Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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Texas State C'ship Enduro Circuit, High Plains Div. Rocky Mountain Enduro Circu it Rounds 7/ II : Kach ina En d uro Schmelzle, at a Fever PitchI (Yam). 4-5TRK C: I. Chris Crump (Yam);2. KellyAlexander (Hon); 3. Ke rry Glaze (KTM): 4. Scott Cam pbe ll (Hon): 5. Eric Jenson (Hon). VET C (RMEC): I. Chris Schayda (KTM): 2. Jeff Koepfer (Yam). SR C: I. Bobby Pulliam (KTM); 2. Jeff Clark (KTM): 3. Pat Sces te r (Ha n); 4. Keith Brown (KTM): 5. John Dourler (KTM). Sl SR (SHO RT): I. lver Rudi (Yam); 2. Bill Kamin (Hon); 3. Haro ld Wilson (Ha n); 4. Bo b McDo well (Yam): 5. Don Stevens (Yam). WMN: I. Nancy Williams (Hon): 2. linda Hand (Ha n); 3. Amy Wyatt (Hon). 0-16 BIW: I. Came ron Kirkpatrick (KTM); 2. Jared Kuker (Ha n); 3. Cody Schafer (Han): 4. Ryan Mainka (Yam); 5. Tlto Porras (Ho n). 0 · 16 S MJW: I. Jos hua Dailey (Kaw); 2. Nathan Reeves (Hon): 3. Bruce Co rzine (Kaw): 4. Jon:fynPepper (Han ); 5. TylerStapp (Kaw). VET 55 + C: I. David Burgen (Ha n). SPTSMN: I. Gregory Gibson (KTM 2. Steven Thoe ne (KTM). ); BY BilL KAMIN ESPANOLA, NM, OCT. 24 D on Schmelzle returned to racing with a vengeance following a I"re ce nt bout with pneumonia. He scorched the fresh singletrack through the northern New Mexico desert w ith a final score of 8.1139 . To the embarrassment of the me re mortals forced to compete wi th him, th is included a burned check, as well as one section where he passed everyone in ro ws one through 10. "I really loved the event," Schmelzle said. "I didn't see the pie plate for mile marker 20 and my mileage was way off so I burned the next check . I checked into t he second loop late and then I boile d my brakes . so my scores were a bit off. The third loop was excellent and wen t really well - hardly any drama ." Schme lzle remains in first place o ve rall in the RMEC w ith two events remaining . The TSCEC 's Michael Wilson wasn't far behind , with a 10.109 for second ove rall. Co le Kirkpatric k rou nded out the top three , maintaining his first-o ve rall po sition in the TSCEC's High Plains Divisio n w ith three events to go. Ken Giles, Jose ph Gutierrez and the New Mexico Trail Riders created a new course last year, challenging the bes t riders from both circuits . Once again, th is w as a very physical enduro. Giles spe nt th e past few months laying out miles of fre sh singletrack that demand ed the best fro m eve ryo ne . This year, howe ver, he gave the A and B classe s a bit of a bre ak. while pushing the C r ide rs a little harde r. A Saturday afternoon GP event adde d interest and helped man y riders loosen up. Check place ments were gre at, and , as Schmelz le's results demonstra t e, course m ar kings w ere a dequate. More t ha n anything, this to ugh de sert event is a suspens ion te st . The course varies from deep, narrow sand washes w ith countless sw itchbacks and a few large rocks to fast, tw isty singletrack along the gravelco ver ed hard-c lay ridge top s. Mixed in were challe nging