb just two seco nds o ff his re ar fender. Kutcher hung on for third. jim my 's Cycle Sale s/ Bridgestone-backed Suzuki ride r Randall Ellison too k the ea rly lead in the Vet A class but went bushw hacking, and David Baldwin and Hon da of Norfo lk Yamaha rider Eric Hytine n passed him. When Hytinen's clutch started to go o ut, Ellison got by him and chase d after Baldw in. When Baldwin overshot a turn , Ellison mo ved back into the lead. On the last lap, Baldw in got by Ellison again, but he made a repeat of the first lap and overshot a turn . Elliso n took the win, w ith Baldwin just 24 seco nds be hind him. Third place we nt to Pro Tee s-sponsored Suzuki rider Chuck Honeycutt. There was some last-lap drama in the Senior A class. Suzuki rider Phillip Doyle led the entire rac e , w ith Scott-backed KTM rider Dan ny Morrison right on his rear fender. O n the very last stra ight before the finish, Morrison flew by Doyle and popped in fro nt of him to take the win. RESULTS O/A : Jason Greer (Yam). AA : I. Ashley Hall (Ha n); 2. George Greer (Yam); 3. Chance Baker (Ha n); 4. David White (Suz): 5. David Ashley (KTM). 200 A: I. Robby Norw ood (KTM); 2 . Ray Faddis (KTM): 3. Jason Hed r ick (KTM) ; 4 Daniel Parker (Ha n): 5. Donnie Ha rdman (Kaw). 2 50 A: I. To ny D e al (Ha n ): 2. G le n n Holcomb (KT M): 3. Dere k Kutc her (Suz); 4. Justin Sto ne (Hon); S. Tim Henio n (Yam). 4- ST RK A: I. Jason BaJo nis (Hus); 2. Bra ndon Nero (KTM); 3. Ted Marri ne r (KTM); 4. Tommy Tomlinson (Hen ]: 5. C had Woods (Yam). VET A: I . Randa ll Elliso n (Suz); 2. D avid Baldwin (Ho n): 3. C huck Ho neycutt (Suz); 4. Cheste r Vlhaley (Yam); S. Michael Bakken (Kaw ). SR A: I. Danny Morrison (KTM); 2. Phillip Doyle (Suz); 3. Dan Halt (KTM); 4 . Dar rell Har ley (Ha n); s. Darry l Campbell (KTM). 20 0 B: I. Brad Bakken (Kaw ): 2. Rya n Rob b ins (Ha n): 3. Hunter Lew is (KTM); 4 . Nat han Jan es (KTM): s. Mark Robare (Ho n). 250 B: I. Rodney Hub bard (Kaw ): 2. Brian Channell (Yam); 3. Tim Marchon (Suz); -4 . Daniel Stauty (Yam): S. C had Bakken (Yam). 4- ST RK B: I. Oadie Keen (KTM): 2. Peery Brow n (Suz); 3. Stan Stinne tt (H a n); 4 . Jason Plank (C an): 5. Jeff Groover (Hon) . V ET B: I. Jeffrey Hale (GG); 2. Ron Ramsey (KTM); 3. Michael Bowling (Yam): 4. Michae l Lewis (Ha n); 5. Allen Shaffer (KTM). SR B: I. Robert Cox (KTM); 2. John McDonald (KTM): 3. Wes ley Bonate (Yam); 4. Bo b Jo nes (KTM); S. Bobby Wilt (Ho n). 200 C: I. Cory Rose (KTM): 2. Rusty Eppe rso n Jr. (Suz): 3. Tim Wamsley (Kaw); 4 . James Bowles (Kaw ): S. Walter Payne Jr. (KTM). 25 0 C: I. Bryan Woods (KTM): 2. Ch ris Greer (Yam); 3. Steve n Scott (Ha n); 4 . Do n W ise (H on ); 5. Ke ith Basil (Ho n). 4 ~ S T R K C: I. Scott Tregdon (Ha n); 2. Curtis Willis (Ho n); 3. Ben Phillips (Yam): 4. Rick Baldwin (Yam): 5. Scott Chamberlain (Hen ]. Ve T C : I. Rick Shiff ett (Kaw): 2. Te rry Mayo (KT M); 3. l Charl ie Reese (H a n) ; 4. Joe H eat wo le (Han); S. H ow ard Land (KTM). SR C: I. Gary Ca mpbell (KTM); 2. Jeff Brown (Ho n): 3. Terry Richards (Yam); 4. Tren t Burk holder (Hon ): S. Paul Manning (KTM). MSTR: I . Graham Kenan (Ha n); 2. Howard Roquet ( KT M); 3. Bo b Wh ite (KTM) : 4 . Bo b William s (Yam): 5. Donnie Lew is (KTM). MINI A : I. W ilt Fadd is (Kaw ): 2. Shane Hartle ss (Suz); 3. Patr ick Kite (Yam): 4. C hris Amos (Yam): S. Pie rce