Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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International Old-Timers Annual Race Se rie s Round r3 : Fern ley Interna tional Ra ce w ay Finale in Fernleyl By GENE HIGGINBOTHAM FERNLEY, NV SEPT. 4·5 , he final round of a series that covered the West fro m Arizon a on the south to Calgary, Alberta, Cana da, o n the north and as far east as Idaho Falls, Idaho, ne xt to the Rocky Mountains, w as o ne of th e very best and most e xciting rounds. The Nevada Chapter, under the leadership of Bo b Fabel and w ith Judy Aja handling the sco ring with the he lp of the ever-present Annie McCarthy, pulled off one of the best events of the year, A redesigned and beautifully prepped and mainta ine d track, as w e ll as the awesome barbecued-steak-and-corn-on -the-cob dinner with seconds for all, made for a great even t. All of the Nevada members outdi d themselves! Who wou ld think th at , aft er the 12 prior roun ds , there would still be any suspens e left as to the outcome of the championships in any of the classes ? In the Ov er 50 Expe rts class , Sierra r iders Jerry Winkeibauer and Jack Bake n were only 12 po ints apart going into this final race of th e se aso n, with Winkelbauer holding the edge. However, Bake n had be en coming on strong dur ing t he la s t half of the series , beating Winkel bauer head to head in four of the last five races. In Fernley, Baken's overall win, co mbined with Winkelbauer's fo urt h, put them into a tie for t he championship . T he way these two competed over the entire year, they should be considered co -cham pio ns, but a t ie-breaker rule awa rded the championship to Winkelbauer, who won more indiv idual mo tos du ring the season than Baken. Congratu lations to both for a grea t year ! Appl icatio n of the t ie -b re ak e r ru le w a s requi red agai n in th e Ove r 60 Novice clas s. llo yd Jo ne s from O regon and Was hingto nian Do n Nelson battled back and forth all year, with Jo nes usually hold ing the edge. With on ly a few rounds to go , though , and w ith Jo nes abo ut to clinch the championship , Nel son decided that T Kentuckian Steven Dayen rails a turn on his way to victo ry against the local boys in the 125cc B class in the second portion of the three-event Challengers Cup in Pell City, Alabama. Challengers Cup GP Mill Creek MX Doyen Schools the Local Boys By MATTHEW HOLT PELL CITY, AL, SEPT. 4 M any racers don't really kno w what a GP is nowadays ; if it doesn't hav e a 90-foot tr iple or 300 feet of whoops , it' s just not motocross. Mill Cree k took a section of the supe rc ross track that included a couple o f jumps and combined it w ith a well -watered . deep ly plowed, sawdust-mi xed maze of flat turns and ro lling-te rrain obstacles that's called the GP track. T he riders we re out ther e just having fun, riding t he fundamental elements of motocross and getting to compete at the same time . What more could one ask for? The GP was the second event of three planned (or the first-ev er Ch allengers Cup weekend. In th e 12 5cc B class , Kent uc ky hotsh o t Steven Doyen showed up with hopes of taking some trophies away from the local boys. Jesse " Me at loaf" Aaron and David "St ick" Melton were two of those loca ls w ho w e re looking fo r t hat flr s t - place t rophy as w e ll. Moto one showed Melto n and Aaron that if they wanted the ove rall , they would have to ste p up the pace , beca use Doyen p ut down some impressive lap time s o n his w ay to victory. Melton finished second, with