Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 12 08

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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so... we were not disappointed! With the Mini Olympics just aro und the corner, ma ny fast Amate urs show ed up to get in som e extra track time befo re the importa nt Nat ional. Th rou ghout the seri es, the B classes have always been "the ones to watch" - es pecially the 12Scc class . which is packed to the brim wi th tal ent. Team Gr eenfThor/ KMS rider Matt Bani made short wo rk of the class and wo n both motos pret ty easily. Georgia's Jase Lewis mad e t he t rip do w n to take se con d in both outings. and Performance Honda 's Kyle Keylon w as third. In th e 2S0 class, Lew is was able to win t he second mo ta an d t he overall. over Ba ni, afte r the latt er dumped it during the moto and w as un able to pull Lew is bac k in. Dean Dyess w as th ird on his WMR Suzuki. On e of the most exciting classes of the day w as the 6Scc (7-9) class. With a couple of these fast devils co ming from the SOcc class, all the y know is to hold that puppy wide open o r Pops is going to be mad! Zac h Bell was able to take the win in his qualifier afte r Dalton Myers (making his return to racing th is wee ke nd) fe ll. During the main. Nick Gaines kept Bell honest but was un abl e t o get past t he fast Floridian fro m Tallahassee. Gaines was second on the day, and Alford was th ird. Adam Cianciarulo was fou rth overall after he fell in the main and finished fifth . Matt Goerke and Shaun Skinner were once again the big winners in the Pro and A classes. Goe rke was sporting a new bike and sponsors. as he w ill be riding for Motoworld Suzuki next year. On his stock '0 4 wi th an FMF pipe , he scored both of the overa lls in the 12Scc A and Pro class es . Skinne r he ld do wn the te nt for W M R in th e 2S0cc A and Pro classes, as he was unbeatable. Dale Kump and Derr ick Kain were both on the pod ium in the 2S0cc A class, whi le Mike Steven son and Ryan Davis secu red second and third for the money in the Pro class. Perform ance Hond a/Fo x-backed Earl May wa s the winne r in every age- gr oup class he entered . From the Ove r 2S class to the Over 40 class, May had th em all covered . H e did have some t rou bles wit h Jarret Tipping in the Over 25 class , but whe n the second mota ca me aro un d, May 's ex pe rie nce o n the notor ious Gato rback track work ed in his favor. and he tallied the overall win. RESULTS 50 OIL -IN) STK: I. We sley langford (Yam); 2. Ty Smith (Yam ); 3 . Maso n D avis (Yam): -4 . Zach ary Martin (Yam) ; S. Da ws on Cantu (KT M). 50 STK (4 .6): I. Tayfo r Barnett (Co b); 2. De vin Culbr eth (Lem): 3. Ch rist opher Salte r (Lem ); -4 Alec Lope z (Co b); S. Grayson Graham (KTM). SO STK . (7 -8) : I. M;u; Tanne nbaum (Cob); 2. Joshua Wincott (KTM); 3. Zach Duchaine (Cob); 4. Cart er O ldknow (Cob); $. Kody Ke tch um (C ob). 65 (7 -9): I. Zachary Be ll (Kaw) : 2. N ick Gaines (KTM); 3. Michael A1fon:i (KI M); 4. Ada m Ceocerulc (Kaw ); 5. Cl ifford Sanders (KTM). 65 (1 0 -1 1): I. Kyle Goerke (Sul ); 2. Jacob Hayes (KTM): 3. Kory Keylon (KTM); 4. Marc us N ilsen (Yam); S. David Bulle r Jr. (Hoo). 85 (7-1 1): I . Malco lm St ew art (Kaw ); 2. Ian Trettel (SUl ); 3. Michae l Clarke (Hon ); -4 . F~rest Lane ($U ): S. Kyle Goerke (SU ). l l 85 JR M IN I (9-13 ): I. Ian Trettel ($Ul); 2. Malcolm Stewart (Kaw ); 3. Luke Da vie (H on): -4. Michael Clark e (H o n); S. Derek Rogers (Suz) . 85 ( 11.13): I. Derek Hall (Hen); 2. Luke Davie (KI M); 3. Caleb Gaines (Suz); -4. Der ek Rogers (5uz); 5. Sumy Drak e (Kaw ). 85 (14 -15): I . Shawn W eec h (Suz): 2. Andy Myers (KI M): 3. Dalton Ylngling (Hen ); 4. Josh Talma dge (Hen ); S. Alvin l opez (5uz). S/M IN I 105 ( 12-15): I. Derek Hall (Han ); 2. luke Davie (Hon); 3. Derek Rogen (Suz); 4. Jo sh Talma dge (Hon); S. Bre ndan Wh ite (Sul). 125 YTH ( 11-15) : I. [ase lewis (Hon ); 2. Corey Slavik (Yam); 3. Tyler Livesa y (Kaw) ; -4 Ben Lamay (Suz); S. Jon atha n Cam p . (Kaw ). 125 A: I. Matt Goerke (Suz); 2. Shaun Skinne r (Suz); 3. Ryan D avis (Kaw) ; -4 . Fle tche r Shry oc k (Kaw ); S. Corey Slav ik (Yam). 115 B: I. Matt Bon i (Kaw ); 2. [ase lew is (H o n); 3. Kyle Key lo n (H o n); 4 . Mart in D avalo s (Su z) ; 5. Jo nath an C am p (Kaw) . 11 5 C: I. C h ris Pixle y (Kaw) ; 2. Jeffrey Pet it (Hon ); 3. Jon Boydston (Yam); 4. Dere k Clarida (Ya m ); S. Cam e ro n D o yl e (Yam ). 115 OPEN (NO A RIDERS): I. Mart in Davalos (Suz); 2. Ben lamay (Suz) ; 3. Ricky Re n ne r (Ya m) ; 4. Josh Sp ires (Kaw ): 5. C ale Flage (Yam ). 125 PRO: I . Matt Goerke (SU 2. Shau n Skinne r l); (Suz); 3. Michael Stev e nso n (Ho n): 4 . Ryan Davis (Kaw ): S. Francis Lum pkins (Y am). 150/500 A: I. Shaun Skinner (Suz); 2. Dale Kum p (Y ); 3. De rrick Kain (Y ); 4. And re i Bo lon l am am (SU S. Jo shua Hilde bra nd (!

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