climbs that w o uld begin wit ho ut momentum fo llow ing a tight turn , w ith hillsides co vered in marbles mixed w it h powdery dirt . Many of the climbs ended with lBO-degree turn s that would de scend the same steep hillside, w here the process w ou ld beg in again at the bottom. An abundance of mesquite allowed fo r twi sting tra ils that killed mom entum and found many riders ta ngled in grasp ing branch es . Senior A winner Joh n Blythe was more thansatsfed with the event. "This was ve ry we ll don e ," said Blythe . "It w as national-quality - a good , old -fashioned enduro." "It was fun," Blythe 's son Ian agreed , "e xce pt for a tw o -minute burn on the third check-ln ." As usual, Ian managed another first in the 200cc C class. Schme lzle e xpres sed his sin cere than ks to Colorado Powersports for all they have done for him thr oughout th e years. "My YZ250F ran perfect," he said. "and my shift gear didn't rip o n any of those bushe s o r trees." " I think the t ra il w as better prepared th an for previous events, " said promoter Giles, "tho ugh not quite the level I think is possible . We 're always w illing to acce pt more help, and we 'll need it to keep this event o n the schedule ." Fall Bash Day 2: Dragoon Creek MX Track Stewart, Grissum Flash to Fall Bash Wins By DAWN 5nz LYNDON, KS, OCT. 24 n like t he first ra ce of t he Fall Bash , the weathe r was great , there was a great cro w d on hand , and t he riders were ready to race. There was a new face in the Pee Wee (4-6) class. Dylan "Tate r To t" Becke r rode his KTM in his very first race. Unsure of the track co nditions, Becker took it slow, but he never gave up and never wo rr ie d abo ut all those ot he r guys wh izzing by him . He took his time and ran a good race. While Becker was o ut for a good time, there w ere a few others who were out for gold. KTM rider Harle y Stewart wanted a win so bad ly, he would do almost anything to ge t it. In the first mo to , Stewart cha rged hard, ke pt a gre at pace and never looked back to see w ho might be try ing to pass him. When the che ckered flag dropped, Stewart finished up in third . In the seco nd moto, Stewart sho t off like a ro cket! He was gone in a flash, w ith the rest of the pac k close be hind . Stewart put his KTM out in front this time and was a force to be recko ned w it h, but neither Trevor McMullen no r Ryan Closser w e re abo ut to give up. They both gave it eve rything they had , and the two KTM jockeys caught up with Stewart. but they just could not make the pass , and Stewart too k the w in and first overall, followed in the final re sults by McMullen and Closser. Meanwhile, Tater Tot was st ill enjoying his joy ride ; he may not have ever gotten his machine out of "idle ," but he mad e his racing debut w ith great style , finishing up in ninth place overall. In t he SScc Beginne r class , Suzuki rider C hris Grissum w as being chase d by a Honda and a Kawasaki. Ho nda rider Dakota Kern had his w o r k cut out for him : He w as t rying to ca tc h Grissum w hile not making a mista ke o