Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ Hond a/San joaquin Monument/Mot ion Trucking ride r Knight tried to put a whee l on Arnold in ~ the earty going, but Arnold was having none of ~ it: He just put his head dow n and pulled away c::; to a comfortable lead, taking the win easily. ~ "It was a great night of racing," Arnold said. The 80cc A class continues to be one of the it most e xcit ing . O n this nigh t. sev e r al lead changes and lots of shufmng of positions made th is race thrilli ng to the e nd. Andy Pursley O rchardsjt-tatt he w s H·D/Ray Towing-backed rider Garrett Slate was worki ng th e ou tside line, try ing to find a way aro und Michae l Avila and San Jo aq uin C h ro me/ Maxxi s- ba cke d Mich a el Ma r t in . T hi s batt le co nt inued thro ugho ut mo st o f t he ra ce. C had Cos e , Cou ntry Club Hard war e 's Kyle Anse lmi, and To ny Davilla were all within str iking distance of the fro nt -runne rs when Slate lost t he fro nt and slid o ut in fro nt o f the pursuing pack . T his spread things ou t a bunch, th ough not between Mart in a nd Avilla ; the ir ba ttle continued all th e way to the en d, wit h Avilla edging out Martin at the line. ~ 5 Chad Wilkin s tu rn e d good starts into moto victories in the high ly co mpetitive Over 30 class on day one of Log Road MX's thre e -da y motocross ce lebration in Bronson, Michiga n. RESULTS SO J- MA N TEAM RACE : I . Team 20 ( C o d y MadsonJBroc Wrigh t/Just in Bennet ); 2. Team 19 (Bro ck Ste llner / Harry Burnham/Gr eg Johnson) . SO JRJS R I 65 3-MAN TEAM RACE: I. Team 1 (Jarred Wilhams/WvTe n Nel so n/ C o d ie Bylsm a ); 2. Team 2 (C o dy Pr ice /Jacob Be hringe r/C hase Horne ); J . Team 1 (Dillon Finle y/D o ug Finley/Mitch Ost ifin). SO ("'-6) : I. BrO( Wright (Cob) ; 2. Gertcc John son (Co b); J . Just in So pe r (KTM); .... Hunt e r Burnham (Co b); 5. Justin Williamson (KTN). SO (7-S): I. Cody Hadsen (KTM); 2. Mic hael Wolfe (Co b); 3. Ronnie Bird (Yam .... Undsay Mason (KTM) S. Brock Stellner (Cob) . SO ); ; TR L (4.S): I. Dalton Elkins (Hon); 2. Jacob Elko (Ya m). SO JR: I. Mckinzie Edwards (KTM); 2. Broc Wright (Co b); l . Chris to phe r Kruger (KT M); 4. Ge rko John son (KTM); 5. Evan Cheek (KTM). 50 SR: I. Dill n Finle y (KTM); 2. Cody o Price (Kaw); l . Jarred Williams (KTM); 1. Seth Ham lshfeger (KT M); 5. Aust in Ste infeldt (Co b). 65 : I. Codle Bylsma (KTM); 2. Cody My~ (KTM); J . Warren Nelson (Kl1'1); .... Chase Home (KTM); 5. Douglas Finley (KTM). 85 (9- 1] ): I. Andy Myers (KTH ); 2. Bubba Cline (Kaw); 3. Joshua Lange (Kaw);

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