Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 11 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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my sta mina is good . I guess he go t tired." The Evo Pros lined up and Marty Smith grabbed a massive holeshot on his Rage Racing/Adams 490 Maico. Behind Marty, Cantaloupi , Byron Linder and Mike Tilott a all wanted the same spot and went down in a heap. Cantaloupi was out wit h a broken hand. The mishap gave Smith a big lea d ove r Mye rscough , jimbo Morton, Tim Nash and Paul Dunn . Smith kept a blistering pace to lead by IS seconds on lap two . Beh ind Smith, Morton muscled his way past Myerscough and looked to be closing th e gap on Smith . We really mean muscled , as t his guy was riding a stoc k 1977 TISOO Y aha! The on ly way he am co uld pass was in t he co rners, and he didn't mind banging. The four-stroke guys were cheering the local rider on . On lap four, t he fairy tale en de d w hen th e petcock fell off t he Yamaha and jimbo coasted to t he side. Nash sta rted to slow and De nnis Burnett made a move to t he fron t, passing Myers cough for se cond . At t he chec ke rs it was Smith, Burne tt , Myersco ugh, Dunn and Tucker Rocky big-wig, Brad Smith . The second Vintage Pro mot o had Kirk Spence r grab the hole shot, with Howert on, Pome roy, Myerscough and Marc Edmon ston beh ind. Howerto n moved past the CZmou nted Spe ncer on ly to have Spe nce r return the pass a turn late r. This wen t on for a lap before Pom eroy joined t he lead group, put a pass on Spencer and began looking for Howerton. Back in t he pack, Bell and Myersco ugh were tag-teami ng the ir way to the fro nt, bo th on Vintage Husky prepped 360 Huskies; they were definite ly on the move . O n lap four, both Bell and Myersc ough moved past Spenc er and got Pomeroy a lap later. Howerton had a goo d lead as he got the wh ite flag, but it didn't last. The transmissi on locked up five turns from the fi nish, hand ing the win to hard- charging Mike Bell followe d by Myerscough, Pom eroy, Spe ncer and jones. "This place is made for a 490 Maico," Smith sa id. "I am so impressed with the bike Rage Racing built, and I appreciate Don Adams bringing it he re from Arizona for me to ride." The se co nd Evo Pro start had Linder out front with Myerscough , Smith , Bell and the now-repaired TISOOmoun ted l imbo Morton. Linder overjumped one of the drops and lost five spots gathering it back up. Smith was on fire and blitzed past Myerscough o n lap two, with Bell and Morton do ing t he same on lap t hree. T he fans we re screaming for their local boy Morton . jimbo was at a big disadvantage on a 27S-pound t rail bike against all t he Maicos and Y amahas. Morton's corn er speed was twic e as fast as anyone else 's. "T hat guy was incredible. I kept hear ing t hat fourst roke beh ind me and it dr ove me nuts ," Bell said. "I never had to ride so hard in my life ," Morton said. "I grew up with pictu res of t hese guys on my bedroom wa ll; I just wan ted to mix it up with them. I had a blast ." Laps four through seven stayed the same, and the finish order read: Smith, Bell, Morto n, Myerscough and Dunn. "It sur e was great seeing t his place again," Smith said. "It had bee n a long time since we were all he re. I'll co me eve ry year if I ge t invite d." "The t rack was great ," Howerton said. "Not far off w hat it was like in the '70s. Those EV -guys did a good job." a All Bell cou ld say was, "Wow, Gary jon es, Kent and I all brought our sons and that made it so much more fun. We all had a blast ." eN RIO BRAVO HOUSTON, TEXAS R ESULTS : OCTOBER 3, 2004 V INTA GE PRO : I. Mike Bell (Hus); 2. Brian Myerscough (Hus); J . Kirk Spence r (CZ); 4 . Ron Pomeroy (Mai); 5. Gary Jones (Yam). EVOLUTION PRO: I. Marty Smith (Mai); 2. Brian Myersco ugh (Yam); 3. Paul Dunn (Mai); 4. Tim Nash (Mai); 5. Gary Jones (Hon). V INTA GE 0-200 AM : I . M. Clayborn (Hon); 2. M. Gowdy (Bul) . VIN TAGE 0 · 200 INT: I. R Hen ning (Kaw); 2. F. Kipp (Hon). VIN TAG E 0-200 EX : I . J. Newmann (Hon). VIN TAGE 250 AM : I. W. Baker (Hon) ; 2. M. Barn ett (Hon) . VINTAGE2S0 INT, I.]. Hardin (Kaw); 2. D. Newmann(Hon); 3. G. Davs (H",). VINTAGE 250 EX: I. T. Nash (H",); 2. C. Keller(Bul); 3. M. Kretschmer (Hon). VINTAGE 500 AM : I. B. Piske (CZ) . VINTAG E 500 INT: I. M How ell (Hus). VINTAGE SOO EX, I. S. Sears (Yam ). VINTAGE 25+ AM; I. C. CIari< (cz); 2. M. Gowdy (Buk); l . C. Fugate (Ma;). VINTAGE 25+ INT: I.J. Hard in (Kaw); 2. G. Davis (Hus); 3. M. Howell (Hus). VINTAGE 2 5+ EX: I. C. Keller (Bul). VINTAGE 4S+ AM: I. T.Starnbury( Hon); 2. P. 1v;e (Hon); l . A Roberts (CA). VINTAGE 4 5+ INT: I. F IGpp(Hon); 2. B. Gold, by (Hu,); 3. LShellaby(Cl ). VINTAGE 45+ EX: I. R. Hill (Hus); 2. M. Kretschmer (Hon). EVOLUTION 0- 200 AM, I. S. Bizzle(CA); 2. B. Davis (Suz); 3. A Roberts (CA). Mike Bell (ce nte r) topped the Vintage Pro class, a head of Myerscough (left) and Kirk Spencer (right). EVO LUTION 0- 200 EX: I. M. Bro wn (Kaw). EVOLUTION I AM : I. T. Stansbury (Yam); 2. M. Soloman( Hon) ; 3. G . Brady (Bul). EVOLUTiON l iNT: I. M. Howell (Hus); 2. S. Kirby (BuQ; 3. Et.asseter (Suz). EVOLUTION I EX: I. S. Sears (Y ; 2. M. Owens (Yam); 3. S. Davis (Han). am) EVOLUTION 2 AM: I. D. Moo re (Hen): 2. F. Haggerty (Kaw): 3. A Conners (Yam). EVOLUTION 2 INT, I. C. Se-res(Hon); 2. B. M"d>ell (Yam); 3. K Roberts(Yam). EVOLUTION 2 EX: I. B. Under (Mai); 2. D. Garner (Mai); 3. E. Garlin (Hon). EVOLUTION 3 AM, I. R. Bi"'" (Yam 2. H. Lobel (t-taf) 3. M. Haran (Hon). ); : EVOLUTION 3 INT: I. R Howell(Bel (Yam); 3. B. Gokhby (H",). l EVO LUTIO N 3 EX, I. B. Linder (Ma;); 2. E. Garl;n (Hon); 3. S. Knaack(Ma;). SUPPORT 50 : I. A Co nners (KTM); 2. T. Baird (Ha n); 3. K. Morro w (Co b); 4. K. Morrow (KTM); 5. S. Newmann (Ho n). S UP PO RT 60 : I. K. Wood (KTM); 2. C. Handy (Suz): 3. J. Burnett (Kaw); 4. B. Keller (Suz]: 5. G. Mitc hell (Hon). SUPPORT 80: I. D. How e rton (Y am); 2. N. Hayman (Yam); 3. C . Spea rs (Suz); 4. K. Wood (KTM); S. T. Deckerd (Suz). SUPPORT 0 -150: I. D. Mayhall (Han) ; 2. J. Woods (He n): 3. C . DeM ude (He n): 4. M. Bell (Yam); 5. D. New mann (Suz). SUPPORT 125: 1. 1: Ham moc k (Yam); 2. C. Collins (Hon) ; 3. J. 5krabanek (Yam);4. J Crosby (Kaw); S. H. Bell (Hon) . SUPPORT 250: I. C. Fry (Yam); 2. 1: Fa y( (Hon) ; 3. J. Hard in (Kaw ); 4. D. Swenson (Kaw); 5. J. Marshall (Y . am) SUPPORT 25+ : I. B. Handy (Hon); 2. G. Howa rd (Hon); 3. J. Hardin (Kaw ); 4. M. Sorense n (Yam); 5. S. Hamp ton (Han) . SUPPORT 45+ : I. G. Howar d (Han); 2. M. Bell (Hon) ; 3. M. Pizzitola (Hon) ; 4. D. Scheffler (Ha n); S. B. Cus ter (Han). # Perhaps best known as a Honda ride r, Marty Smith got around the Rio Bravo track just fine . m CYCLE NEWS • NOVEMBER 10 ,2004 43

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