r allow ing Kawasaki ride r Jesse Tucker to ge t by. Th e three rod e hard and we re even side by side at times, but w he n the first moto was done, Grissum was first, Kern w as second and Tucker was third . The second mota started and ended just like the first. Grissu m was out in from, w ith Ke rn and Tucker hot on his tail, just w ait ing for that o ne chan ce to get aro und him. However, Grissum rode his Suzuki w ide op en all the way. All three batt led back and fo rt h, but w hen the checkered flag dropped, Grissum was still in first , wit h Kern in sec ond and Tucker in th ird after som e of the best racing all day long. eN U a /A : Ron Schmel zle (AA) (Yam). AA: I. Michael Wilson (Yam); 2. Cole Kirkpatrick (KTM); 3. Don Hogan (Kaw); 4. Blake Brady (Yam 5. Jeffrey Hemandez ); (Hon). O /A A: Rick Higgins (O PEN) (KTM). OPEN A: I. Phil Johnson (KTM) 2. ; John Little (KTM): 3. Shannon Long (KTM); 4. Bob Ashleigh (KTM). 200 A: I. Mike Harvey (KTM); 2. Geoff Brownell (KTM); 3. David N ix (KTM). 250 A: I. Donny Murray (Han) : 2. Lee Upton (Kaw); 3. Chad Maupin (Ha n); 4. Mark McDonough (KT M). VET A: I. Geoff T ho lse n (Yam); 2. Scott Bagwin (Suz); 3. Geo rge Pennington (KTM): 4. Rex McKinney (Y am); 5. Stuart Hame r (Ha n). 4-STRK A: I. Bernie Fredrick (Y am): 2. Austi n Wann (Kaw); 3. Josh Aum iller (Ha n): 4. Billy Radecky (Kaw); 5. Gordon Gabe rt (KTM). SR A: I. John Blythe (Y am); 2. Aaron Tumer (Yam 3. Kenny Perkins (Han); 4. Gary Miller (KTM); 5. Daniel Dailey (Yam ): ). a /A B: Kyle Whitaker (VET) (KTM). OP EN B: I. Bryant Cope (KTM); 2. Forest Smith (KTM): 3. Bob Stapp (Kaw): 4. Michael Boney (Hon): 5. David Schadle (KTM). 100 8 : I. Rusty Davis (KTM); 2. Rick Steffen (KTM). 25 0 B: I. Tyler Anderson (Hon); 2. Eric Westover (KTM); 3. Jordan Chamb liss (Yam 4. Curt is Rudi (Han ); 5. ): Shane Redline (Yam) 4-STR K B: I. Todd Harrison (Yam 2. David Bower (KTM); 3. . ); Kevin Thomas (KTM); 4. Brent Errickson (KTM); 5. Greg Storie (Y am). VET B: I. Kyle'Nh itaker (KTM); 2. Tom Cope (KTM); 3. Troy Dyer (Suz): 4. Tom McNamara (Ha n); 5. Kim Boney (Ha n). SR B: I. Bobby Pennell (Yam 2. Steve Hilbert (Ho n); ); 3. Alan Beyer (KTM); 4. David Smoljan (Hon); 5. Jeff Wilkes (Y am). S/SR (LO NG) : I. Floyd Stret ch (KTM); 2. Jeff Markewicz (KTM); 3. Jary Penne y (Ha n). a /A C N OV: I. N ick Broze vich (0· 16 B/W) (Kaw ). a /A AGE: I. Richard Kirkpatrick (MSTR) (KTM). O PEN C: I. Duane Hulse (Suz); 2. Cody Ross (Y am); 3. BillyWilson (KTM); 4. Kevin Brunson (Kaw): 5. Clinton Scott (KTM). 200 C: I. Ian Blythe (Kaw): 2. Tyler Pulliam (KTM): 3. Gary C. Smith (KTM): 4. Stephen Neff (KTM): 5. Adam Snay (KTM). 250 C: I. Josh Putman (Hus): 2. Dea n Thatcher (Ha n); 3. Blake S. Ross DECEMBER 8, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS 40th A nniversary 68 Access Motorsports, Royce Industries, Bridgestone, Pro Action LOCAL TRACK: . • .. • •. •. • Hot Springs Raceway, Ogden , Utah ClASSES: .• .. .. • .• •. . 