Cycle News - Archive Issues - 2000's

Cycle News 2004 10 27

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AHRMA Pro-Flo/Progressive Suspension Historic Cup Series Rounds 20-21: BeaveRun Motorsports Complex Chasing Those End-of-Season Points By MATT BENSON WAMPUM, PA, SEPT. 11-12 T he American Historic Racing Motorcycle Associat ion road show made its w ay to this short-but -sw ee t western Pennsylva nia circui t for a gorgeou s late-summer weekend of close racing o n mo torcycles old and no t so old . Saturday's Sportsman 500cc race was as close and unpredictable - as they ge t. From the start. this was a three-way battle involving Honda-mount ed Gale Harkness and Todd Narduzzl , alo ng with Do n Jagge r, on a BSA B50 . Close beh ind was T im Lile on another B5A thumper. By the third of 10 laps on th e ro lling , L e-mlle ci rcuit, Jagger ha d gotte n into second, be hind Har kness, and at halfway th ose two se e med to be cree p ing slightly away from Nardu zz i. On lap seve n, Jagger and Harkne ss bega n swa pping the lead , w hile Ule closed up on Narduzzi. O n the final lap. however, Jagger disappeared fro m action w ith a mechanical pro blem . and Narduzzi ra n down Harkn ess for a nar row w in. Narduzzi w on it aga in on Sund ay, while H ar kn e ss doub le d in Spo rtsman 350 cc com petition . Ule and Andrew Cowell have been engaged in a battle over the Sportsman 500ccclass title , and Lile pulled slightly ahead in the points race , as Cowell's Triumph ate a valve prior to Satu rda y's race. Lile re spo nded w ith thirdand second-p lace finishes over the weekend. Ano th e r close race for t he w in ca me in Formula 750 , between Yamaha-mounted jo hn Ellis and Trium ph ride r Tim joyce . T his on e we nt to Ellis by a t iny margin on Sat urday, a lth ough on Su nday t he po sit ions were sw itched. O n the track at the sam e time, the Spo rts man 750c c class was ano ther Yamaha Triu m ph c o ntest , w ith c lass c ham p D avid Templ e's Japane se iron narrow ly w inning over Andrew Murray's Brit bike o n Sat urday. Those results, too , would be reversed in Sunday's race . David Ro per co ntinued his thrashing of the 500 cc Premier class w ith a pair of wins o n a Norton Manx, and followed it up with a doubl e in 2S0cc G ra nd Prix, aboard an Ae rm ach l. joyce , on his Trium ph, dom inated th e BEARS class on both days, putt ing him into the po ints lead, ahea d of C raig Murray, w ho didn't co ntest these tw o rounds. In Sound of Singles/Batt le of Twins action, it wo uld've been difficult to to p Saturday's show, pu t o n by Honda RS12S riders Todd Pucke tt and Scott Smallw ood in SOS Two-Stro ke . The pair circulated within feet of each othe r all 10 laps, trad ing the lead and slicing th rough traffic on the 12-tum circuit. Puckett led more ofte n than Smallwood, and by the en d, Puckett had a bit of a ga p o n his rival. Th ou gh he finished seco nd on both d ays, Sm allw ood a p pears heade d for a class champ io ns hip with four rounds rem aining. Prod uct ion Singles was a three-way contest on Satu rd ay, involving the su pe rmot o-s ty le KTMs of Mike Parker and Gary Dipiet ro, and c las s c ham p io n Tr en t Th o m as, o n his MZ Skorpion. Running in tight