Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

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AMA!WMA Na tio nal Cha mp ionship Series Round 6: Ste el City Raceway Patterson Wins the Warl By STEVEN BONNAU DELMONT, PA, SEPT. 4 o r its final ro und. the W MA Ser ies returned to De lmon t. A huge cr ow d was o n han d. Jessica Patt er son was only 12 points ahead of Tarah Gieger in sec ond and 27 po ints ahead of Tania Satchwell in third. Several girls we re out with injuries, among them Stefy Bau, who e lected to sit out the final roun d d ue to a poss ible concuss ion sustained the week before . T he first -rno to hole shot w en t to Gieger. w ith Patt e rson , Elizabe th Bash, Livia Lance lot , SatchwelJ. jessica Gebha rd t. Kadie Garre ll and Jo lene Van Vugt in tow. Lancelo t. the new est impo rt fro m France , quickly passed Bash and F started to put a whe el in on Patterson . making it interesting until the huge tab leto p sec tion, where she cross-ru tted and flew off the track. By the time she got up, she had a lot of ground to make up just to catch sec on d-to-last place . At the end of lap o ne, Patterson passed Gieger for the lead. Satchwel l was th ird, followed by Bash, Geb ha rdt . Van Vugt , Gar rell. Je ssica Foster and N or majean Jean . O n lap four. Ge bhardt passe d Bash in t he tab letop sect ion for fourt h, w hile the to p three extended their lead. Gieger con tinue d to keep Patte rson clos e , wh ile Satchwell was slowly losing gro und. By the e nd of lap six, Patterson had only th re e se conds o n Giege r. Ge bhardt w as catchi ng Sa tchwell , and La nce lo t ha d caught and passed Jean for a position. Patt e rson pulled o ut a few more seconds and won the mo te. Gieger w as so lid in second. Satch we ll ke pt t hird . Ge bh a rdt cha rged to fourth in possibly her best ride this year. Bash was fifth, holding off the hard -charging Lancelot. w ho made it all the way back up to sixth. Patt e rso n to o k the mote -two ho les ho t . Giege r tried a move in the second corner and went down , re mounting in last place . Now the ru nning o rder wa s Patte rson , Bash, Satchwell. Lan ce lo t , Geb ha rdt , Garre tt and Van Vugt. Lancelot moved into second, with Satchwell all over her. Bash was trying to hold off Gebhardt fo r fourt h. Van Vugt was sixth . Geiger started moving though the field, passing Van Vugt, then Bash. th en Ge bhardt. Meanwhile , Satchwe ll passe d Lanc e lo t , who quickly returned t he favo r. Satchwell q uickly made the pass aga in, and this time it stuck . Gieger passed Ge bhardt. a nd on lap four Lancelot was her next victim. Now Giege r had a clear track to Satchwel l. Launching off the first tabletop, Gieger was on Satch well before the e nd of the section. O n t he w hite-flag lap , Gie ger really go t aggress ive. She put a hard move o n Satchwell , w ho hit the dirt . re mo unt ing in sixth . Patterson took the easy win, the overall, and the championshi p. Gieger was a solid second for second o ve r a ll and se co nd in the champ ionship. Geb hardt' s co nsiste nt 4-4 efforts ea rne d her t hird overall. Satchwe ll (3- S) was fourth overal l. Lance lot, in her first WMA even t, was fifth overall. RESULTS O/A: I. jessica Patt e rs on ; 2. Farah Gieger; J. jessica Gebhardt; 4. Tania Satchwell; 5. Livia Lancelot: 6. Eliubeth Bash; 7. Jolene Van Vugt; B. K.adie Garrett; 9. Jessica Foster, 10. Nonnajean Jean . A MA/W MA NATION A L CHAMPIONSH IP SERIES FINAL PO INTS STANDI NGS (After 6 of 6 rou nds): I. jessica Patterson (270); 2. Far- Gieger (25 2) : J . Ta nia ah Satchwell (229); 4. Elizabeth Bash (165); 5. Kadie Garr e tt (14 1); 6. Stefy Bau (134); 7. Jessica Gebhardt (104); 8. Sarah Whitmor e (84); 9. Jo* ene