Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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head to head over the triples. Atkins held on to take the top position . They continued to battle head to head until Atkins sta lled on the fourth lap. after the step-on/step-off. With Ca mpbe ll in th e le ad and Bannist e r clo se beh ind , Lance Hiser wa s ab le to ge t into t he th ird spo t . Chivdlom, wh o had come up from dead last, began pressuring Hiser on the fifth lap, and he passed him before t he finish-line tab le top. At the finish of th is excmng race, Ca mpbe ll was out fr o nt , with Ba nn ist e r in s e c on d and C hivdiom in third . Wi th racers coming from all around , the Ro cky Mo unta in N a t ion a l Cha m p io nship definitely lived up to e xpectations, giving the crowd some very exciting racing. RESULTS 51 P/W50: I. Bryson Monroe (KTM); 2. Reece Gilbert (SU 1. Marshall Cook (Sut); 4. Mich"'el Sweney (KTM). 51 1); (4-6 ) ' I. Kay Bowen (Cob) , 2. "lrae Dolley (KTM); J. Jeremy Lund btade (KTM); 4. Dillon Myers (KTM); 5. Bl)'5on Monroe (KTM). S I (7·8); I. Tanner Wonelond (Cob); 2. Jake RJggle (Cob) ; 3. Trenton Fergen (KTM); 4. Bryant O sborn e (KTM); 5. Brenn a Barne s (KT M). 5 I OPEN ( 4. 8 ): I. Farmer W ineland (Co b); 2. Jake Riggle (Co b); 3. Tre nton Fe rge n (KTM); 4. Kay Bowen (Co b); 5. 8')'3"t Osborre (KTM). 65 (7 -9): I. Tannet'" Wineland (Co b); 2. Vernon O 'Shea (KTH); 3. Keenan Davis (Suz); 4. Richard Guebara (Kaw): 5. 8r.Iden Mo nr oe (KT M). 65 ( 10- 11) : I , Jake Jacobs (KT M); 2. Michael Kimme rle (KTM): 3. Jeffrey Fishe r (KTM); 4. Sheldon Root (Kaw); 5. Tyler Albus (KTM). 65 OPEN ( 7. 11): I. Todd Bannister (KTM): 2. Tanner Wineland (Cob); 3. Jeffrey Fisher (KTM) ; 4. Tyler Kuntz (Suz): 5. Richa r d Gue bara ( . 85 (7 - 11) : I. Todd Bannist e r (Hon) ; 2. Brya nt Humiston (KTM): 1. josh Stie b (Suz); 4. Michael Kimmerle (Han) : 5. Jake Jacobs (KTM). 85 (12 .ll): I. bch larson (Suz) ; 2. Tyler Dilley (Han); 3. Tyler Valen ti ne (Ho n); 4. Trevor Confer (Yam); S. Andrew Valdez (Yam). 85 ( 14. 15) : I. Dylan Nobles (Yam); 2. Tucker Abbott (Yam); 3. Ronnie Szymanski (Yam): 4. Austin Scho tt (Ha n): S. Austin Moyer (Kaw). IR S/MINI (0- 11): I. Bryant Humisto n (KTM); 2. Co dy Nobl es (Yam); 3. Mich ae l Kimme rle (Hon) ; 4. Jake Jaco bs (KTM); 5. Todd Bannister (Hon) . 5 / MIN I (11 · 15) 0- 105: I. Brett Preuss (Hon ); 2. Tyler Fisher (Hen) ; 3. Zach larson (Suz); 4. Dylan Nobles (Yam): S. Shaine Kratko (Kaw). e : 125 A:. I, Ted Campbell (Hon ); 2. Travis BarVlist r (Yam) 3. Andy Atkins (Yam): 4. Aaron Irwin (Hon ); S. Mike Chivdiom ( Ho n) . 125 8 : I . Bra d en Ba rn e s (Hon) ; 2 . Ric ky La Moougn< (Y am): J. Cody Boyd (Yam); • . Brert Precss (Hon); S. Zach larson (Y am). 115 c: I. Nevin Barnes (KTM); 2. Co llin Wo ronovitch (KTM): 3, Co dy Irby (Yam); 4. Just in Bro oks (Ho n): S. Mike Melg osa (Suz) . 150 A : I. Te d Cam pbell (Hon): 2. Mike Chivdiom (Hon) : 3. Andy Atkins (Y am); 4. Chad Zulian (Hon): S. Brady Sharp (Hon). 150 8: I. Braden Barnes(Hon ); 2. Cody Boyd (Yam); 3. Kyle Renton (Hon) ; 4. Shane Cerett e (Y am); 5. Brett Preuss (Hoo) . 