Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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IN TE RN ATI ONA L OLD -T I M ER S ANN UAL RA C E S ER IE S FINAL STAN D INGS (After 13 of 13 rounds): N O V: I. Dave S~ukh"l ; 2. Dennis Fester: J . Gord en Howe ; 4. Charl ie Rogers; 5. Russ Kepner. AM: I. Mark Voegele ; 2. Ron Rector; 3. Mike Robinson; 4. Mark Martin; 5. Dan Sandreno. EX: I. Paul Armada; 2. Keevan Acevedo: 3. Ron Hud son; 4. Susan Smith; 5. Glem MaffreL MSTR A: I. Er-e McKenna; 2. John Verdonk; J. Mark Kaestner, 4. Shawn Hybarger, 5. Winie Musgrave . MSTR B, I. john Volk; 2. ,",n So"" Jr.: 1. Don Rohrman ; • . Hero N.cht;g.Jl; S. Seen Creager. 50 + N OV: I. D~vid Will Sr.: 2. John Rock: 1. Ellis Harlin; 4 , Steve Canbr, S. Larry 1GrKh. 50 + A M: I. J.ames Pet erson: 2. Kyte Mon tgomery. 1. lloyd Carr, 4. Doug McBride: S. Gon:Ion Skinnet" 50 + EX: I. Jerry Wink~bauer, . 2. jack Baken : 3. Tim Kennedy; 4. Jirrwny Harris ; S. Dan TrammelL 50 + MSTR: I. Garry Rcestef: 2. Terry S~ge ; J . Bob Bland : 4. Don To usu inc; S. Wayne O'8Ieness . 60 + NOV: l . lJoyd jones ; 2. Don Nelson; J . Scon ~ker. 4. Richard l yons ; 5. ~ GutierreL 60 + AM : I. Harry Morse; 2. Phil BLKk; 1. Chuck Woo dy; 4. Tom H ~ m m ; S. Har ol d N oel l. 60 + EX: I. Bob Krah; 2. Ed i~r Peniton; 1. 8Mt Kenogg; 4. Gvy WiU ison; S. Jim Lamkin. 70 + NOV: I . Bob Mount; 2. Dan McUrthy; 1. Bob AAoy;4. Dave Scott. 70 + AM: I. Nate House. 10+ E)(, I. Mu Goode; 2. Gone Hrobsky; 1. Tony _ • . Zoli Bebodwn. 80 + HST~ I . Chvfie 1lurd>inaI. The 125cc Pro class gets started at the Rocky Mountain National Amateur Championships, held at Big Tim bers Motocross Park in Lamar, Colorado, with Ted Campbell (7 7X) leading Travis Bannister (6621 and the rest of the pack. Rocky Mount a in National Amateur C'ships Big Timbers Motocross Park o Big M oney at Big Timbers By MICHEllf For Further Information Call or Write : UNLIMITED SPORTS, P.OBox 783606 Winter Garden, FL 34778-3606 Phone: (407) 654-64 31 Fax: (407) 654-6143 www email LARABEE LAMAR, CO, SEPT. 4·5 A t the Rocky Mountain Nat ional Amateur Championships in 1""'\I..amar. Colorado. ~ was a big weekend for the pros. with a let of money on the line, Racers came from all over to get in on the action and race to be the champion. The Open Pro purse was $1000 , while both I25cc A and 250cc A riders raced for $2750 . On the lirst day of racing. the I 25cc A class started th e action with a very exciting race, Through the bike no ise, the annou ncer co uld be heard reminding the crowd that the riders were racing "fo r a whole bunc h of money " and added that "this is where the fun beg ins." When the gate dropped for the 12-lap 125cc A race , Nick Metca ll, Andy Atkins and Mike Ch ivdiom were the top three vying for the holeshot. T he order didn't stay the same for long, as Wic hit a, Kansas ' Me tcalf and Atkins, a loca l racer fro m Den ve r, Colorado , co llided in t he S t urn . This allowed Las C r uce s, New Me xic o 's C hivdio m to t ake t he le ad , Trav is Bannister and Mesa, Arizona's Ted Campbell followed in seco nd and third . The to p th ree mainta ined their position s but stayed bunched up until the filth lap, w hen Ch ivdiom pulled off the track wit h a hurt foot . Th is allowed Bann ister and Campbell to move up and Doug Leavitt to take third . The three racers kept on the pressure . and Campbell took the lead right before the t riples on the seventh lap. The top three made it an exciting race as they spread it out en ro ute to the finish. Amazingly, Atkins was able to finish fo urth , com ing back from last after his crash on the first lap. Chivdiom finished the race. tho ugh not riding at nearly the same level. The second day o f racing was just as exci ting . due to a ho rrible rainsto rm overnight. The race was actually delayed a couple of hours so the track could dry out. Some of the racers kept the spectato rs entertained by mud wrestling. When 125cc A racing resumed, Cam pbell absconded with the botesbot. Atkins came out second. At the end of the first lap , Atk ins passed Camp bell . who definitely put up a light . Campbell repassed Atkins in the next tum. and the two raced 'D'D'NZ.OP Simply I"~ MIfor .I'Olir"iAf'. FUEL ~~. ( SHDEI) #Panl _ ..... . ,. ~ _ _l1D,.. ~. r-------------------------------------- ~~~~~ CJ YES I StoUt my s u bsc ript h m immt",li.lh·!y to C yc le News. 1 50 I~:ooues lor $4 5.00. (can be billt",t 2 month ly paYITlt.'n ) b )'t.,tf/ Name o o _ A ddress _ City Zi p, Sta te _ Pho ne o _ O rder Dat e _ o Send to: ~ Inc. o P.O . Bo x .5().K4, C OSl a M esa. CA 92628·.5(')84 Toll Fre e Subs cription Hotline (800) 831-2220 2-1·ho u r f:A X Order Line (7 1-1) 75 1-6685 • E ~ nl.lil : ["tor)' ""I;'t"l fur tw o )'t' (HK' isau.... lur SlUr) Silo m ont h ,. §('' nlfld ci a ... " (25 i!l ll"'l M 2.1 00 ) fl.., a :J New Sub!ocriptil1n o Rm t'w dl lhi!ii PI.·" !K" b ill me I peymem 01 $45 Bill 2 paynwnts of 522.50 Enc lo:wd Is m )' check ur mnnt>y ("'-' t" Su bsaibc@cydcnew m Signatu re _ l .... '_I:'\l _ _lWrt-c....!...... lrt4nicn MC / ViSd# Exp . Da te ~~~~"'::="'~~l I~ CYCLE N EWS • oaOBER 27, 2004 49

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