Aaron pulling up the third posit ron. Moto two looked much the sa me: Do ye n got ou t front, and Aaron was charging w ith everything he had . Whe n the mota came to an end , it was Doyen out fro nt w ith the w in, Aaron in sec ond and Cole Reese picking up third . With his I- I finishes , Doyen took the overall, followed by Aaron in second w it h his 3-2 performances and Melt on taking third overall w ith his 2-4 finishes. T he guys who a ppeared to be having the mo st fun, though , were the Seniors in the Over 40 class. The top five in the class ar e all good friends, and they were on a tra ck that reminded them of "bac k in the day " - w hat more could they ask for? Well, Bill Di Giorg io could answer tha t question : He w anted first ov erall for the night with perfect I-I finishes, and that's what he got. Joe Irwin took second with 3·2 finishes, 48 and Chris l ong Sr. rounded out the top thr ee . Track owner Allen McWilliams was in the hunt with a fourth-place finish in the first mete , but track work beckoned and he logged a "did not start" (or the seco nd moto, w hich took him out o f conten t ion for a pod ium spot. (Gi ve McWilliams and his team full credit, thoug h the track was immaculate.) RESU LTS 50 E· L: I. Dytan Y ates (KTM); 2. Ty Roberts (Ho n); 3. Ho pe Hargrove (Pol); 4. Mason Jame s (Hon ); 5. C hase Darty (Hon) . 50 (4 -6) : I. Bailey Bloc ker (KTM); 2. Tucker Maxwell (Cob ); 3. John Michael Virgona (KTM). 50 (7-8): I. Joshua Cartwright (Co b) ; 2. Ben Ric:hards (KTM); 3. Clay O 'Neal (KT M). 5 0 OPEN : I. Jo shua Cartwright (Cob) : 2. Be n Richards (KTM); 3. Clay O 'Neal (KTM); 4. Tucker Maxwell (Cob) ; S. Ho pe Ha r gr o ve ( Po l) . 65 (7- 9) : I . Ad am Ctancrarcta (Kaw ); 2. Cam r o n Byr d (KTM ); 3. Joshua Cartwright (Cob); . , Aaron Cayton (KTM); 5. Cb y O'Neal (KTM). 65 ( 10- 11) : I. Brent Je rnigan (KTM); 2. Cameron Reas (Kaw): 3. C hase Lee (Yam); 4. Mason McCune (Kaw); S. Jacob Baumert (KTM). 65 OPEN (7 -1 1): I. Cameron Reas (Kaw); 2. Adam Cianciarola (Kaw); 3. Mason McC une (Kaw); 4. Chase Lee (Yam); S.John Paul Tonorigi (KTM). 85 (7 -1 1): I. Brent Jern igan (KTM); 2. Hayden O ' Kelly (Kaw); 3. Trevor Nelson (KTM); .. . jacob Baumert (KTM); S. Co lby Perl ey (Kaw). 85 ( 11-1 3) : I. Chase Lee (Suz); 2. TySmithson (Suz); l . Tyler Love les s (Hon ); .. . N ic ko las Phipp s (Ho n); S. Matt Barnett (Yam). 85 (14-15): I. Andrew Crowson (Hon); 2. Blake Helm s (Yam); l . Glenn Hud so n (Yam). 8 5 OPEN I S/MINI : I. Cody Reas (Kaw); 2. Ty Smi t hson (Suz) ; 3. Nicko las Phipps (Hon ); 4. zane Rollins (Hon): S. Matt Barnett (Yam). 115 B: I. Steven Doye n (Kaw): 2. Jesse Aaron (Yam); 3. Da vid Melton (Yam ); ... Cole Reese (Suz); S. Ro ss Di Giorg io (Yam). 115 C: I. Robby Win iarczyk (Ho n); 2. Matt Thompson (Hon) ; 3. Tommy Love (Kaw); ... Matt Thornburg (Yam); S. Dun kin Allred (Yam). 115 0 : I. Austin Lang(Yam); 2. Mic:hael Pinson (Kaw); 3. Jaso n Upchurch (Kaw ); 4. Alan Span n (Kaw); S. Matt Bon nett (Yam). 150 A : I. Jonathan West (Ho n) . 1 5 0 B: I . Paul Mc Cl e lla n (Yam) ; 2. Jake Meadows (Kaw ); 3. Je sse Aaron (Yam). 150 C: I. Matt Th o m pson (Hon); 2. Chris Long (Ho n); 3. Gordon Lyons (Ho n); .. . Chris l on g Sr. (Hon) ; 5 . Bill Di Giorgio (Hon ). 