250 C: I. Brandon levy (Ha n); 2. jeremy Sherwood (Hon); 3. Thomas Collister (Ha n); 4 . Roger Larabee (Kaw): 5. Dan Kea ne (Y m). OPEN BEG : I. Bran don levy (Ha n): 2. a jer emy Notan (Yam); 3. Jonathan Shivers (Hon); 4. Micha el Huzella (Yam); 5, Karl Buck (Yam). OPEN PRO : I. Ted Campbell (Hon); 2. Andy Atkins (y",m); 3. Brady Sharp (Hon) : 4. Chad Zulian (Hon ); S. Matth ew Meb ane (Hon). NON· PRO ; I. Braden Bames (Hoo); 2. Cody Boyd (Yam J . Shane ); Cerette (Yam); 4. Joe y Olson (Hon ); S. Kyle Remon (Hon) . WMN A: I. Ashli Ho lland (Kaw): 2. je nny Mortimer (Hon ). WHN B: I, t-tansa Brauch (Hon) : 2. lauren Volent ir (Kaw). WMN C: I. Je nnife r Schacht (Yam); 2. Christine O 'D ay (Yam); 3. Rachel De Parrie (Hon) ; 4. Blake Keller (KTM); 5. Amber Kisamore (Yam). YTH BEG ( 12- 15): I. Tyler Trent (Hon) ; 2. James Huzella (Kaw): 3. Dytan Rumne y (KTM): 4. Kyle Rivard(Kaw): 5. Mike Neville (Hon) . SCHB V ( 11· 15) : I. Zach larson (Y am): 2. Aaron McCl intock (Hon ): 3, Ne vin Barnes (KTM); 4. Brett Preu ss (Hon); 5. Co llin Woronovit ch (KTM). CLGBY (16 ·14): I. Dalton Dimick (Hon); 2. Cody Boyd (Yam); 3. Brian Braby (Y am): 4. Shane Cerette (Yam); 5. Jere my Sherwood (Han). 15 + A : I . Dust in Cu mm ings (Yam); 2. Wayne Balliett (Yam); 3. Bryan Sabbaugh (Han). 15+ 81C: I. Dan Ke.ane (Yam); 2. Jeffrey Cantr ell (Hon ); 3. Jeremy Nolan (Yam): 4. Brian Chappell (Ho n). 30 + A: I. Andy Atkins (Y am): 2. Scott Elli (KTM); 3. Pete Ban nister s (Yam); 4. Wayne Balliett (Y"'m) . 30 + 8 : I. Dean Haight (Hon ): 2. Jeffrey Cantrell (Hon) . 30 + C: I. Jer emy Nolan (Yam); 2. Brian Chappe ll (Hon); 3. Ronald PaI1te (Yam): 4. r Chad Thornhill (Ho n); 5. Erik Rod (Yam). 40 + A: I, Dean Haight (Hon); 2. Jeff Kuntz (Y am): 3. Kevin Brauch (Ho n); 4. "' Glen Sharp (Hen): 5. Pet e Bannister (Y m). 40 + B: I. Bob Barnes (KTH): 2. Kam Kekich (Yam). 40 + C: I. David Kraft (Yam); 2. Brian Nobles (Y am);) . Joseph DziezgowslO (Hon) . RMAC 65 (7-9) STK: I. Richard Guebara (Kaw): 2. Braden Monroe (KTM); 3. Jared Sneb (5oz); 4. Austin Warren (Suz): S. Trenton Fe rgen (KTM). RMAC 65 ( 10- 11) STK : I. jake Jacobs (KTM); 2. Jeffrey Fisher (KTM); 3. Tyler Albus (KTM). RMAC 85 (7. 11) STK: I. Bryant Hum iston (KTM); 2. Cody Nobles (Yam): 1. Josh Stieb (Suz ); .. . Keenan Davis (Suz); 5. Sco tt Sardella (Ho n). RHAC 85 ( 12- 13) STK : I. Zac h l a rso n (Suz); 2. Sha ine Kratko (Kaw): 3. Tyle r Valent ine (Ho n); 4. Tyler Dille y (H on ); 5. And rew Valdez (Yam). RMAC 115 B ST K: I. Braden Bame s (Hen ): 2. Zach larson (Yam); 3. Joey Shedro n (KTM). RMAC 125 C STK: I. Justin Kaplan (Kaw): 2. Joey Olson (Hon) ; 3. Cody Irby (Yam): 4. Mike Melgosa (Suz): 5. Collin Wor onovitch (KTM). RMAC 150 C ST K: I, Je re my Sherwood (Hon); 2. Rocky Rauman (Hon); l. Ronald Parker (Y am); 4. Brian Chap pell (Hon). Challengers Cup MoteKross Mill Creek MX HOLT PEU CITY, Al, SEPT. 5 S unday morning at Mill Cre ek brought anothe r day of racing and the third and final por tion of the first -ever Challengers Cup wee kend. The two-day event drew rid ers from Georgia , Ten nessee, Mississippi and even Kentucky. Geo rgia's Robby Winiarczyk drove over to battle with Tommy