Blake (Suz). MIN I B: I. Co lten Har riso n (Kaw); 2. Jim my Hall (Han ); 3. Jacob Pillow (Kaw): 4. Corbyne Stiff (Yam) ; 5 . Caleb Lu nd ee n (Yam). MIN I C : I . Brad Be rr ie r (Yam) ; 2. OJ St roup (Suz) ; 3. Jo rd an Ramsey (KTM); 4. Harley Willer (Han): 5 . Wesley Gro ss (Suz). WMN: I. Angela Scn nacchic (Kaw ); 2. Jenny Blake (Suz); 3. He ath e r Gre er (Kaw ): -4 . Heather W haley (Ho n): S. jessica Mo rrison (Suz). Pe r ry he ld off Ho r roc ks for t he moto w in. Burman , Erik Pfe iffe r and Ryan Price rounded out the top five. Shipley grabbed the holeshot in the second 250cc A mo to . Davis, Day, Ho r ro cks, West fo llowed . Davis tripl ed past Shi pley in the whoops to take th e le ad, Shipley re too k t he lead on the backside dou ble. O n the second lap, D avis retook the lea d wi th a tr ip le -triple t hr ough t he whoops. On the thir d lap, in the whoops , Ho r ro c ks tr ipled to t he inside o n Shipley. Horrocks held the inside in the final t urn and doubled past Shipley over the finishline do uble. O n lap fo ur, w ith pre ssure fro m Horrocks, Davis spun o ut in the bottom, and Ho rr ocks and Shipley got pas t. Davis ret ook second from Shipley in the w hoo ps, but by then it was too late, as t he Valley Suz uki/Empire Graphix/ /FMF-back ed Hor rocks was gone ! At the line , it was Horrocks, Davis, Shipley, Wes t and Day. Horrocks won ove rall, w ith the consis tent Davis se co nd. West (5· 3) secured third , Day (4 -5) earned fourt h. and Shipley (7-3) was fifth. Horrocks went wire to wire in the final 125cc rnoto , taking the win going away. Davis beat out Perry for second. Burman and Price wrapped up the top five . Ho rrocks (2- 1) took the overall, w ith Perry ( 1-3) se con d, Bur man (3-4) th ird , Price (S-S) fo urth, and Davis (9-2) fifth. The bes t batt le of the day was in the Over 30 Amate ur class. Ken Beck won mo to one by edging past Jay Hause r on the final lap . T im W ilkers o n wo n moto two . Ho w e ve r, the overall we nt to Mr. Cons istent, Hauser (2- 2), w ho is s po nso re d by High Point Ho nda and Dasco Tra nspo rt . Bec k ( 1-4) earned second, W ilkerson (6- 1) was thi rd, jo hn Phillips (5-3) was fourth . and George Stanton (3-S) was fifth . RESULTS vr« ST K (4 .8): I. Benjam in Hinkle (KTM): 2. D illo n Knight (Ha n); 3. Cory Halt (Co b): 4. Riley Beck (C o b); 5. Dalton Jo be (KTM). 50 STK (4 -6): I. Je ff Combs Jr. (Cob) ; 2. Benjamin Hinkle (Co b): 3. Dalto n [ebe (KTM); 4 . Kamin Hors ley (Co b): S. Gr ego ry Bell (KTM). 50 ST K (7 -8 ): t. Bubba Sto ne (KTM); 2. Dillon Knight (Cob); 3. Austin Smith (Pol); 4. Cody Wilkins (KTM): S. Ben Franc is (Cob). 65 (7 -9) : I. Jaco b Knable (KTM); 2. Bu bba Sto ne lKTM): 3. H unte r Pe tw ay (KTM): 4 . Aust in Smith (KTM): S. Jonat han Newt on (KTM). 6 5 (7 -1 1): L Ryan Ca rter (KTM); 2. Tyle r Weber (KTM): 3. Hunte r Petwa y (KTM); 4. Austin Smith (KTM): S. C ultan Amu ndson (Kaw). 65 ( 10-11 ) : t. Ryan Carter (KTM); 2. Ch arles Mac Donald (Kaw): 3. Tyle r We ber (KT M) : 4. Coltan Amundson (Kaw); 5. D illon Weber (Kaw). 8 5 (7 . 11): I. Jacob Knable (KTM); 2. Robert Newton Jr. (Suz): 3. Randy Askew (Suz): 4 . H ar ley Nap e r (KT M): S. Tyle r Eth eridge (Kaw ). 85 (9 - 1] ): I. Alex Hindle (KTM); 2. Jo sh McC rary (Yam); 3. Jo h nny Wasco (KT M): 4. Ryan Ch ilds (Yam): 5. Joseph Mitler (KTM). 