formation, Dipietro was at the po int lap afte r lap until late in the race , w hen both Parke r and Thom as swe pt by. At t he checke r s, it was Pa r ker, ahead o f Tho mas and then Dipietro . eN Tim Joyce, on his 1973 Triumph, scored a pair of wins in the BEARS closs, along with a win ond a second-place finish in Formula 7S0, at rounds 20 and 21 of the AHRMA Pro-Flo/Progressive Suspension Historic Cup Series. Gale Harkness (587) and Don Jagger (64X) contest the lead in Sportsman 500cc oction. Sa t urd ay - Round 20 PRE·1940: I. Will Hard ing (Ind); 2. Art Farley (H· D): 3. T im Dro ege (H -D ). C L C FOOT: I . Mark Sam uelso n (Nor ); 2. Craig Brec kon (Tn). CL C HAND: I. Will Harding ' 60s : I. Dick MIles (Nor ); (Ind): 2. Art Farley (H-D). 2. Erne st Hilton (No r). 200 GP:: I. Bill Moe lle r (Oss ); 2. De nn is Po nele it (Ha n); 3. Carl Anderson (Yam): 4. Mike Parker (Hen); S. De bbie Kinsey (Ha n). 250 GP : I. David Ro per (Aer); 2. Jo nat han W hite (Due ); l . Pa ul Ge rma in (Due) : 4. Ch uck Davis (H- D); 5. Robe rt Brangacd o (Due). 350 GP : I. Paul Germain (Due); 2. Edward Sensenig (Due): l . Do n Fro mm (Due); 4. Roge r Swartout (Kaw): S. Jod y Hance (Due). 500 PREM : I. David Rope1" (Nor ): 2. Todd Narduzz! (Ha n) : 3. Ernest Hilto n (Tri). BEARS : I . T im Joyce (Tri): 2. BillAtkins (Nor) : l . Jon Revilla (N or ): 4. Greg Bouchonville (Nor-): 5. Kenny Cummings (No r) . F·125: I. Mart in Yannerilla (Ho n) : 2. Ne il Po o le r (C ·A); l . Jam es Munz (Hen); 4. Jeffrey Campbell (C -A): 5. Tim Nkkehen (Sri). F·250: I. Craig Breckcn (C·A); 2. Craig Hirko (Hon): l . Karsten IIIg (C ·A); 4. David Keeley (Hon) ; S. Jerry Kinrl (y",,) . ' ·500, I. AJ. Dusek (Yam 2. Kanten 111&(y",,): J. ): Richard Snyde r (Yam); 4. Roger Swartout (Kaw); 5. Duncan Forbes (Yam). F·7S0: I . Jo hn Ellis (Yam): 2. Tim Joyce (Tri): l . Bill Atk ins (No r) ; 4. Charles C ole (Guz ); 5 . Andre w Cowell (Tri). F·VINT: I. Charles Cole (Guz); 2. Mike AzZM (Ya m); l . Steven Ent er (Yam): 4. Roger Swartout (Kaw): 5. C raig C harl e s (Tri) . SPTSMN 350: I . Ga le Har kne ss (Hen): 2. Bill Moeller (Ho n): l . Ken Debel ak (Hen): 4. Steve Frink (Ho n) : S. De nn is Clark (Ho n). SPTSMN 500: I. Tod d Narduzz i (Hon) ; 2. Gale Hark ness (Hon) : l . TIfTl lile (BSA): 4 . Je s se Mo rris (Trl) ; S. Myron Clary (BSA). SPTSMN 750: I. David Tem ple (Yam); 2. Andrew Murray (Tri); 3. Michael Dixo n (Yam): 4. Jesse Mor ris (Tn); 5. Bill Umstead (Yam). HSTRC PROD l./W: I. Jonat twl Freiman (Hen): 2. Gary Fuderer (Hon) ; l . John Wild (Hon) : 1. Julius Baur (BSA 5. William Murar (Yam). HSTRC PROD H/W: ); I. Garry Bird (Hon ): 2. Brian Sawye r (BM'N): l . Steven Bern (Ha n) : 4 . William Be w ley (BMW); 5. John Taylor (Yam) . VINT SlBK l.IW: I. Gordon Ham ilton (Yam); 2. Neil Poole r (Yam): J . John Taylo' (y",,). VI NT SiBK M/W, I. And,.., Murra y (Gu z): 2. Gordon Hamilt o n (Yam); l . Lawrence Corb in (Suz); " . Sam Williams (Kaw). VINT S/BK HIW: I. ctsc David Roper dominated both 250cc Grand PrIX events on this Aermachi and the 500cc Premier contest on a Norton Manx. Roper is headed for another of many AHRMA National titles in the 500cc class. Denn is Parrish (Kaw): 2. Randall Shank (Han ); l . lawrence Corbin (Suz). SfMONO : I. Mike Parker (KTM): 2. Brian Sawyer (HZ); l . Ken Debela k (Rot) ; 1. Randy Grove (Hon) . Sl MO NO 2: I . Randy Grove (Hon) : 2. C. Howard Fak e s (Han ); 3. Bob Treat (Hon) . PROD SGL: I . Gary Dipietro (KTM); 2. Tre nt T h o mas (H Z): l . Mike Par ke r (KTM): 4 . Robe r t Slepc evi c h (Yam ); S. Rober t Vanc e (S uz ) . SOS 2·STRK: I. Tod d Puckett (Hen) ; 2. Scott Smallwood am): 4. Chris Manfrin (Yam); 5. (Hon ); l . Colin Cameron (Y Allen Gara (Yam). BOT F·I : I. Mark Hatt en (Due); 2. Wally Schleper (Apr): l . Jan Svensson (Due); 4. Corien De Jong (Due): S. Carol Remond (Due ). BOT F·2 : I. jan $venuon (Due): 2. Kevin Burns (Suz); l . Andrew Murray (Guz ); 1. Dic k Fishe r (Ha n); 5. Denn is Ergo (Ho n) . BOT F·3 : I . Kev in Burn s (Suz ); 2. Ro n Durra nce (Due ); l . William Bewley (Suz); 4. Dan Hankie (Suz): 5. Paul Devlin Jr. (Suz). BOT 2·STRK: I . Colin Cameron (Hen): 2. David Keeley (Yam): I . T im Youngblood (Ap r). SOT: I . Ha rk Hatte n (OOK): 2. Wal~ xhle"", (Ap<-): J . Scott Smallwood (Hon ): 4. .tan Svensson (Due); 5. Ccrf en De Jong (Due). Sunday . Round 2 1 00); 2. Art Farley (H. D). PRE·1940: I. Will Hard ing (1 CL C FOOT: I. Mark Samuelsen (Nor): 2. Cra ig Brec ko n (Tri). CL C HAND: I. Will Harding (Ind): 2. Art Farley (H· D). CLSC ' 60s : I. Dick Miles (Nor ): 2. Ernes t Hilton (Nor). 200 GP: I. De nnis Po ne le it (Han) ; 2. Carl Anderson (Yam): J . Mike Parker (Ha n): .. . Debbie Kinsey (Hon): 5. Edw ard Sensen ig (Due). 250 GP:: I. David RDper (Aer ): 2. Jonathan Whit e (Due) ; l . Paul Ge rmain (Due ): 4. Chue k Davis (H-D): 5. Jody Hance (Due) . 350 GP : I. Paul Ge rmain (Due ): 2. Ed ward Se nse nig (Due ); l . Don Fro mm (Due ); .. . Roge r Swartout (Kaw); 5. Jody Hance (Due). 500 PREM : I. David Roper (No r): 2. Tod d N ar du u i (Ho n) : l . Erne st Hilto n (Tri). BEARS : I. TIm Joyce (Tn): 1. Bill Atkins (Nor). F125 : I. Mart in Yanneri1la (Hon): 2. Neil Poole r (C ·A): l . James Mu nz (Hon) ; 4. Jeffrey Ca m pbe ll (C- A); 5. Fra nk Mu n z (Hon) . f ·2 S0 : I . C raig Hir ko (Ha n) : 2. Craig g Breckon (CA.): 3. Karste n IlI (C-A): 4. David Keeley (Hon ); am) S. Je rry Kinzl (Yam). F·SOO: I. Karste n IIIg (Y : 2. A.J. Du sek (Yam); l . Stanley Upe rt (Yam): 4. Roger Swa rtout BEAVERUN MOTORSPORTS COMPLiX WAMPUM, PENNSYLVANIA RESUtTS: SEPTEMBER 11-12, 2004 (Kaw); 5. Richard Snyder (Yam). F· 7 S0: I. Tim Joyce (Tri); 2. John Ellis (Yam); l . Charles Cole (Gu z). F.VINT: I. Charles Cole (Guz): 2. RogerSw art OUt(Kaw): 3. H Ike Azzar (Yam): 1. Steven Enter (Yam); 5. Ed Britt (Yam). SPTSMN 350: I. Gale Harkne ss (Han ); 2. Steve Frink (Ho n); l . Ken De be lak (Ho n) : .. . De nnis Clark (H an ): 5. Steven Miller (Hen) . SPTSMN 500: I. Todd Nardurzi (Han) ; 2. Tim li le (BSA): l . Gale Ha rkne ss (Hon); 4. Do n Jagger (8 SA): 5 . Myron Clary (BSA). $ PT S MN 7 50 : I. Andrew Mur ra y (Tn); 2. Drnd Temple (Yam): l . Michael Dixon (Yam): 4. Bill Umst ead (Yam): S. Mike Azur (Yam). HSTR C PROD UW: I. Gary Fuderer (Hon ); 2. Jonathan Fre iman (Hen ); l . John Wild (Ho n); 4. Julius Baur (8 SA): 5. William Murar (Yam) . HSTRC PROD H/W: I. Brian Sawye r (BMW); 2. Steven Bern (Hen ); l . John Tayior (Yam); .... Dan Sellen (BM'N): 5. Garry