1 50 0 : I. Ro b Robe rts (KTM); 2. Jo e Irw in (Yam) ; 3. Sammy Brule z (Kaw); 4. Michael Free man (Hon ); S. Blake Dorsett (Kaw) . S M 4 -STRK: I. Caleb Mille r (Hon); 2. Th o mas Duncan (Suz); 3. Joey Cooper (Yam); .. . C hristian Blakene y (Kaw); S. Evan Sawyer (Kaw). OPEN 4- ST RK: I. Joe Love (Ho n); 2. Brent Jern igan (KTM); 3. Colt o n Bates (Hon ); 4. Mason McC une (Kaw]: S. Andy Stone (Suz). U/ L A M: I. Ste ve n Do ye n (Kaw) ; 2. Ro ss Di Giorgio (Ya m); 3 . Joh n Dav idson (Ho n) ; 4. Paul McC le llan (Yam): 5 . Ch ris Long (Hon ). W MN : I. Taylor Miller (Suz); 2. Kasie Powers (Suz); 3. Cory Davis (Yam); ... Carra Davis (Hon). PR ETEEN : I. Brent Jern igan (KTM); 2. Zac Woods (Hon) ; 3. Tyson Miller (Hon); 4. Aust in Y alock (Yam); 5 . Aaro n Clay ton (KTM). e YTH /S CHBY: I. Robby Winiarczyk (Hon): 2. Tomm y Love (Kaw); l . Cody Re as (Kaw); 4 . Chase Lee (Suz ); S. Alex McWilliams (Suz). 4 0+ : I. Bill oi Giorgio (Hon ); 2. Joe Irwin (Yam); l . C hris Lon g Sr. (Hon) ; 4. Allen McWilliams (Hon); S. C heck Dunca n (Hon ). OCTOBER 27, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS he was not going to make it easy. He didn't: Ne lso n w on t hre e o f the last four round s, including Fern ley. Jones had som e tr o uble in the last mota, giving t he ove rall to Nelson - and making it a tie for the championship. Jones wo n it on the basis o f having won more motes throughout the year. Bot h are already looking fo rward to next year. No tie was involved in t he Over 40 Amateurs championship , but it all came do wn to the last round. Idaho 's Mike Robinson did all he could by w in ning a t o ugh battle fo r the overall here in Fernley, over Oregonian Mark Voege le and L.A,'s Ron Rector, but his sixth at round 12 was too muc h to overcome. For the championship, Voege le needed to sco re well and come in ahead of Rector, who was leading the series be fore Fernley. Voegele fought hard and wo n a tie breake r ove r Sierra's Terry Hicks to take second. Voeg e le be came the series champion w it h that tie-breake r finish. Thirdplace points would have given the championship to Rector. Robinso n was a very close third for the year. Now it' s time to get into better shape for next season! RESULTS NOV: I. Lon Harter. 2. Mike Walsh; 1. Gordon Howe; ... Dennis Foste r, S. VIC Marsh all. AM: I. Mike Robinson ; 2. Mark Voegele; 3. Ter ry Hicks; 4 . Pe te r Mayfonh; S. Ron Rector. EX: I. Gilbe rt Ch ick; 2. Randy Roberts; 3. Steve Ba de r ; 4. T im Hobbs ; S. Bit! Lea . MST R A : I . Mark Kaestner; 2. Mike Joh nson ; 3. Shaun Hybarger, 4. Joe Root. M STR 8 : I. Herb Nacht igal!. 50 + NOV: I. Bruce Boyd; 2. Steve Canby: J. Ellis Harlin; 4. Paul McGou rty; S. John Rock. 50 + AM: I. Go rdo n Skinne r; 2. BillSchula ; l . Uoyd Carr; " . KyleMontgomery: S. Kirk Freeman. 50 + EX : I. Jack Baken; 2. Pat Sm ith ; 3. Jack Roten ; 4. Jer ry Wi nke lbau er ; S. Tim Kennedy. 50 + MST R: I. Bill Maxim; 2. Terry Sage; 3. Garry Rcestel : .. . Wayne O' Bleness ; S. Wes Broby. 60 + NOV: I. Do n Ne lson. 2. llo yd Jo ne s . 3. Kurt Sarka Sr.; 4. Gabe Gutierrez. S. Gordon Waugh. 60 + AM : I. Harry Mo rse ; 2. Tom Hamm ; 3. Rich ar d Kolbe rt ; .. . Ph il Blac k; S. Ro n Clawson . 60 + EX : I . Don Toc he r; 2. Gary W illison ; 3. Bruce Hoo ver ; 4. Russ Wya nt ; S. Richard Schilling. 70 + NOV: I. Dan McCarthy; 2. Bob Mou nt . 70 + AM: I. Nate House ; 2. "Biscuits" Virbiscio . 70 + EX: I. Max Good e : 2. Ge ne Hr o bsky; 3. To ny Armada; .. . Jo hnnie Hall; S. Fred Parsen. Oregonian Mark Voegele airs it out over one of Fernley's tabletops on his way to th e championship in the Over 40 Amateur class. He was in a threeway duel with L.A.'s Ron Recto r and Idaho's Mike Rabinson; Rector ended up seco nd in championship points, with Robinson third. 4 0th Ann iver sary

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