8 5 (I2~15): I. Josh McCra ry (Yam); 2. Th o mas Ro be rts (Suz): 3. Alex Hindle (KTM); 4. Matth ew Platt ee l (Ha n); 5. Ryan Ch ilds (Ya m). S/M IN I: I. Jo sh McCrary (Yam): 2. A. Kyle Fitzwa te r (Kaw) : 3. Alex H indle (KTM): 4. Patric k D unman (Kaw): 5. Thomas Roberts (Suz). 125 A: I. Rodney HOlTOCks (Suz): 2. Chase Perry (Ha n); 3. Broc Burman (Yam): 4. Ryan Price (Kaw) ; S. Ridge Davis (Ha n). 125 8 : I. Chad Muterspaugh (Kaw): 2. John Knott (Y am) ; 3. Ryan Th ibodaux (Ho n): 4 . Ter ry T itley (Yam); S. Blake l e y (Suz). 125 C: I. Nicholas Haye s (Yam); 2. Jo rdan Tro xell (Kaw ); 3. Kevin Riguey (Kaw); 4. Danny Green (Yam): s. James Jefferies (Kaw). 125 0: I. Tyler D inw idd ie (Kaw): 2. Bar ry Muller Jr. (Kaw ); 3. Mark Mo rrison (Y ); 4. William am Helgre n (Kaw ): 5. Kent Brow n (Hon). 2 50 A : I . Ro d ney Horroc ks (Suz); 2. Ridge Davis (Hon) ; 3. Travis West (Ho n); 4. C. Dean Day (Hon ); S. Scottie Shipley (Ha n). 250 8 : I. David Mitchell (Ho n); 2. Brad Hickman (Yam); 3. John Knott (Y am); 4. Ch ris Cooper (Yam). 250 C: I. Nath an Bryant (Yam): 2. Ty Perd ue (Yam ): 3. Ro bbie H ic km an (Yam); 4. Cody Stokes (Su z); S. Seth Maye r s (KT M). 2 50 0: I . Chris topher Kite (Kaw): 2. Nicholas Rusinko (Kaw); 3. Kyle Arnott (Yam); 4 . Do no van Mays (Yam); 5. Fred die Jo be Jr. (Ha n). S C H BY: I. Chad Muterspaugh (Kaw): 2. Nicholas Hayes (Yam); 3. Nat han Bryant (Suz); 4. Danny Gree n (Yam); S. Mike Mo rgan (Yam). CLGBY: I. C hris Cooper (Yam): 2. Jor da n Tro xell (Kaw); 3. Da vid Mit ch e ll (Han); 1. Jame s Jeffe ries (Kaw): S. Erik Neav e (Yam). 25 + AM : I. Ty Perdue (Yam): 2. Joh n Phillips (Hon); 3. Ryan Mason (Yam); -4 George . Stanton (Hen ): 5 . G reg Sumner (Ho n). 25 + A: I. Jeffrey Be lche r (Yam); 2. Ch ristopher Morg an (Yam); 3. Joh n Morfit (Ha n); 4. J. Matt Davies (Yam); 5. Brian Nast (Yam). 30+ A M : I. Jay H a use r ( H a n): 2. Ken Be c k (Ya m); 3. T im W ilkerson (Yam); 4. John Phillips (Hon); S. George Stanton (Yam). ]0 + A: I. Erik Pfeiffer (Han ); 2. C hristophe r Mor gan (Yam); 3. Jeffrey Be lcher (Yam); 4. Stacey Redife r (Yam); 5. John Morfit (H a n). 35 + : I. Scottie Shipley (Hon): 2. Erik Pfeiffer (Ho n): 3. Allen Alford (Hus): 4. Jim Ley (Hon ): S. Stacey Redifer (Yam). 40+ : I. Scottie Shipley (Hon ): 2. Jay Hauser (Ho n); 3. Claude Fulk (Ho n); 4. Sandy Fulk (Han ); S. Claude Mitche ll (Y am). 45+ : I . Claude Mitchell (Yam); 2. Joe Og le (Yam); 3. Henry Muller (Hen ): 4. Ronald G ree ne (KTM). 4 ~STRK 8/C: I. N icho las Hayes (Yam); 2. Jo hn Knott (Yam); 3. Blake Ley (Suz): 4. Kevin Riguey (Kaw): 5. Chris Mo rgan (Yam). Missouri Ha re Scrambles Championship Se ries Round 13: Missouri Mudders Ha re Scram bles Thiele Steals Awayl By FRANK LEIVAN PARK HILlS, MO, OCT. 17 \ A fn e n he shows up at a Misso uri Ha re V Y Scram bles C hampionsh ip event, Chris Tony Turner (19) leads Tim Wilke rson (19 4), eventual overall winner Jay Hauser (29) a nd the rest of the Over 30 Amateurs through the Actiontown USA whoops at rou nd nine of the Liq uid Perfonnance Grand Championship Series. Liquid Performance Grand Championship Series Round 9: Action'own USA Horrocks Hammers Actiontownl By GREG SUMNER DILLWYN, VA, OCT. 17 n a windy fall day, 3 15 riders came to do battle at Aetio ntown for roun d nine of the Liquid Performance Grand Championship Series. When the