Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ho urs of sleep a nd hit Sund ay's sections wi th re new ed determination. The Be ta pilot ca rded a point in section two of the first lap . th en reeled off 28 straight cleans to finish t he day w ith only on e mark and the w in. Webb dropped a two on the first lap to stay within st riking d istance of Peters but claime d a five du ring the second lap. put ting himse lf out o f co ntent io n for th e day's wi n. His IO-po int final to ta l w as good enough for second fo r the day a nd first ove rall fo r th e weekend. W ine land sta rt ed the day in a ho le aft e r fiving t he ve ry first section. Ho we ver. th e Colorado ride r ro de well enough to finish on e po int be hind Webb. wit h I I . w hich w as also good enough for third overall. eN P EN SACOLA Winel and ( I I); 4. Jason Carpent e r (15) ; 5. Ste vie Darrow (26); 6. Scott Carpente r (35); 7. Bill Sanderso n (5 7); 8. Jer e my Cox (65). PR O , I. Ray Peters ( I): 2. C ody We bb ( 10): L Keith Wineland (I I). MA STER: I. Jaso n Carpenter ( 15): 2. Stevie Darrow (26): 3. Scott Carpeorer (35): 4. am Sanderson (S7): S. Je re my Co x (65). EX : I. Dale r-tatase k (20); 2. Bryan Byrd (31); 3. Glen n Roblin (4 1); 4. Jason Shack elford (76). SENI OR EX, I . 80bb Duval (5): 2. Steve Higgs (1): 3. l es M izell (8 ); 4. Colin Bctha (8); 5. Mike Pet erson (9). INT: I. Dan Newkirk (25); 2. Josiah M izell (28); 3. Bill Kunstmann (28); 4. Keith Lewi s (3 1); 5. Ken Brown (33). SENI OR AM : I . Stan Machan: (9); 2. Da n Mar pin ( 17); l . Larry Findle y (18); 4 . Mike Che bul (22); 5. Gary Wing (34) . AM : I. Mitch Wi ng (5); 2. David Mrze ll ( 10): l . Aaron Cox (1 3): 4. Rkk l oc kridge ( 14); 5. Nic k Virden (16) . NOV: I. Cody RKkl., ( 10 ): 2. Kyle Wedgewonh ( 10): l . Greg Fincher (12); 4. Ryan Hamilton ( 17); 5. Fred Reynolds ( 18). RO OK IE: I. levi W illiams ( I I); 2. Austin Williams ( 13); 3. Kelly Else n (21); 4. Ze ke M izell (25) ; 5. Becca Duval (42). CADET: I. Ca leb M"'ell (10 ): 2. Darn Tool e ( 15); 3 . Josh Mese che r (25); 4 . Jason Charvat (4 2). DAM LAN GLEY, OKLAHOMA RESULTS: OCTOBER 23-24, 20 04 Saturday O/A : I. Cody We bb ( II ): 2. Keith Wineland (19 ); 3. Ray Pe te rs (22 ): 4. Stevie Da rr ow (42); S. Jason Ca rpenter (46); 8. Scott Carpenter (58); 7. Marc Carpen ter (65); 8. Jeremy Co x (75); 9. Bill Sande rson (9 1.5); 10. Adam Hopk ins (98. 5). PRO : I. Cody We bb ( I I) : 2. Keith Winel and ( 19): 3. Ray Peters (22). MAST ER: I. Stevie Darro w (42); 2. Jason Carpenter (46); 3. Scott Carpente r (58): 4. Marc Carpenter- (65); 5. Jer em y COl( (75). EX: I. Bryan Byrd (3 I); 2. Dale MaJasek (39); 3. Glenn Roblin (40). SENIOR EX : I. Stev e Higgs (5): 2. Bob Duval (8): 3. Mike Peterson (9); 4. Les M izell ( 10): 5. David Black ( 13). INT: I. Caleb M izell (26); 2. josiah Mizell (27) ; 3. Bill Kunstmarm (J I ): 4. Dan N ewk irk (36); S. Ken Brown (36). AM: I. David M izell (8); 2. Mitch Wi ng ( 10) ; 3. Steve Wood ruff ( 17.5) ; 4. Aaron Co x (23); 5. Davkl Penegrew (25.5). SENIOR AM : I. Sten Mae-hart (I I ); 2. Mike Chebul (18. 5): 3. Larry Findley (H ); -1 . Gary Wi ng (2-1); 5. Tommy Moore (27). NOV: I. I. Cody fijdder (4): 2. Ryan Harrultcn (8): 3. Kyl Wedgeworth ( 13); -1 . Clayt on Gasser ( 14); 5. Fred e Reynolds ( 15). ROOKIE: I. levi W illiams (2); 2. Ze ke Mizell (4); 3. Aust in W illiams (5); 4. Edd ie Belz (8); 5. Kelly Else n ( I I) . CADET: I. Cale b M izell Mitche ll ( 18); 2. Dan i Toole (20) : 3. Jason Clw v,1t (46). Sunday O/A : I. Ray Pet ers ( I): 2. Cody We bb ( 10): l . Ke;th Ray Peters defe Briefly... Even the spectators cashed in at this event as all were treated to a free fish fry on Saturday evening that was hosted by the South Grand l.ake Chamber of Commerce. The smalltowns of langley and Disney. which sit on either side of the Pensacola Dam, rely heavily on lake tou rism during the summer for income, and during the fall and winter. when the lake sce ne slows down. the two towns openly welcome the off-roaders, who fill the motels and restaurants of the area. The 200 5 AMA/NATC Natio nal Trials schedule was decided over the weekend . For 2OOS. the series willconsist of 12 rou nds at six separate venues across Arner lea, with dates as follows:April 9/ IO. Meunste r, Texas; April 16/17, Sequatchie, Tennessee ; May 13/14. Reed Valley. California; May 21/22. Canon City. Colorado; July 30/31, Highgate. Vermont; August 6/7, Alma. New York. CYCLE NEWS • NOVEMBER 10,2004 45

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