Bird (Hon ). VINT SlBK lIW: I . Gordon Ham ilton (Yam); 2. Ne il Pooler (Yam); 3. Joh n Taylor (Yam ). VI NT S/BK M/W: I . Andrew Murray (G uz); 2. Gordon Hamilton (Yam 3. Sam Williams (Kaw); .. . Lawrence Corbin (Suz). ): VINT Sl BK H/W: I. Den nis Parris h (Kaw); 2. Randall Shank (Hon); 3. lawrence Cor bin (Suz) . BOT 2·STRK: I. T im You ngblood (Ap r); 2. David Keeley (Yam). S/MONO: I. Ken De belak (Rot); 2. Mike Parker (KTM); l . Brian Sawyer (MZ) . S/MONO 2: I. Gary Dipi etro (KT M); 2. Robert 51 ce vich (Yam); l . Randy G ro ve (Hon ); 4. C. Ho ward ep Fo kes (Hen); 5. Bob Treat (Hon). PROD SGl: I. Trent Thomas (MZ); 2. Gary Dipietro (KTM); 3. Robert Slepcevich (Yam): .... Ro be rt Vance (Suz). 50S 2·S T RK: I . Todd Pu c kett (Ha n) ; 2 . Sco tt Sm a llwood (Hon) ; 3 . Colin Cameron (Yam); 1 . Ch ris Manfr in (Yam); S. Alle n Gara (Yam). BOT F-I: J. Mark Hatten (Due ): 2. Wally SchIeper (Apr); l . Jan Svens.son (Due): 1 . Corien De Jong (Due ): 5. Jamie Knuth (Suz) . BOT F·2: I. Jan Svensson (Due); 2. Kevin Burns (Suz); l . Rob Davis (Suz): 4. William Bewley (Suz); 5. Paul De vlin Jr. (Suz). BOT F·]: I. Dan HankIe (Suz): 2. Kevin Burn s (Suz); l . Rob Davis (Suz); 4. Pa ul De vlin Jr. (Suz) : 5 . Do ug McPe e k (Han). SO T: I . Mark Hatt en (D ue); 2. Sco tt Smallwood (Hon); l . Jan Svensson (Due): 4. laj os Silberstein (Han); 5. Patrick McCabe . :J! jo hnso n and Folsom 's jay Rickets , w ho tied fo r fourth place with I I points apiece. Mikey Buman, ~ the East Coast' s num ber-on e Youth rider, made w o the tr e k west fro m Binghamton, New York, to >CD contest the Nat ional and fared well, scoring nine o, to taJ points and finishing in seven th place. c ~ In the first rou nd , Buman surprised C rame r, beat ing her in the first heat. Ricky Felicia w on t he secon d heat , over Tom Feh rman and Tori H ub be r t . Johnson use d his inside start ing pos itio n to to p Ramirez and D illo n Peterson. T hen Wells finished ofTRic kets for his first win. In the seco nd round , Ricke ts beat Buma n and Fehrma n, Mile s Ca lvin tri um phed o ver johnson , Cramer bested Rickey Valdez, a nd 8 Ricky Weils (16) goes oround Jason Ramirez (12) on his way to the secondround heat-race win and, ultimately, his first-ever United States Youth National Speedway Championship title, in Auburn, Colifornia. 42 oaOBER 27, 2004 • CYCLE NEWS Todd Pucke" (3SX) ba"les with Sco" Smallwood (321) in Sound of Singles Two-Stroke. The win both days went to Pucke". 40th Anniversary Wells backed up his opening-round win with a victory over Ramirez and Ben Essary. Wells ke pt u p his pace wit h a wi n ove r Buman in t he opening ride of the third ro und . Then Ramirez too k his first victory, ahead of the unpredictable Calvin. Cramer and Rickets then finished out th e round wi t h w ins over Bryce Star ks and Jo hnso n, respectively. Ramirez started the fourth ro und w ith his second cons e cutive win . Then Calvin surprised Rickets by beating him in heat number two. In the next heat, Crame r had the opport unity to end Wells' perfect run but came up short and had to sett le for the runn er-up spot , be hind the smooth-r unnin g leader. Felicio closed out the

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