Love and Matt Thompson in the 12Scc C class and with others in the Youth class. In I25cc C competiti on, the racing was great, with those three out front and making every tum count. In moto one, Thompson and Love pushed each other whi le going for that number-one spot. while Winiarczyk stalled his Honda on the line and started the mota dead last. Winiarczyk put his head down and charged through the pack to come back to fourt h place . Love took the mot o win, with Thom pson right behind him and Shawn Smith getting the third spot. When the gate dropped for mota two and ev eryone cleared the first turn , it was Thompso n out front , w ith Lo ve ne xt an d Winiarczyk close behind, It too k several laps, but W iniarczyk got around Love and then set his Sights on Thompson. With two laps to go . Wi nia rczyk made his m ove and passed Thompson for the win. Even though Thompson didn't get the moto win, he did get the overall SO RESULTS SO E-L: I. Braden Bunker (Yam): 2. Eric Box (KTM); 3 Ty Roberts (Hon); 4. Dyla n Richardson (Yam); 5. Tyle r McNamee (Ho n). 50 (4. 6 ): I. Tucke r Maxwe ll (Co b): 2. Payton Cooper (KTM); 3. Bailey Blocker (KTN): 4. Eric Box (KT M); 5. Colte r Ju lian ( KT M) . 50 OPEN : I. Josh ua Cartwright (Cob ): 2. Ben Ric hard s (KTM); 3. Tucker Maxwe ll (Cob): 4. Clay O 'Nea l (KTM); 5. Brade n Bunker (Yam). 65 ( 7-9): I. Adam Clanc iarol a (Kaw); 2. Joshua Ca rtw right (Cob ); 3. Camron Byrd (KTM); 4. Dalton Hort o n (Kaw ); 5. OaOBER 27, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS (Hon); 2. Bill Di Giorgio (Hon); 3. Alan Com (Hen): 4. Tom Halliburt on (Suz): S. Randy Jo hnson (Yam). 45 + : I. Bill Matthews (Hon); 2. Bill Di Gior gio (Hen) : 3. jimmy Powers (Suz): 4. Rike Edward s (Hon); 5. Allen McWilliams (Hen) . Jalbert Gives a Hoot OwlWinning Performance UXBRIDGE, MA, SEPT. S with his 2-2 finishes. Love took second overall with 1-3 finishes. and Winia rczy k finished off the podium with his 4- 1 finishes. The 85 cc Open/Supermini class had a full gate. with 20 ride rs showing up to get their shot at the Cha llenger Cup. In the first moto, Cody Reas showed that he w as there to do business by taking the win over Drew Estes in seco nd and Corey Miller in third. Moto two turned out be quite different , as Miller made his way to the front of the pack, and Reas dropped bac k to a lone ly seve nth pla ce . W hen the checkered flag waved , it was Miller holding on for first , followed by Estes In second an d Ty Smith son in third. With the st ron g finish and win in mo to two. Miller captured the overall , with Estes tak ing second with 2-2 consiste nt finishes and Ty Smit hson getting th ird ove rall with respectable 5- 3 finishes. Mill Creek has already put into motio n plans to hold this even t again next year. With a rider en try pushing the 650 mark . the racing can only get better in the future . Corey Miller captured the overall 85cc Open/Supermini victory on day two of the first-ever Challengers Cup Motocross event in Pe ll City, Alabama. New England Trail Riders Association Round 9: Ho ot Owl Scra m b lers MC Richardson Farm Ha re Scrambles By T.J. SWISTRO Thompson, Miller Grind Out Mill Creek MX Wins By MATTHEW Aaron Cayton (KTM). 