Van Vugt (82); 10. Jessye Davis (80). Runner-up Tora h Gieger (left ), cha mpio n Jessica Patterson (center) and third-place o vera ll fin isher Tania Sa tchwell (rig ht) celebrate after th e six th a nd final round of t he AMA!WMA Nationa l Championship Se ries. Californ ia Racing Club Sa turda y Nig ht Motocross Los Angeles Co unty Raceway Wageman Earns His CRC MX Wins By GREG ROBERTSON PALMDALE, CA, SEPT. 4 H o nda-mo unted Kevin Wageman fo und the J.B. Memorial Track at Lo s Ange les Coun- ty Racew ay to his liking. as he flew to overall win s in both th e Schoo lboy and 125cc Inte rmed iate classes dur ing t he 66 1-s po nsore d ro un d o f Califor nia Racing C lub 's Satu rday night motocross. Ta nne r La ngham put his Axo /A pp lie d backed KX F into an im me dia te lea d in the During Ca lifornia Racing Clu b 's Sa tu rda y night mo tocross at Los Angeles Cou nty Raceway, Kevin Wageman earned wi ns in th e Schoolboy and 12 Scc Intermedia te classes. fir st Schoolboy moto , onl y to do a slow mo t ion spin -o ut in a turn o n lap o ne and dr o p back to t hird , be hind Brand o n Gillespie and Mich ae l Raine s. Wagema n came fro m la st place off the start to clos e to Langham's rear fende r by lap t hree , ma king fo r a t ight fo urway tu ss le o ve r t he top s po t. G illes pie maintained t he lead up unt il t he last lap, w hen Raine s got a bett e r jum p coming out of a tu rn to le a p pa st him . Wage man sl ipped past G illes pie a t the base of th e ove r-a nd-u nde r sec t ion to move into second place just be fore the checke rs. La ngha m pulle d o ff a n o t he r excelle nt start in mo t o two , wit h Wage ma n tr ipli ng past him on la p o ne . Wage man w o uld go the dis tance fo r the wi n. w ith Langham ru nning a close se co nd a ll t he w a y t o the fin ish . Raine s' t hird-place ride earned him se con d ove ra ll. wit h Gillesp ie goi ng 3-4 fo r fou rt h. beh ind Langham . Wageman retu rned o n his Pit Pro- backed C RF2S0 F to collect bot h mot o wins in 12Scc Interme d iate act ion . Langham ke pt Wagem an ho nes t th ro ugh o ut mo to o ne, but it wa s all Wageman in the 20 .lap seco nd moto. W i! Collins went 4-3 for third . Chris Plouffe left lill ie dou bt as to who was t he fast es t Mini rid er on th e night. Plo uffe m oto r e d his Kaw asak i Te am G reen/66 1/ Rentha l-backed Kawasakis to w ins in the 6Scc (9- 1 I). 85cc (7- 1 I) an d Sup erm ini class es . Taylor Kellstrom used consiste nt 3-3 rides for seco nd overall in the Superminis. Second-place br ass w e nt to C hris C a rrill o (2- 3) in 65cc racing, w ith Jake Gagne (2-2) claiming ru nne rup honors in 85 cc actio n. R ESULTS P/W HON BEG: I. Wyatt Megla (Han); 2. Maximillian Vargas (Han): J. Peter Siminanovich (Han): ... [aren Megla www.cyc (Hon); S. Brandon Pc zas (Hon). P/W HON ADV: I. Derek McConnell (Hon). P/W YAM BEG: I. Jack Safford (Yam). P/W B/BE G: I. Austin Monarc h (KTM); 2. Krist al Smith (KTM): J . Maximillian Vargas (KTH ): ... Con ley Kautz (KTH) . P/ W B/ A DV: I. Nehe m iah Crawford ( KT M); 2. Sea n Cantrell (KTH). S/ P/W (7-9) : I. Nicholas Me rcier (Pol); 2. Ryan Cantrell (KTM); 3. Sean McGrew (LM1); 4. Nehemiah Crawfo rd (KTM). 65 BEG: I. Ryan C antr ell (KTM): 2. Dom inich Pauillo (Kaw); 3. Diego Be nedett i (Suz); 4. Bruce Damon (Suz); S. Phillip Post (Han) . 65 (4.8) : I. Nicholas Mercier (Suz). 65 (9- 11): I. Chris Plouffe (Kaw); 2. Chris Carrillo (Kaw); 3. Shane Mill r (Kaw); 4. Jake Gagne (KTM); e acovelli 5. Dam ion Tackett (Suz). 8 5 BEG: I. Vincen t Y (Yam); 2. Jarett Kovacs (Suz); l . Daniel Je nnings (Kaw); 4. Scotty Gearhart (Yam); 5. Devon Carrell (Yam) 85 (7- 11): . I. C hris Plo uffe (l

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