gate dr op ped for the first 2S0cc A contest, De a n Day took the po int . Scottie Shipley and Scot Muterspaugh applied pre ssure. Day and Shipley checke d out, but Muterspaugh went down. At t he start of lap two , Shipley cras hed o ut in t he second t u r n . Rodn e y Ho rrocks too k ove r seco nd and bega n to reel in Day. O n the big do uble in the back sect ion, O Horrocks passed Day to secure the lead . Then Day lost second to a hard -charging Ridge Davis in the w hoops, as Davis tri pled and Day didn't . Broc Burman, in four t h, was getti ng pr e ssure from Muterspaugh, who then passed Burma n in the q uads before tak ing th ird from Day over the dou ble. On the final lap, Burman lost fifth to Travis West in the final turn. Ho rroc ks sco re d an easy win, and Davis, Mute rspaugh, Day and West rou nded out the top five . Muterspaugh and Chase Perry batt led hard in the first I25cc A co ntest until Muterspaugh crashed ou t tripling into the whoo ps. en ding his day. D-Cu p Cycles/ Mom and Dad -spon so re d T h iele is t he odds-o n favo rite to get the holeshot, and he is always a threat to win the race . With the incredibly dusty cond itions at the 13th round of the series at St. joe State Park, put on by the Misso uri Mudders, Thie le knew tha t if he cou ld get the holeshot, he would have a much easier time of getting the w in. T hat is exac tly w hat happen ed . "I really wanted to get the start. and I did," Thie le exp lained just after the finish. "Actually. I fell o n th e first lap and tw isted the fron t e nd and jammed up the rea r brake , but I got going before anyone passed me . Tha t was important, since I didn't have any d ust until I started to get into lappers." Fro m beginning to end , Thiele was alone o ut front and in complete control of the race . It was the Yamaha rider 's second w in of the year w hile running a limited schedule. In the runner-up position for the d uration wa s Moose/F log-It/Monster Ene rgy/FMF/jone s Powe rs po rt s- bac ke d Tracy Bau ma n, on his Kr M 450 , "The start was a big deal, for sure, " Bauman said. "Once we hit the woods, I tr ied to go as fast as the dust allowed and stay on two w hee ls. It was a good race for me ." Bauman's second-place finish was his second co nsecutive po dium , continuing his string o f solid results . Ro unding out the pod ium was J&W Cycles rider Mark Gay, aboard his Y amaha. The roo kie AA rider has shown flashes of speed but has also suffered several untimely set backs d uring th e 2004 campaign. Gay put together a great ride o n the rocky tra il and ne arly overtoo k Bauman a co uple of times on the final lap, on ly to be forced to back down du e to the thick dust . Gay was the final rider to complete five laps on the 10 .S-mile course, logging his best resu lt of the year. Fo urt h overall we nt to Bud Light/ Amsoilspo nsored David Taylor, who sta rted in th at po sit io n a nd rode stead ily through t he challe nging c ond it ions on his KT M, holdi ng fo urth to the finish. Ro und ing o ut t he to p five was Lars Valin. w ho bo rrowed a CRF2S0X Hon da in his first race since ret urning from the Polish ISDE and earn ing a silver meda l. The to p fo ur r ide rs in the series po ints didn't do much at this event. W ith no thing to gain, already-crowned se ries champion Steve CYC LE N EWS • DECEMBER8, 2004 Sl