65 (10- 11): I. Bren t Je rnigan (KTM); 2. Came ron Reas (; 3. Mason McCune (Kaw); .. , Caleb Cupp (Hon) : 5. Jord an Mart in (KTM). 65 OPEN (7·11 ): I. Cam e ron Reas (Kaw); 2. Adam C iandarola (Kaw); 3. Jacob Baume rt (KTM); ... Aaro n Clayton (KTM); 5. Mason McCune (Kaw). 85 (7 · 11): I. Brent Jern igan (KTM); 2. Hunt er Mims (Y am) : 3. Trevor N elson (KTM); .. . Zac Redde ll (Suz); 5. Hayden O 'Kelly (Kaw). 85 (ll.Il): I. Corey Miller (Hon ); 2. Dre w Este s (Yam) : 3. Keenan Sanders ( ); 4. Ethan Heste r (Yam): 5. Ty Smithso n (SU 1). 85 OPEN / S/M INI: I. Corey Miller (Han ): 2. Drew Estes (Yam); 3. Ty Smith so n (Suz): 4. Humer Mims (Yam): S. Cody Reas (Kaw). 115 B: I. ); Cole Reese (5oz); 2. Ross Oi Giorgio (Yam 3. Steven Doyen (Kaw); 4. K Roark (Hen) : S. Jesse Aaron (Y yle am). 115 C: I. Matt Th omps on (Ho n); 2. Tomm y l ove (Kaw); 3. Robb y Winlarc:zyk(Hon); 4. Shawn Smith (Hon) ; S. Matt Thornburg (Yam). 125 0 : I . Juan Upchurch ( ; 2. Evan Wheat (Yam); 3. larry Sheffield (KTM); 4. Heath Jackson (Hon): S. David Mosley (Suz). 115 PRO : I, Chris Craft (Hen) ; 2. Kyle Kelly (Hon); 3. Christopher McCori<.ef (Y am). 150 B: I. Jake Mead ows (Kaw); 2. Brett Joh nson (Ho n): 3. Broc Hinkley (Suz); .. . Michael Schwartz. (Y am): 5. jesse Aaron (Yam). 150 C: I, Matt Thompson (Hen ); 2. BenjiTurley (Hon) : 1. Tommy l ove (Kaw); 4. Jona t han Calloway (Hon ); 5. Gordon ly oos (Hon). 250 0 : I. Rob Roberts (KTM); 2. Jon Utt le (Ya m); 3. Bobby Hayes (Yam); .. . Kyle Mart in (Ho n): 5. Andy Shirey (Yam). 150 PRO : I. Darryt He isler (Ya m); 2. jonathan West (Hon ): 3. Christo pher Mc Corkel (Yam) ; 4. Davy Duprel (Yam); S.james Wagner (Yam). SM 4- STR K: I. Caleb Miller (Hon ); 2. Thomas Duncan (Suz); 3. Joe y Cooper (Yam): 4. Jaco b Gree n (Kaw). OPEN 4·STRK: I. Robe rt Chandler (Ho n); 2. joe love (Ho n): 3. Cole Jame s (Kaw ); 1. Andy Stone (Suz): 5. Just in Jo ne s (Ho n). U/L AM : I. Jon ath an We st (Ho n); 2. Brcc Hinkley (Suz); 3. Michael Schwartz (Yam): 4. Steven Doyen (Kaw); 5. Co le Reese (Suz) . WMN : I. Kim Matt hews (Hon): 2. Kasie Powers (Suz); 3. Amanda Spano (Kaw): 4. Kelly Brinkman (5oz). PRETEEN: I. Brent Jern igan (KTM); 2. Hayden O 'Ke lly (Kaw); 3. Hunter Mims (Yam); 4. Dalt on Horton (Kaw) ; S. Caleb Cupp (Ho n). YTH/SCHBY: I. Robby Winiarczyk (Hon) : 2. Tommy l ove (Kaw); 3. DunlOn Allred (Yam): .., Keenan Sanden (Kaw); 5. Ty Smithson (Suz ). 25 + : I. Kyle Kelly (Hon ): 2. Benji Turley (Hen ); 3. Danny Haynes (KTM); 4. James Wapr (Yam); 5. Rodney King (Ho n). 30 + : I. Ch ris Craft (He n): 2. Davy Duprel (Yam 3. Darryl Heisler (Yam): 4. Rodney Cavender ); (Ha n); S. Joey Ha rg rove (Hon ). 