Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Gas Gas USA Fa ll Pro Tria ls Series 11Hl I }~ III I Cody WEbb CASHES iN AT PENSAColA DAM TRiAls S TO RY AN D P HO TOS BY S HAN M OORE/TRIALS C OMPETITION N EWSPAPER ne man's trash is anothe r man 's treasure , and the wa steland of roc ky rubble that lay beneat h Pensacola Dam near Langley, O klahoma, appeals to no one except ha rdco r e t r ia ls e nt hus iasts a nd r o c k crawlers - and to them it is paradise . It was in th is parad ise that I 16 tr ials riders gathered to compete for $2400 in prize mon ey at rou nds five and six of the Gas Gas USA Fall Pro Trials Series. When all was said and done, Gas Gas USA:s Cody Webb we nt back to California $900 richer after taking a two-point victory over Tenn essee 's Ray Pete rs in the overall results. Peters claimed $600 for his efforts . wh ile Colorado state champ Keith Wineland took home $300 for third . After teaching a trials school on Friday at the Trials Training Center in Sequatchie, Tennessee, and dr iving all night long to get to O klahoma, Peters arrived at Langley just an hour before the Pro class headed off to section one o n Saturday. Saturday 's sections were lo ng and technical and featu red large rock walls. steps and gaps on the massive, but grippy, rocks . The Pros would ride three laps of 10 sections, the n finish with three "exhibition" sections in an area designate d for spectators . Webb got off to a great start in the big rocks on Saturday by dropping only one mark over the fi rst two laps of the course . However, the Gas Gas rider lost concentration on lap thr ee . dropping five points along the loop and bringinghis points total to six. Wineland was riding we ll and came in with only five marks but was docked 2.5 pena lty po ints for being late, giving him a total of 7.5 points . Peters , on the othe r hand, was feeling the effects of his long drive and, as a result, carded a five on the rathe r easy, but spectacular. second sect ion, which sent the riders through the water several times. Peters dropped I I points over the three laps and started the exhibition in third place. The exhibition sections were to ugh and spectacular and forced the Pros to turn it up a couple of notches for the spectators. Wineland took a clean and a two in the first exhibition section, which consisted of runs up and down a large bank of extre mely large boulders. Peters dropped only one mark, an e lbow dab, when he lost his balance. wh ile Webb produc ed two cleans. The second exhibition section had more large boulders, but the most spectacular part was a jump across a large gap . Wineland and Peters went clean-clean here, while Webb dropped a two on his first ride. The final e xhibition section would be the dec iding section and featured a massive wall at the exit. Wineland and Peters each took two fives on the wall. wh ile Webb carded a pair of cleans, giving him the win w ith I I marks total. Wineland was second for the day w ith 19.5. while Pete rs finished third with a tot al of 22. O n Saturday night , Pete rs got a full 12 O

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