125cc Intermediate, 250cc Intermediate, Open Intermediate RECENT ACCOMPLISHMENTS • Lead ing 125cc Intermediate class • Top five in 250cc and Open Inte rme diate classes WHY Do You RACE? R ESUL TS 50 (4-6) : I. Harley Stewart (KTM): 2. Trevor McMullen (KTM); 3. Ryan Closser (KTM): 4. Devon Temmen (Lem); 5. Cole Clougley (KTM). 50 (7- 8): I. Nick Gibson (KTM); 2. Chase Bra nson (KTM): l . Jordan Williams (KTM); 4. A.J. Roma (KTM): 5. [ace Carlton (KTM). P!W OPEN: I. AJ . Roma (KTM); 2. Chase Branson (KTM); 3. Jordan Williams (KTM); 4. Storme Sull (KTM); S. Cod y Loewen (KTM). 65 (6. 8 ): I. Tristan Hughes (Suz); 2. Tucker Smith (KTM); 3. Nick Gibson (KTM); 4. Alex Shaw (Suz); 5. lake Stewa rt (KTM). 65 (9. 11): I. Dylan Flowers (Suz): 2. Aaron Bradley (Kaw); 3. Joe Beach (Suz): 4. Cameron Warner (KTM); 5. Alex Brooks (Kaw). 65 OP EN: I. Aaron Bradley (Kaw): 2. Tucke r Smith (KTM); 3. Nick Gibson (KTM): 4. lake Stewart (KTM): 5. Bryce Parker (Suz). 85 BEG: I. Chris Grissum (Suz); 2. Da kot a Kern (Ha n); 3. Jesse Tucker (Kaw ); 4. Casey Qu igley (Suz); S. Luke Lohmeyer (KTM). 85 (1 - 11): I. Keeton Gorton (Yam 2. Frankie Workman (Suz); ); 3. Brandon He rshel! (Kaw); 4. Aaron Bradley (Suz); S. De rek Shaw (KTM). 85 (12-15): I. Cole Brockelman (Kew) : 2. Tyler Hansen (Yam). MINI OPEN : I. Kenan Gorton (Yam) 2. Cole Brocke lman (Kaw): 3. Chris HegwaJd (Hon); 4. Jesse ; Tucker (Kaw). SM/BK OP EN : I. Dalton SwindaJe (Y am): 2. Kyle Branine (Yam). 125 BEG: I. KyleJones (Suz); 2. Ryan Burrous (Suz): 3. Cameron Harrod (Hon); 4. Joey Skidmore (Kaw); S. Charles lucas (Suz). 125 NO V: I. Robert Spears (Suz); 2. Josh Sidebottom (Hon); 3. Chad Stoway (Ha n); 4. Kyle Kelly (Suz): 5. Eric Koontz (Kaw) . 125 INT: I. Brandon Fellman (Yam 250 BEG: I. Jeff Salmon (Kaw); 2. ). Doug Summe rs (Ha n); 3. Jesse Poe (Ya 4. Clinton Boyers (KTM); 5. John Skaggs m); (Ha n). 250 NOV: I. Austin Workman (KTM); 2. Michael Pena (Yam WMN: I. ). Noel Holladay (Ha n); 2. Sierra O rdonez (Kaw); 3. Allie Souza (Han ). SCHBY : I. Robert Spears (Suz); 2. Kyle Kelly(Suz); 3. Jordan Sitz (Suz); 4. Charles Lucas (Suz). CLGBY: I. Brandon Fellman (Yam): 2. Jered Sin (Kaw): 3. Jeremy Algarin (Kaw). 15 + : I. Randy Russell (Suz). 30 + : I. Phillip Broo ks (Yam 2. Br.a Lafon (Hon); 3. ) dy Michae l Alex.ander (Ya m); 4. Allen Sharp (Suz); 5. Andy Ruffalo (Yam). 40 +: I. Ri hard Heiser (Ha n): 2. Fred Thompson (He n): 3. Dennis Moulthrop (Suz). 45+ : c I. Dennis Bust (Ha n). RESULTS ERIC BARLOW BIRTHDATE: •• • •• ••••• • •• • • • •• •May 29 , 1989 RESIDENCE: . .. • . .• • . •. •...• Taylorsville, Uta h OTHER INTERESTSI • . • .• . .. RC Cars, Basketball DISCIPLINEI . • •. • ••••. • . • • • . • • • •• Motocross MOTORCYCLES: . . .. .• .• . • • . .Suzuki, Kawasaki SPONSORSI . ... •. •. •.. •...., "It is the best sport there is ." B EST RACING MOMENT? "My first state championship ." WEIRDEST RACING MOMENT? "Racing in the Ju nior class with my older sister." WHO'S YOUR RACING IDOL? "J ames Stewa rt." WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS? "I wa nt to win another championship, and I want to race in the AMA Pro Series. " By Dick Goodwin Photo by Terri Hedden/MM Pro Foto