40 + : I. Bill Matt hews E ve n with tale nted co mpe tition from EC EA Expert 8 illy King. Matt Jalbert still pro ved that he is the man to beat in the Northeast, Fifteen Pro ride rs turned out for an incredible ride on one of the be tt e r tracks of the year. The club laid out a 9,9-rnile trac k consisting of tight, roc ky New England woods. With temperatures hover ing around 75 degrees and much of the sun blocked by cloud s, these riders were in for a spectacular two -hour race. At I;30 that afte rnoon. the gre en flag flew. and like a wave o f t hund e r, t he Pro rider s fought the ir way toward the first turn . D.J, Lis grabbed an incredible holeshot on his KTM and then proceeded to show the rest of the field the fast way around the racetrack, setting the fastest lap time of the day. Com ing aro und on the second lap, however, t he hard -c harging King was trying to over take Lis' point position. O nce they hit the grasstrack, King made his move and took the lead but he didn't do so without some company, in the form of current NETRA points leader Jalbert. NET RA's AIIAmerican underdog Bob Santheson, and former NETRAenduro champion Kevin Hines. Roughly 30 seconds behind the lead duo of Matta Cycle's King and RER Motorcity's Jalbert . Cycle Co nnection's Santheso n was in t he middle of a fierce battle against E-Line 's Hines for third place. Unfort unately, Santheson's luck ran out when he be nt his rea r rotor at the end of lap tw o . However, in typical underdog fashion, Santheson ran the who le next lap with no rear brakes until he was able to pit, and with the help of some good friends he straightened 40th Anniversary > the rotor and went on to finish a respectable 10th in the highly competitive class. O n the third lap. Jalbert started to apply pressure on King until t hey star ted rubb ing plastic along a rocky uphill, wh ich forced King into a re lationship with on e of our fine Ne w England trees. He quickly remounted and was soon right back on Jalbert 's tail. They stayed that way for th e remainder of the third lap and into th e fourth and final lap. However, King wou ld not prevail on this day, as somewhere on that last lap. Jalbe rt flipped on the afterburners and pulled away. In the end, Jalbert won his fifth race of the year w ith e xac tly a one-minute margin over Scott Goggle's King. and just under a flve-rnlnute lead over th ird-place d Hines. " He was re lentless! " e xclaimed Jalb e rt regardin g King afterward. " I had to rea lly use my head out there." Th e C -Cycle Suspe nsion/Moose Racing sponsored Ja lbert has certai nly taken the prov erbial bu ll by the horns this year, and he now has a com manding lead in the series. Yet he remains rather modest. "I don't necessari ly have to win them , but be consistent ," said Jalbert , who, whe n asked about the championship. replied. "Yeah. that wou ld be cool - to be ab le to say tha t I was champion." RESULTS AA: I. Matt jalbert (Suz ): 2. Billy King (KTM); 3. Kevin Hines (Ho n); 4. Brooks Ham ilton (KTM): 5. Wes C larke (Y am). A 2S0 : I. Alden Clark (Yam); 2. Chris Souza (Yam); 3. Adam Clarke (Yam); 4. Crai g Ca rpente r (Yam); 5. Robe rt Langeb ack (Yam). A 1 0 0: I . Kevin Knott (KTM); 2. Pat Corcoran (Suz); 3. Ken law (Hus); 4. louis Saccoccio (KTM); 5. Tom Ducharme (Yam). A OPEN: I. Todd Poirot (KTM); 2. Thomas A. Accomaz zo (KTM); 3. Keith Bonney (Hen ); .. , Peter Matt eau (ATK); 5. Doug Simone (GG). A 4·STRK: I. Todd Sant he so n (Yam); 2. Eric Par e nt (KTM): 3. Daryu sh Donyaui (Y am): 4. Adam Simcock (Hon ); 5. Mike Bush (Hon).

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